Welcome to Age of Empires II HD: The Rise of the Rajas; the third new official expansion for the Age of Empires II universe in over 17 years. Challenge friends with four additional civilizations, new units, technologies, and build your empire on both water and land.
Title: Age of Empires II HD: Rise of the Rajas
Genre: Strategy
Developer: SkyBox Labs ,Forgotten Empires
Publisher: Microsoft Studios
Release Date: 19 Dec, 2016
Age of Empires II HD Rise of the Rajas-RELOADED
Size: 2.05 GB
Hi, Thanks for this Game, I love Age of Empires 2 HD, I’ll downloaded it for shure, Thanks Thanks Thank you so much
Oh i’m the first one here thannk you Skidrow.
good skidrowreloaded
Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!
ty alot, i was waiitng for this,
i will buy it <3
Thanks guys. When I first heard about AoEII HD it wasn’t good. Now some time later this is the perfect opprtunity to test if it is worth a purchase. Cheers!
Reloaded,please-The sims 4 city living and recent updates.Thanks
PLS LAN Support!
Thanks skidrow for this game, anyone know if is only the expansion or full game wih all?
Hi Guys, I’ve waiting for a while for this game thanks a lot. SKIDROW u Rockzzz
does is require main AoE 2HD version ?
does it contains all 3 dlc’s ???
this is require the AoEII HD? or just install this and play?
epic game i bought it earlier
does this contain base game + all dlc?
or the expansion only?
someone please reply
Hi man Skydrow, when you upload this game: “Warr: the game” Please!
How did you upload to ARCHIVE.ORG? wow
Hi man Skydrow, when you upload this game: “Warr: the game” Please!
Skidrowreloaded and CPY are the best in the world .
Please we all are waiting for Just Cause 3 and Far Cry Primal .
Love you guys <3
this game has virus RIskware gamehack!!!!!
fatal: storage point #3 logs does not exist.
what does this mean?
when i try to launch it shows me the error :
FATAL : Storage point #3 ‘Logs\’ dies not exist
fatal error #3 storage point any1??
skidrow WATCH_DOGS 2 Please
Thank you
Please Friday the 13th !!!!!
thx u, skid row :)))
Thank SKIDROW reloaded
at last bill gates heared our plea lel
does this rip contain Age of Empires 2 HD all Expansions ? from the first game?
Hi !
First Thanks a lot for AoE New edition.
But I’ve Install it, And I’ve error message :
FATAL : Storage Point #3 ‘Logs\’ doesn’t exist
Please Help me !
@good & @alzul have the same problem :'(
Thanks for the upload, but still got the same error as @Alex, @Good and @Alzul
Fatal: Storage Point #3 ‘Logs\’ Doesn’t exist! Please note I dont have the original game, i’ve download this one only!
Thanks for brining a solution!
Fatal Error run the game as admin.
I can’t play in LAN game.
Quick question, id like to use my own profile on the game but it keeps renaming itself to RLD! how do i fix it? ;c
@Techpasdpoil @Alex @Good @Alzul Run the game as admin
Solved it thanks a lot @IANB1212
hi skidrow. first of all thank you very much for the contribution. that having said. Is it possible to change the user profile on the game? and second… is it possible to play online on steam?
For those getting FATAL: Storage point error, run the game as administrator. That should fix it. Enjoy!
to any one have the fatal erroe
i solved it
you must put the game folder to a partition fat32 not on ftc partition
so if u dont have an fat partition you must creat one ( 10g more enoufgh)
“FATAL: Storage point #3 ‘Logs\’ does not exist” please reply
um i downloaded it from zippyshare but my antivirus detected a thread and deleted it , help!
If you’r having Fatal Error #3, just run the game as ADMIN. Worked for me.
Link 1 is dead. please reupload it.
Thanks Skidrow. Works perfectly. Does this version have offline LAN play ?
No, when I move the files from the Skidrow folder the antivirus don’t let me move them
Anyone knows how to make it playable on LAN?
thank you for the game 🙂
and people when you get the Fatal error #3 , then start the game as ADMIN.
that’s it , it will run smooth 🙂
took for me also a while till i notice this little problem 🙂
After i finish mission 1 in Vietnamese campaign , an error message pop up about immobile AI or something and prevent me from playing mission 2 .
the download rate is to slow !!!!!! 100kb/s nooooo (normal is 1mb/s)
Torrent file does not exist
Would be great if playable in LAN! The Network code seems not to work, the Game does not try to send through the firewall…
Thanks, That’s work if I launch with admin right 😉 Thanks a lot !
