Experience survival horror like never before in the 8th….
Experience survival horror like never before in the 8th major installment in the RE franchise – RE Village. With detailed graphics, intense first-person action and masterful storytelling, the terror has never felt more realistic.
Title: REVillage Gold Edition
Genre: Action
Release Date: 07 May, 2021
Support the software developers. BUY IT!
• https://store.steampowered.com/app/1196590/Resident_Evil_Village/
RE Village Gold Edition v20230421-P2P
Size: 36 GB
thank you
bro how i can install it
Désolée mais je viens de lancer le mode facile et je me retrouve avec ttes les munitions en illimitées.
J’ai regardé normalement cela ne devrait pas être comme ça. Quelqu’un a une idée si on peut le changer (à part en changeant le mode de difficulté) ?
All Hail Skidrow Thank you!
when i open the app it opens steam should i log in? thanks
does it have shadow of rose ?
You should take a black key for this one, and for the 7 too, and for the 6..
One by one, until you got all from the beginning to this title
it’s Re after all
resident evil 4 pls
PORFIN, gracias
Que gracias ni que gracias blandengue, que eres un blandengue y tiene el pito metio pa dentro, lloron, que ni eres hombre ni eres na de na
jajajajajaja sos crack!! Cuàntos podrìan escribir algo asì y que alguien lo vea de reojo… frené a leer porque decìa FinaPalomares. Que pedazo de serie por favoorrr
This game is boring , just narrative driven, the main character is a wad and the voice acting is the worst ive heard in awhile, really kinda dissapointed with this one, got through 45 min and unistalled. The graphics looked good, thats about it
That’s because you are a little kid .. go play super mario lol
He is right, the voice acting is trash, and it is narrative driven. I don’t really get how being a kid relates to Super Mario, considering that came out while you were still sucking on your transmoms tits.
Try this game in VR. Might not be so boring then 😏
Reading your comment is boring and you bring no good graphics look like 8 bit mush!
@the kid
For those who know everything about the re story it’s a good spinoff, for those who never a touch a re of their life it’s a good game and for the others it’s a big fucking crap
You didn’t play at every episode of this serie, i’m pretty sur
Hi, cant launch for me, I have windowed black screen and the Capcom error program launch
Its just me or someone have the same problem?
Yep, I have the same problem….
same problem here, anyone knows how to fix it?
run steamloader.exe
Thank you so much Ulver !!! It’s working ! Hundred useless posts like always but 1 man here is a good person and want to help people. I remember a time where the skidrow community was like this. Helping each other with issues or thanking warez groups. Time has changed for sure but not for better…
Anyway, thanks Ulver, thanks P2P and thanks Skidrow, keep up the good job !
how to use steamloader.exe ?
how to run steamloader.exe ?
Stop making Resident Evil game first person it suck.
Go into the options and change FIrst person to third person when the dlc came out the added that as a feature cause you do not look at what they have brought to the game YOU SUCK!
Damned useless little updates. Everytime i have to download again and again and again the game.
Did you ever hear about rehash your files via torrent?
Did you fix the save trouble?
me tira un error q el juego dejo de funcionar como hago para solucionarlos desde argentina gracias!
Pues compratelo, rata hijo de la grandisima reputa, que ni eres hombre ni eres na de na y tenes la verga metida para dentro, boludo
How install this version?
why my game crash when i luch it ?
i need help with installing pls
Thank you for this amazing game, unfortunately, it’s crashing upon lunch. Any recommendations, or just pointing me in the right direction to fix it, would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks for the update, worked!
@Erick Did you forgot the files in the crack folder?
I chose the RUNE one but Goldberg works too! No problems here.
@yo There is no installing, download it, put the crack in the game folder and start the RE8.exe. HF
OK so… to everybody who had crash at launch, try this :
-go to the crack folder and choose one of them, Goldberg or Rune, two cracks works like a charm
-copy all content from the chosen folder
-past it in the game folder and replace files
-DON’T USE re8.exe to launch the game BUT USE SmartSteamLoader_x64.exe instead
-enjoy the game !
and if it’s working, don’t thanks me, go thanks Ulver on upper posts, he is the true hero here
That works brilliantly, BUT after coming off the game then back on next day there are no saves and have to start again?
Because you chosed the Goldberg crack, chose the RUNE one and start it with the Re8.exe.
This is also the reason why they took out RE3 Remake dx 11 & 12 again, which they updated 2 days ago. Goldberg crack did not work, black screen after start
Don´t listen to 666 Morons. RUNE works. Enjoy
No crack folder the game is already installed…
Use torrent and when you see the files in qbittorent you can also download a seperate folder with all existing cracks. You can also download all shader cache files, there is no stutter with these files. You have do copy the Steam folder with depotcache and steamapps into your Steam folder location!
I also put the Resident Evil Village BIOHAZARD VILLAGE (game folder)
into the common folder of Steam and add the game to my libary, now the game can use the depotcache files
All folders with torrent:
RE Village Steam-Rip
>Bonus Content
>Resident Evil Village (Game files)
Btw. i bought the game earlier on a other (deleted) account!!!
I use these sites only as backup for my prevously bought games.
how can i apply shadow of rose once i extract the file?
where is the save file location for this paerticular version? cant find the saves at all
crear estas carpetas:
si tiene esta version de juego, la version P2P..
entrar la carpera creada steam dentro de la capeta Redisent Evil village…
y listo.. eso es todo.
create these folders:
If you have this version of the game, the P2P version…
Go to the folder created by Steam inside the Redisent Evil village folder…
and Ready.. that’s all.
Hi, it is actually not working on my laptop, i am actually having a Steam error, “No license key”. What can i do ?
funcionou perfeitamente
cant install, video codec : wmvideo decoder error showing, dont know what to do, pls help