Dynamic seasons change everything at the world’s greatest automotive festival….
Dynamic seasons change everything at the world’s greatest automotive festival. Go it alone or team up with others to explore beautiful and historic Britain in a shared open world. Collect, modify and drive over 450 cars. Race, stunt, create and explore – choose your own path to become a Horizon Superstar.
Title: Forza Horizon 4
Genre: Racing
Release Date: 09 Mar, 2021
Support the software developers. BUY IT!
Forza Horizon 4 PROPER-EMPRESS
Size: 91.2 GB
thanks my friend.
im gonna try,i like alote of this game,but canot buy.
does online work?please reply
does it work on the new windows update??
firefox warnings,before install.
thanks alote,
WOW Empress on FIYYAAA
Work on windows 20h2 compilation?
it works with 2004 win ver?
Awesome, Thank you, hope the save games are compatible.<
Is it for all version Window 10??
Is it for all version Window 10?
Can you provide the empress crack only ?
Is it for all version of Window 10?
EMPRESS is the BEST thanks to her hard work we can enjoy those games with the newest updates, less crashes, newest AAA games getting cracked… sure she acted sometimes to high and I agree about that. I still respect her hard work she is now the only one who cracks Denuvo content. I’m happy that she took the place of CPY, CODEX… 😀
Ill try it out, if it works it works. Hoodlum didnt work for me anyway.
Thx alot
crack only please?
Thats what i was talking about HOODLUM.
Sounds good, very good! Thanks! Anyone can confirm if stuttering has been solved as well?
Can we use the save file from the Hoodlum version and can someone direct me to a good Cheat Engine table for the steam release?
here saying that only need 4gb ram is that right? because on says it needs 8gb of ram, wich one is wrong?
Thank you for this. Can you try for Call of Duty Modern Warfare (2019) and also Call of Duty Cold War. God bless… 😇
Amazing work by empress. Many people have been waiting for this, for a while now
All DLC’s included please?
UpToBox links please
plis release crack only
FYI, this crack installed on top of the Hoodlum release will overwrite your save file. I learned the hard way.
Thanks again FitGirl ! 🙂
This release finally work! But not save the video settings. This is a little problem hah
john can you upload crack-only from empress, please?
@Matteo842 Crack only won’t work you need to download again
@FG Army What? Fitgirl repacks are garbage!
Maybe in 10 years i will get this with only 1mb XD.Still:WHERE’S DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Man, this dude has NASA skills, this is so high level, that i cant even imagine cracking or patching or evcen understanding how this works. U made my day Proper
crack-only >>>
and the update v1.466.445.0 >>>
Multiple usb peripherals???
that girl is a cunt, but a fucking great cracker.
Lol, wow! “PROPER”? Damn!!! I wonder how Hoodlum is feeling right now😂
this time freezes on loading levels. does not save progress. What the fuck is it so hard to break the game normally? Fagots whore
@jhkug – same to me.
Is possible to keep the save game or I need to play again?
I need to play again or I can keep my Hoodlum save game?
Can I have the crack only I just download another version before this one I dont want to download another 98gb
Finalmente uma versão que funciona e na instalação ele automaticamente aplica o crack!
These new version forzas just keep freezing at some point . any solution?
Me comí tremendo virus llamado trojan:Win32/Glupteba!ml. Una verdadera lastima…
@jhkug You must have a shit pc it runs fine lol
Hahaha. You all idiots. All the stupid microgarbage releases don’t work anymore neither are good games. The company is a train wreckage of drm nothing more. Their shittiest latest console cant be pirated so you now why they suck,and nobody give a damn about their products. Hyped trash. Dont blame crackers or scenes. Microassholes just are so touchy about their shit that these worthess games arent worthy your time. it cant be helped.
realy i try EVERYTHING and still not working,it’s very sad to try and close 5-6 programmes to play just one game, have fun to all of you who can play this wonderfull game
@Tsouninho It’s time for you to get a new PC and solve all your problems.
it is working fine with windows 10 ver 20h2…no problem … tnx empress
@jhkug Allow FH4.exe in Defender and enjoy. Defender is causing you a problem.
wheres the link? lol
Stuttering problems still persist, as in Hoodlum release
game is working fine in windows 10 pro ver 20h2….tnx empress…more power !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@XzibitX my pc its fine
ryzen 5 3600X
32 giga ram
rtx 2070 8 giga gpu
realy i try everything and still do not working for me game just freeze in the start.
