POSTAL Redux is a high definition remake of The Postal Dude’s infamous first foray…
POSTAL Redux is a high definition remake of The Postal Dude’s infamous first foray into the world. Prepare to experience his psychological journey with faithfully recreated high resolution visuals, remastered music, sounds, and dialog, and revamped and modernized gameplay.
Title: POSTAL Redux v3.0
Genre: Action, Indie
Developer: Running With Scissors
Publisher: Running With Scissors
Release Date: 30 Sep, 2016
Notes: this release features a major update to the POSTAL Redux including new levels and the 32-bit support (included as a separate build).
Size: 1.87 GB
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Please upload Postal 3 guys !! Thanks alot
Does this require Steam to be installed ?
it does not require steam
What we’re all waiting for is Postal 2 Redux cos Postal 1 was just a tiny crappy boring thing and Postal 3 totally sucked dogshit in every way but Postal 2 was legendary. Absolutely world-breaking legendary as evidenced by the HUGE wealth of user-created content, the undying devoted following of the fans, the monumental stir & controversy it created, and the fact that they came out with Paradise Lost THIRTEEN YEARS after the initial game … holy mother of god, you NEVER see anything like that. Postal 2 was such an excellent game & we’re hoping against hope that there will be a Postal 2 Redux soon.
Many thanks again to for all the great stuff you make available here; it’s much appreciated by many people. Thanks guys.
shitty game
4-8 MB of RAM…???
postal 3 download!zRLxYLxDx/postal-iii-tinyiso-part1-rar?_fid=dyi2
Stáhnout pomalu = download for free but slow (max 300kb/s)
or pay and download fast (how your internet can) there are 3 parts…i hope it works …i will download last soon 🙂
@Bustin’ – back then it wasn’t “just a tiny crappy boring thing” ,back then you could not achieve Portal 2 user content/fan base (they were 7years release date apart). It’s like comparing GTA and GTA III, HOMM 2 and HOMM 3. releases after 2000 differ too much.I still played Postal 1 way more then Postal 2. In 2003 there was so much good releases that postal didn’t get that many attention or high scores(e.g. Warcraft 3 : The frozen throne, Homeworld 2, CIV 3, The sims, Sim City , Max Payne 2, Star Wars :Jedi Academy, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, CoD, GTA: Vice City, Deus Ex, XIII, Silent Hill 3, etc…)
@shit – you were not even born then
@VF89 – relase date iz 1997(Original) we packed SDRAM back then (like MEGA 32 or 64Mb of it) and this was like pixel indie game if you compare it to today’s standard…if I do recall correctly.
so it dont work …(suck)