Flee the shattered ruins of the Moscow Metro and embark on an epic, continent-spanning journey….
Flee the shattered ruins of the Moscow Metro and embark on an epic, continent-spanning journey across the post-apocalyptic Russian wilderness. Explore vast, non-linear levels, lose yourself in an immersive, sandbox survival experience, and follow a thrilling story-line that spans an entire year in the greatest Metro adventure yet.
Title: Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition
Genre: Action
Release Date: 06 May, 2021
Support the software developers. BUY IT!
Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition-CODEX
Size: 76 GB
Thanks for this, been waiting
Awesome! Thank you as always Codex/Skidrow!
waiting patiently, thank you very much skidrow, love you 🙂
I knew that you guys can do this! Thank you for not wasting any second! I love your works <3
only works on ray tracing gpu?
Where is the .torrent ?
lmao anyone who has gtx graphic dont waste your time on this game
Will it even run on my GTX 660 2GB?
what happpent if i play the game with out a rt gpu?
“NOTES: Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition will require a Ray Tracing capable GPU to play.”
So yeah, no rtx no metro lol
@TurboCheese , in the requirements say minimum an HD7870
@TurboCheese neh l just saw the description… lm a dumbass :/
@Ex3: Yeah, sure it will. On Ultra settings. Or even better: Lets try it with onboard graphics, surely it will still run right? LMAO. How stupid can you be??
@isaakORP: Hmmmmmmmm, difficult question. Let me guess: IT WON’T RUN???? Get yourself a brain dude…
This is better version or gold edition? Really only RTX run this version?
i hope my gt 210 can run it, i’ll be MAD if not
Can I run this on my Pentium D?
Nagyon faszák vagytok!!!!
Nice! Been waiting for this, thank you.
This is the ray tracing only version, so you need a ray tracing capable gpu. Cant wait to see what it looks like on the stronger 20-series cards.
Minimum RTX2070 , CPU 8 cores , RAM 8GO , Direct x12 , Win 10 20H2 ,1080P fps 45
Maximum RTX 3090 , CPU 8 cores , RAM 16GO , 4K 60 FPS
Finally my 3090 is ready for this game
It’s not working! shows an error ¨you dont have the minimum requirements¨ and it won’t launch. I have a 3080 and the last NVIDIA driver…. so I don’t understand
Why is the game 76GB? On steam or gog it is only 59GB. That’s a lot of GB for a crack.
Guys, THIS VERSION IS FOR PEOPLE WITH RTX CARDS ONLY. Any other card cant even open it. There is forced and enchanced Ray Tracing which you cant turn off.
my gtx 1060 is ready
How to change the language from Russia to English?
does anyone know how to change lang to english????
My pc can barely handle the original one lol doubt this will even open
I have heard you can now use ray tracing on a RTX card with Windows 7. Is that right?
Very nice the RTX games is starting. Would like to see the graphics. Downloading in progress. Where is the big mouth people now that bought gtx 1080 ti cards and not a RTX card. Now you have to spend money again and RTX cards are much more expensive now. But there is always solution. Sell to someone dummer than you that play Sims. You only need worthless card for Sims or old games.
Why to care, or a graphic card, have an rtx, that this game work, or you play original or you play this, is the same shit, i passed through, original 3 times, this one is the same identic shit, with only rays am ray traceing, tf i will play an only identic scenario, with nothing new, wtf only rays, go away
If you want to change the language from Russian ( or Ukrainian) to English follow this video and watch the 2nd method that he is explaining which is imo the easiest.
i have the original game, and a rtx 2080..and the goddamned game wont even start
my graphics card isnt enough for even booting up this game.
So i say fuck you metro, bet you work together with some big companys to sell those rtx 3000 series
well, i have mine soon, but over my death body that i will install this assrape of a game again
it is not working 🙁
I have a rtx 2070 and it says that it isn’t a compatible graphic card, someone that has the same problem?
stfu Brad you sound ignorant and fucking stupid if these ppl dont know weather this game runs on their card they just dont know it doesnt mean disrespect them motherfucker ppl like you dont belong dumbass fuck you Brad….
Finally !! i was waiting for an good update of the game work fucking better than the original version on my rtx 2070 Dlss to Quality Ray Tracing to Normal way above 60fps-150fps 150Hz 1440P
Will it run on my rig?
32gb 1666mhz
i3 2.4GHZ OC
RTX 780 4GB ???
Bonjour, Hello !!
Comment fait on pour mettre le menu en francais voir en anglais ??!!
aucunes explications voir…. voir tres mal expliqué !!??
y a t il un lien ??
par avance merci
bonne journée !!! Good Day !!!
C’est pas un problème matériel mais logiciel. Ce programme de merde demande Windows 10 version 20h2.
Télécharge la version CPY le programme est plus rapide
Startet nicht ….Dreck
So I’ve seen some of the comments saying you need an RTX card (not going to read them all), so I take it by “enhanced edition” they just mean “raytracing edition.”
I need seeeeed
I need change to language for spanish (Audio and subtitles )it´s possible?
Guys, anybody else have also a problem when you try to run it? getting some error messages missing some DLL files???
@Joe, update your vga driver and install vcredist dude!! Hope my AGP VGA S3 1MB can play this game LOL
Is there going to be the latest update patch the allows Dual Sense Controller for this Codex version?
it runs just fine on my gtx 970!
brilliant game, only thing is i’m stuck in the “church”