Meet a world of incredible animals. From playful lion cubs to mighty elephants…..
Meet a world of incredible animals. From playful lion cubs to mighty elephants, every animal in Planet Zoo is a thinking, feeling individual with a distinctive look and personality of their own.
Title: Planet Zoo
Genre: Simulation, Strategy
Release Date: 5 Nov, 2019
Support the software developers. BUY IT!
• https://store.steampowered.com/app/703080/Planet_Zoo/
Planet Zoo-EMPRESS
Size: 11 GB
Zurio SM
ja nisam
Niko nije
nice game
finally OMG
Finally Empress is back!
Your blog is a impressive resource for anyone looking to discover more about these subjects.
If this was some kind of fishing link im gonna find you.
IS it cracked finaly?
first!! thnx for a great game!
Finally! wrarrrrrr
Can’t wait to download
Niiice i was waiting for this crack
Many thanks guys 😀 hope all games protected by denuvo would get a crack some day.
Whoa, Finally , Thank you very much !
Thank you 🙂
Thank you very much! have been waiting for this
Not workingg
A: Change LocalSave = 0 to 1 (in “steam_api64.ini”)
Thanks alot! works fine
if didn’t work for you open “steam_api64.ini”
Change LocalSave = 0 to 1
Save, and start game.
Guess who come back.
sadly, still not working 🙁
Sounds good!How about to crack Jurassic World Evolution with all DLC’s?
Not working, i change localsave 0 to 1 on “steam_api64.ini” but not work
it works fine for me,
thank you so much EMPRESS
Legend is come back and i think she or he will crack much more very soon finally someone doing something aganist denuvo
don’t work, crash when i start the game.
i did the localsave = 0 to 1 , that didn’t change anything
OMG Empress you are out of this world thanks alot
Game crashes for me while launching. Already changed the steam_api64.ini, made no difference :/
So it wasnt impossible to crack the Denuvo
Now watch rhe empress group rise
Thank you very much, i’ve been waiting for this one
I got crash first time, i fix it by this:
make sure to update your GPU driver – mine was slightly outdated leading to crash.
Ok that was a GPU drivers problem, sorry!
Ah, so the devs/publisher of this one finally ran out of money to pass to crackers under the table, then? Good, good.
Or are these “uncrackable” games on some timer-type contract? Don’t mind me, just curious on how pirate corruption works.
doesn’t work
Até que enfim!
supposedly I have updated gtx graphics card drivers but the game gives me an error when starting …
Edited the ini, latest drivers, nothing. Don’t open, any ideas?
I changed the file but it still crash :'(
Planet Poo.
Meet a world of incredible feces-infested animals. Watch as playful cubs rummage through kegs of shit. Let’s visit the zoo today! Watch your step! Uh-Oh?! Your leg is caked with Elephant goo. As you try to wash your jeans off with a hose, an orangutan flings a ball of turd upside your head! Enjoy a living breathing planet full of animal feces – inhale too much stink, you’ll randomly transform into a animal yourself!
Just downloading this makes my monitor stink! Sniff, sniff? It must be Koala shit! Fabulous!
how can change language?
I did the gpu update + the change local save and stil lcrashing for me :'(
nonono sorry i wrote my previous comment to soon
thanks again lads!
you need disconnect monitors if you have multiscreen . start the game on only one monitor . change resolution turn off the game connect the rest of the monitors .
can`t make it work, tried .ini, drivers are new, nothing works
Doesn’t work for me, tried the ini fix, latest drivers, still don’t work.
It’s above recommended settings.
Any Ideas?
Doesn’t work for me. Tried the ini fix and have the latest drivers.
PC above recommended settings.
Any ideas?
Doesn’t work for me. Tried the ini fix, have the latest drivers.
PC above recommended settings.
Any ideas?
game crash :'(
Edit steam_api64.ini LocalSave = 1
Update your videodrivers.
Working for me.Win10, Ryzen 5 3600 & GTX 1660 super
Ca marche impec, par contre l’installeur était détecté comme un virus (Faux positif) et m’empêchait de l’installer.
