Jonathan Bold is a charming trigger-happy space buccaneer with impeccable taste….
Jonathan Bold is a charming trigger-happy space buccaneer with impeccable taste in ladies and a talent for finding trouble. His digital companion ADAH is always ready to save the day but settling the bar tab and facing different aliens in shady situations is best left for real wannabe heroes.
Title: Starpoint Gemini 3
Genre: Action, Indie, RPG, Simulation, Early Access
Release Date: 5 Sep, 2019
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• https://www.gog.com/game/starpoint_gemini_3
Starpoint Gemini 3 v0.510.2-GOG
Size: 17.5 GB
A silly Western flying shit simulator. This will be good for the pudgy pasty-faced lummoxes who eat Doritos and drink Mountain Dew all day.
Great buti really hope 3 rd episode won’t have microscopics texts cause i will probably give up 2 nd game am beginning cause it’simpossible to play it on a tv.
Awesome game…downloading right now!!!
Looks cuul, ty man
Nice, another space shooter … youhou …
Ty for new buid!
@Kyojin Wow. I haven’t even tried this game so it could be terrible but you sir, I have a nagging feeling you stick your fingers directly into your anus, pull them out then sniff on them deeply on an hourly basis. Am I close?
Honk. I haven’t even Honked this Honk so it could be Honkable but you Honk, I have a Honking feeling you Honk your Honk directly into your Honk, pull them Honk then Honk on them Honkitty on an hourly Honk. Am I Honk?
Jesus, looks like another circus dweller with big red floppy shoes swallowed his red-honker nose by accident. I can’t even understand a word it’s saying.
If I got to the bottom of the comments and no one had addressed the hateful bum sniffer at the top I was going to be really upset. I’m glad someone had the decency to tell him how much he sucks. I don’t understand what is up with all these ass clowns. Erectile dysfunction must be getting the best of their crappy little lives. Don’t even get me started on his “honking”…
@Kyojin You should really just give it a rest. I don’t know what comes across as funny in your sad little head but what you just put out there for the rest of us to read has just made everyone a little less intelligent. People like you are the reason condoms were invented. Of this I have no doubt
my 6 year old daughter has the same humor how old are you?
are your parents aware of your midnight shenanigans
when your dad finds out you touched the pc he’s gonna be mad
or did he just ran away from you and your mum
Ragazzi a me non parte,se riesco a farlo partire è solo in inglese, il launcher non riesco ad avviarlo, suggerimenti?
XINPUT1_3 dll non è stato trovato
X3DAudio1_7. dll non è stato trovato
Those comments remind me of a song from System of a Down, which starts like this :
Conversion, software version 7.0
Looking at life through the eyes of a tired hub
Eating seeds as a pastime activity
The toxicity of our city, our city
Look what we have here folks, an epidemic of clowns hiding their true identity. This neon-green, suspender-wearing trollop can’t even spell their name correctly. And yet I get called an “ass clown” by an actual clown! Oh, the irony…
I know it’s difficult to walk in circus shoes. It’s okay, you can waddle like a platypus with your feet apart. Keep practicing.
I have some bad news. It’s about your 6 year old daughter.
Little does daddy know that his sweet little girl isn’t preparing herself for the porn industry, but she’s preparing herself for Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus. Are you aware about your daughter’s morning shenanigans? She rummages through mommy’s makeup and jewelry kit – standing in front of the mirror, scribbling lipstick all over her mouth. Your little girl also paints her fingernails green on her left hand, and wears acrylic fingernails on her right hand. Can’t forget that she powders her red little nose, because she is so ashamed of her ugly clownish freckles.
Have you ever wondered why your wife’s high heel shoes are missing? It’s your 6 year old walking around in them. It’s sad, you already failed as a parent. A little juggalo in training. And daddy claps his hands. Fantastic!
Wonka! Wonka! Honk! Honk!
Ya’ll sad as fuck.. don’t visit the fucking site if ya’ll hating on games you don’t like..no ones forcing u to play shit
Fun game but it is early access and has bugs. Once you finish the “Jonathan Bold” mission ya have to wait till they add more missions and shit.
thnks for proving my point
you should talk to a shrink about your clown issues…. Honk! Honk!
@my god forsaken spawn Kyojin
i should have swallowed you when you where still cum
but your daddy payed me extra for comming inside me
and like a good circus clown you should know that customer is king
Strapon gemini, lol. Nice game though.
your just an other pathetic manga douche
probaly living in a camper at the circus Honk! Honk!