Business simulator with no adult-world gravity. Flexible configuration of movies shot…
Business simulator with no adult-world gravity. Flexible configuration of movies shot, casting actresses and shooting may turn out to be tricky job, markets with shortage and surplus, office with employees, websites with black hat SEO, merchandise, other features.
Title: Porno Studio Tycoon
Genre: Indie, Simulation
Developer: Zitrix Megalomedia
Publisher: Zitrix Megalomedia
Release Date: 5 May, 2017
NOTE: This game consists of so many folders, so beware if you’re installing into different folders than the standard we made. Exciding 259 chars will result in a fail installation – not our fault!
Porno Studio Tycoon-SKIDROW
Size: 1.7 GB
Sims 4 please!! I’m begging you.. 🙁
First, thanks
I installed and applied the crack but as soon as I try to open the game, a white screen shows and then it immediately closes, both the x86 and x64 versions.
Well, seems like it just won’t start the game, as soon as I start the launcher I get a white screen and a crash. Any ideas?
Game not starting, i tried without AV… any ideas?
why torrent last?
I love how they renamed the executable to hide the game’s actual name !
does not work
it does not work, something wrong with the crack or a bug cause insta crash on startup
Bora bahia minha porra, fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap
Can we do gay porn ?
Well i did not see this one coming.
have video games gone too far
Hey buddy, where is Prey?
Happy cinco de mayo
this game arse
Doesn’t even start the game crashes and there is not common file you speak off
Wat!? Srsly?
Finally another game to FAP On.. Thanks Skidrow..
lol lol lol. must have.
well now i’ve seen everything.
Welp, I mounted the iso, it installed smoothly, moved the steam API shit to the correct folder, went to run it, and -bam-, boots up for a second, then straight up closes.
Vou bater uma pra esse jogo.
Torrent Pls
Are those three teets?
force close bro
Now that’s what I call management game!!
Wait, what?
The game instantly closes when open it. Please bring us a fix.
Seriously guys, quit with the childish first post comments. I look down the comments to try to find decent feedback and half of the comments are stupid kids saying first, im first. So what, noone gives a shit if your first or last. Give some feedback on the game or a thank you and quit with the childish shit ffs.
Think ill pass on this one lol. Thanks for the share though.
It doesn’t launch
It doesn´t load.
dosent work its a windows 8 game
lwlz what is this
Doesnt work for me ;(
LoL, a game for me fap all time
Don’t work… insta crash… -_-‘
Don’t work, white screen at start then crash
Not working just starts up then close.
Still Not Working
well…. it doesn’t work after launch it shows up white screen and then boom it closed, but thanks for the game anyway.
SKIDROW crack is DOA, see SSE/Fitgirl repack
Installed the game and have put the steam api stuff in the right folder and when i start the game it launches for a second with a white or black screen and closes down.
Its ya boi XOXO this game is da best end scene.
Can’t find the commonredist folder.
pleb, if you read the comments i already told them it does not work
The game don’t open!
“Note:This game consists of somany folders,so beware if you’re installing into different folders than the standard we made exciding 259 chars will result in a fall installation- not our fault”
Da faq ?
wtf why do peeps have so many probs all the time ok i have x64 win 7 nvidia geforce fx processor and the game works no problems at all as usual..
Hey guys!
I have figured out a working solution yesterday.
You have to download the skidrow early access version, for example from here, or piratebay.
That download will contain the SmartSteamEmu, which consists of 4 files:
SmartSteamEmu.dll, .txt, 64.dll, and a LAUNCHER.exe.
You copy these 4 into the 32Bits folder of this download. In the SmartSteamEmu ini file, you configure the Target field to be nw.exe.
You start up the game with the LAUNCHER.exe, and voilá, it just works.
Tested on a Windows 10 x64, and a Windows 7 x86.
Why , just why does this game exist xD
But hey , nice cracking guys , keep it going 😉
Does not start either.
Tried to debug but impossible to make the game work.
Apparently the executable is a (very) old version of Chrome wich loads html files.
Launching the desktop shortcut with right-click, run as administrator doesn’t work.
Absolutly no error message, just won’t load anything.
Yes you can “do gay porn”, but in a mod. You can submit your own mod to be host on official repository (there are already 4 mods hosted) :
And if you read the comments, you’ll realize that some people actually got it to work.
Skidrow please fix this!
where’s the torrent link when i click the torrent it just sends me back to main page
The gratest game of all time XDXDXD
So much thanks to Skidrow for the game and to Donergyros for the solution to the crash starting it.
Really thanks to Donergyros for the help.
Sorry for the english.
Well donergyros solution does work !
See up there :
install the LAUNCHER from Early Access version.
copy all the SmartSteamEmu.* + Launcher.exe
paste in the 32bits directory (even for a 64 operating system)
Tested wiht Win10 x64
direct link to Early Acces :
Not working!
how do u edit the ini file to make the exe the target?
Tried all the solutions so far in the comment section. Still doesn’t work on Win10.
Not Working! Pls fix the game…
JackAttack solution is correct if you start with Launcher.exe. But I don’t find how change the language, any idea?
Yep, JackAttack steps do the trick.
Lastly, execute LAUNCHER.exe to play.
I Did it Guys , i will show you ( Sorry for my bad English )
Step 1 : Extract sr-pornstudiotycoon.rar in PTS Skidrow
Step 2 : run the setup
Step 3 : Download the Early Acess ( Link in Jack comment )
Step 3 : extract it
Step 4 : Copy SmartSteamEmu64.dll , SmartSteamEmu.dll , SmartSteamEmu ( Both Text and Configuation setting ) , Lancher.exe ( That 5 files )
Step 5 : Paste them in 32bits PTS floder has been created in disk (C)
Step 6: run the Lancher to start the game 🙂
Have fun guys
Tested on Win 7 32bits