The Ultimate Class Reunion Boasting the largest roster in series….
The Ultimate Class Reunion Boasting the largest roster in series history, heroes from all over seek to join the cause! The heroes of Class VII unite with Crossbell’s Special Support Section and even the heroes of Liberl.
Title: The Legend of Heroes Trails of Cold Steel IV
Genre: RPG
Release Date: 9 Apr, 2021
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• https://www.gog.com/game/the_legend_of_heroes_trails_of_cold_steel_iv
The Legend of Heroes Trails of Cold Steel IV v1.2-GOG
Size: 24.4 GB
What is the update 1.2? Controllers?
Talk simulator.
@Question No 1.2 is optimization
Trash Game
trash game???? hahahaha too much retards here… 🙂
A game where the bad guy didn’t die , and look like friends to the good guys . Nobody dies .. boring
Talking simulator.
This update fixed the horrible graphic performance but now i have a lot of audio stutters, any idea on how to fix or if nisa is going to fix?
dont bother with those negative commenters. probably fell on their head while they are babies.
also @bororor:…. try playing it first before saying no one died whatsoever.
I am not a great fan of Erebonia Arc, but I will play this game for Liberl/CrossBell cast (and of course for my witch waifu Emma)
can you upload the update alone so we dont have to down load the game again
If this is the first Trails game you are playing, I suggest you stop, put it down, and start from Cold Steel 1. The game dives right in as a sequel from Cold Steel 3, as such I legit didnt know what was going on till mid way through act 2. There as SO many characters, each with their own deep backstory which was built on the many games that came before this (yes, all Trails games are related and all games are part of a captivating overarching storyline.)
With that being said, after finishing this game, I immediately downloaded the other Cold Steel games and I’m thoroughly enjoying them. There are some broken mechanics in the game like the delay strategy (no boss in the game, no matter how strong can even take a turn), but overall 10/10 would recommend if you are into deep storylines.
Request Lossless Audio Pack https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1198090/view/2999942440490689299