Une fois fait, j’ai fais la manip du fichier config même si j’ai pas testé sans et le jeux tourne impec. J’ai presque fini le tuto.
Le jeux a l’air assez gourmand … mais sacrément beau ..
Bon jeux et ty for this Empress ^^
what program did you use to change the steam api64.ini file
Which version of denuvo did this game use
finally someone who is breaking Denuvo …. hopefully he will follow if,
EMPRESS YOU ARE A LEGEND , cracking games no1 is doing it!
well im not doing either but cus i dont understand sht about code
If the game dooesnt run changing the steam api update your gpu drivers, that should fix
God is so good se this again, the scenes kind of disappeared… EMPRESS, CDX, HOODLUM, even some who took smaller games like DARKSIDERS, PLAZA, TINYISO and cia.
I am afraid of ending the groups or people who do this, the pirce of games in my country it’s almost 1/4 basic salary, example HITMAN 3 is costing R$ 278.00 the basic version and the salary is R$1.039,00.
So thanks a lot EMPRESS <3 and skidrowrealoded for posting, I've been living at CS RIN to get updates and maybe some new cracked game
luv skidrow
Here we GO! Another step closer to RDR 2! Awesome work EMPRESS! Thanks Skidrow!
If your game still doesn’t work after updating drivers and changing the .ini file, most probably it’s getting blocked by your antivirus, either Windows Defender or some third party software. Trying adding it as an exclusion not only to detection engine but also to the unwanted program blocker (HIPS in my case).
If your still getting crash @ launch after trying everything above, copy over the crack manually instead of letting the launcher do it, change the Steam.API again,.this worked for me.
A Huge Challenge 4 you :
1- RDR2
2- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
3- PES20+FIFA20
4- Ghost Recon Breakpoint
5- Anno 1800
6- The Division 1+2
so ??!!!
RDR 2 & Call of Duty M.W ???!!!
has trojan in EMP file unfortunately
UDS:Trojan.Multi.GenericML.xnet detected
you can tell me is false positive but sorry i won’t thrust in randoms xD anyway have fun guys il wait for a sale.
same prob, updated the drivers of gpu, it worked for me, also changed the localsave to 1.
good luck, good game
If it keeps crashing for you, Just update your GPU driver.
Working for me
if it STILL doesn’t work after you do everything that has been mentioned. Reinstall and don’t let the installer write the cracks. Do it yourself, change the Local Save to 1 and it should work.
how i change language?
Time to start cracking more latest games, vamos!
Finally we have the cracked version!!!!!! And It works perfectly!
If you have dual monitor, disconnect one and the game will start. Thanks!!!
what’s the point of this when the game itself connect heavily to steam database (workshop and network)
I miss jurassic world evolution
(All dlc include)
works after updating gpu driver and changing localsave to 1 ty
Hi everyone,
Many Thanks, and thanks and thanks for this job …..
I love you 🙂
Just AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank You !
Updating gpu and making localsave 1 worked for me thx
How do I change the .ini to 1? It wont let me save it save. It says I don’t have permission to open the file
…..Empress needs some Bitcoins…..
Trash simulator got hyped for nothing.
That’s AAA trash for you.
Finally works for me.
Since I suck quite much in computing, this might help a few of you guys having crashing problems.
At first it didn’t work though I had changed the LocalSave value and I had checked my GPU was up to date (clicking on the update button in my windows’ control panel).
In fact, I have performed a manual update of my Nvidia using the following tuto (sorry it’s in French)
Then I have changed the LocaSave parameter from 0 to 1 in the steam_api64.ini file
And it worked perfectly
As for the language, just open the steam_api64.ini file and change the language from default English to the language of your choice (German, French, Spanish, …), it worked perfectly for me as well.
Hope it will help
People here have literally no idea how Cracking or Denuvo works…
We have google, but hey, why not just guess lol.
Game crash …………….. startup and shutdown with crash message
only english language?
For those whose the game does not start, Edit steam_api64.ini LocalSave = 1 and launch the game with the exe in the directory and not with the shortcut on the desktop
I repeat, launch the game with the .exe in the game directory and not with the shortcut
Hello, how to change language please?
Thanks for the upload!
