The Turkey of Christmas Past is a third person, swordplay orientated, action game about…
The Turkey of Christmas Past is a third person, swordplay orientated, action game about Tom de Cat, master swordsman, and his one cat stand against the Turkey menace. With a fowl army hell bent on destroying Christmas, Tom is our last and only hope.
Title: The Turkey of Christmas Past
Genre: Action, Indie
Developer: Dinan Studios
Publisher: Dinan Studios
Release Date: 19 Dec, 2016
The Turkey of Christmas Past-PLAZA
Size: 1.20 GB
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ty alot
lolwut is dizzz XDDD
ty work great <3
asın bayrakları
orosbu çocuğuna bak “asın bayrakları” yazmış, ulan adamlar hindi kesme oyunu yapmışlar Türkiye ile ilgili değil amına koyuyum, ner’de Turkey görseniz Türkiye sanıyo’nuz ak.
murat siktir git ve babana ağlayarak aldırdığınn cs:go’nu oyna
skidrow is best =)