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Forza Horizon 4 v1.380.112.2 Incl All DLCs-Osb79

Posted December 22, 2019 in PC GAMES, REQUEST ACCEPTED

Forza Horizon 4 v1.380.112.2 Incl All DLCs-Osb79


Dynamic seasons change everything at the world’s greatest automotive festival….



Dynamic seasons change everything at the world’s greatest automotive festival. Go it alone or team up with others to explore beautiful and historic Britain in a shared open world. Collect, modify and drive over 450 cars. Race, stunt, create and explore – choose your own path to become a Horizon Superstar.

Title: Forza Horizon 4 Ultimate Edition
Genre: Racing
Release Date: 26 May, 2017

Support the software developers. BUY IT!

Install instructions:
1- Enable Developer Mode.
2- Run "install.bat"
3- Play from Start Menu icon
* Windows 10 1903/1909 is required

Forza Horizon 4 v1.380.112.2 Incl All DLCs-Osb79
Size: 87 GB





















    • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
    • OS: Windows 10
    • Processor: Intel i3-4170 @ 3.7Ghz OR Intel i5 750 @ 2.67Ghz
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Graphics: NVidia 650TI OR AMD R7 250x
    • DirectX: DirectX 12 API, Hardware Feature Level 11
    • Storage: 90 GB available space

Forza Horizon 4 v1.380.112.2 Incl All DLCs-Osb79
1. Extract
2. Play!
Posted by Skidrow


  1. giyotin (22 Dec 2019, 4:09)

    thank you bros

  2. Jesus (22 Dec 2019, 4:10)

    Thank you

  3. mantrax (22 Dec 2019, 4:13)

    cool, didnt try it btw

  4. Hekazoo (22 Dec 2019, 4:14)

    i can chnge the nickname?

  5. EN4CER (22 Dec 2019, 4:21)

    All the whining cunts from destitute countries will rejoice now, and perhaps shut their stupid mouths about Forza 4 never being cracked.

  6. Jaanus (22 Dec 2019, 4:44)

    It was cracked months ago, where have you been living, under a rock 😛

  7. Steven (22 Dec 2019, 4:46)

    @Jaanus: this is new update “1.380.112.2” 2 which out 2 days ago 19 Dec

  8. Jaanus (22 Dec 2019, 4:47)

    Also, no update only for those who have it all ready?

  9. Duke274 (22 Dec 2019, 5:03)

    Can anyone confirm this works with build 1909?
    I’m going to buy this game as soon as I got my Logitech G29 but i wanna try the game first to see if it’s worth it.

  10. ponoory (22 Dec 2019, 6:16)

    Its include new season pass?

  11. Vyas Vishwakarma (22 Dec 2019, 6:47)

    will it run on windows 10 version(2004)………..please answer

  12. Kruger (22 Dec 2019, 7:18)

    What new update have? previous release had2 DLC Lego speed car and Fortune island. If it has minor things they cabn shove it deep down arse i dont download 89gb of harddisk space sorry.

  13. Alex (22 Dec 2019, 7:26)

    how to install only the updates not all the game?

  14. Jaanus (22 Dec 2019, 8:39)

    the instructions up there to see for everyone say 1903/ 1909 required so take a guess.

  15. Gamer (22 Dec 2019, 9:21)

    can this version update the older version with it or do I have to do a new installation?

  16. Marek (22 Dec 2019, 9:29)

    whats different from multi16 ulimate edition ?

  17. Serdar (22 Dec 2019, 9:33)

    What’s new ?

  18. 87Gb (22 Dec 2019, 11:20)

    87gb and windows 10 required?
    no thanks 😀

  19. Assmaster[Waffen SS] (22 Dec 2019, 11:50)

    Confirmed, its working.

  20. Mannequinn (22 Dec 2019, 12:38)

    I know you might not be able to do this but if possible please could you upload Code Vein V.1.12.

  21. Γιαννης (22 Dec 2019, 13:03)

    we can get only the update?? or we download all game again ..

  22. Steven (22 Dec 2019, 13:30)


    Not sure if its gonna work but try re-check your existing “Forza Horizon 4” folder in ur computer using this new updated torrent, i think it will add new files and updated others files! anyone tried this ?

  23. Hi All (22 Dec 2019, 13:34)

    List of past updates (click on page left for details): https://support.forzamotorsport.net/hc/en-us/articles/360041117353-FH4-Release-Notes-December-19th-2019

    FH4 Release Notes: December 19th, 2019
    PC: 1.380.112.2 (latest update at this moment)

    Eliminator (car) Balance Changes
    Significantly increased the damage to the players outside the Arena when it has shrunk to its final size.

    Eliminator Fixes
    Fixed an issue where players were unable to challenge other players to a Head-to-Head
    Added the ability to reset your car position if stuck in a way which does not trigger the automatic reset
    If you find yourself stuck, hold accelerate, and you will be prompted to reset your car position
    Fixed the issue with some Head-to-Head races having their finish line appear outside of the Arena
    Fixed an issue with the post-race upgrade UI, where the D-pad icon was not appearing as intended
    Fixed an issue where if one player was eliminated by the arena whilst in a Head-to-Head, both players would be eliminated.
    Fixed an intermittent crash

  24. Gamer (22 Dec 2019, 14:29)

    I ran the bat file. It shows in a promt window that he doing the job. No installatin window pops up. I startet the game. It was updatet. You can also get the Mitshubishi vehicles.

  25. Drugazzz (22 Dec 2019, 14:49)

    Hey, after i press enter on loading screen the game crashes and closes
    Anyone with the same problem?

  26. Motishow (22 Dec 2019, 16:49)

    Don’t work. Crash on intro screen

  27. ExpertPirate (22 Dec 2019, 16:55)

    @Steven update works if recheck and download just new files in same directory. i have updated the game but sudden crashes still exists very often like before. My computer is more than high specs to run it , i9 overclocked 64 gb ram, 2x 1tb nvme ssd, 2080Ti rtx. They have to do something about the crashes as its obviously not an issue happening because of hardware.