The file EMP.dll is seen as a trojan virus by Kaspersky and the game cannot be run.
Its a false positive!! as it happends usually with this files.
You just have to add the game folder to the antivirus exclusions in order to execute it.
Dlcs incluied ?
good virus protector u got wellchi,kasper didnt notice anything and neither did my other 2 pcs 1 has windows defender and the other has norton dont no why all 3 got different protections just came that way i guess never formatted em.. anyway back to the point game keeps crashing here aswell. but i changed local save from 0 to 1 and updated my grapics card and now i see a cute baby elephant running towards me. thanks for game empress
Macbeardy , tu veux dire quoi en disent éditez_api64.ini LocalSave = 1 ? s’il te plait
I have changed settings and reinstalled, and still crash… so clearly no fix or I just wait for repack or update 🙂
Change language: Open Steam_api64.ini and owerwrite language ( I write czech into english )
In this file you have owerwrite username
Everytime I start the game it crashes. No idea why. I thought it might have been my firewall or Bitdefender and turned it off but that was not the case. Can’t get it to lad at all.
Nice was crash before, update gpu and all done , and yes dlc all included
They should call it simply America kek
El fichero EMP.dll es un troyano
Tanto Karspersky como el antivurus de windows así lo indican.
For change langage : (for all game generaly) Sorry for my bad english i’m french
Search the file in game installation : “Steam_appi64” and open this with Bloc Note
Search line Language = english
Change english by your langage.
For me in example in french :
Language = french
Save and close and launch the game
I’ve been breaking my head all morning and I can’t make it work, I’ve done everything you specify in your posts and nothing, I don’t know what else to do except wait to see if a better version comes out
ALL dlc included?
Everytime I launch the game in Run as Administrator,it automatically crashes,same goes with the Repack one,but if I run normaly without the Run as Administration,the game closes
If you can crack Ano 1800 then you are the best
this game is version 1.2.5
any chance for update to 1.3.3 ?
GPU crashed while running Planet Zoo, and I use the exe file, not the shortcut
it works fine after install of gpu drivers
THANK YOU !!!!!!!
Works fine for me! Thank you very much! Hope you update it soon (please!)
For all the Windows noobs out there that complain the game doesn’t work… Hammm, you suck at computers?! It’s a strong possibility!!! Stop complaining and learn how to deal with windows and antivirus/firewalls. Also updating your gpu drivers and sorting out your C++ packages in add/remove programs in Control panel goes a looonngggg way. Jesus Christ, not even on their 2 feet they stop crying
Not opening and crashing every time I try to open it. Tried every solution people are suggesting in the comments but nothing worked for me !
had to re-install a few times, the local save was already set to 1, ran from install folder and finally got it to work
I installed it, I did as everyone says go from 0 to 1. But nothing. When I start the game I get an “Sorry, there was a problem” error message. So it doesn’t work (if my aglais is bad, it’s normal I’m French.)
All up to date, 20 years experience computers, 3000$ PC.
Still not working retard.
i ran compatibility troubleshooter and it got it working on windows 8
there you go….
Changing that steamapi setting to 1 made the game run for me. Didn’t even start before.
Yes guys, Update your GPU (carte graphique) and it will works 😉
running in windows 8 compatibility mode worked for me 🙂
How to chance language to portuguese Brazil?
Thank you very much EMPRESS, this game seems FANTASTIC !!!
has a very nasty Trojan and doesnt work
Why is it that you overweight Millennials can’t get your shit working? You lazy tub of lards. It’s hilarious that you fat fucks spend too much money on cheesecakes rather than purchasing a decent GPU. I’m having a blast with Planet Poo. I’ve even modded the hell outta this game. I finally created the animal of my dreams! I created a Red Panda named Booger that has diarrhea issues. I trained it to spray shit all over lazy, flip-flop, obese Millennials such as yourself. You fat motherfuckers are missing out on a “shitty” AAA game!
Get your potato PC’s working, you lazy motherfuckers.
Greasy, blubber-back Millennials don’t deserve to play video games. Why don’t you trashclowns buy some skinny jeans ‘an shit. You crybaby fucks. Better yet, have your chubby girlfriend spread her legs again for another generation of shit-fleshed beings.
