Starfield Premium Edition v1.9.47.0.BETA-P2P

Posted January 18, 2024 in PC GAMES, REQUEST ACCEPTED

Starfield Premium Edition v1.9.47.0.BETA-P2P


In the year 2330, humanity has ventured beyond our solar system, settling….



In the year 2330, humanity has ventured beyond our solar system, settling new planets, and living as a spacefaring people. You will join Constellation – the last group of space explorers seeking rare artifacts throughout the galaxy – and navigate the vast expanse of space in Bethesda Game Studios’ biggest and most ambitious game.

Title: Starfield
Genre: RPG
Release Date: 5 Sep, 2023

Support the software developers. BUY IT!

Starfield Premium Edition v1.9.47.0.BETA-P2P
Size: 118 GB





















  • OS: Windows 10 version 21H1 (10.0.19043)
  • Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 2600X, Intel Core i7-6800K
  • Memory: 16 GB RAM
  • Graphics: AMD Radeon RX 5700, NVIDIA GeForce 1070 Ti
  • DirectX: Version 12
  • Storage: 125 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: SSD Required

Starfield Premium Edition v1.9.47.0.BETA-P2P
1. Extract
2. Play!
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  1. Mr. Denuvo (18 Jan 2024, 17:35)


    Fck off to “update” Skyrim… xD

    • Mr. Denuvo (22 Jan 2024, 14:08)

      Also i am a little bitch in my mother basement with a dildo in my mouth all day, i am a fag

  2. Eu (18 Jan 2024, 17:44)

    Sera que presta agora?!

  3. NoName (18 Jan 2024, 17:48)

    que tienes tú en contra de los juegos de Bethesda puto payaso?

    • tumsacara (18 Jan 2024, 18:50)

      calmate we aqui solo gente bagre viene, pero si los huevos con Bethesda con el mismo puto juego de skyrim version 500 mil

    • lamecojones (31 Jan 2024, 21:13)

      es un tarado que odia Starfield

  4. Jusuf (18 Jan 2024, 18:12)

    no one play this crap

    .. boring, empty, nothing to do, weapons sucks, lag, require ssd , unoptimize . .

    they need to change engine and fired guys who makes this shit

    • mrmiamersons (18 Jan 2024, 18:52)

      dude SSD are not that expensive now and will really speed up your pc. and fuck this game is kind of boring

    • Justshutthefuckup (18 Jan 2024, 22:33)

      Ironic when the same dick suckers love soul likes that the same boring slow as fuck running down a hall rolling like a dumbass over and over.

      • râleur (26 Jan 2024, 14:07)

        ça ne sert à rien de critiquer le jeu il n’est pas fait pour te plaire

    • cookiemonster (18 Jan 2024, 22:45)

      i think people who doesnt like this game are mostly dumb. like you. dont know how to pirate shit, dont know how to mod shit, prolly poor cant afford ssd. intellect issue. they prolly dont like digipick because theyre dumb to the bone. its boring because youre dumb. face it. youre playing a chaotic and distruptive gameplay and expect it to be fun like your slapstick multiplayer game made for dumb people. i got 150 plus hours in and i dont really get ‘nothing to do’. its like a moron talking. they says it when they have nothing substantial to complain about. i didnt pay for this shit so im happy as a lark. i dont get your stupid problem. weapon sucks? lol i upgrade my boomstick when i throw it at the floor and bat some text file that makes it one shot anything. youre just dumb. like a fucking dumb kid.

      • Kruger (19 Jan 2024, 0:52)

        Well its only get bit boring after you play it several times – complete all side activities upgrade ship to max level with all items.

        Waiting for DLC, also im glad its gonna be fixed now how it ment at release👍👌

    • kyojinFag (18 Jan 2024, 23:57)

      Go suck a dick and earn lil bit of money to buy some SSD honey
      hoe your self out

  5. arkor (18 Jan 2024, 18:15)

    thanks !

  6. dende (18 Jan 2024, 18:16)

    wtf is this? a beta release of a full game as a premium edition?

