Enjoy the original story of ONE PIECE from Fuschia village, where everything has started, to the…
Enjoy the original story of ONE PIECE from Fuschia village, where everything has started, to the kingdom of Dressrosa, a mysterious island dominated by the evil Donquixote.Doflamingo.
Title: One Piece Pirate Warriors 3
Genre: Action
Publisher: BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
Release Date: 28 Aug, 2015
PROPER Notes: RELOADED release is incomplete.
Story.Pack.DLC-CODEX { Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Torrent }
One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 PROPER-CODEX
Size: 10.09 GB
Wait so i have to delete the previous reloaded version and then download this one?
@Haha: Yes.
Hurry up Pleaseeeeeee.
The hype tho 0.0)
OMG i cant wait
Thank you so much Skidrow! You guys rock!
What do you mean with “RELOADED release is incomplete”
if i download this file, can i play it or something goes wrong later with this file? i mean error on game later on..
thank you so much… skidrow.. u r the first to upload..
is this with the dlc?
RELOADED has missing files so just foreget
now just download this one (PROPER CODEX)
it work great
You Are The Best..!
Thank You So Much 🙂
First: thank you so much Skidrow;)
Second: this version is already with dlc???
I have question skidrow, this version is gold edtion with all dlc ?.
thanks so much skidrow!!
Seeeed it 🙂 finally it has come , good work skid! best 🙂
thank you for this..downloading the torrent now going at around 1kbps..oh man this will take a while 😀
Good. Direct Links Thanks Skidrow!
Now await a mod for the game by me 🙂
Special Thanks to skidrow group.
nice upload guys thanks
just one question does this version has the DLC?
Thx mann…………….. arigatou, i wait long time for this game ahaha
Thnks, Downloading… c:
Finally, Pirate Warrior 3 has come….
Thanks very much skidrow
Thank you Skidrow for the response.
OMG Thank you, you are the best really!!!
Skidrow you are “AWESOME” boooo yaaaaa,,,,
it is with dlc
woohooohooo .. arigatou gozaimasu ! SKIDROW kampeki!
Thanks skidrow 😀
why after launch game, save already then black screen all the way?
Game Work Great for meeeeee
thanks alot <3 <3
Hi guys, I know I might be pissing into a river here but the link isn’t working for me, it keeps saying err_connect_refused. Can anyone offer some advice?
Is it in Spanish too? Or only in English?
Omg thanks !
Partalite gan bukan pertamax
Work! to change language go to Steam_api.. the game it’s with dlc thank you
Thanks Skidrow 🙂 🙂 🙂
Put in mega for downlaod xd
HA! First Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires, Now One Piece Pirate Warriors 3?!
I just need to find a trainer for this game, and I’m on easy street.
uptobox 20mb/s 😀
just 8 minutes 😀
Thx Skidrow. Youre the most bestest.
you rock skidrow
No Valid sound devices found. error, and the game won’t start any way to fix this?
thanks skidrow!
Hey guys, I received error that it can not find sound even though I have it
Please help ://
Hi Skidrow team first of all thnx for taking this great game so soon to us , after this i downlaod the game intaled but tha game is giving me some error , says “No device sound foung” and dont work the game :/
So guys can help me solve the problem ? I wanna play …
Thx for attention !
Can´t play lol
Executed as admin, the game starts, save game etc.. and then black screen .. shuts down.
can someone help ?
Best regards
the installation is not working always giving me an error
Guys.tell me please who have issues with saving game?
thnks a lot for your hard job for us <3 <3 <3
If you know how to fix it tell me please
missing file .r37 plz help
thnx !!!!!!
yes yes yes i m fuc*ing agameeeee
One FTP link please !!!
How can i fix the saving issues?
can i have torrent link ?
xxxx router block
[email protected]
Not Working, loading screen and black screen
I m on windows 10 x64
Awesome Game !! amazing Upload
Still good still better
Great job Skidrow Team
how can you launch the game i have a dark screen ant a return on desktop
rld-onpipiwa.r37 is missing…help ç_ç
Include DLC?
waiting for 6 months just for this, thank you so muuuuch skidrow!!!!!!!!!
awesome like always. Thank you very much.
If you’re getting “no valid sound sound device found” error, update your directx.
I grabbed the codex dl of this game and they have the software there in the _CommonRedist file.
Hope this works for some of you as it did for me at least.