I got an idea. I’ll mod my animals to eat your babies.
Update your GPUs. You corn-chip shoveling, refrigerator-raiding, diabetic, moose of a manchild. Holy shit, you people are garbage.
Updating GPU driver and running from folder worked for me
Anyone with the bug keepers not feeding the animals?
I tried everything people said here but to no avail, still sends me directly to Crash Report. But I’m happy that some are able to play.
Update gpu
Change in side steam_api64.ini LocalSave = 0 to LocalSave = 1
And then exclusion in windows 10 defender the whole folder where you installed the game. Its not launching cause your windows defender is blocking it even if its not poping up.
Hf and thnx for the game
Is that the game with dlc or without dlc?
I got it to work.
Not sure whether its the same for everyone. Below are the steps I took.
1. Update graphic drivers and GeForce experience
2, After installation, copy the crack manually from “Empress” folder to the game folder in Programs Files.
3. Edit the steam_api64 file. (open it with Notepad). Change the local save to 1. This step might require you to play with the permissions to allow you to edit/save the file.
4. Play the game using the executable.
Hope this might help.
Thank you.
For anyone else having issues getting to run with dual screen, i tired to old trick to run in windowed mode.
For everyone else.,
Create shortcut off main .exe
Open Properties
Add -w after game loc under target should look like this.
“K:\Planet Zoo\PlanetZoo.exe” -w
I hope this helps anyone thats had issues after trying everything else. worked for me.
Game works perfectly fine,
even with autocrack in the menu.
the bunch of ungrateful wankers don’t know how good they have.
In the properties, select this program in Windows 8 compatibility mode and then run the game as administrator. It worked for me.
Hey guys
can someone confirm the including DLCs?
Especially the new one: Australia Pack?
All DLC’s:
Arctic Pack?
South America Pack?
Australia Pack?
Thanks for letting me know ♥
There is all Dlc?
Mine crashed at first and second try but able to launch after changing the compatibility setting.
1- ricght-click shortcut>properties navigate to compatibility tab
2- check “run this program in compatibility mode for” windows 7
3- check “run this program as an administrator”
4- go to “change high DPI settings”
5- check “Use this setting to fix blah blah…” and “Override high DPI blah blah..”
6- click “ok” and “apply”
It works for me so far dunno with you guys
My god, you clowns and your craptastic GPUs. Bwah-Haahaha!
All DLC included except Australia Pack
DLCs are not included
1098120=Planet Zoo: Deluxe Upgrade Pack
1098121=Planet Zoo: Deluxe Edition Animals
1196770=Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack
1238440=Planet Zoo: South America Pack
Salut pour les français qui galère a lancer ce jeux pck il crash aller dans steam_api64.ini changer LocalSave = 0 en LocalSave = 1 et faite les MAJ de GeForce Experience Et pour le mettre en français changer Language english en french voila
Installed on two “really not recent computers”, windows 10, latest build and updates.
hardest thing was to tell kaspersky to stop deleting the file emp.dll but once excluded from scans, everything went fine
changed the ini setting to 1, launch from folder directly and didnt use the shortcut
works on a 660GT and a 7950 radeon, on old school computers that are 7 and 10 years old.
go figure…..
not even sure i updated the latest drivers to be honest.
maybe people that run default antivirus should put a real one to be able to manage the exclusion, maybe the win defender sabotages the emp.dll crack.
goodluck all, the game is really nice, even in low or medium settings with just 8GB ram and low cost gfx
Jebem li vam mamu u picku zbog ovog kreka degene retardirani. Ako mislite ovo raditi onda radite to kako treba, a ne da podvaljujete trojance ovde u usta vas jebem sve redom.
thx god
EMP.DLL come with a virus????!!!!
I’ve done everything mentioned above, but still cant get it to work.
i can’t play
It show crashed
I tried solutions of above….
It do start up but after 10 seconds always crash. I cannot go further then main menu. I am sad.
Bwah-Hahahahah! Still can’t play? You sorry, sacks of shit! This is marvelous!
