The year is 878 AD, the embattled English king Alfred the Great has mounted a heroic defence at the battle of Edington, and blunted the Viking invasion. Chastened – but not yet broken – the Norse warlords have settled across Britain. For the first time in nearly 80 years, the land is in a fragile state of peace.
Title: TWS Thrones of Britannia PC
Genre: Action, Strategy
Release Date: 3 May, 2018
Support the software developers. BUY IT!
• https://store.steampowered.com/app/712100/Total_War_Saga_Thrones_of_Britannia/
TWS Thrones of Britannia PC
Size: 12.4 GB
Thanks !
Oh bro, thanx you so muche !!! waiting this shit since the game release. I would sduck your dick if i were not straight. THX.
oh yeah
Volkis, Resident Evil 7 Gold Edition and Fallout 4 Goty Edition PLEASE!!!
voksi you legend
voksi even has a multiplayer crack.
im gonna cry ;’)
People were like “nah people dont care about britannia, not even voksi”
Why am i not surprised? Hehe
yes thank you! requested it yesterday and now its up! fast AF :O
Jurassic World Evolution game PLEASE!!!! W8ing for it so long…………….
Damn, cant start the Campaign without crashing. ”Error game is defective” 🙁
dont get excited the game is complete garbage, its basically a watered down atttila total war
Dosen’t work for me
Hello, how i can change the language?
VOLSKI: Shadow of war golden edition please.
A która gra według cb nie jest SHIT’em? Czekasz na coś konkretnie co? xd
Not working….what about others? Anybody made success to start the game?!
Jurassic pls!!!!!!!!!
Hi, everyone!!
The game are crack??
Yeah, its in chinese? How do I change?
Very strange. Just downloaded the content and no install setup, only the .exe file to run, but it doesn’t run the game and an error occur “The game malfunctioned”, it says. However, it lacks the install setup somehow…
The game dont work its says : malfunctioned
not working 🙁
I’m getting “the game malfunctioned” error too.
The game Malfunctioned help
Error: “The game malfunctioned” how to deal with it?
plz some way to change the damn language
The game malfunctioned here too. This is when trying to start a campaign
game works for me run as administrator shit game dont bother
Guys, the game work for me, try to have steam open at the same time, i have this problem with warhammer and this fix it
As soon as i start a campaign I get error game malfunctioned :/
I think my dick just exploded
Multiplayer fix here: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:8575987136FDC3671E99CBD4FB1E54A8819A2B28&dn=Total.War.Saga.Thrones.of.Britannia.V1.0.11578.Multiplayer.Fix.Only.rar&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.opentrackr.org%3a1337%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.leechers-paradise.org%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.coppersurfer.tk%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fp4p.arenabg.ch%3a1337%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2feddie4.nl%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.zer0day.to%3a1337%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fp4p.arenabg.com%3a1337%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.internetwarriors.net%3a1337%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2f9.rarbg.me%3a2740%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2f9.rarbg.to%3a2780%2fannounce&tr=http%3a%2f%2fnyaa.tracker.wf%3a7777%2fannounce&tr=http%3a%2f%2fsukebei.tracker.wf%3a8888%2fannounce&tr=http%3a%2f%2fanidex.moe%3a6969%2fannounce
Language pack plzzz. PT BR
yeeeahhhh i hope this game runs without problems!
Dont even bother downloading this, it feels like a mod or a subpar total war game at least, everything is weird and clunky and the scale of the map is obviously upped from previous games, to the point where it is rather unrealistic to march 10-40 km in 4 months (1 turn) and it’s next to impossible to defend a land by moving your armies around. Also, the setting feels somewhat grim and boring, and honestly id rather stick to attila and warhammer. The graphics are great though and require about as much processing power as rome 1.
nah, this game doesn’t work. Milfunctioned error when start it…
The game crashes after choosing the faction u wanna Play and it starts loading the game…
Well I’ll see if it works once its downloaded.. Lets see, hints I’ve picked up.. Have steam running (uhg, I hate steam) Run as an Administrator, right check.
And yo, you guys nay sayers types. clue here.. folks DLing this are doing it because it’s a TW title and and covering a period that hasn’t been covered since the original Medieval total war Viking invasion expansion. (which BTW is still very playable, go check it out.) I expect there to be problems, I expect this will be a bear to try and patch/updated and I hope the releasers keep it updated.
It if works, outstanding. If it doesn’t, all it’s costing is bandwidth and time to DL it. If you want to know what game play is like, check you tube. I expect it to be buggy, especially a cracked version that’s working around one of the better anti pirating apps to come along in some time. Which BTW may have a lot to do with any issues of this release. If you think cracking is easy, go try to do it your self!