  28. londusboob (22 Dec 2019, 17:50)

    Hello! Multi language or not please ?

  29. nomek (22 Dec 2019, 18:00)

    Dont work, loading screen and closed windows game. help?
    My windows is 1903 (18362.476)

  30. xaxa (22 Dec 2019, 18:56)

    game not work

  31. Piale (22 Dec 2019, 19:02)

    So is windows 10 release dependent? I try whit my insider build and not working.

  32. Pedro (22 Dec 2019, 19:04)

    ty alot! works fine for me

    Windows 10 build 1903
    i7 8700k

    i just run install.bat

    if didnt work for you try delete this file “the Microsoft.SunriseBaseGame_1.378.661.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.exe” in this folder
    “Forza Horizon 4/FH4/”

    all expansions works too

    ty alot OSB79 <3 and S&R for share

  33. agus (22 Dec 2019, 19:09)

    google drive please

  34. general8971 (22 Dec 2019, 19:15)

    what is this lie? where is the install.bat? and not working this game. what is this all fake comments stfu

  35. DanyS (22 Dec 2019, 19:17)

    Don’t you know about xbox game pass?

  36. Assmaster[Waffen SS] (22 Dec 2019, 19:19)

    This game works perfectly.
    Those who have problems, watch this:

  37. trevor (22 Dec 2019, 21:20)

    can someone post a video tutorial im struggilng to get it right

  38. Trey (22 Dec 2019, 21:24)

    @assmaster[Waffen ss] your link goes to a lumber jack song update your link

  39. sTeAm Fix (22 Dec 2019, 21:42)

    Does the multiplayer works?

  40. VAN996 (22 Dec 2019, 22:47)

    For Crash: close your rivatuner staticstics sever

  41. K_EƎ_D (22 Dec 2019, 23:20)

    Another Windows App game shit.

    Good luck getting it work.

  42. thatguyisright (22 Dec 2019, 23:32)

    Like the other guy say : 87 gb and windows 10 required? No thanxs.I have better stuff to fullfill my hard drive and better things to do with my time than this piece of crap.(:

  43. 543Filipe (23 Dec 2019, 9:46)

    Tks. I know game not new but was 1st time i could play. Great Job Tks again.
    It is CHRISTMAS so i will ask you my SANTAS for: Forza Motorsport 7, F1 2019, Need For Speed Heat and Fifa 20.

    My holidays will be awsome if you release those games.


  44. ghost (23 Dec 2019, 10:41)

    Need update only please…. because i have already game but with old update 1.332

  45. dlugi (23 Dec 2019, 12:11)

    Game crashes during intro-movie.
    My OS is a Win10 build 1909, so this is not an issue.
    Any one of You guys maybe had the same problem? Maybe som1 found a fix to it? I can not.

  46. radekB (23 Dec 2019, 12:21)

    Obviously not working…. Download this thing is just waste of time, WIN 10, developer mode enabled, Forza Horizon 4 blocked in firewall but stil after start game load fine, but when you should press key to continue, the game just quit.
    None of solution on interenet helped me, so in my case game is not working….

  47. ELI (23 Dec 2019, 13:13)

    windows 10 pro 1909
    i run “bat” file, window open and start write things in blue to 5-6 sec and closed.
    when i try to run from start menu he just open to me a logo pic and nothing hepand.
    someone can help me plrease?..

  48. eli (23 Dec 2019, 13:42)

    WINDOWS 10 PRO 1909


  49. Haeralis (23 Dec 2019, 15:33)

    If game Crashing on intro screen, as a guy said above try deleting (or just change the extension) a file named like this ‘Microsoft.SunriseBaseGame_1.378.661.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.exe’ in the folder ‘Forza Horizon 4\FH4’

    In my case i had two files, i tried changed the extension of the two (for the game to not find it) but didn’t worked, so i returned the extension of the most recent of the two, and then it worked.

  50. kaven lim (23 Dec 2019, 16:09)

    windows 7 can play?

  51. Massimo Visentin (23 Dec 2019, 16:59)

    una volta scaricato avviato il file bat ma dove cavolo si trova icona per farlo partire se non si deve installare nulla ?

  52. Winch (23 Dec 2019, 17:21)

    Thanks guys !

  53. alex8a (23 Dec 2019, 17:44)

    SEED YOU FCks xD

  54. Tomadelfrasco (23 Dec 2019, 17:57)

    Thanks for this game. At first, it didn’t run as the window opened and closed fast, but I deinstalled from the start menu with right mouse button, tried to install again and Eureka!!!

    Don’t forget to activate developer mode in advance.

    Windows 10 1909 – Ryzen 7 3800X

    Merry christmas!!!

  55. One (23 Dec 2019, 17:58)

    if crash before intro end turn of msi aferburn …works!

  56. klutzy (23 Dec 2019, 18:00)

    same problem here, logo pic and then nothing.. any help?

  57. Calabrone (23 Dec 2019, 18:08)

    Install.bat non parte

  58. Deno (23 Dec 2019, 20:02)

    Seed Please…..
    I have 30mb/s connection but 70kB/s download speed

  59. atri (23 Dec 2019, 20:15)

    Work perfectly on windows 1909 Ver 18363.535

    THX A LOT ! <3 you are the best !!

  60. pomocek (23 Dec 2019, 20:23)

    Game won’t install when hitting install.bat. CMD open and close and thats it. Win10 1909, WD disabled

  61. dagitus (23 Dec 2019, 20:49)

    works perfectly on win 10 pro build 1909
    wish there was a Forza Horizon 3 to work like that

  62. Endless (24 Dec 2019, 0:05)

    @Tomadeelfrasco Thx a lot and for the others don’t forget to disable MSI Afterburner

  63. Seed (24 Dec 2019, 1:35)

    Can you guys please Seed

  64. superman (24 Dec 2019, 10:25)

    How to start the game via powershell command?