Someone with the issue: Sorry, something went wrong, for solutions please visit:
yesterday i changed the localsave to 1 and worked fine, but today the same error appears again
didnt work for me did everything above and it keeps crashing help pleas
So, i have been playing the game after changing the ini file to localSave = 1,
saved my game and everything was fine, but now when i try to launch the game with the OfflineStorage folder in gameDir it pops up a window with error oops something went wrong for solutions please visit ….
Now i tried deleting my offlineStorage, and the game RAN perfectly again.
So apparently there is a problem with the save folder it self…
ANYONE has a FIX??? i’d appreciate any help
Pour ma part le jeu se lance mais tout les menus sont vides de texte, les bulles sont vides, je ne comprends pas
Works great for me
Not working
Hi? it worked for me but after 2 days, it crashed and now nothing work… i changed local save etc..
omg this kyojin is so pathetic
nobody want’s to reply and he is so desperately trying to get some attention because in real life there is no one that want’s to talk to it
il say it again……. soooooo pathetic
I don’t know about you but I think this game isn’t property cracked. I played one time and when I was back for the game it gave me an Status Error: 88500000. I had to uninstall it and installed another version. Played and when I went back again… the same error. As far I researched this erro is related to DENUVO.
Please error: 88500000 PLEASE HOW TO FIX
Game works takes a bit of work on your end to make it work though.
-Ensure your gpu drivers are up to date.
-Change LocalSave = 0 to 1 (in “steam_api64.ini”)
-Change to windows 7 compatibility
-Restart steam
I got 88500000 ERROR.. After change the LocalSave back to 0, it started… Well, lets see tomorow.. Last time it worked one day (or maybe 3 times starting game) 😀
use the win7 compatibility mode
Error at the setup:
Russian —————————————————————
Unarc.dll Russian—————————: -14
ERROR: this is not FreeArc archive or this archive is corrupt
I ran it 5 times, then it just wouldn’t run. I start it, it starts then before I get any visuals, it stops without any notice. I did the troubleshouting advised here and I got 88500000 error too. I believe Denuovo must got a plottwist for crackers, where it will let you play for a while then it shuts you out entirely.
Either way. I guess now my watch begins again cause no way the game is worth 75euros even with all four dlc’s. It is a nice game but fairly over-priced for a game that is using Denuovo that’s proven decreases performance. I won’t splash out that much money on a game that is shittier using a legal copy than using a cracked one. I made that mistake with DAO.
THE GAME WORKS FINE! NO CRASHES, NO PROBLEMS! The only problem is the bugs in the game. Been playing for the last 2 weeks on Win10. The problem is with your crappy computer (software)! Did you really disabled the AV??? Even though you said you did it can run on the background yeah?! It’s also possible that it quarantined/locked the crack during the install. You have to check in your AV quarantine/lock files manager and ALLOW permissions. If that isn’t the issue try to uninstall your AV (completely). Disable the Windows AV also! Reinstall the game. Stop editing files that don’t need editing! This is just install and let it do it’s work. If your drivers are update and you did all of those previous steps…. Your computer has a deeper problem. A format or a technician would help in that situation… The game runs fine!
Hope to get an update to the game. Thanks a lot guys! Awesome work as ever! Keep on rocking!
STFU chainese! If it is working on your pc doesn’t mean it is working on everyone else’s. Only a few people can run this crack. It’s behaviour is different on different pcs.
Planet Zoo (Empress-Fitgirl Repack) Black Screen & Crash Report FIX
Hey guys, to anyone who got the black screen & crash report at startup, I just found a fix.
Update your vVGAga driver to the latest first!
Here’s what I did and I hope it works for you:
Check the Read-Only box on these files: EMP.dll, steam_api64.dll, steam_api64.ini
Uncheck the Run as Administrator on PlanetZoo.exe (uncheck anything else on that tab such as disable full-screen optimization & high DPI settings if you have it checked.)
Exclude the Planet Zoo game folder in windows defender.
Run the game executable from the file directory, not from shortcuts of any kind. (At least that’s what I did.)
Update: I got the “something went error” pop up when I was trying to launch today but no crash report, so I unchecked the Read-Only on the 3 files above and it worked again. I don’t know why, just so you know.
