The final chapter in the Grisaia series. He thought life at the academy would never change…
The final chapter in the Grisaia series. He thought life at the academy would never change. Everyone marched forward in the same direction, matching step for step; before he knew it, he began to surrender to that illusion. He believed that he would only arrive at the same place if he continued down the same path as everyone else.
Title: The Eden of Grisaia
Genre: Nudity, Violent, Action, Adventure, Casual
Developer: Frontwing
Publisher: Sekai Project
Release Date: 28 Apr, 2017
The Eden of Grisaia-PLAZA
Size: 4.7 GB
So it’s finally translated !
thank you
Jogo de punheteiro
a VN wow,one of of my best series but i have it already,thanks anyways.
So there´s a visual novel from grisaia no kaijitsu… hmmm… interesting
Does this have the H scenes?
fuck yea!!!!
is there really “Action” in this game ?
…What the… heck is this about….?
Finally something to fap on.. thanks skidrow..
OMG OMG FIRSTTTTTTTTTTTTT … what not first ? well nevermind then can i please have a torrent link for this game please i need to see nakked pixxels
Nudity ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
look at mu name and you will know the game
Is this 18+ version
Works well, thank you!
Is this game like de censored version of steam?
Thanks anyway Skidrow! 😀
for the people asking, yes of course this is the steam version, Scam Project didn’t release the non butchered version yet, and probably won’t do it until the end of the year.
This is the censored version. This is not the 18+ version for those who are wondering. It won’t be out for awhile.
Steam version?
still waiting for torrents~
Link torrent defeito/Falho/not/Please consert (PT-BR)Link torrent com falha por favor se possilvel poderia consertar?Agradeço.
Thank you :3 , we need more visual novel content over here.
Torrent please
please fix this, the folder itself in iso file is empty !i have no firewall or antivirus installed on my pc)
So Grisaia no Rakuen finally Translated
Would you consider to Upload, Grisaia no Meikyuu (The Labyrint of Grisaia) and Grisaia no Kajitsu ???
it is run on my 486 dx2 66mhz compooper?
is anybody getting 0xc000007b ERROR also?
Why is there no crack files ? Why so long time to upload torrent
…What the… heck is this about…?
what is thay shit
The Visual Novels of Grisaia are great!!!
The Anime was great too…
In some of them there are some sex scenes (as far i know and some images found)
Yeah we all are getting the 0x00007b error because the crack is missing