In a world torn by war between two powerful nations fighting for rule and supremacy, accept…
In a world torn by war between two powerful nations fighting for rule and supremacy, accept the burden of the Sheperd and fight human darkness to protect your world from Malevolence and reunite humans and Seraphim.
Title: Tales of Zestiria
Genre: RPG
Developer: BANDAI NAMCO Studio Inc.
Publisher: BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
Release Date: 19 Oct, 2015
• Latest DataDLC Folder “92 items” { Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download }
Tales of Zestiria Update 2(v1.3) Incl 12DLCs and Crack-3DM
Size: 3.1 GB
Thanks a lot~
Thanks. In order to install this update, must I to have installed update 1, or should I go directly with this?
i dled the el amigo version. can i just add the dlc to that? or should i dl this new one and entirely? i could then just transfer my save over, right?
does it really require steam light no matter what?
is there a way to work around that?
Anyone can upload the idolm@ster costume only?
do i need to download the V(1.2) first? then this V(1.3)
Thank you! <3
Than you
Thanks for the update. What is the latest DLC folder for?? Is the patch 3.1gb and the DLC’s seperate?? or are they together??
I allways have the same error: SteamApi_Init: Failed
What I m supposed to do?
Do i have to install previous updates?
what’s in the update? except from the new dlc’s. does it affect saved data?
Thank You 😀
can I just download the main game and then install the 1.3 update without downloading 1.2?
still have to open the steam to make this game work???
every time i update this game my save file is cannot be loaded
Can anyone tell me what DLC are added here?
To dildoking and handeu, in case you guys missed my reply on previous update I’ll write it down here again.
“Does running an extra application with just a simple click before starting up the game is going to kill your or blow your goddamn desktop/laptop to smithereens? You guys are beyond help, sheesh.”
Even if you ended up buying the original game, I’m pretty sure you have to run Steam to play it so what difference will that make?
To Konkey, you need to run steamlite or else you’ll get that error.
does it still need steam to play the game??? ncodex / reloaded crack the game plss without opening steam.. thanksssss
Thank you very much
Why do you guys even care what DLCs are added lol..Just throw em in since they affect NOTHING except ADD DLC. If you must know, the new DLCs are the Adventure items everybody wanted and idolmaster costumes.
lost my saved file after applying this… I have backup of my save, but even after putting back into the profile folder, the game does not see it.
could someone post the 12 dlc download only please?
cant work is stop working
lost my saved file,use steamlite to start the game,but after I close it nd want to play it back,i always got error Steamapi_ini:please restart ur steam etc etc,nd never able to get it work anymore even after I restarting the steam,,anyone got an idea on how to fix this?
THe save file issue is still a thing, I have a copy of my save file and even after putting it in the appropriate location its still not registering it and I have a good 8 hours logged already, be a pain to start over for a few costumes. Any fixes on this?
the game crash at the audio selection
and cannot find the teles-of-zetiria-patch.exe also
i’m download from torrent
“Sarcasism Coming” I Really Love how Nobody can take the tme out to put in a little effort to give us people a little feedback on how to apply this Godforsaken patch without getting the damn steamap_init Failed Error And ive already tred putting the game into win 7 compat mode as well as admin running mode the game is just a big let down on my pc and i can not find no more help on this issue why is it Nobody can just be a pal anywhere and just give us a small nudge in the right direction!!!
@Gambit and anyone with save file issue, im pretty sure you’ve put it in the wrong location. look again. with 3dm crack, the location is in roaming/steam/codex/351970/remote
Ok, i did everything u guys said, downloaded the update and the crack and copied them into the file, closed the original steam and ran steamlite and left then cmd windows open then when i tried to run the game it says assertation failed and application load error, can someone help??????
yes it will kill me.. satisfied? its kind of annoying when you try to play the game and you have to open steam every goddamn time..
Still not able to bypass the SteamApi_init even with the content cleanly includes and the crack as well as steamlite… should have stayed with the 1.0
I also got “SteamAPI_ini : failed” error.
It played fine before, but suddenly today I got this error even before updating to 1.3. reinstalling the game also give this error.