No sound in game ??? 😛
how to fix critical error : SteamAPI_RestartAppIfNecessary() Has been triggered. Aborting startup
i have a problem of install it after i’ve mount that iso to my computer via daemon, help please
Oh man ! Such a christmas present
Thanks !
same problem with victor
same problem with victor
How to play this game in lan plz help need to play in la. Plz help
How to play this game in lan plz help need to play in lan..Plz help
Here solution of AOE II the rise of rajas for fatal error:
right Click on ICON game–>Properties–> Compatibility–> Run as Window XP services pack 2 and Click Run as an Administrator–> apply–>ok.
I am getting this message Error “Failed to initialize draw system : main.cpp(312)”I made the game to run as administrator and as w xp service pack 2
It shows “error initialising steam ” what should I do
Plzzz help me I want to play it offline without steam…
Plzzzzz plzzzzz
iam getting error 0xc0000b always please d help me out.
For those who wants to change your in game username:
Go to your Age of Empires II HD folder, find steam_api.ini and open it. It will open a notepad, find the “username=RLD!” line and change RLD! to the name you want.
Hi, i hve the same problem.
Changing compatibilities properties -`no effect.
Another idea ?
Thank you.
Does it have forgotten kings + african kingdoms? could someone answer?
fellas, is it possible to play this game LAN ?
I play against one AI Computer on hardest and not fight back anyone with the same problem ? any fix ?Thank you !!!
I have a problem with the forgotten campaign. After I finish the 2 mission from Vlad Dracula i get an error saying file error 23 missing fille and I cant play the 3 mission from that campaing any help/?
In SuryaVarman I campaign, next game is not present.
Thanks Skidrow
how to download mods for cracked version like resonancebot 5-1c
impossible de copier steam_apirajas.dll, accès refusé, comment faire s’il vous plait ? j’ai tout essayé …
If you guys has fatal error no logs/, run the game as administrator.
¿Cómo se cambia para que hablen en las campañas en el idioma español? Hablan en inglés, aunque el juego está en español.
Gracias anticipadas
@zakzak .. if u find resonancebot & bruteforce plz share the links
Please develop LAN play 🙁
Does someone plays throught Hamchi? Does it works perfectly?
the game has some error for some campaign. very annoying. even using compatibility the error still come back. a failed product for me.
hi after i installed it it says : mfc140u.dll missing …. what can i do ?
Thank you for this Skidrow!
Yes, to make it work, run as admin, change compatibility to Windows XP Service pack 2
And don’t forget to copy the files on crack folder from the iso then paste it on the location of your file where it is installed.
Unfortunately this is based on a version of the game that has a bug that will not allow you to start the Dracula #3 campaign game.
File not found: ‘C:\users\username\appdata\local\temp\dr3/personality p4 and 5.per2’
File Error 23
it says launcher has stopped working. please help
I have successfully downloaded and installed the game and solved the fatal error dialog box, but when I played campaigns, except the Rise of Rajas, the next scenario won’t appear.
This happens to The Forgotten, The Conqueror, Age of Kings, almost all except the Rise of Raja.
Please notify if you have solved this problem.
please creat new version Age of Empires II HD: Rise of the Rajas with patch 5.4
Anyway to change the language to Fench the game have all the sound and voice for french but still unable to put the game in french.
sorry for my typo im fench 😛
Thanks for sharing! Keep it up! 🙂
Does this have the Normal Age of Empire II and Conquest ?? Where is the Original ??
Works perfectly on windows 10. Make sure you run the shortcut as Admin.
To answer everyone’s question, this indeed includes all 3 expansions, as well as the base game. You need nothing else except for this.
For those asking if this download contains all Expansion. The answer is YES!!!
Age of Empires II HD + Forgotten Empires + The African Kingdoms + Rise of the Rajas
@@@@ Solution for the Dracula Mission 3 error: @@@
– Try to start the mission. When you get the error, Alt+Tab to Windows Explorer.
– No go to the TEMP folder (it’s inside your user folder, you can know the path by reading the error message).
– Inside TEMP folder there is a file called “Dr3-4,5.per2”, copy that file.
– Create two new folders, one named as “dr3” and the other named as “generics”.
– Paste “Dr3-4,5.per2” file inside “dr3” folder.
– Alt+Tab back to the game and click “Ok” at the error message.
– Enjoy your game!
You’re welcome!
it says”steamAPI_ApplfNecessary”