  65. enry (24 Dec 2019, 12:58)

    hello but developer mode what is??? i dont know


  66. shelby14 (24 Dec 2019, 13:32)

    I already have the game from the previous cracked version. Any chance to get just the update file OR do I have to download the entire thing again?

  67. João Vitor Vitorino Souto (24 Dec 2019, 16:52)

    Does anyone know how to resolve the error by pressing start on the start screen?

  68. lionsin (24 Dec 2019, 18:10)

    Anyone tried if cheathappens works on this version?

  69. BoB (24 Dec 2019, 20:32)


  70. Endless (24 Dec 2019, 22:02)
  71. bela (24 Dec 2019, 23:50)

    dosen’t work dont download it waste time

  72. Pradeep (25 Dec 2019, 4:42)

    Butter smooth. Game is awesome. Enable developer mode. Just run the bat file from the location of the download. That’s it. Those who are complaining about game does not run. check your Hardware specs..

  73. Tarcan (25 Dec 2019, 9:16)

    The game is running fine but for some reason i cannot seem to start any races and progress. it keeps telling me to setup a race instead

  74. nil (25 Dec 2019, 11:01)


  75. bossmet (25 Dec 2019, 12:56)

    The game is crashing quite frequently, I can’t stand it, maybe I need to downgrade to Windows 1903

  76. SampleV (25 Dec 2019, 13:43)



  77. Snake (25 Dec 2019, 14:43)

    For the people that can’t run the game first enable windows developer mode, block forza 4 exe in firewall permissions. That made the game work for me. Also if you run overlay apps like msi afterburner try closing them this game has a tendency to crash or not launch with them on the side.

  78. malukabulunga (25 Dec 2019, 18:53)

    yes, after I turned off MSI afterburner it works. thank you !! (win10 1903)

  79. anonimika (25 Dec 2019, 21:14)

    install.bat dont work,how can fix this thing?

  80. gnu (25 Dec 2019, 22:23)

    i have a vega 64, the game crash if i let the game in “dynamic optimisation” in graphic option
    if i set myself graphic in advanced tab it doesn’t crash anymore

  81. o4ko (26 Dec 2019, 1:38)

    works fine, although crashes sometimes when trying to save changes, but not every time so it’s bearable. at least it’s not a pain in the ass to install anymore
    great release, thanks!

  82. anon (26 Dec 2019, 4:09)

    For those that get a crash when pressing enter to start the game, wait a few seconds (3-5 should do), then start, that seems to work 100% of the cases.

  83. Snell` (26 Dec 2019, 6:27)

    Please please FIFA20

  84. dlugi (26 Dec 2019, 10:31)

    been trying everything for this one. I run a 1909 build, 64-bit win10 Professional, blocked the game exe in firewall, running developer mode, MSI afterburner off (so as any applications). Tried also removing the two .exes (the MicrosoftSunriseBase files). Also tried “uninstalling” the game from start menu. Any of that did not work.
    I am wondering if I would have same problems if I’d buy the game… considering that at the moment.
    Wish You guys luck with getting it to work (those of You who can’t)

  85. David Lopez (26 Dec 2019, 10:35)

    works perfect!!! thanks!

  86. Isra (26 Dec 2019, 12:26)

    Trying to install over Win10 PRO 2004 (Developers build) with no good luck… Any clues?

  87. erdnee (26 Dec 2019, 15:56)

    my lego and fortuneisland are not working

  88. pritom (26 Dec 2019, 16:13)

    there is no install.bat file existing in the fh4 game folder?…are you talking about windows power shell and resister option @ Steven ? SkidRow.

  89. pritom (26 Dec 2019, 16:16)

    please seed guy’s low download speed . didn’t find install.bat file in game folder

  90. pritom (26 Dec 2019, 16:17)

    David Lopez please tell the install instruction .

  91. pritom (26 Dec 2019, 16:49)

    should i run install.bat through the power shell command ?..@ Steven ?……

  92. pritom (26 Dec 2019, 17:09)

    can any one please tell me from where can i run install.bat file?. i think it’s from power shell command.
    Any one please suggest ?…….

  93. Gringo (26 Dec 2019, 17:49)

    Never had a problem with skidrow games till now.

    W10 1903 , dev mode on , blocked in firewall , msi ab off, nvidia off

    I run install.bat , command is opening for 5 seconds, then…nothing is happening

    I keep the 87go for a little while if a new solution appears in the comments, if no news, then go garbage.

    Hope nothing malicious in this download….

  94. john (26 Dec 2019, 22:32)

    dosent work. dont download

  95. Easy (27 Dec 2019, 0:11)

    I got this working on a 1903 (18362.418) build.
    Move the “Forza Horizon 4” folder into the “Games” folder on your root drive and then run the ‘install.bat’ file.
    I moved saves over from another install and this release picked those up.

  96. Rada (27 Dec 2019, 1:18)

    When i modified the car and try to save the game will crash. Anyone met this problem?

  97. Nesha (27 Dec 2019, 2:50)

    Working like a charm even tried to install on HDD..

    Proof and guide 😀


  98. Metaltom68 (27 Dec 2019, 4:23)

    its work ….. online no work ! Singleplay only !

  99. xerex (27 Dec 2019, 6:16)

    ok got it to work after reading all the comments ,go to fh4 folder delete microsoft sunrisebasegame_1.377….. leave the newer one behind run install.bat goodluck

  100. finally (27 Dec 2019, 14:06)

    Tried everything in the comments it didn’t worked then I uninstalled it from the start menu and went to windows update and downloaded/installed the latest windows update (already had the version 1909 so I don’t know what it updated) after that I ran the install.bat file and launched the game from start menu, and it worked for some reason. Thanks Skid

  101. Torrents (27 Dec 2019, 14:30)

    The game does work, all you need to do is when the image of forza appears just LET THE GAME LOAD that’s it.

