RAGE 2 brings together two studio powerhouses – Avalanche Studios, masters of open…..
RAGE 2 brings together two studio powerhouses – Avalanche Studios, masters of open world insanity, and id Software, creators of the first-person shooter – to deliver a carnival of carnage where you can go anywhere, shoot anything, and explode everything.
Title: R2 TerrorMania
Genre: Action
Release Date: 14 Nov, 2019
Support the software developers. BUY IT!
R2 TerrorMania
Size: 39 GB
lol ew. fuck first.
Ty alot! waiting for links
crapiest a game is , more dlc and re release the game have . Game industry is so so bad now .
Does this one crash while entering in the menu’s ?
thank you boos
for those that doesnt have a processor with sse4.2 this game wont load fully u can emulate it but its gonna run really bad
is there is link for the update only without all game it self ?
DLC only i mean ..
@colruyt55000 U are assHOLE,if u dont like it why u even bother to comment on this game and on every other site holy shit, stick ur head where the sun never shine ASShole!!!!
Its not that bad its kinda good i enjoyed both… Rise of ghosts and Rage2… kinda expected enjoying this one aswell. While waiting on COD MW and RDR2( hopefully Steam release at december)
nice game
thank you codex, please seed kinda slow
I can see why you need to pirate if that’s actually your laptop or something…. 730 geez
Will this run on my Apple Watch Series 4 or do I need to upgrade???
@Kruger : Amagad ! you can sometimes make some sentence without aggressivity !
But now we all now wich game industry you like, i pity you for such choice, i know how much it cost …
So next time you want to destroy indie game in comment think twice cause they are good dev behind it, trying to make games, not for everyone yes, but with some amazing content 😉
is this postapocalyptic raging feminist the simulator?
you can say enyting you want but i want star wars fallen order and not this
thank you to all teams…. and plss metro exodus dlc
Its not true most of iNDIE is erndless spiral of garbageness we get and being fed up and disgusted every damn day!
Does anyone know how to unlock TerrorMania. I’ve already finished the based game and the first DLC ‘Rise of the Ghosts’, but, for some reason, I’m not getting magoo’s call. I really wanna use the same save file cause I’ve completed all the side quests and discovered all interest point on the map.
This game’s original was released like its lacking of contents on purpose. Just to fill them into dlcs. Discusting.
Waste of time downloading it, all the enemies in missions just explode so you don’t get to kill pretty much anyone
Probably just need new save file someone recived call, because i cant just like before receive for the hell one!
I finished it just now it was kinda annoiyng killing only good thing maybe is sword and bone enemies but theyre annoiyng and same shit all time for 4hours or so, get in tower finish enemies get in portal do sopme waves till guardian spawn kill rinse repeat… kinda waste of potential and has nothing to do with story itself.
is a full game or just DLC ?
having the same issue with terrormania dlc, not getting the call no matter how many times i enter and leave trade towns
having the same issue here. No call is coming .
this game definitly don’t wanna work
Finishing the base game or RotG DLC makes no difference to getting it working. If you leave a trade area & don’t get the message, going in & out again makes no difference; you have to restart the game. I restarted maybe 3 times but still didn’t work so I went to Oasis, made a save then closed the game. When I started again I got the Windows Firewall request (didn’t previously) & when I left Oasis I got Mr. Magoo’s message to start the DLC.
I love Rage 2 but for me TerrorMania is too repetitive & too much work: slashing away at skeletons again & again until a Guardian appears then working hard to kill him then doing it all again like 4 times or so until the big Guardian appears … then work like fuckary to kill him to get 1 shard then have to do the whole boring thing all over again like 4 or 5 times … I am WAY too lazy for this.
If any of you still can’t get the DLC to start I think you’re not missing much but if you want I can upload a save that’s at the end of a playthrough. You can load that save, start a new game+ & hopefully you will get Magoo’s message. Let me know if you want it.
Plz-Uploaded the File
There are 3 savegames. Instructions in the download:
Thanks ButtMonkey,Works fine
@ButtMonkey no me deja descargarlo, no puedes subirlo a mega?
Why is everything I shoot catching fire and then exploding, even them poor cows??? Is this some sick fuc& way of anty-pyrating??!
In the steam-emu file we put DLCUnlockall = 1
We delete the folder: Saves, which is in
C: \ Users \ (your name PC) \ Saved Games \ id software \ Rage 2
and in C: \ Users \ Public \ Documents \ Steam \ CODEX \ 548570 \ remote, we keep only gamesave04.sav that we will have saved manually
You have to do it as many times as DLCs:
-BFG 9000 weapon
(when leaving Vineland on the curve to the right)
-The sect of the god of death
(First we have to finish the mission of giving electricity to the city)
-Rise of the Ghosts
(when leaving the city they call us)
(when leaving the city they call us)
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