In a world torn by war between two powerful nations fighting for rule and supremacy, accept…
In a world torn by war between two powerful nations fighting for rule and supremacy, accept the burden of the Sheperd and fight human darkness to protect your world from Malevolence and reunite humans and Seraphim.
Title: Tales of Zestiria
Genre: RPG
Developer: BANDAI NAMCO Studio Inc.
Publisher: BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
Release Date: 19 Oct, 2015
Tales of Zestiria Update 2(v1.3) Incl 12DLCs and Crack-3DM => Here
Tales of Zestiria Update 1(v1.2) Incl DLC and Crack-3DM
Size: 2.9 GB
Hello guys, for the ones that don’t know what this update includes, here are the changes :
New Patch is rolling out for PC Zestiria, looks pretty good assuming the fixes work. Looks like no fix for the surround sound/headset issue yet though
o Initial Vsync turned on by default / 60Hz
o Fixed issue that required a game reboot to save the key biding
o Fixed control issue in the Fashion menu to move the character with keyboard
o Fixed mouse malfunctioning issue in the Artes menu when the Control Mode is set to ‘Manual/Semi Auto’
o Fixed issue when Xbox 360 controller icons were not updated after rebind
o Fixed issue with Steam Controller not working when launching the game from Big Picture
o Fixed issues with saves when the Cloud Save is set to ‘Off’
o Fixed camera movements with the mouse moving rapidly along the camera’s X axis
o Fixed issue to select equipment with the LMB in the Lord of Land Menu
o Fixed issue to switch item type with the LMB in the Item Menu
Does this include ALL the dlc? and would i be fine using this with the ALI123 version?
After extracting and running the patch. the game will no longer work for me. It loads into a black screen and task manager shows it as not responding. Any ideas on how to fix this?
@Tsundeer well actually yes you can use it with the ALI213 version but it might cause a bug in-game, so in my point of view just delete the ALI213.ini (or make a copy before deleting it) anyway this is a 3DM crack version so maybe if you are patient enough to wait for the ALI213 update release :), for the DLC’s they are not all included, juste some of them. cheers!
This includes all DLC but the adventure pack. The items that give you double gald and double EXP are not in this pack.
Would this work the Elgamois version?That version has all the dlc( I think) but I don’t think it has the update.
How about the problem in Downloadable Content not opening? I mean it’s only shows black screen, music is on and nothing happens.
I am contiuously getting SteamApi_Init: failed to start, restart steam error. Any tips on how to resolve this will be much appreciated.
i always get steam_api.ini failed please tell me how to fix this
ok i fixed that but now it always crashes
After launching the game, exiting, and attempting to relaunch the game, I get a “Steam_Api.dll failed to initialize” error. Anyone can help me here?
what is patch included sir ? can use with ali123’s DLC crack ?
Will this reset my progress?
thanks a lot. this update fix a lot for me, i get more fps and i have all dlc and my save still remain. thanks skidrow
The Game after the update doesn’t start anymore, I have tryed many times to replace the files and starting the steamlite but always occured an error with the steam api…
What I should do…
can i patch this into the el amigo upload?
Does the 3DM works with ALI? cuz there is only ALi in your main post
A wortd of warning to anyone updating, my save file was corrupted or removed during the update and i lost 15 hours of playtime, make backups of your save before updating.
How do you patch this in?
I copied the update folder and replaced the old crack with the new one
Then I ran the patch file, it said it patched but when I try to run it, it says Steam.api.ini doesn’t work and to restart steam.
Tried that, didn’t work.
What am I suppose to “unzip to any directory” and what’s Steamlite?
How to fix the steamapi_init error? Heeelpppp
To anyone who has “lost” their saves I discovered that they are in a new location,
(C:\Users\(YOUR– USERNAMEFOLDER\AppData\Roaming\Steam\CODEX\351970\remote)
my original saves were in the original game directory as well so I just copied them over to the new directory and it worked, hope this can be fixed soon!
Ive also discovered that in order to run the game Steam has to be closed now as opposed to having to be open with the original crack, and steam lite has to be running, however if you close the game and attempt to run it again you will get the steam error, so to run the game again restart SteamLite and it should work, hope this is also fixed!
if i apply this in my folder will i need to create a new game to get the new costumes or it will automatically work with my current saved game?
Does the ALI save data work like CODEX?
\Tales.of.Zestiria.Cracked-3DM\Tales of Zestiria\Profile\ALI213\Saves
Do I just need to copy the files to the new (supposed) directory?
OK guys, if ur having issues with black screen and game exe not responding you can follow this:
I was having the same issues as many have with the black screen when opening the game, i went back and re-copied the update to my directory and followed the INFO install guide exactly.