  102. Gringo (27 Dec 2019, 15:58)

    It is finally working great !

    I moved the file on my ssd
    The thing is after running install.bat ,
    go the the start menu,
    click on Forza4. A window appears with logo Forza4 and…
    WAIT !!!! on my ssd it takes 12seconds.then the game starts. Maybe it was working too on my hdd but had to wait longer (??) Dunno, don’t want to move this enormous file again…

    Even if it is not really my cup of tea (I’m old school and Dirt2 is still my favorite driving game ;-)) Thx to all for helping to launch this game !!Enjoy!!

  103. muxs (27 Dec 2019, 20:41)

    wont work in win 10 pro version 2004

  104. pritom (28 Dec 2019, 2:43)

    Skidrow..which folder does have the install bat.file ?

  105. pritom (28 Dec 2019, 2:49)

    i Cant find install.bat file in game folder. please specify the location

  106. Nando (28 Dec 2019, 13:41)

    Ok, it worked, but it’s falling a lot, the old version was running smooth, I updated the video card driver but it’s still crashing the game, does anyone know the solution?

  107. Nando (28 Dec 2019, 15:49)

    After several tests, in my Forza, I even started a new campaign, it crashes when I enter drift, speed, etc. Not entering these areas the game flows normal. Does anyone please know why this?

  108. name (28 Dec 2019, 19:50)

    is there any way to change the name from mr lootbox to something else?

  109. vibrate (28 Dec 2019, 22:44)

    This wouldn’t run for me until I updated Windows 10 to the latest version, then ran the /bat file again. Runs fine now except I get a full system crash every session, but that might be an issue with my GPU or CPU overheating as it also happens in RDR2 sometimes.

    But yeah, update to the very latest version of Windows 10 and try again.

  110. frotza (29 Dec 2019, 0:36)

    ran fine for a few days, now keeps crashing in menus, mostly random, but also 100% guaranteed when entering design mode or saving designs.

  111. dany (29 Dec 2019, 17:25)

    Hi guys,runs very well on intel i7 8750 ,16 gb ram,gtx 1600,crashes random when buying a car or saving desings,my drivers and updates are up to date,if anyone can help tx.

  112. venomax (30 Dec 2019, 0:17)

    guys, spent a day to install it and make it work. In case you don’ t have windows 10 1909, you won’ t be able to make it work. When it works, it crashes after about 10 to 15 minutes 🙁 I am going to buy it, really worth it

  113. frotza (30 Dec 2019, 13:01)

    @ venomax, don’t buy. same crashing issues on the legit copy.

  114. sony bleini (30 Dec 2019, 19:43)

    1 – Delete the file “Microsoft.SunriseBaseGame_1.377.172.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.exe” leaving only the file “Microsoft.SunriseBaseGame_1.380.112.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.exe”.
    2 – Hold the Left Shift on the keyboard and right-click INSIDE THE “FH4” FOLDER, click on the “Open PowerShell Window Here” option.
    3 – Paste and press Enter at the following command: “add-appxpackage AppxManifest.xml -register” (NO SHIPS!)
    4 – Repeat the same process 2 and 3 for both folders located in the “Forza Horizon 4” folder (“FH4_FortuneIsland”; “FH4_Lego”).
    5 – Now just open the game from Windows Start.

  115. MuniekaSystem (31 Dec 2019, 0:27)

    Does it work on Windows 10 Pro Build 1809?

  116. pritom (31 Dec 2019, 5:44)

    please seed guy’s …….download speed is very poor.

  117. Skooma (31 Dec 2019, 22:27)

    How to enable parental control

  118. Skooma (01 Jan 2020, 0:56)

    How to disable parental control dont let download tunnings

  119. Fernando (01 Jan 2020, 12:21)

    is there any patch or i should download all the files again and start from begin??

  120. totolab (02 Jan 2020, 12:04)

    For those who want only the update go to this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mi5dU4JpnGU

  121. amd works (02 Jan 2020, 12:47)

    Okay for me, played for over 10 hours now, no in game playing crash. BUT when I changed the car’s color or car’s hardware configurations (like changing tires), quit the menu and during its saving, the game have 60%+ of chance to crash. windows 1909, AMD cpu FX-8350; I found the install.bat file which came from the torrent game folder once download completed; enabled the developer mode in windows update settings; opened an admin-ed command windows, copied one by one the line from the install.bat to install. My Avast anti-virus will auto add (after first game run) the 1.380.exe to the firewall, so there is no need to delete the other 1.370.exe file as it never runs; and that is it, I let the game to access internet and it still can play; I also let MSI after burner running and the game still works, but I remembered when I installing the burner software, one of the on-screen feature was not installed as I won’t need it.

  122. amd works (02 Jan 2020, 12:55)

    more info: if game crash to run, first backup then delete the whole folder – Microsoft.SunriseBaseGame_8wekyb3d8bbwe
    which will delete ALL game progress and saves and let you start anew.

    to install game, just run these 3 lines, same lines from the install.bat file, it takes only a few seconds each and so make sure it tells you the command is successful at the end:

    Powershell.exe add-appxpackage FH4\AppxManifest.xml -register
    Powershell.exe add-appxpackage FH4_FortuneIsland\AppxManifest.xml -register
    Powershell.exe add-appxpackage FH4_Lego\AppxManifest.xml -register

  123. adasa (03 Jan 2020, 4:50)

    Seed pls guys, already downloaded for 2 days and still 69% with avg speed of 400 something kbps. Now it’s even worse around 100kbps.. Very sad speed for my 100mbps connection.

  124. NoNutsNoGlory (03 Jan 2020, 19:26)

    Game works perfect! (Windows 10 1909) on Ultra

    Enable Developer mode
    Run install.bat
    play from start menu

    Thats it.