It’s pretty cool but, now, everybody gonna download it, and then, i download it at a speed of 10kb per seconds, awesome
damn you skidrow, i have downloaded the Reloaded release. Now i have to download the game again. doesn’t matter for me anyway. haha
thanks again btw. 😀 😀
Guys there is more than 3590 Person downlaod from same torrent that why its slow
IDK why u dont download from One Link Uptobox
really Uptobox fast and free use CBOX website to generate Uptobox link (premium generator)
what the proper meaning ?
@andika have you read the description ?
ERRRr come on guys plss seed it once you finish the download .. !!!
Downloaded xD
thanx my awesome internet
and big big thankx to codex + skidrow
all best ^_^
going to play :B
Everything looks fine for me.. i can play and save..
Thanks people!.. i will start this game in the night!..
Does anyone know why when i open the game up steam showing the page of the game (tried without internet or steam offline)
COME ON *O*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thx Skidrow
@Tom: lol because u didnt copy crack
there is folder in iso file called ”CODEX” copy all files from this folder to ur game and accepte replace
@fans lol Thx for the info
im think i blind xd
My Xbox controller isn´t working with the game…. is it just me?
i am downloading the torreny file is working r not?
Could someone send me a save file ? 🙂
I can’t save the game :c
Thank you 🙂
does this comes with DLC?
Thanks skidrow 🙂
Is this working plz answer and saving file no problem at all?
read some review that pc port of this game has a prob with controller maybe will see a patch to fix this
New here, what’s the difference between RELOADED and Proper Codex? thnx.
Is this on the English version or japanese version plz ?
could install it and its running (can hear the sound from game) but dark screen??
PC port does indeed have problems with controllers. If you have a PS4 controller and a charger, just plug it up into your computer and use a program called InputMapper which will cause the ps4 controller to act like a 360 controller and work perfectly.
Will the story pack dlc be added? Thanks!
Nice work!!
DLC included?
im getting a black screen and Appcrash after bandai/toei intro
Just dropping a comment to say the torrent link is down in the UK. Wondering if it’s just me?
hey could someone plz answer my questions ;)..
1- does this had a password.
2-what does reloaded realse is incomplete means…
3- does this containes dlc ?
4-what the deiffrent bettween this and nosteam version plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz answer me and thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank u good jobe.
Downloading right now! Such hype much wow
work with anyone ?????????
Anyone knows if it works?
thank you so much skidrow.
someone help im getting this error
Assinatura do problema:
Nome do Evento de Problema: APPCRASH
Nome do Aplicativo: oppw3.exe
Versão do Aplicativo:
Carimbo de Data/Hora do Aplicativo: 00000000
Nome do Módulo de Falhas: VSFilter.dll
Versão do Módulo de Falhas:
Carimbo de Data/Hora do Módulo de Falhas: 50ab01a9
Código de Exceção: c0000005
Deslocamento de Exceção: 000b4357
Versão do sistema operacional: 6.1.7601.
Identificação da Localidade: 1046
Informações Adicionais 1: 0a9e
Informações Adicionais 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Informações Adicionais 3: 0a9e
Informações Adicionais 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
yes!! thanks alot!
seed plsss..:((
Thank you a lots for the hard work
Never played 1 or 2 but it has mihawk and law so im sold ! =D
I wait so much for this
awesomeee this is awesommee thankss skidrow reloaded and codex.. you guys are the bestt!! (Y)
thank you very much :*
Guys please moar speed in torrent,just dont leave distribution
Why’s there are some people complained about the black screen? Is it because it’s not compatible with windows 10? Some help please… Those who have tried this game and it worked, do tell us your specs so that we can compare
is anyone have the same problem with me?
the purbom is i cant press down arrow to select down and if i press up arrow for 1 time it keep contuniueing until the very top
pls help me
skidrow please help me how i can change language german sub and voice original japanish
3 o`clock in the morning—time to play One Piece PW 3…..Thank you skidrow°_°
seed plz :'(
Windows 10 64bit – Work great
when I try to install avast accused as win32 evo gen…
thank you skidrow .
This already I wait
thank you . I can not save the game
Ike ike kimochi
greattttt . 1000 % work it
thanks u skidrow
Why is it when i open game to play steam opens up and asks me to buy pirate warriors 3?
Thank you for the release, the game works great except i can’t save… Each time i close it, when i come back, it’s like i’m playing for the first time… Don’t know what’s the problem. I tried to save manually but it doesn’t change nothing. May be someone can help me ?
And sorry for my poor english… 😡
need more seeders torrent
is the dlc included?