Have ur regular steam not running and use steamlite. Extract steamlite.rar into its own folder (i made mine inside game directory), then go in there and click on either steamlite_x86 or steamlite_x64 (doesnt matter which) then just leave that cmd window open, not you can click on the tale of zestiria exe and open up the game. This worked for me and no more black screen.
I might of fucked something up before since i kinda did it in a rush but it works now, hope this helps.
for ALI213 version you can get swimsuit costume by copy and paste dlc file 28 to 35
codex-san, please carcked it.
yours are easy to use and don’t need steam to run.
Steam api have a probleme HELP 25h played …
Wanna continue the game
can someone upload this to mega plz thanks
Uploaded is down @ multilinks…..the only one ….great -.-
who got steamapi whatever, keep your steamlite opened, and run the game.
you mustn’t close steamlite if want to play it.
You guys really should spend a minute or two reading the Info tab and look out for helpful comments instead of spamming “Halp my game doesn’t work!”, stuffs like that. Must everything be spoon-fed to you?
alright i can make old save working now.
just copy savefiles in Profile>ALI213>Saves
to %SystemDrive%\Users\%– USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Steam\CODEX\351970\remote
(open Mycomputer and paste it to address bar then ENTER)
dont open real steam and run Steamlite then you can open game.
about DLC swimsuit just copy DLC number 28 to 35 in update folder to DATADLC folder.
@gamersoul where can i get the steamlite? thanks in advance
steamlite.zip already in pack
just unzip to somewhere and run it
dlc doesnt appear on my end, or do i have to do something to obtain them? i already modified the steam.ini file and set dlc to 1
The language of the game isn’t changing now. What I have to do? What file is for change it now? 🙁
I cannot get past the Blackscreen with the mouse cursor on it, Any suggestions?
so the Opening movie stopped playing before main menu after update everything else works….nothing big just letting people know
Everything works perfectly for me and this is coming from another ALI213 user. Including my save file being loadable. I already had all the recent cracked DLC so basically I just patched the game for fixes.
Anyway The only confusing part is setting up the SteamMite I guess. You need to set it up or you’ll keep getting the Steam API Error. Basically this crack requires us to use the Fake Steam app it comes with to play this game. If your getting blackscreens you obviously did something wrong. Just read the helpful comments here. I can 100% assure most of the problems you have are already answered above. “READ “
@Mumin …. yeah I have a suggestion. Read the INFO guide and read through comments.
Is there an ALI213 update please ? Because the SteamLite can’t work for me and I get that KERNEL32 error everytime I open it
@op movie
I have the exact same problem and it really bothers me, wish I didn’t had updated and just put the DLC.
@op movie
This is the fix http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/168077-tales-of-zestiria/72698614, it happens because you’re using the japanese opening file, with this you can have it with the new update.
thank you my friend!
for the others the hex fix found mid topic the link clansman put works great and its fast
on the other hand the tool in the first post lets you watch the movies (dont spoil yourself)
Can anyone say exactly what the DLC’s are? If they’re costumes, where can I find/use them. If they’re anything else, what are they? Thanks.
To add on the Opening bit the English version has the Jpn opening, but isn’t set to be the actual opening instead we have an opening with no lyrics by defualt In the ALI123 release not sure about 3DM’s. If you want to keep the Japanese Audio lyrics, A simple files rename swap will work with the patch update. I would know b/c I just finished watching the whole opening with no errors
In the “RAW\Movie” Folder make sure to rename the AM_TOZ_OP_001_JPN.bk2 to AM_TOZ_OP_001.bk2 Vice Versa.
@SONAR………………………Yeah, Like I haven’t done any of that….
got black screen on dlc main menu, any solution ?
copied folder 28 to 35 and placed it in DATADLC folder but no additional dlc found in the game. just the old ones that are in ALI213
i have error msvcr110.dll.. how to fix
does it work for elamigos version?
I cant even get the game to run at all some help please?
FUCK! i did this and i got my save deleted, fucking fuck now i have to do all that again -_-‘
hi 🙂 im downloading this game like you uploaded it the 22/10, the “ElAmigos” version. Is that version compatible with this update? thnx
@Hikarasa i dont think your save file is deleted. the last time i had the same problem when i messed around with some files was because i change my username in the crack. though i havent update the game yet, your savefile should be in the “Profile” folder, then “ALI123” folder. copy that to the new save location after the update.
for those still struggeling with crash (selecting audio) and/or muted Game. i got it to work on my 7.1 system.
1st. (you know this step) deactivate your sounddriver
2nd start game and select audio (english or japanese)
3th alt-tab out of the game and activate your driver again
4th select “start new game”, activate sorround there
5th, start the new game and you should hear audio
(worked for 7.1 headphones on win 8.1)
Need help
after I open steamlite (tested both x64 and x86) and run the game, the game doesnt show up and the steamlite says:
Game update: AppID 351970 “”, ProcID 6260, IP
user.cpp (6474) : Assertion Failed: Calling GetUserConfigFolder before we know our SteamID
configstore.cpp (865) : Assertion Failed: false
configstore.cpp (865) : Assertion Failed: false
Game removed: AppID 351970 “”, ProcID 6260
can someone help me please?
somehow can’t access DLC menu, only got black screen and music is still playing….
