The Netherlands have a foundation of unique, indigenous, units such as the YP-408 and…
The Netherlands have a foundation of unique, indigenous, units such as the YP-408 and the YP-104 that are joined by the Korps Marinier and the Special Forces unit, KCT. Most nations buy foreign gear second hand and often obsolete, but the Netherlands has access to some of the best units that other countries have to offer like the Leopard 2 and the AH-64 Escort.
Title: Wargame Red Dragon Nation Pack Netherlands
Genre: Strategy
Developer: Eugen Systems
Release Date: 19 May, 2016
Note: Game is made standalone, fully updated and featuring all to date released DLC + Expansions.
Language.Changer-TiNYiSO { Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download }
Wargame Red Dragon Nation Pack Netherlands-TiNYiSO
Size: 16.5 GB
Netherlands??!! Are you kidding me? Those guys will run away at the first sign of trouble. Just look at the second world war where they worked with the Nazis and at Africa in modern times where they ran away and allowed many thousands of people to be slaughtered. If you doubt then just google and see for yourself. The Dutch are gutless wimps .. maybe that’s why they try to get better technology so they can bomb people from an armchair while pulling their dicks.
@JigAJig You forgot to take your medicine today ?
they used to be great , but that was a few century’s ago jigajig , nowaday’s there just bound to many and strickt rules , and there army is also poor , when they go on training they now have to shout pang pang instead of actually shooting a round.
the netherlands have done amazing thinks like they where the only country that stoped the german blitzkrieg and yes they worked with the germans but there where a lot of resistance fighters and alot of them helped the allieds at operation market garden
lol nato games, lol
JigAJig have you ever read a history book? if you just go a few pages back, you see the duch were once a powerful nation, and the only ones who kicked the english on there own soil and took something from their flag ship in a heavenly guarded harbor,
@JagIJag lmao
How do I actually download this game?
Okay I found the torrent link. BTW, how do I know that I’m not going to download a virus?
Link down direct : http://paste2.org/jkkfexOp
The game has the ultimate patch?
lol martijn get your facts straight , the netherlands dident stop the german blitzkrieg , they even got ran over quicker then belgium (18days) netherlands 15 days , and operation market garden was a failure for the allies 😉
skirimish bug…
There is no bug in Skirmish mode
we stopped the german blitzkrieg at fortress kornwerderzand and the dutch had to surrender because the germans had bomb Rotterdam and they where threaten to bomb Amsterdam to and the failure of operation market garden was that a allied officer took they battle plans to the front line and he was killed and the germans found these plans
Guys, let’s not be deluding ourselves now. The Netherlands are weak, ill-trained, ill supplied and continue to not be involved in world affairs. If anything, their military is one of the worst in Europe and their accomplishments weren’t even great (unless you count murdering half of the Britain and causing one of the largest mass rape incidents in history by Denmark). It was only after they converted to Christianity did they start to become decent and it was mainly Sweden that continued to awe the world (which was a few centuries ago). Nowadays, trying to say that the Netherlands is powerful is a joke. They are as weak as Canada (if not, weaker).
@IdiotsDebatingHistoryOnAVideoGamesWebsite <<< Just fuckin read that. nobody is going to give a 1/4 Fuck about your opinion of history on this fucking website. Just download the fucking game and play it. for the sake of my amusement i hope you get a fucking virus.
all these salty little kids talking bad about the Netherlands so funny to read
Anyway to download the DLC Alone?
well, they got weed
i have an error “connection to steam client failed”
anyone please tell me what to do
i need a crack plz
Sometimes I got freeze during gameplay, especially 2v2 and more
funny how you see the netherlands there great big countrys ask netherland help to build dams and more only some poeple look only at how strong you fist are that is not the only strengt there is. netherlands have ties with the usa china and more learn youre stuff first before you talk ( not including english grammer)
Funny how you see alot of people reacts into a baiter commentator.
@JigAJig Next time, don’t post an offending comment, Because there are alot of people with different countries visits this site.
This TinyISO just keeps taking me to the Steam page where you can buy the game. False crack everybody.
guys where is the crack
Game isn’t running! MSVCP110.dll not found
i want to play this game with my friend on tunngle or any dedicated server but i cant since he ask for cd key can you find a solution to this?
so i can by anyway even maybe lan if needed play with my friend?