  125. KADZ (04 Jan 2020, 11:08)

    Can anyone help please? I’ve already ran the bat file and tried to play from the start menu but all it does is show me a FH4 picture instead of running the game. Anyone shares the same problem as me?

  126. Rafael (05 Jan 2020, 2:55)

    I play yesterday but today when i try to play, I open the game in start menu, game runs the instant image but after it turn off

  127. unknowwn (05 Jan 2020, 10:55)

    Please, stay for seed…

  128. Enferno (05 Jan 2020, 20:26)

    I have a different problem. It states that it’s already installed, however I do NOT see the app at all. It’s not on my start menu or inside the app’s manager. It’s like it’s not installed, but whenever I click on the install.bat it say’s it is. Here’s a picture: https://ibb.co/8myGQKS

    I don’t know how to uninstall or reinstall it as I get the same message every time. Is there a way to remove it and reinstall it? Or perhaps get it to show up on the start menu?

  129. xk9p9 (06 Jan 2020, 0:15)

    I play once but when i left the game and go play again, the game start and instantanly shut down.
    Anyone have solution for it?

  130. Kenzo (06 Jan 2020, 1:22)

    For who’s asking game runs just fine on build 1909 18363.535
    For it, just enable developer mode and run a standard Command Prompt (Admin), navigate to FH4 folder and run the 3 lines from install.bat (right click and choose “Edit”).
    For some reason didn’t work in mine Power Shell here.
    Tested on build 2004 19041.1 too and didn’t work. Game window closes after few seconds.

  131. Daniel (06 Jan 2020, 17:05)

    Hey guys, how to install on 19041 version of win10?

  132. Enferno (06 Jan 2020, 22:10)

    I posted about 4 posts up with a picture showing my problem. Does ANYONE know how to remove the AppxManifest.xml through powershell or regedit? I cannot figure out how to remove it so that I can add it back because it’s not showing up on my start menu or in apps & features.

    It say’s that I already have it installed and therefore I cannot re-install it (Please see my picture posted about 4 posts up).

    I seriously cannot play this game due to this. I even redownloaded the ENTIRE 87 gigs and it still say’s it’s installed and cannot be reinstalled. I read several links on how to reg remove apps, but everything I type in doesn’t remove it.

  133. julio (06 Jan 2020, 22:51)

    @Enferno, enable the developer mode, works here

  134. JustChillz (07 Jan 2020, 4:12)

    Ummmm does the dlc only include the new cars? I thought it included the lego and fortune island expansion, which directs me to the microsoft store when i try to start it…. I’m bummed out now cause i finished fh4 but only reinstalled cause it said all dlc

  135. pritom (07 Jan 2020, 11:58)

    works fine no dought..i mean no dought. condition is must have windows 10 pro 1909 ….
    install step has one missing step.
    1.Enable developer mode first.
    2.Run Install.bat file.
    3.Delete older Microsoft sunrisebase game file in FH4 Folder,and keep the newer one.
    4.run from start menu done.(After running the game you disable developer mode and back to the default one. What install.bat does is same as running power shell and register appmanifex file,they did provide the install.bat file to make this app install process hastle free.)
    (most of the time they skidrow keep less information about install process and that makes us annoyed.)
    (Remmember-don’t expect to run this game without win 10 pro 1909 ver. complaining without having this version is meaningless which is also mentioned in the install process.)
    (I’m running win 10 pro 1909 ver.and running is even not an issue. Good Luck Guy’s)

  136. CLOSE AFTERBURNER!! (08 Jan 2020, 23:53)


  137. FH4 (09 Jan 2020, 12:24)

    How to disable parental controls?

  138. Solomon Samuelraj I (09 Jan 2020, 19:30)

    Works as it is said…follow the steps correctly…it needs windows 1903 or 1909 .

  139. amd works (10 Jan 2020, 5:12)

    I ran the old version, used the +6 trainers, got all the ForzaEdition cars (from wheelspin) and max the CR and max the perks (so now I got lots of wheelspins and peaks for any cars), then backup the save files, uninstall the old game version, install this new version, played till I got the first car (audi TT coupe), then quit and copy the game save, so now I got the new game version running with the old save… I also got two preorder cars in the garage (it has the word ‘preorder’ in the car’s name)… game runs on the latest windows and amd fx cpu and has fortune island and Lego (have to travel their locations in the map to start it, once started then could use menu to fast travel), and got a james bond car (did not check the other new cars); if crash on starting screen, once game started don’t press any key till the hard disk lights slow down then press the enter to continue the game; if crash on tuning/mod the cars, turn off these three settings may help a bit (in gameplay settings, off the drivatar design and player designs and online event notification)

  140. Acseed (10 Jan 2020, 18:38)

    Guys. You have to update your windows to 1903/1909 versions. i had before 1809 and didnt work at all. no i upgraded to 1909 and it works fine. Btw. my game starts only from Anti-Crash Launcher.bat
    Have fun playing it guys 😉

  141. ZFG (11 Jan 2020, 6:41)

    I have developer mode enabled, but when I run install.bat it says the following
    “add-appxpackage : Cannot find path ‘C:\WINDOWS\system32\FH4\Appxmanifest.xml’ because it does not exist.
    At line:1 char:1
    + add-appxpackage FH4\Appxmanifest.xml -register
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound (C:\WINDOWS\system32\FH4\Appxmanifest.xml:string) [Add-AppxPackage], ItemNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorID : PathNotFound,Microsoft.Windows.Appx.PackageManager.Commands.AddAppxPackageCommand”
    It says the same thing for the other, it just changes FH4 to FH4_FortuneIsland

    Can anyone help me with this?