Languages Pack 😀 Enjoy
Brazilian: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1AWyB9nsdZCB6w0XysE2zGBw4YofrzE6c
Chinese: https://drive.google.com/open?id=180wT1vP7imy8a5o-d0eC0_nXxsxcyr7k
Czech: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qbDW4QqlguXCQrI2B0hrmHl6qVY5wL-d
French: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1A04HfDWciRpigngTsh50ZY_CdoptJUU9
German: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JtEf4IHqHLnI7-v7Vtzpcemv55x94YnY
Italian: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1udEy2wovF1eo1r6dgwQBjRhpeKYiau7l
Korean: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1W6BBE6u8hV3OjX4bog-cIV0sZrZNdXb0
Polish: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1O0qCvbxaHW-Yql6h5DqrdHaATdY4wF4j
Russian: https://drive.google.com/open?id=14sVJWyZdWyIdwnmbWfHd4w1iyb8J7g8z
Spanish: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cSlYroM83B56ZctLuk5NKN7lDkWXG07r
Turkish: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-co3hKB3UtBFb-BV4UwLalIkNxiVa0pv
Guys you must ipen the game using administration, its work fine
MINE IS IN CHINESE lol. How do I change it to EN? Thanks! 😀
Mafunctioned here too
Cłowiek Maupa— ta strona jest zaśmiecana przez setki gównianych gier jak ta.
Prawdziwe gry to Far Cry 5 DLC Unrawel Two itd a nie jakieś nic nie warte g… które wrzuca się tu w ilościach hurtowych.
Game Won’t Work
Error game malfunctioned
Hi guys fir who have malfunction problem . Just move the game folder to th rott of hard drive . Like E:/ Total War…
Hi guys for who have malfunction problem. Just move to the game folder to the root like E:/ Total War
Thank you but it’s possible to have a language pack ?
Merci beaucoup mais serait il possible d’avoir des fichiers pour le mettre en français ?
Where is game Far Cry 5 DLC— Unrawel Two ?
fuck of f this game.
Malfunction problem anyway. I tried to change the root too…
HYO your Idea Does not work Even if you move it To any of the disc drivers
I can’t download the language pack, is that the same for you ?
yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa i will have greeaatt timee ty man u make my day
Big thanks guys 🙂
I hope I could run without problems.
@HYO Just tried, same error. I also tried to make the path longer, but it didn’t work as well
Game moved in root folder d:\totalwar BUT still malfunction.
tried with steam open and with steam closed.
opened by thrones.exe with administrator rights
the game malfunction
total waste of time
the game doesnt works whatever i did.
lets hope the next try will be better.
antidenuvo disappears after a while even if you have antivirus closed.
Moving the game folder to root E:/ Doesn’t work
When a start “Thrones.exe” or “launcher” it tell that it miss “antidenuvo.dll”.
Someone know the problem and have the solution ?
I tried to move it to the root, but I still get the “The game malfunctioned” error when I try to start it.
@HYO but what if i downloaded it to E:/ which is my download folder
still getting a malunfaction error due, we need an installer and stuff
for” game malfunctioned ” moving the game folder to root and restart pc,
To everybody with the error : The game Malfunctioned and who tryed to move folder , etc etc and still not working, try this (its works for me now) :
Updating Windows and restart
after restart, go to you’r folder and run as admin thrones.exe its may works (worked for me , Windows 7 , i was waiting for 132 updates)
TO Beoden :
its missing “antidenuvo.dll” did you apply the crack or fix ? if yes , you’r dll may be auto-deleted from you’r antivirus, disable it (because it may delete for dll while you extract or copying it)
@aril Thanks, it worked.
as ARIL said: updated windows , then open with administrator rights and that’s it !!
i use w10
gg !!
I can confirm aril’s above suggestion worked for me. I ran a Windows update, restarted. I then copied the Total War folder to the root folder of my game drive. Ran Steam in the background and I was then able to start a new campaign without crashing out to a game malfunctioned message. Cheers!
There is a trajan in the executable!!!! Warning
cannot quit game ,freeze at exit
So, I put the game in the root folder, restarted my computer, turned off my anti-virus, run the game as an admin, turned on steam.
But I still get “Game Malfunctioned” whenever I try to launch it.
It works fine in english , there is no french language ?
After many attempts i followed this guide and it worked ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7kZ_jwfYFg IMPORTANT: after setting the compatibilty and admin rights, restart the pc, then play. Good game to all.