Where does this store the savegame?
where are the links lol
Does it work with windows 10 pro 19041 version????
Found the savegame location … but no saves for empress.
for myself i prefer the hoodlum version.
The game still have sttutering when I driving within open world above all when I’m at Horizon Festival. It’s happening same thing as HODLUM version. In my case I have no crashes but sttutering a lot. Thanks so much!
Radi na verziji 20h2 / works on version 20h2
Where is the SAVEGAME folder
Still laggy as hell,not worth it
Seed please!
Like its our fault your pc cant run it.
Hello my fellow brothers in arms.
First off Id like to thank EMPRESS for the amazing job, you literally save cultural treasures from becoming destroyed by time and corporation.
Second, here’s how you move over your SAVE GAMES from the HOODLUM release
You will find the HOODLUM save games in C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\HOODLUM\1293830\remote
Empress has a very similar save game location C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\EMPRESS\1293830\remote\1293830\remote
username being your user name on your computer
Inside you’ll find a bunch of files, the most important however will be your “profile files” you will need to RENAME THEM and then copy them over from the HOODLUM to the Empress folder.
Backing your saves up before doing this is not a bad idea
The easiest way to do this is going to be by first opening the Empress Forza 4 game and entering the first race then exiting the game.
This will save the game after which you will see 4 files in the empress folder, each of them will have User_(a profile number) as their name.
These files are *.ProfileBackup *.ProfileData *.UserpurchasesTelemetry *.VersionFlags
Now, you should have the 4 HOODLUM save files and 4 Empress save files.
You need to RENAME the 4 HOODLUM save files to the names the 4 Empress files have.
Afterwards copy and replace all of the files from the HOODLUM folder to the Empress folder.
Congrads, you can now play from where you left off, I hope.
Lots of Love <3
Anybody knows where keeps the savegame? because a tried to find with success!! Thanks
Yea this one doesnt work either, crash on startup.
Does this release work with the Online Fix?
all new versions are the same at the moment. all of them crash at some point.
Guys read everything! This helped me and so it can help you! Sorry for bad English!
Hello guys,
I just wanna say something. There are alot of videos on youtube where it helps to fix your forza horizon 4. Maybe if you dig deeper and try to find the solution to your game crash, you would probably found it already. So I’m writing this in case nobody wants to search for forza horizon 4 crash. I had the same issue when the game crashed. Even in latest windows10! All you gotta do is go step by step as I did. This might work for anyone but it’s gonna take a time.
1. If you have an windows10 with an administration privilegies then it’s already good. (for those who don’t have. I suggest to watch a video on how to do it!)
2.Make a second (2nd) account. This means you need to make a local account for windows10. (Just make a 2nd windows10 like you have already. (I don’t know how to explain this). —–> Check yt video on how to make local account of windows10!
3.You already installed the FH4 on your (administrator) windows10 that you use everyday. So whenever you want to play FH4 (this is for any version) —-> (Hoodlum;EMPRESS and etc.)
4. The 3rd (step) was to ensure you have it already installed the game! Now you want to got to the local account which you need to create also! Don’t worry if you already started the game. It won’t broke anything in game files. So no worries! 🙂
5. After logging in local account of windows 10. Go to your FH4 game location.
6. Start the game with the ForzaHorizon4 (should be .exe file).
7. You are ready to play the game! 🙂
8. If you don’t believe me. I have a proof to show.
My discord:LAT WoxY*#0450 (Please send me message or add only then when you really need a help!) I’m not here to waste my time on helping you because it’s not my fault. But if you really need a help you are free to send me message and add me). —-> This is so that I wouldn’t have to answer to 100 messages. ( That would be stupid right?).
