RollerCoaster Tycoon World™ is the newest installment in the legendary RCT franchise…
RollerCoaster Tycoon World™ is the newest installment in the legendary RCT franchise. This next-generation theme park simulation and building game includes fan-favorite features along with incredible new advancements!
Title: RollerCoaster Tycoon World™
Genre: Simulation, Strategy
Developer: Nvizzio Creations
Publisher: Atari, RCTO Productions
Release Date: 16 Nov, 2016
RollerCoaster Tycoon World-RELOADED
Size: 4.04 GB
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pls sims 4 city living
OMG Thanks skidrow!
where the hell is deus ex- mankind divided guys ? 🙁
man you are awesome, day 1 delivery!!!
Yeah, thanks ! 🙂
first 🙂
Shame Planet Coaster is Denuvo, means we won’t be seeing that one for a long, long time. It’s not Doom or Tomb Raider so it won’t have all the people hammering way to crack it like they did.
Good Game
doesnt seem to work, copied crack over and all the usual shizz but just a black screen when trying to start
thanks skidrow
FUCK YEAH,, Lots of memories right there. 16 Years OMG.
the sims 4 city living please
Now we really need PLANET COASTER
Where´s Dishonored 2?
First ! Thanks Skidrow!
does it have fireworks like rct3?
First 😀 !
any languages except english included?
Dishonored 2 is protected by Denuvo. Watch dogs 2 is also protected by Denuvo being ubisoft. I am guessing the sims 4 city living is in the same dilemma. So don’t espect them to come out anytime soon or if at all.
Hope this version plays without bugs/crashes. Ty
Works for me! Thanks! 😀
Can’t wait Planet Coaster release
Thanks for the upload 🙂
Just so people know, this is not the real Rollercoaster Tycoon 4.
This is simply ATARI milking the license.
You all remember the coaster looping around the Frontier logo (a planet) from RCT3, well the same Frontier are the ones making Planet Coaster with real dedication to make something good, and not a milky license.
It’s like how the name “Far Cry” belongs to Ubisoft and not Crytek while the game was all Crytek’s work. So they had to rename to “Crysis” while Downgradesoft tried to milk the “Far Cry” name for those who didn’t know any better. This is how you go from supersoldier in nanosuit to a random guy with Malaria ^^
So RCTW is exactly the same. It pure crappy milky license made with a free ugly an non-optimised engine to aim for profit.
Sure, it is sad that Planet Coaster is Denuvo 🙁 But the game is below 30€ and it definitely worth it if, like me, you loved the Rollercoaster Tycoon serie :).
Now you know ^^
city living please!!@!
can we please block everyone who keeps asking for different games. THOSE WILL COME OUT, WHEN THEY ARE DONE.
In fact, I home they never release sims 4 expansion only because you fucks spam every single fucking game page on here. Fuck you, that’s not what comments are for.
thank you so much . i really wanted to play this, i love your work
Unfortunately, NO Work, only black screen…
whatever you do DO NOT BUY THIS (I know it’s weird saying this here, but some people might actually think about buying it) it’s basically a raping of the RCT franchise, if you are buying a Rollercoaster game look anywhere else
Thanks alot skidrow am great fan of this series anyway i believe its a reupload whats different anyway keep it up and crack that juicy gears of war 4 plz D
J’espere que le jeu est aussi bon que les titres precedent.
Good up!
Me’s first
ths 1 looks like a theme park kinda game
Looks fun, Thanks!
buy the fuckn sims you people that are always crapping on bout it
Very lag with GT820M, but when i play with Intel HD 4600, i can play without lag @@ why ??
Good day!!!
Please let download Watch Dogs 2.
It’s my best game.
I would like to play it.
When I run the launcher the screen turn black. 🙁
request: Assassin’s Creed The Ezio Collection
Hello can you crack this? Notruf 112 – Die Feuerwehr Simulation
Thanks but crash a lot… Wait another crack
Oh man I love these Tycoon simulators. Hey Skidrow, do you guys know any game about an oil tycoon becoming the secretary of energy? I’d love to play it and see how much I can screw up the hen house!
works in 32bits??
