Space Run Galaxy-CODEX

Posted June 17, 2016 in PC GAMES, REQUEST ACCEPTED

Space Run Galaxy-CODEX


Space Run Galaxy is the sequel to Space Run, the game from one-man studio Passtech…



Space Run Galaxy is the sequel to Space Run, the game from one-man studio Passtech, which seduced hundreds of thousands of players with its dynamic and original gameplay. By twisting the tower-defense game style, Space Run offered an addictive real-time spaceship construction strategy experience.

Title: Space Run Galaxy
Genre: Indie, Strategy
Developer: Passtech Games
Publisher: Focus Home Interactive
Release Date: 17 Jun, 2016

Notes: You must enable offline mode manually from the menu.

Space Run Galaxy-CODEX
Size: 1.11 GB































    • OS: Windows Vista, 7, 8.1, 10
    • Processor: AMD/Intel Dual core 2.4 GHz
    • Memory: 3 GB RAM
    • Graphics: 1 GB, OpenGL 3.3 Compatible NVIDIA Geforce 9800 GT/AMD Radeon HD 3870/Intel Iris 5100
    • Storage: 3 GB available space

Space Run Galaxy-CODEX
- Extract
- Burn or mount the .iso
- Run setup.exe and install
- Copy crack from CODEX dir to installdir
- Play
Posted by


  1. Marian (17 Jun 2016, 17:09)


  2. lol (17 Jun 2016, 19:48)

    thanks to javaw.exe … lol

  3. Steve (17 Jun 2016, 20:34)

    When choosing “Offline Mode” from the main menu i get an “could not start local server” error
    any hints how to fix that ?

  4. TheEconom1sT (17 Jun 2016, 21:55)

    The game when Yasuo left his job on League and started his space career 😀

  5. Wawu30 (18 Jun 2016, 3:05)

    The offline mode is not working…

  6. AgentPARTY (18 Jun 2016, 5:25)

    Obviously this upload isn’t working for anyone, myself included. Just wait a couple days for a proper upload, this one was ripped day one.

  7. BDZC (18 Jun 2016, 12:15)

    try changing the file from folder “Space Run Galaxy\Servers\NuggetaGamesServer\conf\bootstrap.conf”

    ### Listen port


    ### Listen port

  8. TheEconom1sT (18 Jun 2016, 12:57)

    The game works perfectly, what is wrong with you people, in 2016 you cant even apply a crack to a game and block it from accessing the net ? offline works and everything is fine, the difficulty of making this work is as difficult as bringing your spoon to your mouth when you are eating.

  9. Wawu30 (18 Jun 2016, 14:11)

    Well well well… There’s a fucktard who is assuming people cant do the simple thing… Retard TheEconom1st… Everyone knows that and like i said the offline wont work coz of the restricted access in the game… The Ripper do have a file missing and that is the part where you can access the offline mode… So again dont assume others doesnt know what to do or else im gonna force you fuck a fucking horse. RETARD.

  10. Jajec (18 Jun 2016, 15:14)

    To play offline you need to have at least 5 gigs of free space required by mongodb.

  11. Wawu30 (18 Jun 2016, 16:20)

    Hey! Thanks Jajec! You really need at least 5gb to run offline mode… Oh and btw if you change your web admin port to 8181, please revert it back to 9090. Thats all!

  12. Lazaw (18 Jun 2016, 19:10)

    It is working for me, only need to allow access to internet when entering offline mode.

  13. TheEconom1sT (18 Jun 2016, 21:05)

    I guess you are one of those lifeless dumb losers that cant get the game working,since no file is missing, and also i presume someone feeds you since if you cant make this work you cant even bring the spoon to your mouth. How pitiful…i might even feel sorry for you, but wait i don’t.

  14. msheen (18 Jun 2016, 22:24)

    after playing offline mode on 3rd or 4th mission got kicked out and can’t start offline mode again i did uninstall the game and install it again same thing happened the mission bugged ??

  15. lol (18 Jun 2016, 22:25)

    lol “jajec” i have at least 400gigs of free space so dont do as if you know the solution lol
    “theEconom1sT” it is not the 1st game i download from this site. the other one work all, but not this one. so you can’t say i don’t know simple things. or if you assume it, explain me how i can play all other games but not this one since you are so smart…

    this game doesn’t work. the offline mode loads forever.