  142. jake (11 Jan 2020, 15:27)

    lol all the people saying windows 10 no thanks well a lot of new pc now don’t surrport seven and shit so ur all stuck on dusty ass i5s lol upgrade u readnecks if you have a decent computer windows 10 is easy and smooth but clearly trying to run an upto date os on a dust i5 lol u gunna have problems

  143. chriszz (11 Jan 2020, 16:47)

    apparently there are downloading issues, previously I managed to download the file from torrent but faced installation issues, bummer! Now, downloaded the file through torrent once again but wasn’t able to finish as “some files were missing” if I recall correctly, had to remove the torrrent file then:’) welp!

  144. Steven (12 Jan 2020, 8:57)


    guys if u run Install.bat and close fast (but u notice red text), that mean u have an old version of forza in ur computer, go to start menu and write “Forza” click right and uninstall. then go install ur current forza from install.bat

  145. J (12 Jan 2020, 21:13)

    Took forever to download, not enough seeders. Installs fine, but didn’t want to load the start screen.

  146. Nox (13 Jan 2020, 17:47)

    Sony Bleini : Thank you,that worked for me !

  147. Chuckles (14 Jan 2020, 5:44)

    when trying to install i get a “DeploymentError,Microsoft.Windows.Appx.PackageManager.Commands.AddAppxPackageCommand” error i believe its looking in my C drive as well for the files but i have them all in my D drive any advice or help?

  148. Ian (14 Jan 2020, 21:20)

    This is not working at all, nor either FH3. The same crashes, and I tried literally dozens of “fixes”. This game is not properly cracked or… i don’t know. I’m so pissed off for losing my time…

  149. yiwa83 (15 Jan 2020, 5:07)

    #install.tab# not work ….

  150. BFoX (17 Jan 2020, 18:25)

    If you have AVAST like me, go to AVAST settings – troubleshooting – Enable Passive Mode, worked for me. Also, another tip is for DOLBY users to disable it. Enjoy the game.

  151. Thorkyll Markey (18 Jan 2020, 13:14)

    Game keeps getting stuck after the first minutes of gameplay

  152. dale (19 Jan 2020, 11:09)

    Not working today after windows update. anyone else have same problem?

  153. pritom (20 Jan 2020, 14:00)

    Dale don’t forget to turn off auto update in windows 10. This crap windows forcing update is destroying everything…and those who is having issue in installing the game, that mean’s
    go to start menu.
    type forza
    right click and unistall it.
    then try to install again using install.bat file
    follow my steps in the comment section previous.
    then you’r good to go.
    don’t forget this game works only on Windows 10 ver 1903 and 1909.
    Updating windows 10 means not only just destroying the game, also other working apps and program’s.
    guy’s I’m poor, i updated my pc spending more than 3 thousand dollar, and now it is impossible to buy game like this. Microsoft is forcing to update because they want to destroy the running game so you are forced to buy the game windows shit…
    I get it microsoft..give me back my 3 thousand dollar and i’m going to buy evey game released and published by you..you stupid Microsoft Owner.

  154. demongaming (22 Jan 2020, 12:44)

    please help

    i get this

    add-appxpackage : Deployment failed with HRESULT: 0x80073CFB, The provided package is already installed,
    and reinstallation of the package was blocked. Check the AppXDeployment-Server event log for details.
    Another user has already installed an unpackaged version of this app. The current user cannot replace this with a
    packaged version. The conflicting package is Microsoft.SunriseBaseGame and it was published by CN=Microsoft
    Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US.
    NOTE: For additional information, look for [ActivityId] 91a32167-d120-0002-4330-a39120d1d501 in the Event Log or use
    the command line Get-AppPackageLog -ActivityID 91a32167-d120-0002-4330-a39120d1d501
    At line:1 char:1
    + add-appxpackage FH4\AppxManifest.xml -register
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : ResourceExists: (D:\Downloads\Do…ppxManifest.xml:String) [Add-AppxPackage], PSInvalidO
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : DeploymentError,Microsoft.Windows.Appx.PackageManager.Commands.AddAppxPackageCommand

    someone know what i can do here?

  155. bad (22 Jan 2020, 18:47)

    how to buy the EVOs?
    says “need to access marketplace”

  156. The Dude (23 Jan 2020, 6:36)

    I guess it should be noted that it’s important to download the files to your HDD or SSD that windows 10 is installed on otherwise the .bat file will screw up trying to setup an install path and just close. I made the mistake of downloading the files to my storage HDD and ran into trouble. took an hour and 40 mins out of my life to transfer from that ancient thing XD

  157. SoHaiL (24 Jan 2020, 6:50)

    For Those of you getting Deployment errors while executing install.bat.

    1.Uninstall ForzaHorizon 4 from start menu and reboot.
    2.Place Forza Horizon 4 folder in Windows installed drive (Most probably C: Drive)
    3.Take the ownership of the folder Guide>>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7OJx70jjpc&t=341s

  158. Foxx (24 Jan 2020, 10:55)

    FOR ALL WHO CAN RUN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  159. Dom (26 Jan 2020, 0:22)

    Reading all the comments, i did not have the problem with the installation. Ive managed to installed it very easily following the instructions.

    I entered the game, started playing the intro mission and everything was fine untile i came to the part where im chosing the starting car. I choosed and had to start to playing (free roaming) and then my game crashes.

    Everytime i start the game normally, when have to get going, game crashes.

    Anyone know how to fix that?

  160. Ulf (26 Jan 2020, 2:57)

    Keep crashing, very annoying.

  161. Zemog (26 Jan 2020, 13:22)

    Does anybody know why it keeps crashing ?
    I searched for information but all I found is Afterburner could be the cause and I am not using in.
    I also found using multiple monitors could be a problem, but I only use one, so it is not the main cause.
    It opens the game, shows the splash and then it closes and never starts. I have tried other FH but none of them work for me.

  162. Monk (26 Jan 2020, 18:58)

    Also tried every f**ing hint in this comments…. nothing of it works. Crashes at Intro Video. Might be the best to buy it ! :/

  163. mawpa (27 Jan 2020, 21:46)

    how can i get ford crown victoria police interceptor?