  7. Bartek (18 Jan 2024, 18:28)

    update only please 😉

  8. Carlton (18 Jan 2024, 18:39)



    Fixed player character’s eyes remaining closed instead of blinking in third person view.
    Addressed rare cases where small animation pops could be seen in third person.


    Fixed incorrectly invisible creatures on some planets.
    Fixed an issue that could occur on some enemies causing them to stand instead of falling to the ground.


    Fixed crew members and companions positioning near the cockpit after fast traveling to the ship.
    Companions: Fixed a possible control-lock when talking to a companion without entering a dialogue while simultaneously trying to exit the ship.


    Fixed an issue that prevented Windows users saving if their username featured certain characters (PC).
    Fixed rare save game corruptions on PC (MSS and Steam).
    Fixed an issue that could lead to a control lock or a crash after loading a quicksave while in the targeting mode.
    Fixed player marker following the camera on the surface map.
    Fixed a rare issue that could prevent access to the main menu on when prompted to “Press any button to Start” (Xbox).
    Body type should no longer reset to default when loading a Starborn save from the main menu.
    Fixed flickering on Neon’s Trade Tower elevator panel.
    Improved the appearance of the Ryujin Kiosk material during nighttime.
    Fixed rare issue with how Cydonia’s panel could display the hours without incident.
    Added Optimizations to cloud syncing of save games (MSS/Xbox).
    Improved how crowds behave when desired target is reserved.
    Fixed an issue that could cause airlock doors to sometimes appear floating in sky when arriving at locations.
    Fixed unintended text appearing on the shipbuilder’s UI.
    Fixed game session not properly resuming from shutdown in Energy Save mode (Xbox).
    Various stability improvements.


    Improved widescreen support (32:9, 21:9 and 16:10).
    Added support for stars displaying sun disk geometry.
    Shadows can now be seen on planet rings from planet surface.
    Improved eyes and skin on crowd characters.
    Improved reflection on water.
    Improved contact shadows on character skin (Xbox and PC Medium/High/Ultra).
    Improved contact shadows on character cloth (PC High/Ultra).
    Improved contact shadows on first person (PC Ultra).
    Improved lighting in character generation menu.
    Reduced the appearance of some minor artifacts during cutscene camera transitions.
    Fixed flickering on a number of VFX (Sandstorm, corrosive liquid pools, waterfall).
    Fixed a rare issue where the camera would lock while in handscanner mode whenever watching flying fauna (Xbox).
    Fixed potential control lock when opening a game menu a moment before triggering a dialogue with another character.
    Addressed various shadow popping, flickering and artifact issues.
    Improved the visibility of the sun’s lens flare during sunrise and sunset.
    Fixed a rare issue where foam or grime would not show up.
    Fixed rare flickering VFX that could occur in space (Xbox Series S).
    Fixed rare hair flickering (Xbox Series X/S).
    Fixed occasional flicker on digiframes and TV screens.
    Adjusted the appearance of bloom when activating the handscanner.
    Improved the appearance of clouds during weather transitions.
    Fixed rare cases where alignment of grass and wind could appear disconnected.
    Reduced bloom intensity effect while motion blur is active (PC).
    Addressed issues with concealment effect not always applying when using the handscanner.
    Fixed visible edge of the ocean in the distance when seen from a very high point of view.
    Fixed rare white flickering dots around characters’ hair during cut scenes.
    Fixed a readability issue in the Starmap when using large menu font mode.
    Fixed inventory menu occasionally failing to generate previews when using a mouse (PC).
    Fixed a brief Depth of Field issue that sometimes occurred when aiming, alt-tabbing or leaving a dialogue screen.
    Fixed occasional lighting transition issues after loading or exiting a location.
    Fixed an issue that could cause intermittent bands to appear in distance fog.
    Fixed a rare issue that could cause fog color to appear inconsistent.
    Fixed a rare issue that could cause rocks to disappear near the player on the surface of a planet.
    Fixed a crash that could occur when switching to DLSS with dynamic resolution active (PC).
    Fixed flickering and delayed shadows sometimes occurring after unpausing the game.
    Fixed various FSR2 and DLSS artifacts (noise, black dots, ghosting).
    Fixed flickering when using the handscanner with DLSS enabled.
    Fixed initial lighting conditions when landing on a planet.
    Improved lighting at 73 locations.
    Fixed various geometry, texture, and ghosting issues.