  16. Realm1501 (18 Jun 2016, 23:42)

    offline mode currently not was working perfectly fine yesterday.

  17. plackocipko (19 Jun 2016, 5:43)

    Offline mode works fine, i’m palying from yesterday,
    Game must be allowed to connect to in firewall for offline mode!

  18. Lazaw (19 Jun 2016, 6:23)

    If the offline mode take forever that means your windows firewall is blocking it. Use Alt Tab, allow the access and you will be able to play.

  19. TheEconom1sT (19 Jun 2016, 14:26)

    You have a wrong solution provided by Lazaw, which might be a solution but its still wrong, since offline means the opposite of online = you do not need access to the net = allowing it its pointless= the opposite is required, to block it, but the game is cracked and allowing it might even work. But that is what makes the offline mode waiting forever, the tab that pops when you open the game, which every fkin game since we are in 2016 asks to access the net, even a fkin tetris, so the people that can use a keyboard to enter this site and comment should know that, that tab pops on 99% of games, not to mention the ignorants that have no idea what is going on in their own computers, that their antivirus automatically removes files from cracked folders and they come crying “”omg stupid uploaders, missing files”” or even worse “” fkin uploader trying to infect my pc “”

    But there you have it, people that are alike do socialize together, the guy that says you need 5gb to run offline and the guy that says ah yea finally now it works with 5gb free, while a message above there were missing files, now the files are magically there but you need 5gb…….
    Can this get anymore pathetic ??

  20. Econom1sTassOLE (19 Jun 2016, 14:43)

    troll of sh*t, offline/online the game no start, codex fail

  21. ClockworkFox (19 Jun 2016, 16:59)

    idk… ive tryed many things but i cant get it to work…
    can i just ask… 5gb of free space… where?

  22. Dracox (19 Jun 2016, 17:24)

    bla bla bla, the game no run, stop.

  23. I (19 Jun 2016, 20:04)

    You are both right.

    The does NOT WORK if you block it in the Firewall. If you block it, you block your own f*ing lokal server.

    Game must be allowed to connect to!!!

  24. Wawu30 (19 Jun 2016, 23:18)

    Lol TheEConomist… Soo much bitter dude? Try to get a life… You dont even get what being sarcastic huh? Oh well i think some people dont even get it though… Good luck to you sir, good luck guessing what others saying and not really meant what they are saying… Feel sorry for some retards like you…

  25. [ ] (20 Jun 2016, 3:07)

    Yes it can get more pathetic…
    Someone who complains above every single thing instead of trying to help, oh I wonder who I’m talking about (TheEconom1sT).
    People might not be as technical as you, or are too young to understand some things.
    Also, how do you know people haven’t applied the crack? For all you know it could be a different setting on windows or another program interfering with it.
    So instead of being an egotistical person who thinks they are better because they can apply a crack to a measly game, try and bloody help people (since you must be sooo smart because it worked for you) or just shut up and let people brainstorm ideas to try and help others.

  26. TheEconom1sT (20 Jun 2016, 14:38)

    @ [ ]
    since you asked nicely somehow and also for the angry kids above, especially those that are hurting my feelings to the core(omg :o).
    We all downloaded from the same source, for me it works perfectly while the majority of you it doesnt, reasons (included those i already mentioned) :

    1- Download might have been corrupted you need to re-download

    2- Check you antivirus or protection software, 99% of them detect cracks as viruses or malicious software. And most of them they do it silently in the background. I suggest you designate a folder as trusted or not to be scanned, same for the installation folder since the crack with be there also.

    3- The window pop when the game starts, alt+tab to it and allow/deny so offline mode will be able to start, i denied the access obviously but someone says it works with allowing it also, your choice.

    4- With the game two processes start with it, to emulate the authenticity of the game and let you start a profile on offline mode, those are javaw.exe and mongod.exe, if you close the game and those are still active you have to terminate those processes to be able to start the offline mode again, because of the session conflict between the game you previously had and the new one that you opened, ofc turning off the pc no one should have this problem because they dont persist to the next windows log on, you can find those on task manager, on processes tab.