Is it possible to get the free Fan Gift Pack?
after enter the code its show me that i need to active the origin game first.. so is it possible to get the fan gift pack proper codex ver.
Game works perfect but DLC keeps bringing up Runtime error and doesnt let me install. Can someone please help?
download speed suddenly 0.5kB/s at 99%
This is why i love :3
Crack Only Please ..
Story pack DLC how far?
it works perfectly! Thanks!!!!
which 1 should i download.. im newbie please teach me 🙂 🙂
anyone faced the resolution problem..
its fixed at maximum 1280×720
but i need 1600×900
does any one knows how to fix it???
thnx in advance..
Skidrow & Reloaded are the BEST!
Ouch… torrent is very very very slow! seed gays!
thnkkkkkkkkkkkkk you so much <333333333333333333333
Error ISdone.dll how to fix it ?
Please HELP ME!!
Nome evento problema: APPCRASH
Nome applicazione: oppw3.exe
Versione applicazione:
Timestamp applicazione: 00000000
Nome modulo con errori: VSFilter.dll
Versione modulo con errori:
Timestamp modulo con errori: 50ab01a9
Codice eccezione: c0000005
Offset eccezione: 000b4357
Versione SO: 6.1.7601.
ID impostazioni locali: 1040
Informazioni aggiuntive 1: 0a9e
Ulteriori informazioni 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Ulteriori informazioni 3: 0a9e
Ulteriori informazioni 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
So i’ve downloaded and installed the game.
It works perfectly.. but i got one huge porblem…
it asks me if i want to create a save file, obviously i click yes and then it asks me if i want to continue without saving and i click NO. then i click SAVE again and same problem accour in loops…
guys for all who have the black screen after bandai intro, just update your media player codec, it works with me
I can’t play. It’s sending me to steam store and telling that I have to buy the game first. Any solution?
Skydrow Mario party 10 pls! 😀
Can’t play because when i try to launch the game that open steam and open the store and ask me to buy the game…………..
cant save the gamee
goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood agame is nice nice nice game 10:10 and 100% 10000000000000000000000000:10000000000000000000000000 yes i love
Thk for Skidrow :v can’t wait but i have a prolem with part1 link mega speed under 100kb/s another part max speed :I
thanks…but the language in italian there isn’t
The game has Graphic bug.
Shows it like the PS Vita version.
I cant play with my controller, why ?? 🙁
Anyone please help me
My Up Arrow seems like stuck on the game
and my down arrow didnt work on the game
it keep going up nonstop
did anyone have the same problem?
Thank’s bra !
You are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Para ponerlo en español es my facil, solo ve a la carpeta de instalación del juego:
C:\Progam Files (x86)\One Piece Pirate Warriors 3
Ahora coges el fichero “steam_api.ini” y editalo.
Busca donde pone “Language=english” y pon “Language=spanish”.
Cuando vayais a guardarlo lo guardas en otro directorio con el mismo nombre “steam_api.ini” y luego copias y pega en el directorio del juego.
Un salu2
cant save what do i do ? : <
Thnx soo much, just was thinking on this game and here it is, time to try this one 🙂
can you tell me what is in the story pack plz 🙂
Fackin awesomegame, Thx for posting it 🙂
+Smooth 60 fps (even with 4000 enemys in screen)
+Console game from bandy
Finally the age has come that they port epic anime games to the pc 🙂
Thank you very much.
Awesome for all links 🙂
Thanks for the game it works BUT just with keyboard i dont know what’s the problem 🙁
cant find crack in codex folder? please help
when i try to open game it crashes
TNX WORK 10000000000000% HIGH
Works 100%. Thank you very much!
so far i’ve been watching several gameplays of this game.
can i say that this game is only battle-mode? I’ve never found the main char exploring a world map, or a town.
works 120% thanks a bunch skidrow… 😀
pls not working for me !! :((((
Torrent download has error? Anyone else having this issue, I’ve already downloaded it twice.
hey i cant play with my joystick?? somebody help? i CAN’T Press Start Button
Awesome! Going 2 buy it “WORTH IT”
I never watched the beginning of One Piece so this game is perfect !! thank you !!
works 100% but parts of the character are not properly placed.. eg. hairs (usopp & kuro), marines’s weapon etc.
I wished they did a 1GB per download 🙁 Torrent in my area download so slow.
I’ve had nothing but problems trying to download this.