The issue for me was dual monitors, I switched to main screen, set save to 1 as some of you said, waited patiently and game launched just fine. Before it would crash within a few seconds (when i was using dual monitors)
I can’t belive I’ve waited for so long and saved SO MUCH SPACE and it’s just 11GB
i saved live
100GB cause i thought it was heavy as hell THTRHRTHRTHRYT
Game working fine, +50 hours no problem at all, didnt even upgraded gpu driver. It´s your antivirus for sure. GL
Working perfectly! Thx alot guys! Let’s hope for DLCs!
I find out, that this problem is with SAVES.
Delete EMP.BIN from your save location (depends on chosed 0/1 in .ini, it will be in APPDATA or in game folder). Now its 3rd time i made this and the 885 error goes away.
Not find permanent solution yet, but atleast this works for a while.
I have try everything it wont works for me, i dont update graphic because i know it wont work, can someone help?????
WhatTheCrack THANKS MAN!
I’ve been playing for a couple of days and then the crash showed up again, deleted the emp.bin file and can run it again with saved games and all, you’re a lifesaver.
dont work for me too ;/ and i have a good computer and tryed everythink
It works!! Sorry chainese. Completely uninstall your antivirus and disable windows defender. Then reinstall the game and it runs.
Working nice since i have update nvidia pilote
Hello me I managed to start the games finally you have to go to appData I deleted everything in appdata and magic the games this launches I really have a hard time finally
Bonjour moi j’ai réussi a démarrer le jeux enfin il faut aller dans appData j’ai supprimé tout dans appdata et magique le jeux ce lance j’ai vraiment galérer mes enfin
Worked flawlessly for me.
I didn’t need to do anything, just installed and clicked include crack in the installer. Currently playing now.
Ameraican…. YOU’RE AN IDIOT! “Just because it works on yours doesn’t mean it works on others”. Really??!?! Hardware and software are ALL THE SAME for everyone! What varies are the clocks and frequencies basically. And the variation of characters, such as languages. So if it works on one… IT WILL WORK ON EVERYONE.
Unless something inside that domain is stopping it’s function. In your case, the AV. But even that can be just one of the causes! It can be drivers, firewalls, firmwares, malfunction hardware, bad/conflicting software, your momma,… Next time, before you start vomiting crap out of your mouth… Do listen, accept your ignorance in such topics and try to be humble! You piece of “#%)! )#”$)=!)!$! Mother (!=$!/)#$%/$!?=!!!!!!
I didn’t ask you for anything! you the service bell remains in your country c clear then take care of your business is the idiot as you say well it works so close the thank you
je t’ai rien demandé! toi la cloche de service reste dans ton pays c claires alors occupe toi de tes affaires est l’idiot comme tu dit ben ça fonctione alors ferme la merci
I made the game work by changing the local save file to 1 and making the game compatible with win 7.
bonjour pouvez vous m en voyer EMP.dll
[email protected]
merci c est pour ma fille
I dont know why, I install it, cracked it.. but when I try to launch its give me error. Strange but thank you for any tip
updates¿¿??? thx!!
Hi !
Just a question… i download game and crack but i have errors when decompress zips : files missing.
I undestand the missings files ares in the crack.
But when i want to decompress crack he ask me a password !! i have to pay for this password ???
Someone can help please ?
Thx !
How to put this game in the Spanish language
please help
my gpu driver is up to date and i change the local save to 1 and i did everything above and still doesn’t work
Is there any way to access steam community? I wanted to download some blueprints :((
Anyone can help me? Tried eveything everyone been suggesting and yet i still can’t play the game and it still crashes everytime and i run it. I’ll appreciate anyone who are willing to help! Happy Gaming everyone!
Can we please get the latest update and DLC packs for this game? My child loves playing and giving her extra things to do would be great. I have already made a request for it, thank you for all your hard work.
how we can play online .. ?