  164. Dom (28 Jan 2020, 20:44)

    Finally, it is working. After successful installation, game crashed after leaving the garage. Managed to fix it by deleting all .dlls which dont belong to FH4 folder (like msvcp140_app.dll, vcruntime_app140.dll, vccorlib_140.dll, concrt_140.dll)

  165. jas (30 Jan 2020, 0:07)

    how to install

  166. sam (02 Feb 2020, 17:35)

    hello DEVS i am from india and i need the “Anthem” game pleas

  167. 90gb failure (03 Feb 2020, 1:25)

    i did the bat aswell then i deleted the old exe and after that i also did the firewall blocking .it doesnt work

  168. ledion bendaj (05 Feb 2020, 18:20)

    i have all required and still dosent open the install bat … some help

  169. Kelvin Koa (07 Feb 2020, 17:23)

    Can’t buy the Mitsubishi cars, says failed to download required marketplace data. Any solution for this? Really wanna try the EVOs man.

  170. krama (09 Feb 2020, 5:07)

    can i play the game with ps4 or xbox wired controller ?

  171. psycho (09 Feb 2020, 18:22)

    @krama yes

  172. psycho (09 Feb 2020, 18:24)

    you need to install the DLC’s I think

  173. Manish Bhattacharya (11 Feb 2020, 19:34)

    Do I have to turn off antivirus for this Case?
    or, and add exe file in firewall?
    please help me

  174. MArco (12 Feb 2020, 0:21)

    Have done all as required, and game crashes afret the video
    When i press start crash!
    At the beginning error
    FH203 unsupported graphic card… but no all recent drivers updates everything card can run it very good… Nvidia GTX 670m i7 Asus ROG….
    FH301 update drivers… I have the most recent ones….

  175. SomeoneJoining (13 Feb 2020, 11:53)

    For the people crashing:
    First of all, assure that you are actually running windows on 1903 or 1909, ffs.
    Typ into your searchbar (press Windows-Button once):
    Check for the Version and Build.

    Secondly, disable overlay or framelimiter applications like NVIDIA’s new FPS limiter (disable that one!), Riva Stat Tuner (RTSS) or any other tool! This is a common mistake.
    PS: I also had some issues in the past about SSD-Info Displaying tools from Samsung Magician (called something like that) which prevented me from playing GTA, Forza and other games for some unknown reason.

    And at last, this game version sucks. It is constantly crashing during initiating car modification, painting, tuning, also crashing on saving from modification, car purchase, paint saving, tune saving, even on the bloody loadingscreen at the very beginning.

    v1.33X.XXX.X was way more stable than this PoS.

  176. nofokiller75 (14 Feb 2020, 10:40)

    le jeux ce bloque a 31.1% avec le lien uptobox ne pas télécharge ce liens

  177. nofokiller75 (14 Feb 2020, 10:54)

    mise a jours Osb79



    j’ai tester 100% ok

  178. prlp (14 Feb 2020, 15:51)

    i ran install then what???

  179. nofokiller75 (15 Feb 2020, 2:29)


    Required version: 1.380.112.2

    make a copy of your savegame. (C:\Users\your user name\AppData\Local\Packages\ Microsoft.SunriseBaseGame_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\SAVES)

    uninstall FH4 from the start menu.

    Delete the Microsoft.SunriseBaseGame_1.380.112.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.exe file

    apply the 1.383.263.2 update.

    enable developer mode.

    run install.bat

    * FH4
    * FH4_FortuneIsland
    * FH4_Lego
    * install.bat

    launch FH4 from the start menu.

    FH4_1.383.263.2.sfv to put in the FH4 folder for checked files. Lootbox crack included in the sfv.



    Required version: 1.383.263.2

    make a copy of your savegame. (C:\Users\your user name\AppData\Local\Packages\ Microsoft.SunriseBaseGame_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\SAVES)

    uninstall FH4 from the start menu.

    Delete the Microsoft.SunriseBaseGame_1.383.263.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.exe file

    apply the 1.393.315.2 update.

    enable developer mode.

    run install.bat

    * FH4
    * FH4_FortuneIsland
    * FH4_Lego
    * install.bat

    launch FH4 from the start menu.

    FH4_1.393.315.2.sfv to put in the FH4 folder for checked files. Lootbox crack included in the sfv.

    ps: the name of your game folder must be Forza Horizon 4 to be sure that the update installs correctly.
    rename it if it is not the right name.

  180. paulobraveheart (17 Feb 2020, 22:07)

    this game are very good.
    but this versions bring many problems in windows.
    after some time,the windows became to have instable problems.
    the game deserve the money spend,in i original copy of the game.
    i wont to say thanks to all the people o make this copy.
    but i give up, to have this versions because of the errors,and another thinks i have here with the game.

  181. gyurcimurci (19 Feb 2020, 17:15)

    Skidrow , forza today got a hotfix for crash on press enter menu version 1.396.104.2
    can u add it ?

  182. Drakky (25 Feb 2020, 16:56)

    Is it for me or what. Game when i enter to second season writes game content is missing or corrupt? any help?

  183. someone (25 Feb 2020, 17:11)

    I’d like to thank “amd works” for his/her answer posted on Jan 02, disabling those three options did it for me!! XD

  184. xaaal (29 Feb 2020, 0:21)

    game nor running how lanch after install ???

  185. Crow (02 Mar 2020, 12:38)

    xaaal on search menu, search forza horizon 4. enable developer mode on your pc first

  186. tombur (03 Mar 2020, 22:24)

    Seasons dont change after this week something gone wrong any help ?

  187. Noviceex (04 Mar 2020, 11:49)

    Plsss add the Supra update

  188. nikos (08 Mar 2020, 17:39)

    For those having problem when running the install.bat, that the package is already installed, but you cannot see the app on windows, open windows powershell and use the Remove-AppxPackage command(https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/appx/remove-appxpackage?view=win10-ps). You can find the package name of forza and its expansions using regedit

  189. Crow (09 Mar 2020, 8:29)

    is the latest version will be uploaded?