I tried the torrent and mega upload and I get the same thing when I try to extract the files, something about an O/I device error, worst of all it’s slowing my computer to a crawl when I do so. This is just outright depressing. I really wanted to test out this game but it seems I will not have the chance.
why setup.exe did not work ?
when i run setup.exe nothing happen
ERROR -6 FAILED TO UNPACK, anyone else having this problem? im re downloading the installer now hopefully it will fix itself or something.
I cant saving , someone have this problem? How to fix it?
the game work but i can’t save
i try to do administration
and try to do save manual
and it didnt work
help plz
no sound error how to fix?
If steam is popping up upon installation you have not read the instructions where it says copy cracked files from CODEX Directory to your Installation Directory (where the oppw3.exe file is)
hi the thanks the game is working fine and the DLC, anybody knows how to unlock the activation key DLC other 5 costumes these one
work fine
save also work
thx a lot guys!
win 7 ulti 64
The game could not create a save file ! how to solve ?!
For People Who Have Error Such As :No Valid Sounds Founds
Solution : RightClick OPPW3 And Select Compatibility And Choose Windows Vista!
it worked for me i have windows 8 btw
if it doesnt work try all compatibility just in case ^_^
Thanks but I have a problem, when I launch the game, I have the loading screen and then, it goes back to windows what should I do?
destiny warriors with one piece chars? DW sucks i hope this doesnt…
is anyone now how to activate v-sycn on this game? i did’nt see v-sycn on game setting,
is this game can local network ?
Work Perfect 1000000%
That DLC work great tooo..
this is an awesome game i first played the one piece pirate warriors on ps3 because it was only on pc awesome fighting system a lot of tings to do and finnaly on pc for the best graphics possible for one piece’s amazing adventure and all Dem memories coming back also this game is easy to run you don’t need a super computer to play this game my graphic card is an R7 amd and i can easily play the game on maximum graphics 10 out of 10 amazing game thanks skidrow
is this game can run on my laptop core i3 2367m speed 1.40 GHz ??? Please can anybody help me,,, I really want this game…
No problems with the Game or Crack or Download or else…
split screen works too 🙂
ThX for the crack and the upload
I play with a friend in split-screen and played over 10 hours now. Great fun to clap the Marine!
but now I ‘m tired
sir please i beg you always upload ftp links because i need it for dap and other downloaders. my torrent is slow
What the? OMG, Now downloading… So mucchhh thankss skidrow.. you guys are the best of the bests. 😀 thank you again.
guys i can’t play with connttroool
i use the ps4 conttrol
i use the progroam
input mapper
ds4 xli inputmapper
and more
but i can’t use the conttrol damn that bull shit this game need conttrol
guys i can’t play with keyboard
i use conttrol
pleez can any body help me give me the fixes the solotion any thing
i need it
hey is some one having this problem where body parts of the opponents are like disattached with the real body?? its kinda annoying even some of the characters have disattached body parts
Skirdrow thank you really great work as always Keep it up you are just awesome thank you for the game crack thank you so much.
searched like hours why it wont work, the solution with Windows Vista worked out pretty nice thank you for that. 🙂
Nice game.
the game has so many graphical glitches,Kizaru, Marco, Sabo, Ace and i think more of them .. you will see those graphics glitches when you go to kizuna mode -_-.. i hope bandai will update and patch it soon… so plss skidrow reloaded and codex upload the patch right away if bandai release it.. thanks..
Its realy perfect games…and working good ^^
i hop enjoy it
I’m playing the game and its working fine but its not saving.. anybody know how to fix it?
doesn’t auto save and doesn’t save manual… help!
Repack Please!
DLC all costume? I want Law Dressrosa costume, how to get it?
as I solve the problem by installing the game and open steam sent to me instead of opening ?
your welcome…i searched when it happened and they said delete realtek but i had a feeling it just need compatibility change ,so i did that before do anything such as deleting my stuff , everyone remember change compatibility if games have errors before looking for advice on the internet!
Hi Skidrow many thanks for your help about games. Please I’m not pretty good in games especially to improve my characters level in oppw. Would you share a save game please?
many thanks
Sup skid, what do you mean incomplete? it means i cant play the game? even tough i downloaded all files? reply ASAP cant wait to play this epic game. thanks 🙂
Is there anyone having the same problem as me?
While i play most of the event cut scene is not showing. Even in the Gallery it just black screen for a moment then it turn back to selection screen. Even the opening scene is not showing. As far as i know those scene are able to view in the installed folder of the game. But it bugging me cause i tried reinstalling it won’t work. I tried copy from my friend computer (which is able to see the event cut scene) to mine it still won’t show up.