For those with Ali123 Version :=
I got the torrent version of this game and finished downloading it but for some reason when I hit the application button nothing happens. I tried with my steam on and without steam and when my steam is on, it just takes me to the store. I was wondering what the issue might be, and I have no idea what steamlite is so if that’s important, could someone explain it to me? Thank you!
I did everything above but i dont have a .exe folder any ideas
well it worked with me perfectly. you guys should follow the fellow of INFO tap, it’s worth it. not a single issue has come like you guys. “spend more time for reading and undertanding that than do it recklessly..
happy playing those who can play.
Tales of Zestiria – School Costume set and
Tales of Zestiria – Attachments Sets?
is it possible to use the dlc sets with a legit copy of the game? i just want the school/swimsuit costumes
When i open dlc window only black screen appears… pls help
Please Help, I still can’t save the game after editing the ALI123.ini and run as administrator…..any idea guys, please help…
i used this update and my black loading screen issue has been solved. now i can play the game. thanks.
Followed all the steps in the info, for some unknown reason the patch deleted my MSVCR110.dll, had to download it again and put it back in system32/sysWOW64.
Is there a link where you can download the School and Evagelion Costumes DLCs??
or have not yet been launched?
Where to download the new DLC? The school uniform and evangelion set.
it does not work… just hangs during launch… sad not seeding
Can someone confirm if the school set and attachment set is included in this torrent?
Thanks alot in advance!
Yes im also curious about the rest of the dlc.
The list of DLC available on MY account. (If there are others available on your account, please let me know how to unlock them. T_T especially the adventurer pack [double EXP, etc…]
-Tales of Weapons
-Tales of Characters Costume Set (Male)
-Tales of Characters Costume Set (Female)
-Mystic artes
-Skits pack
-Seaside resort costume
-Alisha’s story
i unrar everything but my game wont work when i run it
i unrar everything but my game run when i click it
I copied all the update and crack contents to the game directory, ran steamlite with the actual steam app closed but still got a steam_api error. How to fix this?
I am having a error when I try run the patch. I copied crack and update to directory but when I run the patch i get an error saying “Windows cannot access the specified device,path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item.” Any advice how to fix this? I really want the bug fixes
@maric have you tried the patch.exe dude it might help if you read the info tab all the way through
The dlc page is blank. So dissapointed with this. If someone can make this work please update some fucking info here.
getting sdl2.dll error. is it ok to just download it from a diff source online?
I was able to start up but shortly after that,it shows “Tales of Zestiria.exe had stopped working” and want me to close it.
I checked the task manager and it show this item” Tales of Zestiria (L) Oct 19 2015 12:18:48″isn’t responding?
Is it some blocking?
a crack that doesnt need to open steam plss? its pretty annoying to always open steam everytime i want to play the game.
Then buy the damn game and stop complaining like everything is own by default
the fact that steam light has to be running kills this.
makes all the fixes not worth it.
fucking shitty crack before the game worked well and now with this fucking crack i get steam api init failed fucking fags almost 30 hours lost
The game worked well when i applied the patch with no problems, then when i backup my save file it doesnt work anymore i got the steam api error why is that?
Does running an extra application with just a simple click before starting up the game is going to kill you or blow your goddamn desktop/laptop to smithereens? You guys are beyond help sheesh.
Ok, first i downloaded this the Crack.fix, Alishas.Story.Additional.Chapter.DLC, and the game itself.
Installed the game and works well, with just STEAM open.
The settings is Default and the game does not LAG or no FPS drop.
and the Downloadable Content option in main screen when click stuck in black screen.
Then i download the patch 1(v1.2) Incl.DLC and Crack-3DM open the game and got the error SteamAPI, installed the patch 2(v1.3) and again got the same error, now i install the SteamLite, game now works but with the default settings the game is way to laggy or sudden FPS drop. I lowered the settings to minimum and the game is back to normal.
My question:
Is there a way to play this game with my original Steam open, without using Steamlite?
Way to fix main screen Downloadable Content stuck in black screen?
PS: i read somewhere in comment section that installing Staemlite makes the game slow or sudden FPS drop.
Who play tales of zestiria before, using ali123 crack. To get save data you must copy your save data on profile on your game data directory and copy that to the C:\Users\Your User PC \AppData\Roaming\Steam\CODEX\351970\remote
I can’t see any anime cutscenes only a black screen and subtitles -_- please help
the all links is dead plz add more or reload it