Well if you still didn’t get it. I suggest you to message me or add.
I hope it helped you 🙂
thanks EMPRESS
@WoxY none of those work tested, fh4 is broken game and not worth of hassle.
The installer took like 20 minutes, older versions of it took 3+ hours. The game works really good for me, really fast menus, 100% better than before with 0 crashes. But the wheel support is horrible, i got a Logitech G920 and first 90 / 100 degrees i get 0 force feedback, then all of it. Wheel support is totally broken unlike the version from 26 Aug 2020 where i had 0 issue with my wheel. Would not recomand if you planning to play this version with a steering wheel like mine.
I receive a checksum error on GeoChunk0.minzip failed CRC check
@alex complete opposite for me. same wheel and works good but i get crashes like every hour or so.
there is no wheel support?
100 %
Funcionando aqui numa boa. Ryzen 3 2200g, RX570 4GB 8x2GB DDR4-2666
i disabled Xbox Game Bar and got game working without crashes.
@ woxy yes yes yes yes and yes! finally the game running and all my problema solved with one new local windows account,many thanks!
yeah…that fixed it…..NOT.
5 random crashes in less than an hour and a half.
this steam version is total crap….random stuttering and crashes…cars in garage show different color as they really are :)))
older non steam version was way better
Well, for me this game this game keeps crashing right after the first loading screen (the one that shows the controller), sadly. If anyone find a fix, please drop it here. :/
Well, for me the game crashes right after the first loading screen (the one that shows the controls), sadly. If someone find a fix, please drop it here. I tried some things but none worked (change game mode on windows, close Riva/MSI).
ITS SAY , ” The code execution cannot proceed because EMP.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem. ” , HOW TO FIX IT?
it dont work , it frezze when you want to start first race after the intro
this version still crashes for me. right after i enter autumn season and finish the first race.. the game freezes and every time you try to restart it, it will freeze during loading.
it finally works for me. at first the game was always crashing within the first 5 min of play; I then made up a second user account and opened the game from there. it’s perfect now. thanks a lot
As soon as I start unzipping and already accuses a trojan? Really ? I don’t play but I won’t risk my system and neither will my files
@gamer please dont ever download any other file from internet if youre so stupid. for your own good.
you’ll suck
been playing smoothly here with my RTX 3070 on win 10 pro 20H2
deadzone steering setting set at 0 and in gameplay has realy like 5 to 10% of it, i don’t know how to solve. apreciate any idea Thanks those configs are not ok
Does anyone else get a CRC error on this release and is there any way to fix it? I have tried download three times with the same result.
Does anyone else get a CRC error? I have tried to download three times with the same result.
A CRC error means a corrupt file somewhere. If you downloaded it via torrent, right click it in the torrent program and click stop then click rehash or check files. Something along those lines. It should be able to find which files are bad. If that doesn’t work it could be a problem with your hard drive as I’ve had that happen as well when I had a drive start going bad on me.
Can you please post the links…
File will not open and when I try to open from ISO it says operation did not complete successfully because the file contains a virus or potentially unwanted software. weird pls help
Logitech G29 is not recognized in the game, does anyone have a solution?
It worked perfectly with the game version v1.380.112.2 from December 2019:
ebenezer; disable your antivirus software when you do the installation and/or when you play the game. You also might need to exclude whatever files it claims are “infected” when you go to play the game if you decide not to fully disable it. They are just false positives as the vast majority of virus scanners are so badly made they detect legitimate files like bypass files, cracks etc even if they aren’t malicious.
However if you’re worried these files are infected, don’t be. Tons of people are using them without issue including myself and I use Malwarebytes.
DLCs included?
not appear wheel in configuration settings
seed, please
20H2 running w/ no problems. Just dk why the first few startups didn’t respond and failed. Now working like a charm. Cheers for the work
Can anyone report back if multiplayer is working in this version?
