Shantae embarks on her first full HD adventure! When a mysterious crime wave sweeps Sequin…
Shantae embarks on her first full HD adventure! When a mysterious crime wave sweeps Sequin Land, it’s up to Half-Genie Hero Shantae to save the day! Use Shantae’s devastating Hair-Whip Attack to send monsters flying, or Belly Dance to transform her into more powerful forms!
Title: Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Developer: WayForward
Publisher: WayForward
Release Date: 20 Dec, 2016
Shantae Half Genie Hero-PLAZA
Size: 1.1 GB
Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!
Thank you so so much!
good thx
Woah, so fast!
No GOG version, no party
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It needs to be said again though Skidrow always says support the developers. Wayforward is not a big company and every sale of this pretty, but short and under budgeted game increases the changes of one day getting the big epic game this franchise deserves.
No really, buy the game faggot!
love wayforward games <3 i think the double dragon neon recreation was the best… this looks good too
Please teach me how to change the language.
I will buy this game, when it is in GOG
Kabuki is that you?
What is GOG?
I forgot to mention that i’m a self righteous entitled faggot who thinks everyone has money to buy games, and think I’m a judge for their wrongdoings… also I’m gay but I try to repress my sexuality by insulting people on the Internet and using faggot as my main slur
Installer suffers from a runtime error. On multiple dl’s
What is the meaning of GOG?
Edgy clone trying very hard.
Edgy clone fails.
GOG=Good Old Games
OMG !!! a new shantae game ?!?!
love you guys !
Might purchase this game, just testing it out first
Bought the game already but couldnt support the project beforehand so Im looking to find the backer exclusive stuff without having to wait a week.
How to play the game it always sends me to steam?
where is the crack folder??i downloaded it but no crack showed
I also like to talk to my and from my ass, because let’s be honest nobody want to reply to me on internet nor on real life ;(
I’m a failure at life my family hates me, I always feel it and cannot deny it, I’m a failed abortion and I always helped that my father did the best and jerked off instead of banging my mom on that unfortunate accident night…
@Your conscience
Chill out and don’t look down on yourself please.
Download just to test the game. I’m surely going to buy it if I like. Remember they are indie developers and need all the support we can give them. Also check Valdis Story: Abyssal City.
What’s the song in the installer?
Love the Game would like to know is there a chance to get the DLC