Hunted by the seemingly unstoppable Axeman and facing off against….
Hunted by the seemingly unstoppable Axeman and facing off against the Tower’slatest push for total dominance, discover what connects these new threatstogether before it’s too late. New faces, places, weapons and gear all awaityou on your journey to a final showdown for the city’s fate.
Title: The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners Chapter 2 Retribution
Genre: Action
Release Date: 21 Mar, 2023
Support the software developers. BUY IT!
The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners Chapter 2 Retribution-GoldBerg
Size: 54.5 GB
Thanks pity about headset required
this is for VR Right?
That’s right sir.
Thanks alot!
You can read About description yourself, right ?
thats a note not the description dumbass.
How about i fuck your mother like everytime without her consent and make u eat ur mom’s shit. will u not be a dickhead to other people after you learnt your lesson?
Thats pathetic dude! You’re probably a 12 year old in your mum’s basement on your dads pc.
Grow the fuck up
lmao this thread xD
crash on oculus quest 2
crashes on start up idk why
my specs are great btw
crashes on start up idk why
my specs are great btw
Game closes itself after 3 seconds. Anybody got a solution?
Get the sideload version. Works perfectly.
how ?
Guys, I found a cool site, it pays for watching movies and TV shows, $ 0.1 per minute! –
Read the Steam reviews. Horrible performance – it’s even more unoptimized than Postal 4 on release day. This should get back to Early Access state. The price is a bad joke – some devs deserve software piracy!
you need argument to launch : -vr -steam -noasserts -nopassiveasserts +map startup
Este es una de las razones por las que algunos/as hemos dado la espalda ha Sony, no es la primera vez (ni será la ultima por desgracia) en la que un multiplataforma sale mal parado en PC llevando Sony la delantera en términos de optimización y estabilidad no por ser técnicamente mejor mas bien por que Sony paga ha los desarrolladores ( SkyDance Interactive en este caso) para sacar una versión peor a sus competidores para que durante varias semanas su sistema PSVR2 obtenga una mejor nota en la prensa y de paso conseguir que algún ignorante compre su consola/visor VR, tengo el primer TWD S&S y me encanto pero la puñalada trapera que SkyDance nos acaba de hacer con su segunda entrega solo conseguirán pudrirse como Luminous Studio, donde Sony mete la mano estudio que se pudre y lo mandan ha la mi*rda…Bravo
cállese niño rata
You can also try making a shortcut on your desktop and adding
-vr -steam -noasserts -nopassiveasserts +map startup
Same as others, black screen for ~3 seconds then crash
you need to start SteamVR first before starting the TWD with arguments…
add -steam to the the Target field, inside properties.
Yes this works guys. Make a shortcut of TWD.exe and on the target add this: -steam so it should look somnething like this on the target: E:\Games\The.Walking.Dead.Saints.and.Sinners.Chapter.2.Retribution\TWD.exe -steam
ANother bullshit for VR 🤮😮💨
not its crush seconds before star the games in using ocules quest 2 controles
Crash on start up.. any fix ?
to play add -steam
“D:\The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners Chapter 2 Retribution\TWD.exe” -steam
ok game launched but I’ve not control and controllers displayed(s)
I’m on Pico 4 by VD
Where is the save location
here is the fix for the crashing problem
is not working