We’ve been under attack for 10 years now. Every 6 months the Skorn arrive…
We’ve been under attack for 10 years now. Every 6 months the Skorn arrive, set on destroying our planet, and now few of us remain to defend what’s left. The massive Ark ships we’ve built in hopes of escaping them have all gone, save one.
Title: Into the Stars
Genre: Action, Indie, Simulation, Strategy
Developer: Fugitive Games
Publisher: Iceberg Interactive
Release Date: 4 Mar, 2016
Into the Stars-FLT
Size: 2.98 GB
its in your pants … the small thing you play with once a while 😀
and thans for the upload skidrow 😉
sims 4 movie………….? pls download
They can upload this crap but not Evochron Legacy?
bo3 dlc 1 pls
can’t play fatal error
Hello I installed the game but when I start begins sometime during the intro the game just stop.
I same error, Nabraska fatal error
idem here, fatal error after skipping the intro
Game is not working. Gives FATAL ERROR after Intro
How to change language?
@Deus do you worked the game?
hello, installed the game, but the game stop in the intro.
Some one help change language to spanish? in steam say that have a spanish language
Just came back to report crash issue and how i fixed it.
I have Win 7 64bit SP1
Download and install IE 11
Not working try this.
Still doesnt work try these steps but only downloading IE11 worked for me.Step 6 important.
LoL… Everyone have fatal error me too… why no one check this uploads, Good Job Skidrow
i dont have any error, i just want change to spanish, some one can help ?
I replace this file GraphicsSettings.sav but doesn´t work
@I30 what version of windows do you have?
I have windows 7
Still not working 🙁 crash during the intro
@Benring If you have windows 10 or 8 , it’s said you should update your windows since the game uses UE4 and some windows update is needed. The company is a 4 man team that created this game so it is not surprising that they don’t know how these things work. If you have Windows 7 like me then installing IE11 also installs the certain needed windows update. Make also sure you have all the components installed within the redist folder within the game install directory.
@Wari Worked for me, very Thanks
we need any patch of sorts to fix this problem. a lot of us cannot upgrade to ie11 because it needs pre requisite updates and platform patches which dont install in win 7 sp1. please find out the dll in ie11 that is required for the game ui to run, or make a patch of your own or when they release it, please post it here.
@Wari, Bro, how did u install ie11 in sp1? it says it needs sp1 or server 2008 r2 and to do that i have to get a platform patch k260somthing but that also says not applicable for my computer, HELP. i really like this game. or please recommend me a game where i can interact with my own crew in space or in rpg like dragon commander, I DESPERATELY NEED A GAME LIKE THIS TO PLAY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE . sorry for any manner of offense that i incurred if i did so , thank you
look at all these entitled babies, “oh, im getting errors when attempting to play pirated software.” Give the provider a break. You don’t get to complain about free.
@kragoth135 sorry to say but the only way to get SP1 on widows 7 is to go to windows update and update your pc 🙂 or download the offline installer.
Go here to know how to use windows update or to see if u have SP1.
Now to install it offline go here.
Click on Get SP1 (advanced) and then choose download. I don’t know what you need but downloading SP1 is going to take a while.
Doing it through windows update might be the easiest way.
To know precisely what you need use google.
And btw im not a admin or have any relations to this site so i cant provide you with details about any patch sorry.
Go to C:\GOG Games\Into the Stars\Engine\Extras\Redist\en-us and install UE4PrereqSetup_x64.exe and it will work
Copying everything from %GameFolder%\Nebraska\CefRuntime\Binaries\Win64 to %GameFolder%\Nebraska\Binaries\Win64 seems to solve the problem with fatal error. Windows 7 64 sp1.
Need another iso please, this one are broken, some files cant be copied properly …