To change language , u need to modify steamappid and u change english by the language u want
I got crashed on game start. Sometimes with error message, sometimes the game started and close before showing anything. BUT IT WORK NOW, SO HOW DID I DO TO MAKE IT WORK :
– Update GPU drivers
– Update steam_api64 in game folder. set local_storage = 1
– set compatibility to windows 7 compatibility
After this it still didn’t work so I did :
Right click on the .exe file -> Properties -> compatibility -> click on the button at the top that start compatibility check (I don’t know the english label for this). It made me try windows 8 compatibility and IT WORKS NOW !
Coucou les FR ! J’avais essayé tous ce qu’ils disaient au dessus et rien ne marchait. Parfois j’avais un message d’erreur et parfois le jeu s’affichait dans la barre des taches puis se fermait avant d’ouvrir la fenetre.. donc voilà toutes les étapes que j’ai réalisé pour que ça marche :
-mettre a jour les pilotes de ma carte graphique
-ouvrir le fichier steam_api64 dans le dossier du jeu et modifier comme ceci :
local_storage = 1
language = french
– mettre le jeu en compatibilité windows 7 (clique droit sur le jeu dans son dossier (pas le raccourci sur votre bureau), propriétés, onglet compatibilité, executer ce programme en mode compatibilité windows 7)
Après ça , ça ne marchait toujours pas donc j’ai fais ça :
clique droit sur le jeu dans son dossier (pas le raccourci sur votre bureau), propriétés, onglet compatibilité, lancer la résolution de problèmes de compatibilité
L’outil m’a alors proposé de lancer le jeu en compatibilité windows 8 et ça a marché !
I got crashed on game start. Sometimes with error message, sometimes the game started and close before showing anything. BUT IT WORK NOW, SO HOW DID I DO TO MAKE IT WORK :
– Update GPU drivers
– Update steam_api64 in game folder. set local_storage = 1
– set compatibility to windows 7 compatibility
After this it still didn’t work so I did :
Right click on the .exe file -> Properties -> compatibility -> click on the button at the top that start compatibility check (I don’t know the english label for this). It made me try windows 8 compatibility and IT WORKS NOW !
Coucou les FR ! J’avais essayé tous ce qu’ils disaient au dessus et rien ne marchait. Parfois j’avais un message d’erreur et parfois le jeu s’affichait dans la barre des taches puis se fermait avant d’ouvrir la fenetre.. donc voilà toutes les étapes que j’ai réalisé pour que ça marche :
-mettre a jour les pilotes de ma carte graphique
-ouvrir le fichier steam_api64 dans le dossier du jeu et modifier comme ceci :
local_storage = 1
language = french
– mettre le jeu en compatibilité windows 7 (clique droit sur le jeu dans son dossier (pas le raccourci sur votre bureau), propriétés, onglet compatibilité, executer ce programme en mode compatibilité windows 7)
Après ça , ça ne marchait toujours pas donc j’ai fais ça :
clique droit sur le jeu dans son dossier (pas le raccourci sur votre bureau), propriétés, onglet compatibilité, lancer la résolution de problèmes de compatibilité
L’outil m’a alors proposé de lancer le jeu en compatibilité windows 8 et ça a marché !
Can you try to update this game to 1.6 + DLC when it cames out on 22.06.2021 ??? Thank you in advance.
Please update to 1.6 + DLC when it cames out on 22.06.2021. Thanks a lot.
1.6 svp
Can you update it to 1.6 +DLCs ????
There are no more version cracked until now, the person that cracked the game will not crack it for a long time. You need to understand that the person that cracked the game was EMPRESS, and she does not work in the type of websites. Go to crackwatch reddit, and ask for the game there, it might speed up the process
People asking for the update and new DLC stop asking in this websites, go to crackwatch reddit, and ask there. EMPRESS cracked the game, this website are just for download, they dont do anything
We should go to Crackwatch Reddit?? Then why do they have the request option here? It’s to request… Nothing?
My antivirus blocks the crack, tried excluding everything but doesn’t allow it to run. Please make the necessary changes. Thank you.
