Welcome soldier! You are a representative of a special military group dealing with specific…
Welcome soldier! You are a representative of a special military group dealing with specific tasks in the enemy’s territory! If there is a lack of ammo, wounded soldiers, emergency situations, you have to be there! This special car is entrusted to you, in which you perform your job! As I mentioned, you will mainly operate in the enemy’s territory, difficult tasks await you! I hope you are ready … You must be! Prepare for difficult missions! Pedal to the metal!
Title: War Truck Simulator
Genre: Action, Indie, Simulation
Developer: Dev4play
Publisher: Dev4play
Release Date: 17 Jun, 2016
War Truck Simulator-PLAZA
Size: 1.7 GB
thx skidrow!!!!!!
Krieg aus der 2. Reihe als Lkw Fahrer? Hmm ich probiers mal aus,wenn die Fahrphysik ordentlich ist und vieleicht sogar Schlamm simuliert wird usw könnte es gut sein..
thnx skidrow
do people still play these type of games?
@ PvtWally I would imagine the people thanking skidrow for uploading it play it…
Doesn’t seem to display higher than 1080p and only 2 or 3 resolution options at all. Bare minimal other graphics options and the framerate seems to be locked at LESS than 30fps and when I tried it my truck kept constantly steered to one side so you had to press in the opposite direction which didn’t balance it and get you going straight as you might erxpect but had your truck bearing hard to the opposite side so you end up just wiggling towards the objective like as if the truck driver is having the most unfortunately timed epileptic fit ever.
Oh, and I could only use mouse and keyboard controls.
For all I know it’s early access but still, I wouldn’t even release pre-alpha in this state; this game is terribly raw in every conceivable way and I 100% advise you not to waste your bandwidth on this crap.
Thanks to Skidrow. Since developers no longer have the decency to release demoes so you have a fair chance to judge the quality of a game before you spend all that money for it, Skidrow fill a vital role in helping the consumer steer well clear of turds like this.