    Fixed a rare missing terrain issue that could occur after fast traveling to an outpost near New Atlantis.
    Fixed an issue that could cause bulldozed objects to reappear when returning to an outpost.
    Fixed and issue that caused hazard damage to remain even when the hazard was removed by bulldozing in outposts.
    Fixed an issue where outpost’s cargo links would be removed from the terminal list if connected, disconnected, then reconnected to another cargo link during the cargo ship landing sequence.
    Fixed an issue where weapon cases built by the player in an Outpost would populate with weapons and ammo after reloading the game.


    Fixed a rare issue that could cause the Phased Time power to remain enabled.
    Fixed the extreme speed that could occur in zero G when using the Phased Time power.
    Solar Flare Power now accounts for critical hi

    • BALLSAC (19 Jan 2024, 1:45)

      6 months for a hotfix that only addresses bug fixes and nothing changed regarding how empty and boring the game is. meanwhile Larian releases hotfixes like this monthly or even biweekly sometimes.

      in 6 months , when most players already abandoned this game, they release a hotfix. wow guys, your work ethic is truly impressive. I dont forsee their playerbase ever coming back at this rate. nobody really cares enough to wait three years for them to actually make this game more fun

      • Mea (19 Jan 2024, 16:26)

        cry in the t1ts of your mom, boy

  9. Sarge (18 Jan 2024, 18:58)

    Still waiting for FSR3 Frame Gen.

  10. Chinotraf (18 Jan 2024, 19:04)

    How is this possible ? A game released 6 months ago get an update labeled as “beta” lol

    Bethesda are geniuses.

  11. fonsecap (18 Jan 2024, 19:54)

    Why did it stop to post updates only? Every time a new update releases we have to download the whole game again. Sorry for the complaint but, is there a problem with updates only?

  12. STARFIELD REDFALL XSX (18 Jan 2024, 20:15)

    best game ewer like redfall cod

  13. NoName (18 Jan 2024, 20:27)

    @Jusuf crap será para ti que en tu puta bazofia de pc de mierda no puedes mover ni el puto buscaminas 😂 pero bueno es lo que tiene que seas pobre payaso, que tu papi alcohólico no puede comprarte un pc a la altura de Starfield. menudo puto imbécil

  14. Bomphrus (18 Jan 2024, 20:37)

    This game is like a long, boring Englishman’s novel from the 19th century. Nothing happens and it’s just text on the page to pay the writer. Lol. The most boring game ever made with beautiful graphics. Like having dinner with a statue.

    • Bombass (18 Jan 2024, 22:36)

      Just like Elden Ring where you run round like a fool, boring shit soul likes is the best game ever but other RPGS is either woke or boring lol.

    • Kruger (19 Jan 2024, 0:54)

      Graphics wasnt really that great its kinda outdated engine – only few things was interesting No HDR,no RTX on release was big shitting thought 👎👎

  15. FreeTheWorld (18 Jan 2024, 22:02)

    I played every Bethesda game for 100’s of hours.. Starfield is absolute trash…

    -Empty worlds

    all BAD.

    • FreeyourmindSimp (18 Jan 2024, 22:39)

      Yet soul like that all the same game gets 10/10 as SF is not that bad it just mid. But gaming simps obey what streamer barks at them and they parrot it. am sure just like Cyberpunk 2077 and No Man Sky, it will rise to 10/10 when Grand Auto 6 gets the salt train and bad for being woke.

    • Amed (19 Jan 2024, 9:39)

      Tu devrais fermé ta boite à camembert, tu connais que dalle !