Thanks!!! I’ll be buying this for sure.
to bad disabled toddlers programmed this game
Work for me but no sound at all
Holy crap just what i needed
Thank you , please think not all have a 64 Bit System sorry for me
Thanks works perfect.
The game however is bad. I knew its not that great but hey this dont deserve the name rollercoaster tycoon like its predecessors.
i did buy it, back in march. after messing around with it for 4 months, i deleted it, never got my money back. at best then it was an early beta tester at full retail prices. hope they finally fixed all the issues and added alll the missing content
Lord Pheonix …
… they didn’t ….
🙁 🙁
Planet Coaster Planet Coaster Planet Coaster Planet Coaster please
Downloaded, installed but nor working (black screen). Any help? Thank you so much!
anyone else having like crazy optimization problems? I have a i7 6700 K gtx 870 and 16 gb ram 3200 MHz and this game is driving me mad….im getting huge losses of FPS and sometimes the game just stucks for a few seconds and then i can keep on doing what ever i was doing, but its pretty annoying…
Nice! So fast thanks Skidrow!
City Living is really taking too long…
watch dogs pls
Planet Coaster is WAAAAAAY better than this one!
Please, planet coaster.
Yet only crack the planet coaster.
Why I cant enter the game it just only blacksceen
que jogo bosta, posta logo o the sims 4 city living
thanks matey
For does of who are having the black screen problem:
C:\\AppData\LocalLow\Nvizzio Creations and delete the Rollercoaster Tycoon World folder.
I did everything right, but steam pops up and not the game. What do i do?
Know issues include the black screen for the Steam $60 game. For me, it worked fine for the first few levels and then locked up. now it goes straight to a black screen. But even if it worked, dont bother. The game is a piece of crap. Do yourself a favor and pass on this one.
More people asking for planet coaster without thinking first. PLANET COASTER — USES DENUVO. That means either just go pay for it, or wait about 6 months or more.
Those are your options.
recuerdo cuando jugaba esto en mega drive
To fix the black screen..
Go back to early access working game and see what files are correct in folder .. Delete files that arent in same in new folder and copy over the file GFSDK to new roller coaster folder. Load game in Adminstator and the game works with updated version.
If you want community maps etc go to early access version and files to new roller coaster folder.
Game now works like a dream.
Hope this helps.
No suonds in game!
Planet Coaster Pleaseeee 🙁
no sound do you guys have sound?>??
please Planet coaster GO CRACK SKIDROWBULLSHIT
Sims 4 City Living Plz
Lol This game have SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many bugs, its almost unplayable.
This game is as disapointing as it can possibly get. It doesn’t look very good and the quests are undoable or lack explaination. Not worth the download, thanks for the post, but this game is useless, makers must be fcking morons.
i dont want it even for free, I bought Planet Coaster, even if PC isnt complete its worth the money better than this crap for free
i can’t move my muose
and i’ve to alt+tab to go trought the game intro and reach the main menu
I need some help here. Mine loads perfectly and the stuck at 100%, when the park is loading. The only thing that moves is the mouse cursor. I installed and reinstalled twice but the same thing happened. I’m not the only with this problem and the Windows 7 compatibility is enabled. What can I do?
hi guys i got a probl in sandbox mode i can build only 2 attractions for genre and only wood coaster .
someone with same issue ?
I think the problem is the crack. I have stuck up the fifth mission in story mode and do not continue.
Works, however this game is lacking content for sure. I’d recommend for someone who wants something to play for an hour (tops).
Its possible add te updates with New content???
why when i start the game it lunch steam with the page of roller coaster tycoon world??? help please :,(
Guys where is the crack folder ima try the game if i like ima buy it but i cant even play and people says its bad
Thank you so much Skidrow for this great game <3 <3 <3