  190. AndreiAL (11 Mar 2020, 8:46)

    i have an error : it says missing title update and tell me to update the game from xbox live

  191. Lawrence (16 Mar 2020, 18:02)

    How do install and run the game on windows 10 enterprise edition version 2004?

  192. CvendaCZ (17 Mar 2020, 16:47)

    this is how I got it to work … enabled developer options in Windows 10, renamed game folder from “Forza Horizon 4″ to Forza_Horizon_4” (so that the CMD can “get into” that folder, it doesnt like spaces between words), run install.bat (you may also have to run the scripts manually in PowerShell-“cd C:/GAMES/Forza_Horizon_4” (my game folder) and then those 3 commands “add-appxpackage FH4\AppxManifest.xml -register” “add-appxpackage FH4_FortuneIsland\AppxManifest.xml -register”
    “add-appxpackage FH4_Lego\AppxManifest.xml -register”), restarted PC, turned off MSI afterburner + Rivatunner, and the game works

  193. Morimoto (20 Mar 2020, 16:27)

    I can’t play the game. It crashes every time I press enter to start. I have w10 build 1909…
    Can anyone help?

  194. ori (21 Mar 2020, 16:25)

    Guys , Try to install nvidia drivers version 431.60 , it worked for me , so far no more crashes 😉

    ( your welcome ^^ )

  195. Koszyk (22 Mar 2020, 13:22)

    How to disable parental controls? I can’t paint my car with online skins

  196. Nobody (24 Mar 2020, 15:57)

    Keep crash when change car color

  197. RandomGuy (25 Mar 2020, 7:50)

    The “install.bat” is not working keeps on crashing what should i do? please help me

  198. kist (29 Mar 2020, 11:26)

    when i launch the game, the game don’t open

  199. Nadir (31 Mar 2020, 22:42)

    Is it Working on windows 10 pro 1803 or 1903
    I need answer

  200. David Lopez (01 Apr 2020, 9:53)

    Nadir. see the install instructions….
    it’s obvious!!!!

  201. Fanz (01 Apr 2020, 13:23)

    Sir Skidrow will go down as a in the history of internet , computer and gaming

  202. Çokomelli (01 Apr 2020, 17:47)

    If MSI AfterBurner is open. Try close and start again. 🙂

  203. jokerr (05 Apr 2020, 8:19)

    doesnt work ,there is no any .bat file…

  204. Kev (06 Apr 2020, 21:08)

    Moi rien de tout cela fonctionne malgré que j’ai tout essayé je ne comprend pas pourquoi si quelqu’un peut m’aidez

  205. KillaGorilla911 (09 Apr 2020, 0:22)

    Hi Guys can you guys please seed. My game at 98.2% before completion. PLEASE SEEEEEED I BEG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  206. redpanda (15 Apr 2020, 9:15)

    v1.409.350.2 is already out. Just saying.

    And again, a reminder: Disable RTSS (MSI’s Riva Tuning Statistic Server) or add the forza executable to the list and change the detection level to “None”, if your game doesn’t start at all.

  207. Hellreaiser4u (15 Apr 2020, 12:17)

    Will it run on windows ver 2004?? I am having the same issue the game never launches, msi afterburner is not running in background.

  208. redpanda (16 Apr 2020, 13:00)

    @Hellreaiser4u You have to try it. I am still on v1909 and it works perfectly (sure), but would also like to know it before updating my OS.

  209. Nikola (16 Apr 2020, 19:38)

    Hi can someone pls help me when i open the game it crashes on the loading screen i have 1903 version of windows and also good specs so it can run the game

  210. Hellraiser4u (21 Apr 2020, 12:11)

    I have just installed windows 10 v1909 and games works perfect!!

  211. Marius (21 Apr 2020, 16:37)

    Foarte tare .. chiar merge .. fara glume.

  212. davor (22 Apr 2020, 15:18)

    every time i i press continue the game crashes if some knows pls help

  213. barney (24 Apr 2020, 5:06)

    i did every thing sed in the internet to fix the launch crash issue. i uninstall and re-install and even update Sunrisebasegame file also anti virus firewall etc i did all but no relief! i also did windows update from 1909 i also revert it to 1903 but also no avail! i even got to the point to reformat my pc and do it the installation again and again and FUCKING AGAIN!!!! NOTHING STILL NOTHING LAUNCH CRASH ERROR FUCKING SHIT!!!!

  214. ruby (01 May 2020, 10:46)

    shit man I thought this would work for Windows 10 2004. I should have not downloaded it….LOOTBOX please fix this…so we can download patch & play….we have already downloaded this game

  215. Srgent (03 May 2020, 15:40)

    .bat not working , he launch cmd , install , but after nothing

  216. Srgent (03 May 2020, 18:36)

    don’t work , stop make a fake com

  217. COSMIC (14 May 2020, 18:44)


  218. Shushu (16 May 2020, 12:49)

    where is the Launcher ? i already run the install.bat, all good, but now, i didn’t see the Launcher

  219. cicciuzzu (02 Jun 2020, 8:46)

    Funziona benissimo per il momento

  220. la30 (02 Jun 2020, 9:36)

    Anyone knows how to update pls healp HOW TO UPDATE ?????

  221. Maik (06 Jun 2020, 15:56)

    does not open the Install in folder.it says

    add-appxpackage : Cannot find path ‘C:\Windows\system32\FH4\AppxManifest.xml’ because it does not exist.
    At line:1 char:1

  222. Alex Souza (13 Jul 2020, 4:15)

    Is not possible to install this game in another HD? i use a 120gb ssd, need to use a extern hd.

  223. anzu (19 Aug 2020, 13:02)

    is missing several DLL files in order to properly run the game.

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