Thank you, It works perfectly on my win 10 pro build19042 no issues.
it is working on windows latest version(20h2) i have verified it 🙂
work a lil bit then crashes. shit version
Thank you, your work is perfect!!!
The setup.exe is with a virus Trojan:Win32/Glupteba!ml. Do you have the same problem? Is it safe???
Hello thanks for the game and crack its working..but does anyone knows where the game saves folder is?
the game has been crashing a lot. Alt tabbing this game or doing simple shit like getting out of camera mode causes the game to slow down and the audio starts popping as it gets slower and closes back to desktop with no error code. My pc is way over the minimum requirements
SaveGame Location in C:\Users\*USERNAME*\AppData\Roaming\EMPRESS\1293830\remote\1293830\remote
hi .thx alot .it work very well on win10 20h2
J’ai le volant détecté G29 mais j’ai pas dans paramètre dans le jeu pour passer en 900 degrés impossible de lancer le jeu en 900 degrés
Is this version stuttering like the hoodlum version
Guys do u know if i can play this forza with my steering wheel?
Game works fine but how can I uninstall the game ? Went to the Add Remove Programs Tab but it says uninstaller is not available.
I have downloaded many versions of this game and i get shit, they installed bitcoin miner trough game DO NOT INSTALL IT, contact me on email [email protected] i wll send you pictures and prove it !!!!!!!
Is closing after show the start screen. help me
when i try to open the game it opens steam
Will this work on Windows 3.1 with the turbo button taped down?
how to use wheel
@rezo umm… sort of… you actually can’t. :l All cracked steam versions have the same problem for now. That’s pointless…
Hello !
Anyone knows the location of the saves games please ?
The instalation was fine but I’m a little disappointed because when is loading the game freezes or simply crashes
If it doesn’t work try disabling all your anti-virus. My bitdefender wasn’t letting it go past the splash image.
I downloaded it, when I launch it, it redirects me to Forza horizon 4 on steam and it says I don’t have it and when I launch it from the files nothing happens
Game was working fine until yesterday (May 10, 2021). When Windows 10 updated
working on 20H2
I tried installing this game everything is working smooth as butter.
So it works with the latest update of windows.
Thanks, team for such a beautiful game.
Any trainers for the crack game? Need some money well a lot and exp
I just downloaded and tested it and it works perfect on Windows 10 20H2. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!
the seasons are not working for me for some weird reason
Hello guys!… EXCELLENT WORK, playing flawless @t Windows 10 Pro, version 21H1.
With.. Ryzen 5 1600, 16 Gb RAM and GTX 1070 TI!
Keep up the good work. <3 TY TY TY
Windows defender will not allow me to run the game after install because it has detected 3 trojans in the game file…. is this normal?
Can anyone help me? As soon as I open fh4 it’s show’s the loading screen and then it crashes.
Game crashes after the loading screen. Latest Windows Running.
System: i7 10700/ RTX2070 Super/ 32G RAM.
Please Help.
Dont work for me. it closes
For everyone getting crashes…turn off your anti virus…
O meu está travando na tela de carregamento o que pode ser? eu sempre executo como administrador, e o meu PC atende os requisitos para executar o jogo tranquilamente
Is it compatible with version 21H1?
Is possible to change the language?
I got it, work perfect in win 10 20H2
There is a 5~10% deadzone in wheels like other users have said, it’s making the game unplayable, idk how you guys messed that part up.
There is a virus inside ( SBYinYing in EMP.dll) !
Hi, Guys, No installation Required Just open the ForzaHorizon4 Application Which is present in Forza Horizon 4 folder. Before that Copy .exe files are present in the Online And Offline Folders Present in Forza Horizon 4 Folder. It is Working Flawless ON i5 9thgen, 8Gb ram, 4Gb 1660 gtx, 120hz. wINDOWS 11.
Contiene Adware Win32/gencbl.bvw
ci bien*
i would love to play this game