    5- Install third party software provided in the iso, i dont remember if there were any since i deleted the immage.
    6-Minimal System requrements ?
    Apart from these hypothetical problems there should not be any other reason why the game does not work

  27. Lazaw (20 Jun 2016, 15:16)

    I gave a solution. If you are not happy with it I don’t force you to use it. It is not my fault if the game isn’t working for you.

  28. [ ] (20 Jun 2016, 15:38)

    Thanks for providing a tutorial on what to do. ^o^
    I was going to word my post differently, but sadly I didn’t and for that I’m sorry

  29. Weedus (20 Jun 2016, 15:47)

    For me it works fine too.And its a realy nice Game,better then the previous one who also was good.

  30. Daniela (20 Jun 2016, 18:34)

    which soundtrack is this great codex setup?
    awfully nobody add it to info somewhere 🙁
    hopefully someone can help me, thnx

  31. P (20 Jun 2016, 18:59)

    It is still not working for me.
    The game automatically crashes after the first dialogue (before the first mission), i mean after the tutorial.
    I can go to the offline mode but I can’t play (except the tuto).
    I have 5 GB free on my hard drive but the iso is 1.1 GB.
    Perhaps the game crash because there’s no file to load.
    If somebody had the same problem, and found the solution, please explain!!

  32. benaiu (20 Jun 2016, 22:18)

    apparently, offline mode doesn’t work on 32bit systems, because java & mongodb (server emulation files) inside server folder, are 64bits executables. At least, that’s why, i think…

  33. M A D (21 Jun 2016, 8:33)

    This game may be run if using a USB modem because it can plug in and out in the hardware with easily, but not with adsl modem that is connected to the LAN …, or may work with adsl modem but with complicated settings.

  34. blud (21 Jun 2016, 18:22)

    If you have trouble with never ending Initializing offline mode screen than try this:
    press ALT+TAB from game and kill jawa.exe process -> Game server connection lost
    try again start Offline mode from menu -> Profile selection menu should be shown.

  35. Tomas (21 Jun 2016, 18:53)

    I solved the -cant run server problem by restarting PC and cracking game again.
    Run on win 7 64bit

  36. Maeldun (22 Jun 2016, 21:08)

    Well, the problem with the offline server also exists for the official Steam version. A lot of people complains about it (you can check this with the negative reviews on Steam).

    As of me, well sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t. I tried myself with and without different manipulations, and it doesn’t change anything, it’s just pure random. And I sometimes get disconnected from this offline server after a few missions. Then I have to restart the game and try multiple times to start the offline server before it works.

    So, sorry TheEconom1st, but it just doesn’t have anything to do with how the people installed the game. It’s just the game that’s buggy.

    “Apart from these hypothetical problems there should be no other reason why the game does not work”
    Looks like with all your perfect knowledge of how your computer works, you forgot something pretty obvious anyway :). So please, chill out and don’t automatically assume that everyone sucks with computers.

  37. OMG (23 Jun 2016, 11:17)

    4 gb free space = OK
    RunAsAdministrator (set in exe options) = OK
    Internet ON Mode= Ok
    Internet OFF Mode=OK
    BDZC bootstrap.conf port change from 9090 to 8181=OK

    Path Not Found(dump)
    Space Run Galaxy\Servers\NuggetaGamesServer\conf\org\slf4j\Logger.class
    Space Run Galaxy\Servers\NuggetaGamesServer\org\slf4j\Logger.class
    Space Run Galaxy\Servers\NuggetaGamesServer\war\org\slf4j\helpers\SubstituteLoggerFactory.class

    Killing javaw.exe, then jave and MongoDB.exe (all variations) = OK = loop try = Path Not Found(dump):
    E:\Games\Space Run Galaxy\Servers\NuggetaGamesServer\conf\halt_request.token

  38. TheEconom1sT (23 Jun 2016, 21:21)

    “Perfect knowledge” ? lol this is basic stuff dude, bragging about that is pathetic, on the opposite i said that everyone should know this, and apart from what i said before there might be problems to the 32 vs 64 bit systems, mine is 64 so the problem is not present, and didnt try on a 32 bit system, steam reviews that are are negative are cuz of the servers being slow and taking too much to connect and with a cap number of players, this has nothing to do with our case since the server is emulated not official.
    As for your problem that sometimes it works sometimes doesnt, its the point number 4 that i listed, with the javaw.exe and mongodb.exe
    And yes the game has some glitches as on the steam reviews stated, for me it glitches on the launch station where you start the run and also arrive, the whole place flashes non stop like casino lights, which is a graphical glitch, not always though. Well, happy gaming people.