Do my PC missing a driver or what? The game do run smoothly though but as far as i know i am the only one who facing this problem. Tried surfing the net though but i have no answer.
Perfect… tested! Wonderfoul!
i run this game with VISTA COMPATIBILITY
Works great, no problem save or video
when launching the game.. steam pop up and show the game on its store.. it is not launching
For some reason i cant save the game
Hi people.
I got a problem. The game starts and saves but it crashes after KT logo.
Can someone please help me? Thx
cant download from torrent
Torrent not found!
*Heavy breath*
It’s not working for me at all .. How do i set it up ? Someone please help
I have no Codex folder in the torrent version anyone knows why? I only have the codex.nfo file, the .iso and the .txt.
Haaalp plis :3
pop up to steam market and i should buy the game
please help?
thanks a lot!
hope the game works.
why this not let me play with Mus? and only keybord?
why this not let me play with mus and only with keybord?
guys… someone have problem with the savefle?.. last night i was playing normally but now looks like my save is gone T___T
to fix bugging this game but this for VGA intel(R) HD check this link video
dead link, please update links by parts, file too big to download.
one piece pirate warriors 3 proper-codex كيف استطيع تحميل لعبة
plz help me
usopp and many chara hait is not placed
and marine weapon is flying
When ever i try to install it it works for 2 sec and it freezes my PC and i have to restart. Any solutions ? (downloaded through utorrent, Win764bit)
Looks like it happens with all games from CODEX i just tried to play Jotun from CODEX as well and the same thing happen. Computer froze. Can you help Skidrow ?
I have the reloaded version, if I delete it and install this one(codex), can I still use my reloaded save??? ‘-‘
is there a way to get the free dlc costumes on this version, ty the game works great
Guys please help I did what was instructed in the description and information but after I launch the game, the only thing I get is a black screen and a return to desktop please help this is also my System Information, if this can help you solve my problem.
Operating System: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (10.0, Build 10240) (10240.th1.150819-1946)
Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: MSI
System Model: MS-7918
BIOS: V2.8
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz (8 CPUs), ~4.0GHz
Memory: 8192MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 8106MB RAM
Page File: 3601MB used, 5784MB available
Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS
DirectX Version: 12
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
User DPI Setting: Using System DPI
System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled
Miracast: Available, with HDCP
Microsoft Graphics Hybrid: Not Supported
DxDiag Version: 10.00.10240.16384 64bit Unicode
heeey skidrow can you upload my lost files linkdata pleaaase 🙁 cant play it 🙁
Anybody can help me?i really dont know how to download this game…is there any tutorial video of how to download?
All this fucked up english on this site is unbelievable. Stupid retarded community you guys are.
Worthy Game Downloaded and Playing awesome but a
bit tired from excessive Group beating
About 90% of the questions here are unbelievable crazy. How on earth do some of you people even manage to find this site… and have no clue on how to download cracked games? And reading questions like how to install the game….. I’m sorry but if you cant read instructions then don’t download free games period or better yet stick to consoles. Learn how to use the net and your computer before asking basic questions. No point in helping those who don’t even take the time to freaken read what they are trying to install.
Someone else have a cutscene lag ? or a fix for it plz !
Could you post the fan gift additional contents please?
It’s free.
Here’s the link.
Hi can anybody help me i can’t install this game my problem is it says that i don’t have any space left for installation i already restarted my computer and all but still can’t install the game
Sorry guys when i start the game after 3 minutes crashes why??
someone please tell me how I supposed to do to use the dlc pack??
i just wanna ask question if this game can update base on the anime story?
Hi, please help me, i make the Utorrent download, and my game crash after bandai screen, how i fix this error? My setup is AMD FX6300, 8BG RAM, RADEON R7 260X 2GB, DIRECTX 11.
It works and all with 1st gamepad fully functioning except the pause and gesture buttons they never work for both gamepad 1 and 2 please help i can’t play local co-op
@StormSonic, try R3 for pause and L3 for gesture.
With Intel 4000, all weapons are floating and hair’s glitched. Any help?
m getting an error saying ISDONE.dll
my specs are windows 10 64 bit
8 gb ram
2gb graphics
i7 processor
gv me a solution asap
Hi friends, to fix the GAME NOT RESPOND affter BANDAI/TOEI screen just make download for the last CODEC PACK. enjoy
how to fix the ISDONE.dll problem….guys need advice asap…
Hey, I cannot play this game because it keeps saying I need dx9dc.dll while I got windows 10 with directx11.2
Can anybody help me out here? I tried updating directx but it didn’t do anything since it’s up to date.