So i See No One Has Figured out how to Bypass the SteamAP_Init:Failed Error everytime i manage to get passed it the game stays at a hanging black screen in which most cases i have already tried all the known issue fixes ive scavenged on other sites. Does it have to do with the fact that i am using a computer that has a nvidia GFX card and Intel?
for everyone who has problems getting the game running after crack here is what i tried(i dunno exactly why but it worked for me)
i made a backup of the folder and files that you will replace with applying this update. pk,and the other and all the files of the toz game folder. than i copied the crack and update files. i got the steam apiInit bug, but iwanted to play even without the dlcs so i copied my files back(choose all in the back up folder ctrl+c,ctrl+v in toz game folder,replaced the files)
the game started and i got all dlc in the dlc item section.
i hope you that can help you somehow
Assuming you guys are using ALI123 version of ToZ like myself, these are the list of things I did:
Vanilla ToZ:
1. Grab the copy of ALI123 version along with Alisha’s DLC
2. Use the edited ini,file linked by Steven in comment’s section
3. Open original Steam and leave it there
4. Run and enjoy the game
Now for the first update (v1.2):
1. Grab the update.
2. Copy Update folder and paste to whatever your directory for the game is.
3. Do the same for Crack folder, copy the contents inside the folder and paste them inside your game’s directory.
4. Run tales.of.zestiria-patch.exe
5. Unzip SteamLite.rar anywhere you want.
6. Run SteamLite_x64.exe (not sure if this one matters, but I use this since I have a 64bit OS) instead of original Steam client and leave the cmd window open.
7. Run and enjoy your updated ToZ
8. You have to close SteamLite and repeat step 6 again if you quit the game.
9. Side note: You might have trouble loading your save file after updating the game. Personally, I didn’t bother getting them back so I’m afraid I can’t help you on this one.
And now for the second update (v1.3):
1. Download the 3.1gb update
2. Copy Update folder and paste to whatever your directory for the game is.
3. Do the same for Crack folder, copy the contents inside the folder and paste them inside your game’s directory.
4. You’ll notice that there’s no tales.of.zestiria-patch.exe inside the Crack folder. You DON”T have to use the patch from previous update, meaning you DON”T need to patch it over again.
5. You can use SteamLite (leave it open as usual) from previous update, just pick whichever based on your OS.
6. Run and enjoy your update ToZ.
7. Close SteamLite and repeat step 5 if you quit the game.
8. Side note: I don’t have any issue with save file doing this, can’t say the same about you guys though.
The only issues I have since I got the game:
1. Randomly hanged twice so far; Title’s screen and another one was during in-game.
2. An error pops out after you exit the game. I’m guessing it has to be related with that weird graphic explosion I had in game. Google this if you have no clue what I’m talking about. It exists. And again, this one randomly happens too
Aside from those two problems I’ve mentioned above, everything else works just fine.
for the SteamAP_Init error just delete the appcache folder inside the steam folder and run steam again. don’t forget to run it as admin. what i want to know is how to add the 92 DLC on the steam_init file?? anyone?
I can hear crackling after updating the game…
guys can anybody post the idol master dlc code for the ali123 .ini file?
I need it for the game to be able to recognize the idol dlc.
Thanks For The Update! <3
can someone upload the latest ini file for this one. I don’t want to update my toz i just want the dlc to work and i need that 3dm ini file or steam_api.ini file to work or you can just copy and past it here.
382468=Tales of Zestiria – Idolmaster Costume Set
what about school, god eater, evangelion, and idol master costumes?
Thanks! Can u post the school and god eater dlc code too? Thx
382469=Tales of Zestiria – School Costume Set
No idea for the God eater dlc as it not yet release
Can u post all code for dlc in here ? So we can use dlcdlc
ok.. so is the camera speed really this fast even at lowest speed?… can we do anything about it?
torrent file does not exist
please fix
thank you
i have problem with this game he dont run all time
i have all time STEAMapi init : failed
i need help plz
guys how did u unlock the idol master dlc? I can see the dlc id already in ali213.ini.. but idk how to unlock it.
Greetings, please delete my 1st comment
anyway tnx for the torrent link :D, hopefully downloading 1.3 will fix my problem about unlocking the other dlc.
It aint working…
At least I see no difference, nor DLCs…. help~
hey thx for posting the code
i kinda noticed it before seeing it on steam page, everytime they release a dlc the code can be found on the html of the page, like this
and since the format is like this
382469=Tales of Zestiria – School Costume Set
i just changed the code and well replace shool for idol
I´m posting cuz its gonna be handy for eva costumes and the likes(hopefully they´ll release ao no exorcist)
I already do as the step decribed above. On update V1.2 the game run normal but after update version 1.3, the game run but after select audio language it’s stop working.
Anyone can help ?
Thx a lot
Hi guys, I have a question. Do I need to install v1.2 before I install this update? Hoping for someone to response 🙂
Is it full game or only dlc?
Someone please, after updates, the opening intro disappeared, I loaded my save, right before the opening (in the sorey house night, before he left) and at the time of opening, gets a black screen, jumping passes straight.. Can someone help me?
