TWW II The Shadow And The Blade-C0000005
The Shadow & The Blade is the latest Legendary Lords Pack for Total War….
The Shadow & The Blade is the latest Legendary Lords Pack for Total War: WARHAMMER II. Introducing Malus Darkblade and Deathmaster Snikch both with their own objectives, mechanics, units and playstyle.
Title: TWW II The Shadow And The Blade
Genre: Action, Strategy
Release Date: 12 Dec, 2019
Credit to: C000005
Support the software developers. BUY IT!
NOTES: This release is updated to latest update (13 Jan) and includes all previous updates
and DLCs released.
and DLCs released.
TWW II The Shadow And The Blade-C0000005
Size: 58 GB
- OS: Windows 7 64Bit
- Processor: Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 3.0Ghz
- Memory: 5 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 460 1GB | AMD Radeon HD 5770 1GB | Intel HD4000 @720p
- DirectX: Version 11
- Storage: 60 GB available space
TWW II The Shadow And The Blade-C0000005
1. Extract
2. Play!
1. Extract
2. Play!
Posted by
GJ, I encountered a problem, when a city evolves to level 3, it adds a hero to its garrison, who bugs the city. It is not possible to move, kill or even select this hero, if there is something in the radius of the city, it is unable to move and the city cannot be attacked or colonize nor respaw lords or anything.
Lingue?come cambiare language, if possible
in what language is this?
i play the game 2 days and today this error: couldn’t load the crack dll ,help pls!
A: because ur AV removed crack file. anyway this is crack only
add exclusions to prevent ur AV from removing crack files.
how change language ? its posible ?
DLC locked
pls unlocker
does include repanse de lyonesse?
Anyone found a fix for the crashing when loading battle problem? unplayable atm…
Everyone has crashes?
1º thx for help i try the crack but the same error could’t load the crack dll
i try to dowload again but this is the 3 time.. but thx anyway
the game crashes in the second battle that i did
i am also crashing when i go into batles
The game works fine, just make sure to add exclusivity to the crack because Anti-Virus services tend to quarantine it, even the Windows Defender.
PS: If the game crashes before loading a battle, chances are you either do not meet system requirements and/or you need to experiment with your graphic settings, could be RAM related.
So yeah, tl;dr
Ryzen 2700x
Gtx 1080 SLI
32gb ram
1TB m.2 ssd
i think i meet the system requirements but ill try lowering the settings and see if it fixes the crashing when loading battles issue ill update you guys when i try all the settings.
Thanks for this release, Just a quick question, the main menu says the game is modded, is it really ? and what mods are there plz
How can i change language?
Only english language ? fu*k
Hi, today is released new version 1.8.3 of Warhammer II Total War, if it is possible to crack it in nearest future we will be very happy, your fans)
58g but english only? what is this magic
Win32/CredentialAccess.A!ml this game has a malware and it’s not the crack…
How do you change Player Name from ” GOLDBERG ” to any other name 😕
the game crash before battles sometimes … anyone found a solution ?
It just crashed in a battle at the sea, in a treasure battle. I have to test a battle with pirates. But the game works perfectly in battles on land.
Try running the game in COMPATIBILITY MODE with WINDOWS 8.
Add exclusivity in your Anti-Virus (Windows and/or Others)
Language pack, please. Spanish.
Does this includes all other DLCs?
Guys. Where Can I download language pack?
Turkish Language pls c000005 no
please, language pack. Spanish PL
Is there a way to put it in Spanish? Any file ?.
Thanks !!
Please, Spanish Language pack or where can I download?
Si alguien va a subir otra version del juego
que mire a ver si puede ser la version multi
con español inlcuido gracias
What build is this 1.8.2?
Yes, it’s ver 1.8.2.
Yes, it contains all the DLC’s.
Hi is it possible to only download the last dlcs? I have the Curse of the Vampire Coast Version. Thank you very much!
How can i change the lenguague? can i use traduction for Vampire Coast?
any pl language pack?
i have crash so many many times when loading into a battle
Guys if you want the game in other language download de original in steam is free this weekend and copy the language packs 😉
Kaosrs, dont work T_T the lenguage dont change
don’t work way too many problems to even try to fix cant download it
I have my cracked game in spanish but you need delete/cut/compress the folowing archives local_en_2 local_en_gc local_en and all the brazilian(br) files
KaosRs can you upload the files local_sp.pack y local_sp_2.pack from your game please?
Thank you very much.
I played 140 turns, there’s no problem, only about 3 crashes that’s normal in my previous experience with the game since release.
Hi, I’m not having sound when I launch the game, so I would like to know if anyone encountered that problem and if so, is there a way to fix it ?
I’m on windows 10, does the x64 debugger needs to be used ? Thanks for your time.
KaosRs can u upload the files please , we want to play in spanish version 🙁
Thanks for the game!! can it be put in spanish? Cheers!! : )
Aquí os dejo el Language Pack que cojí del FreeWeekend que hizo CA, espero y deseo que os sea de utilidad 🙂
mega nz/file/At8FRC4A#9gnZVXgFccf1mpBVcVZIrp9g8ryMqXZhopvSzYMbVYU
No funciona, el enlace te lleva a un montón de enlaces del google, no al archivo.
Amigo jp fíjate que he puesto la url sin el punto (nombre).(dominio) 😉 es lo típico al pegar links
No cliqueis en el enlace no hay archivos solo publicidad, está ganando dinero a nuestra costa.