  39. Alasas (24 Jun 2016, 14:18)

    Can we get an update please, they fixed “can’t connect to locar server# error

  40. benaiu (26 Jun 2016, 0:53)

    it does not run on 32 bits systems, the game run, but server emulation don’t, tested on 64bits with no problems

  41. Maeldun (27 Jun 2016, 3:19)

    You do understand that the “perfect knowledge” part was sarcasm, right ? 🙂 BTW, I have a 64 bits system, and I still have those problems.

    As of Steam reviews, I can quote some :
    – “ok lets try “offline-game” hmm “your local server is not available”. why do i need a server for OFFLINE-gaming???”
    – “Offline mode doesn’t work and requires a connection to Steam- so you can’t play it offline anyways…Not that I was ever able to get Offline Mode to work. Closest I ever got was making a profile, then it crashed again.”
    – “let’s play offline then. Er, no…it needs some local server to work – which it couldn’t find. There’s no graceful failure here. ”

    Plus there are multiple forum threads on the subject (easily found on google).

    The emulated offline server is the same as the one in the release version, this is just how the game works. The codex crack has no reason to tamper with the server emulation system at all, and it cannot since it only consists in 3 non-executable files only related to the steam authentication. I bought the game, which is patched, and the problem persists : whenever I try to run an offline game, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. Javaw.exe and mongod.exe are not here to emulate the authenticity of the game, they’re here to emulate a server so that the offline game can work. They are also run by the release version of the game, serve the same purpose, and are not modified in any way in the codex version. Terminating those processes don’t affect my chances to run an offline server. It sometimes works on the first try, sometimes at the second, sometimes at the tenth, …

    This emulated server is only here to simply the lives of the game developers. Since they developed their game to always be communicating with a remote server, they just included this local server emulation in order to “cheat” the game into thinking it’s connected to the online server. This way, they only needed to do minor changes to the code between the online and offline game modes. Problem is : their offline server is poorly designed. But it’s hard to pinpoint the problem without the source code. Could be a performance problem, along with a timeout timer that may be too short for the server to be set before the game considers it can’t communicate with it. Unless you have a good configuration, which could prevent the problem. That’s my guess, but it’s pure speculation.

    Happy gaming :).

  42. Tutorial Master (27 Jun 2016, 11:34)

    How to Install Space Run 2 Galaxy + Game Test:

  43. the-death (28 Jun 2016, 16:11)

    if you take not start local server kill proses mongod.exe & javaw.exe and retry

  44. TheEconom1sT (28 Jun 2016, 23:09)

    oh the attention hunger lel
    pointless to write anymore here

  45. vida27 (30 Jun 2016, 14:51)

    Hello after nearly two weeks of having the game and it did not work, get it to work.
    1: Uninstall if you have it installed and check the firewall and delete all inputs and outputs java.exe and mongod.exe
    2: Install the regular game. Run it as administrator, go to offline mode and when you ask the firewall, block of mongod.exe and let the java.exe
    3: When you exit the error close the java and run it again until there will be. If he stays in starting mode offline, wait is normal and almost always habre the game.
    So I did and I’m playing I work in 64-bit Windows 10, if you enjoy it works. 🙂

  46. Oscar (02 Jul 2016, 18:06)

    Skidrow, can you please get the updates for this game, PLEASE :D.

  47. nonameman (05 Aug 2016, 12:10)

    Skidrow please make a good update, THank you !

  48. Rohllik (23 Dec 2018, 1:08)

    32bit Windows users (who the fu*k use 32bit today?) need to download 32bit version mongoDB from here
    and replace all files in *.\Space Run Galaxy\Servers\MongoDB

    youre welcome

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