Hi guys! I have a question. Do I need to install v1.2 before I install this update? Hoping for someone to response 😀
get another release, that one is odd and messy. downloaded another repack and everythings fine compared to that one. 3DM ain’t precise enough in their work.
i tried everything Monoe suggested nov6 and it crashes when the audio selection dialogue appears. Anybody have the same problem?
what do you mean? has another update pack to download?
well, i never encountered any problem even though i never update my TOZ yet i still get all the latest DLC from Tales of Costume until idol costume. what i did is:
1. Download TOZ from ALI123
2. Download crack fix in the link, and ALI123.ini posted by Steven, copy them all in your game dictionary
3. Download ALI123.ini posted by B&B and copy to your TOZ folder
4. use steam, offline or online whatever just open and don’t close. play TOZ. Done.
that,s what i do and i never see any problem now other than the controller problem but that’s okay since i use mouse and keyboard to play :v
Ok, first i downloaded this the Crack.fix, Alishas.Story.Additional.Chapter.DLC, and the game itself.
Installed the game and works well, with just STEAM open.
The settings is Default and the game does not LAG or no FPS drop.
and the Downloadable Content option in main screen when click stuck in black screen.
Then i download the patch 1(v1.2) Incl.DLC and Crack-3DM open the game and got the error SteamAPI, installed the patch 2(v1.3) and again got the same error, now i install the SteamLite, game now works but with the default settings the game is way to laggy or sudden FPS drop. I lowered the settings to minimum and the game is back to normal.
My question:
Is there a way to play this game with my original Steam open, without using Steamlite?
Way to fix main screen Downloadable Content stuck in black screen?
PS: i read somewhere in comment section that installing Staemlite makes the game slow or sudden FPS drop.
EVa dlc pls!
After i update to v1.3, it lags randomly … How to fix it?
Evangelion pack just came out. You know where to find it?
So I figured that when you use steamlite files are saved somewhere else, so the problem of getting your previous game after using the crack lies on where to add your previous saved files, I don’t know much about programming, but I guess that could work as a clue
Evangelion pack??????? please
@Angel. Sorry if that didn’t helped 🙁
@Lexiand. I have Bandicam running all the time whenever I play ToZ for screenshot or recording purpose. From what I’ve seen, solid 30 FPS during gameplay, 24 FPS during movie cutscene and random FPS dropped switching between areas.
Might want to check up this link for issues and fixes https://steamcommunity.com/app/351970/discussions/0/490121928341649052/
Just….don’t post anything and ask for help there. Steam community has a habit of checking up user profiles, they pretty much don’t entertain you if you don’t have the game in your library list.
guys no one has found eva dlc yet?
eva dlc please
how to use steamlite?
Is ALI213.dll important for the game? My antivirus deleted it as it thought it was a virus/etc. but the game plays even without it. So what exactly does the game use it for?
the saves still there..the only catch is none of the DLCs are in the game after copying the whole crack and update. any help on this? this ver.1.3 update mind you and not ver.1.2..no problem with ver.1.2..
@Anony. The game no longer requires ALI213.dll after update v1.2 and v1.3 so it’s safe to remove all of them just like I did.
I only installed v1.3 right away and seems to work no problems. All the DLC seems to be in there as well.
Yeah all the DLC work just fine with 1.3 version you don’t even need to run patch like with 1.2. Just get steam lite with the previous update and activate the DLC after new game in the DLC tab in the item menu. The main screen DLC option doesn’t work since it tries to connect with steam in order to validate them, crashing the system and showing only black screen.
after I installed the 1.3 update TOZ ALI213 and I can not load my save existing in ali213 on DLC or 1.3 Update, someone help me please??
@yoda Don’t mind the DLC that got stuck in black screen.. That’s for dlc buying option that’s why the game must be connected to steam.. and for not using steam while playing well like i said you must be connected to steam (paid game) to open the DLC menu.. well since it’s cracked DLC menu is in black screen and well want it or not you still need to open use steam(or steamlite)..
Is there no way to play the game offline?
You only can play it offline, read Info for how to play it
for those with save file issues
most likey your old version was not cracked by the same person
so go and find that crack and put the steam api from them
i had this happen with ff13 after update 3
Are we gonna get any of the God Eater 2 DLC’s
i use steamlite then in the voice selection the game crash. is there any advise that i can take to fix this. thanks
Until Ali releases an update this one sucks.. Who the heck wants to run a steam lite app when I am already running Steam.. Horrible crack release only Ali did it right. I gone back to the old version it runs perfectly tried this one with Ali and the game run horrible!
I didn’t wanted this one, but v1.2 have no peers, and v1.4 was deleted, so, whatever goes, as long as it goes, thanks anyways
dead link dlc