Perdona JP pero no estoy ganando ni un duro , lo he subido porque comenté que se podía obetener los archivos de idioma de una prueba gratuita que hubo y otros usarios como tú la quereis nada más.
¿te importa subirlo de nuevo?
solo digo que el link no funciona que no llega a los archivos, a veces pasa.
KaosRs Y la clave de cifrado???
KaosRs Aun falta la clave de cifrado para poder descargar, viene despues de un “!”
He probado también con el mega downloader y me pone que no se han introducido URLs validas.
Falta la clave de cifrado de mega we
Ok, ¿osea que no se está el enlace completo? lo siento entonces ¿que falta? añadelo cuando puedas por favor.
La clave d ecifrado esta separado con# no como antaño que era !
El link lo he generado de nuevo espero que os sirva
Si hay algún inconveniente más intentaré subirlo en Drive
El link no tiene publicidad, es la propia web la que la abre, no deja pinchar en el link, si pinchais en cualquier otro lado de la web sale la misma publicidad.
Yo lo copie a mano, trabajo de chinos, pero parece que ya no esta el archivo, KaosRs vuelve a subirlo please! : )
aqui dejo el link viejo por si es caido momentaneo
KaosRS a GD por favor! seras el heroe de la comunidad hispana
Muchisimas gracias de verdad kaosRs
Subido en Google drive y fraccionado en archivos de ~1GB
Que lo disfruteis
A alguien le ha ido lo de pack español que ha puesto kaosRs o lo he hecho mal
A alguien le ha funcionado lo de KaosRs o lo he hecho mal
Hi everyone!
How i could have “French” language pack ? I need your help please
Thank you so much for this! I was waiting for this for far too long and now there it is… I am deeply grateful for who ever worked on this crack. Keep up the good work.
Hi there, I can play the game well, but no access to any of the DLC … Did I do something wrong ?
I downloaded the torrent, there was no install folder, no codex folder only the TWW 2 folder with the .exe and game files. I can launch the game and play from there but no explanation on how I can activate the DLC.
Any help ?
My game was running fine without crashing. But suddenly it wont open anymore, when i run the game it crashes in the loading screen, even before it reaches the main menu. What should i do?
jyto ¿que te pasa con el archivo? da más datos para poder ayudarte. lo que creo que te pasa es que tendrás que borrar los mismos archivos que pero “en” y “br” osea ingles y brasileño.
So, I downloaded it from the torrent links and got a folder with the game. Started the game and I found all the races unlocked but freecontent dlcs and lord dlcs not unlocked.
Any clue how to activate, or any info on this?
Alguien podria escribirme los pasos a seguir para que me funcione el pack de lenguage a español ?
Nero Tienes que copiar los archivos local_sp.pack , local_sp_2.pack y local_sp_gc.pack en la carpeta “data” pero después tienes que eliminar los mismos archivos pero en inglés y brasileño. Osea tienes que buscar los mismos archivos pero en vez de “sp” tiene que poner “en” y “br” pesan más o menos lo mismo. Espero haberme explicado bien, sino vuelve a escribir.
What am I doing wrong guys?
I have downloaded game, told my anti-virus to leave it alone.
It turned on just fine but I have all the DLC content locked for some reason.
Pls help, what else do I need to do ?
Can we have pack language for french please :s they are just spanish and PO …
Thanks !
Please can we have French patch
The game worked fine for a long time. Then one day it would start up with the splash screen and then appear to load and then just close the game. I have tried downloading the game again, but it seems to be some internally stored settings that is preventing the game from loading.
Any ideas?
Skidrow, thanks for the game, function very well. Sometimes have crashes but it is ok, it is more estable than the elamigos vampire coast version. I will come again waiting for the Etharion and Grom DLC.
KaosRs, te pasaste en compartir los archivos del freeweekend, aun no los descargo pero lo hare la proxima semana. Gracias
Can we have pack language for french please :s they are just spanish and PO …
Thanks !
Descargue los archivos desde drive, y la parte 2 esta corrupta. Trate de descomprimirlo tres veces y el mismo error. Lo puedes intentar descomprimir y ver si te funciona por favor.
Gracias de antemano
french please 🙁
Update to The Warden & The Paunch dlc plz
Can someone tell me how to change language to Italian?
Is this worth downloading? Has a concrete workaround been found yet or do I have to scroll through another 100 Spanish comments made by people who somehow still don’t speak English?
Gracias KaosRs por subir los archivos en español! Les dejo el link por si no llegan a ver su comentario Créditos: KaosRs
Just because theyre not speaking english doenst mean they dont know it. We south americans need to learn a different language to browse the internet, you stupid americans/british cant even use the google translator. No one is obliged to speak a language they dont want to.
do the flc and previous dlc actually work? i see a lot of people saying they are not unlocked
hi i cant get pass the campaign loading screen after choosing a lord to play with. its always stop at about 25% and then its not responding. cant even go to desktop, had to hard restart. please help
got the same problem, freeze when loading campaign or starting new one + freeze after leaving custom battle.
Played this build since february and it worked fine (occasional crash when loading battle).
Was few weeks away and now after returning, constant freezing .
Only change on my PC is W10 updates from last 1-3 weeks, so its 99% the cause.
Stil cant find solution.
Please update the game to its last version thanks