No necessary changes needed. You either deactivate your antivirus, add PZ folder to your exclusions AV list and/or remove the crack from the quarantine of your AV. Game works fine
Doesn’t have to change anything! Because the game works flawlessly. You have though! Your AV took hold of the crack! Once that’s done, even if you add the folder to the Exclusions List, that crack is deactivated. You have to go in your AV, probably in your Quarantine, and restore the crack. Probably Allow and Restore the file too. Check if the .exe is in the game folder for example… If it is, you only have to allow it in AV. If it’s not, you have to restore the .exe from the Quarantine menu
It’s been so long. Please update the game to latest version..
I am getting this error wtf? what should i do?
Can you update to 1.7 with all DLC ?
Plz and thx for your work 😉
is everyone just stupid around here?
A fonctionné 2 semaines et depuis la dernière MAJ NVIDIA plante à chaque démarrage malgré toutes les manip recommandées.
Dommage… Ne pas DL, perte de temps
Please give us an update.. it’s been 2 years almost.. ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
the game is super boring i didnt even try it more than 2 minutes dont download it, its trash too complicated lol
Sorry you’re not intelligent enough to understand a simulation game
Will this get updated with the expansion packs!? Really hoping so, looking forward to so much content!!
worked for me !
Hopefully soon it will be updated with all the content
for everyone who cant seem to get the game working despite trying everything in these comments, downgrade your graphics driver, that worked for me atleast.
Please update 1.10
Can we have a new version with the latest DLC ? :3
I wrote this two years ago. There will be no update. Save your money and buy this game, it’s absolutely worth it. This site only publish cracked games, no one here will crack anything for you and the person who cracked this game doesn’t give a… you know what.
There is sale on Steam right now so you can get the game cheap.
This is amazing. I can’t wait
click here
please do update
Doesn’t work on my 3 computers. I changed localsave to 1, updated my graphic drivers.
I’m french, thank you for the sharing of this game.
I installed the game in my computer (windows 10) and it works but when i installed it on another computer (windows 11), i’ve a big crash at the startup. Do you know if this game work correctly in Windows 11.
Thank you for you help, feedback.
Quand j’essaie de sauvegarder le fichier steam_api64 après l’avoir modifié, on me dit que je n’ai pas la permission de le faire… Quelqu’un à une solution ?
keeps fucking crashing man
I’ve updated my GPU and I changed the save thing from 0 to 1
Could you please update this with the latest DLC? Thanks much!
I bought this game on sale from steam and it worths every penny also empress will never uptade this crack so buy it
for those who still can`t start the game by crashing itself its because the latest gpu driver doesn`t support the old game itself.
To make the game playable again download ans install the following driver:
(Nvidia 472.12) I know its an old version but you can easily update to a newer version again when you played the game to its end.
Dosnt work
Maybe finally update?
Update this game please
Just poiting that the demand is still here
When are we going to have an updated version of Planet Zoo with all its DLCs? Since 2020 nothing is known and what little there is does not work well. It’s a bit daunting.
When will people finally understand that there will be no update? You want all DLC’s? Buy the game.
After few decade, finally I CAN PLAY THIS GAME!! I use elamigos version (It should be the same with empress) first, take the “steam_api64.dll” file (apps exten) from Planet Coaster game (you must download and install it), then change and replace the file to the Planet Zoo. After that, change “steam_api64” (config sett) via notepad LocalSave = 0 to LocalSave = 1. Done! You can play it with any version GPU driver.
After few decade, finally I CAN PLAY THIS GAME!! I use elamigos version (It should be the same with empress) first, take the “steam_api64.dll” file (apps exten) from Planet Coaster game (you must download and install it), then change and replace the file to the Planet Zoo. After that, change “steam_api64” (config sett) via notepad LocalSave = 0 to LocalSave = 1. Done! You can play it with any version GPU driver.
– Install the game
– Crack it
– Download Goldberg Steam Emulator
– Copy and paste Goldberg Steam Emulator files in the Planet Zoo main folder
– Replace the files
– Install the game.
– Apply the crack.
– Apply the fix (replace the files steam_api.dll and steam_api64.dll).
– Play.
– https://1fichier.com/?umw9xmgu3t51zxbrev59
1fichier did the trick, it added one file and IT WORKS!
Felipe Solution actually works !!!
Thanks man !
compatible with latest NVIDIA Drivers too
Have a nice Day.
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Crack corrigido !
Could we get some new working links please?