In ‘n Verlore Verstand you will be transported to a reality of dreams and nightmares…
In ‘n Verlore Verstand you will be transported to a reality of dreams and nightmares. What will you discover about yourself in this journey through the subconscious? In these realms of the unknown, you must travel through labyrinths of memories to eventually find your way to your own truth.
Title: ‘n Verlore Verstand
Genre: Adventure, Casual, Indie
Developer: Skobbejak Games
Publisher: Skobbejak Games
Release Date: 1 Feb, 2016
PROPER Notes: The x64 version of the SKIDROW release crashes when pressing space during the game. And you need to press the spacebar in order to jump.
n Verlore Verstand PROPER-PLAZA
Size: 2.7 GB
Vielen Dank!!!
Na da schlaf ich lieber, als sowas langweiliges zu spielen!
Mehr Vitamine geben Kraft für n Verstand 😀
Looks interesting, I´ll give it a try
n verstand haben momentan ziemlich viele leute verloren! – da hat sogar
dieses game mehr davon! grüße an die deutschen gamer!
da muss man ganz schön verzweifelt sein sowas zu spielen….
boar, dieser völlig müllige horrormist! Hört endlich auf damit!
Jungs, ihr habts ja voll druff 🙂
Das ist nicht Deutsch, sondern Niederländisch!
Frau antje oranje aan mijn lijf
For those wondering…
‘n Verlore Verstand roughly translates to “A Lost Mind”.
It’s Afrikaans.
No options other then key or controller setting. Which means i can only play boxed!!!
Alt+Enter for fullscreen
Can’t change resolution either.
@PS, Thanks man…Alt+Enter indeed fixed the issue. Kind a feeling stupid at the moment. But i can fix that……….
@Will and the german speaking warriors….what’s up with the phenomenon, i mean like in… that uh, ar u still being hounted with the; i’ll be back/Ich komme wieder oder zurück? Seriously, is that still working for you these days? And with all due respect, but that sh*t would drive me nuts.
For the record, what/were/why i’m babbling about….just use (semi) english peeps. It’s kind off annoying when you visit pages and like in my case, i a’m just being to dumb to press alt and enter….uhhhh, ok it’s fixed and i’m happy with a decent readable for all answer ……….. but ok…blablabla, im drunk and i’m fucking annoyed with german/french and spanish languagelazynessassholes. Let’s do the community thing and skip the, hey it sounds german or….whatever, i mean it spoils almost the game. Now i’ve got the feeling im booting up a big turd with sertain groups of shit eating fly’s onit.
Last but not least, indeed its a duo in south africa, not from, like the dev’ers(no im not being racist, racists are fucking stupid…i mean, fuck i dont have the time for that shit but be real, africans are like uh not white). So that doesn’t make it soutern african’s. The correct pronouncement is, i lost my damned mind…uh ownoo i mean and yeah ok i lost my …….. but it’s IT”S DUTCH, the roots i mean. Verstand verloren!
Don’t agree, think about it! Im acting like a complete moran/asshole and i’m dutch.
Ok geintje, im joking………ff mijn grens opzoeken/seeking the boundries/frontiers…but that’s only towards people from germany/spain and froufrafrance….seriously, got to/must hate those fuckers.
Hello World……NO NOH NEIN SCHEISE, hallo welt, hola mundo, pruttiprupu….fuckers :’)
Nu graag verder lullen in het engels. Want echt, kanker irritant die luie klote kuil gravende verkeersopstoppende kut duitsers, schijt stieren mishandelende kut spanjaarden met hun flikker pakkjes aan en die bloeblouebluahwaprietiepriteprupra atitude de merde fransozen met hun kut lange broodjes en klote stink kaas en dan begin ik niet eens over die kut voertuigen. Nasynchoroniserend egoistisch peopvolk…doe ff normaal.
finally!! A game in my language!
this game is awesome, but, wen u play, it crash wen u jump, i mean, wen u press bar to jump… the game crash and quit to desktop windows :S