How to fix no valid sound devices found 🙂
when i try to launch the setup ISDONE.dll error came out. How to solve please help!!
hey skidrow and reloaded team great job guys.. btw, can u guys add these dlc costumes for us?
any new DLC??
Need Help.
tried all recommendations on fixing the “no sound device found”, from changing the compatibility to Vista, updating my DirectX, and restarting the pc after installing the game, but nothing worked.
i’m using WIndows 10.
Does the installer crashing after I clicked ‘finished’ when it is done installing affects anything?
Odd…i cannot save game 🙁
Why it keeps going to Steam???
I have an issue that if i finish the 3. part. After i won against crocodile the screen is getting black more times and after 20 sec i get a broken bluescreen.
Win 10 64Bit
8 GB Ram
Intel Core i5 4200M
Nvidia GeForce GT 755M
Lenovo Y510P
a pirate game being pirated., LoLz
OPPW3 rocks, works fine and smooth with
Win 10 x64
Intel Core i3 2100 3.10Ghz
AMD Radeon HD 5450
resolution: 1280×800
hi guys, need help.
i’m using windows 10, no problem with the download via torrent, the installation was done with no problem but when i go to open the game it appears n the screen tha the d3dx9_43.dll is missing. i tough i had that cleared but now it says that the aplication cant start correctly (0xc000007b).
Win 10 64bit
8GB Ram
Intel Core™ i7-5500U Dual Core
NVIDIA GeForce™ 840M
Setup has finished but that dosn’t work
Hello codex
Iam having a trouble when playing this, when im in episode 7
The game automatically kicks me on the main menu withoit any error tried to restart but still exist.
Anyone having the same problem as me?
all links are down?? 🙁 pls fix
SOUND NOT FOUND – INSTALL DIRECTX DA PASTA QUE ESTA DENTRO DO JOGO! Fiz isso e funcionou de boa! Jogando tranquilo no meu PC
The story pack don’t work
The game is not starting. When ever i try ti run it ,it dont run. I have tried run as administrator
FOR One.Piece.Pirate.Warriors.3.Fan.Gift.Pack.DLC
2.Extract 5 COS Files into main Folder One Piece Pirate Warrior 3\FILE_DX9\DLC\EFIGS
3.Open One Piece Pirate Warrior 3 Folder
4.Open Steam_api.txt
378500=One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 Pre Order DLC
378501=One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 Story Pack
Add this line code-> 378503=One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 Fan Gift Pack
5.Extract steam_app.dll to One Piece Pirate Warrior 3 Folder.Replace steam_app.dll
Download Power ISO to Open and extract This Files. One Piece Pirate Warrior 3
What kinda game is this? Does it contain a story or whatever??? Looks like a full pull wanked chinese Prototype game
brahooo your stupidness have potential, i like that, keep it going! hahaha
So anyone wiyh a solution about the saving problems?
So if I download the torrent from here will it work? Or is the version posted on here incomplete essential files missing?
It says “PROPER Note: RELOADED release is incomplete.”
Skidrow please add one piece burning blood repack for pc thank you??
hello. Pls add 1FICHIER download links tnx.
TY Skidrow
il a tu le fichier ou nn
I can’t play they say No valid sound device found
seed plss
i cant start the game, i have start the game than oppening steam and thay say me i moost buy the game
please skidrow upload ONE PIECE BURNING BLOOD . PLEEEEEEASE :'(
words can’t appreciate your great work keep it up and thank you alot for the game
Link is Dead .. no file found
Seed please 🙁
yow i’m new at this. Sssoooo This Error: “No valid sound devices found”, keeps on popping out and i cant enter the game. I followed the instructions from burning, to running setup.exe to then copying codex dir to install dir, and even run compatibility troubleshoot from win 95 up to win 10 the error still comes out. Pls help.
Iam using a laptop w/
intel 4720HQ
8gb Ram
To enter the game. The game out and show a banner which is not found valid audio devices
would it work with intel HD 2GB ??
c’est jolie
after installing the game and clicking the icon i get a steam login page and after i login to my account it says this product is not available in your region what should i do?
thank you frined
i need a new link for part 3, thanks
Can I PLEASE have all the other dlc? I will be forever thankful!
Can I PLEASE have all the other dlc? I will be forever thankful!