First, move to install folder. Second, run as admin. Third, don’t use launcher, steam crack doesnt work. Use the direct game .exe Lastly, windows defender will detect antidenuvo as a virus and break this game. Disconnect from internet or figure out how to add an exception for this in defender.
What the fuck is this shit? Exit the game and black screen. Had to sign out to shut it off. Then the fucker won’t let me delete it. Fuck this gay shit.
Game malfunctioning and crashing after a few turns =(
dont work for me: antidanuvo.dll not found
Fix: ur AV remove that file! Open torrent, and check only this file! be sure u disable ur AV then make antidenuvo.dll whitlist
@aril : Thanks for your answer.
I tryed to install windows updates (1 only) but no results.
I saw the video that @nemo linked and see that i havn’t crack in ZIP folder…
I only have Britania folder… Then i can’t play without this crack i think ?…
Disapointed :'(
there is nothing with changing root folder or making it bigger or smaller, for malfunctioned just restart your PC the game will be working well, for those who have crush after running the game leave your steam open when you play the game it won’t crush, for those who have lost the antidenuvo.dll, go to antivirus and add the folder or the root where the game in exclutions, like that antivirus won’t touch any of your game dlls, then lunch the torrent again to get antidenuvo.dll back again, or use my link to download the file http://www.mediafire.com/file/zg9ww4jsu6ad8w6/antidenuvo.dll
past the file in the folder of the game “Total.War.Saga.Thrones.of.Britannia-VOKSI” where is thrones.exe, have fun everyone
@aril Thanks for your answer
I saw my problem : there is no crack folder in the ZIP extraction. (NO TORRENT DOWNLOAD)
Can someone tell us if there is a link to download it please ? Thanks.
Beoden Here is the Crack Only
For people who have adminstration issues, go to the game folder proprties on thrones.exe , then compatibility down in settings section select Run This Program As Administrator, Press Ok and restart The Game, It work without any Issues
@Beoden when you click on the zippyshare, it begins to download the game, 12.5 GB, it includes two files, Thrones of Britannia and crack. If there’s no crack maybe your antivirus has deleted it because it found it as a virus. What you have to do is to disable the antivirus when you make all what you saw in that video and put the file in the ecception list of your antivirus.
why you need crack ? the game starts….
Guy u got 12,5 Gb im not should be the problem i only got fle with 7gb
No problem running the game, but it when I exit to desktop, it take forever (after 10 minutes it still in the game screen, mouse is working but I cant tab out to use other stuff). I have to log out and log in again. And this is only the original without DLC, not sure if they are going to be any since the game play is the same as Attila or Rome, just with less unit variety.
Download game from this webpage:
its english version with no malfunctioning error i just started game as East engle and after 50 turns still working.
use itorrent link on that page.
Have fun.
I get into game, but crash after I choose a faction and press start 🙁
omg skydrow all of your link is dead skydrow it’s finish or what
you guys are stupid it’s working stop complaining
I think i know problem why the game is so slow.
Pick DirectX 11 instead of DirectX 12 to load the map faster
This solves most of the people problems with crashes.
can you release the game with the latest build version 1.3.0
Is there any chance you guys could include the Blood, Sweat and Spears DLC pack? Need me some blooood
pls blood pack 🙁
How i change game languange to german?
Please Update to latest version.
Don’t work. After trying to extract the game 3 times, for some reason wouldn’t extract all files. It is still missing a file that won’t launch the installer. Oh well
It doesn’t work!!!!
Is it possible to use mods this? The launcher doesn’t work and thus, so doesn’t the built-in mod manager.
For anyone interested in how to use mods(copied from Steam):
to use a mod without the mod manager/ workshop:
move the mod into the game’s install dir. (“data” folder), copy the mod’s name, then in the user.script.txt file (located: user/Appdata/roaming/the creative assembly/thronesofbritannia/scripts) add an entry for the mod (e.g: mod “player_no_upkeep.pack”; ) simply launch the game and it should load.
note: make sure you copy the file extention when copying the name or it will crash.
if there is no script file simply copy the user prefrences file and edit/rename (don’t “save as” it may change the unicoding)
it says game malfunctioned
Game malfunctioned after done a win 10 update
Does this games includes the DLC?
cannot download…
the game says malfunction.. that should i do. myy os is win 10 and i disabbled already my anti virus but still i cant open the game
Can I play it in french ?
Failed to start Denuvo driver. Error code: 2148204812
comes up when i try to start the game. Any help?
The problem is Denuvo version is tied to Windows Updates, so the newest windows version can’t run that Denuvo… I’m pissed aswell, fuck denuvo.
no work denuvo error the only total war can’t have all versions not work :/
same error denuvo
Think and be that poor you have too download free games ha