  16. yiorgos (18 Jan 2024, 22:16)

    trashfield again…

  17. Charles Manson 🔪 (18 Jan 2024, 22:19)

    hijo de la más memorable puta trash será para ti hijo de puta tienes suerte que no te tengo delante basura si no te habría apuñalado a ti y a toda tu jodida familia pedazo de retrasado hijo de puta gente aquí maldiciendo los juegos de Bethesda no tenéis ni jodida idea panda de ignorantes hijos de puta

  18. Charles Manson 🔪 (18 Jan 2024, 22:23)

    @tumsacara a mí no me digas que me calme trozo de mierda hijo de puta Skyrim seguirá actualizándose te guste o no y si Bethesda tiene que actualizar Starfield lo hara puto retrasado de mierda son dos buenísimos juegos así que calla la puta boca basura con patas

  19. Charles Manson 🔪 (18 Jan 2024, 22:25)

    @tumsacara basura retrasado hijo de puta Skyrim es un buenísimo juego pasa que tú eres un ignorante y un puto simio y no te entra en la jodida mierda de puta cabeza de retrasado mental que tienes hijo de puta

  20. Charles Manson 🔪 (18 Jan 2024, 22:27)

    trash es tu jodida mami prostituta pedazo de mierdas hijo de la grandísima puta

  21. Hordack (18 Jan 2024, 23:17)

    Trash beta game beta.

  22. Charles Manson 🔪 (19 Jan 2024, 2:57)

    @yiorgos no sabes que es un gran juego hijo de la enorme puta deja de joder bazofia ignorante si no te gusta te jodes pedazo de payaso hijo puta y te vas a otra puta web retrasado de mierda

    • lamecojones (31 Jan 2024, 21:14)

      es una jodida obra maestra, estos putos no tienen idea

  23. suck my dong (19 Jan 2024, 15:14)

    This garbage will be completely forgotten by the end of this year

  24. ñacañaca (19 Jan 2024, 21:23)


    • na (20 Jan 2024, 5:00)

      there’s nothing woke about this game you dumb fuck

  25. Mike (21 Jan 2024, 11:03)

    Water doesn’t curve around a ball^^ We can see too far, no curverture was ever measured! Yes, the world is round but the earth is flat 😉

  26. STARFIELD REDFALL XSX xbox360 xbox ps4 ps3 vita 72 seasons (21 Jan 2024, 11:48)

    thank u 4 taht masterpiece of 10000000000000000000000000000000 year

  27. Homer (22 Jan 2024, 15:52)

    Only the update please, thx 🙂

  28. Ares51 (24 Jan 2024, 19:38)

    This version will not start on my computer. Do you have a solution?

  29. fuckrussia (25 Jan 2024, 12:18)

    advice to cut download to 70 gb….downkoad from nexus 256 textrures pack its 2 gb..
    exclude textures from torrent, will save 40gb

    with kaos repack 1.88 . replace textures , and you can put game on 120 gb ssd..

    on ssd games run great

  30. carlos (29 Jan 2024, 16:57)

    cant play is dificult to install no instructions very bad aport

  31. Th3_V1k1ng (29 Jan 2024, 22:17)

    How do I install this thing?
    Info says to extract and play… where does the steam stuff go and which crack do I run? Golberg or RUNE?
    I downloaded the torrent files and theres no NFO in the download.
    I’m just playing it by eye at the moment

  32. Space_foot (30 Jan 2024, 8:20)

    Installed it, the game launches, but the issue is that I don’t have any voice.

    I don’t know either where to place the “steam” doc.

    Changing the lang voices manually doesn’t change anything either.

    Halp ?

  33. Space_foot (30 Jan 2024, 8:41)

    I searched a bit and found how to change writting languages :
    – in the Starfield_x (x = language you want to have in the game) copy what is written under [General] and put it in the file Starfield (config. parameters) under [General] (add a line).

    It will change texts to the lang. you want.

    For the audio, I don’t know if it’s the reason why if changing the last line in the Starfield file with the lang we would like to have or adding a new line doesn’t change anything ( if you replaec the “sResourceEnglishVoiceList=Starfield – Voices01.ba2, Starfield – Voices02.ba2, Starfield – VoicesPatch.ba2” with the one of the desired language you won’t have any voice anymore). I noticed that there is only ba2 files according to the english voices.

    If someone have any idea on what to do or how.


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