The fate of the world is in your hands. New and old enemies threaten the peace you worked so ..
The fate of the world is in your hands. New and old enemies threaten the peace you worked so hard to achieve 24 years ago. Your search for the Alpha Ceph continues, but this time you’ll also need to expose the truth behind the C.E.L.L. corporation. It won’t be easy, but your Nanosuit helps you clear a path to victory.
Title: Crysis 3
Genre: Action, Adventure
Release Date: 22 February 2013
• Crysis 3 is from 2013, but we decided to release it now, with a proper crack. It’ll run better on your 2015 PC anyhow 😉
• This is the latest/last version of the game (Patch6_20130730). Enjoy.
Size: 14.1 GB
• OS : Windows Vista (SP2), Windows 7 (SP1) or Windows 8
• CPU : 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo / 2.7 GHz AMD Athlon 64X2
• RAM : At least 2 GB / 3 GB for Windows Vista
• DISC DRIVE : DVD ROM drive required for installation only
• HARD DRIVE : At least 17 GB of free space
• VIDEO : DirectX 11 graphics card with 1 GB Video RAM or better / NVidia GTS 450 or AMD Radeon HD5770
• DirectX : DirectX 11 required
• INPUT : Keyboard and mouse, or dual analog controller
• ONLINE CONNECTION REQUIREMENTS : 256 KBPS or faster Internet connection
• OS : Windows Vista (SP2), Windows 7 (SP1) or Windows 8
• CPU : 2.4 GHz Intel Core i5-750 / 2.7 GHz AMD Phenom II X4 805
• RAM : At least 4 GB
• DISC DRIVE : DVD ROM drive required for installation only
• HARD DRIVE : At least 17 GB of free space
• VIDEO : DirectX 11 graphics card with 1 GB Video RAM or better / NVidia GTX560 or AMD Radeon HD5870
• DirectX : DirectX 11 required
• INPUT : Keyboard and mouse, or dual analog controller
• ONLINE CONNECTION REQUIREMENTS : 256 KBPS or faster Internet connection
Finally the latest one 😀
focking bitchs
thanks great team of all time
Hi , I’m new on this page , I wanted to ask, if this or any other game able play multiplayer ?
hola soy nuevo y queria saber si descargo este u otro juego, si puedo jugar online
hi the setup file opens ..but the problem is when i select english as installer language and click next it shows a error msg reading incorrect function
i use win 10
so pls help reply
Se intala bien, pero a la hora de arrancar el juego me salta el error: “failed to initialize rld.dll e1103” y no me deja iniciar el juego
Malware in Setup.exe
The game does not work. Whenever I enter “Resume Campaign”, it shows: Crysis3.exe has stopped working. The BlackBox version however, works completely fine.
my antivirus detected the installer as a trojan?. is this false +?
Game does not work. Crashes at loading screen.
After I download the game I cant run setup I clicked on it milion times and nothing happened, same happened to my friend, pls fix it, thanks.
thanks to this mate. i admire your work.! THUMBS UP!
dont Work
its not working/ pleas help
i have copied the crack after the installation but its writing me “1103 eror,the dinamic lybrary failed to iniitialized”
pls upload only setup.exe file pls pls pls
Yeah… I got the same issue. rld.dll problems occurred after the warning message of xinput1_3.dll.
After those warning persist, the game will crash on start showing the error ‘ Crysis 3 has stopped working’
tiene virus yo me lo e descargado y me detecta troyanos lol la primera vez k me encuentro eso n esa pagina mirarlo y cuando este solucionado avisar
Multplayer Work ???
i have a problem with launching the game.When ever i open it needs the origin to play it and i havent got the game code to play it there.How can i play it without origin?
Okay so the rdl.dll file is the only thing giving an issue as it is failing to initialize when starting the game after copying the crack. Any solutions or is the file the problem ?
Thanks in advance.
thank you so so so much ,, because of this only setup I’am able to play this fantastic game, I have downloaded this game from many sites it’s my 5 th download that finally works I’am so happy…..
Push play and I always write Crysis 3 has stop working, can someone help me please, I really want to play it!
umm …
all link unless torrent has broke ?
can someone share crack only ?
i’ve downlaod this game 5 days, after instaled it, i deleted it before copy crack -_-
please someone help me.
Plz upload a 100% working Crysis 3 it’s not working in most of the pcs errors are as follows: 1. When installing it has a Trojan virus in it. It doesn’t opens at first 3. After completing first level it crashes and it happens again and again. Plz find a fix or upload a new one which is working 100%.Thanku very much!
I mount and click on setup.exe and NOTHING happens. Please help!
does this come with crack?
i need rar password to install please….
fix this link dude, all dead link fvck
Perfect game still 😀 on 4k 1080ti SLI even better 🙂
Did anyone find a working Crysis 3 yet, mine also bom out after the first stage. Has this one been fixed since April 2017?
i have the same problem i fixed mi direct x11 but always continue appear directx11 i need can u help me ?
the setup file is not working it says it might be a virus
says origin is required plz help
Unable to open archive file
I downloaded ISO torrent, it doesnt work.Wants to Origin (Key) and it doesnt include crack… 🙁
is setup file is virus. because my antivirus catch it
hi, i instaled the game but got an error on extracting files part25 and part26. and now the rain and fog display in cubes, any help with this problem, like uploading a separate rar torrent so that just the corupted parts can be downloaded would be grate. thanks
came with trojan generic and trojan downloader.gen…so better run a virus check before installation
the setup file couldn’t work. it says there’s virus in it, while I’m already disabled my antivirus….Help
can you add the direct x 10 patch by skidrow, its nowhere to be found on the internet
Game working 100% i7 3770+ GTX1070 on win10!
wat s the name of the installation song pls?????
with trojan nice 🙂
A: you know how cracks work ? you know many AV blocked crack with false alert, anyway you can buy the game which is the best option for you.
It’s not a virus, it’s a crack for a game!
If you are gonna flood every single torrent page with “there is virus in it” you better ask your mommy for money to buy games.
2021 lets gooo
is this really the latest version? i need this to use the recent mod enabler and i hate having to resort to opening up origin to mod crysis 3