Nex Machina is an intense arcade style twin-stick shooter from Housemarque. Taking…
Nex Machina is an intense arcade style twin-stick shooter from Housemarque. Taking hints from both Robotron and Smash TV, Nex Machina focuses on pure action, voxel destruction and competition in the distant, cablepunk themed future.
Title: Nex Machina
Genre: Action, Indie
Developer: Housemarque
Publisher: Housemarque
Release Date: 20 Jun, 2017
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Nex Machina-CODEX
Size: 1.01 GB
I hate muslim.
El 1º yo, jiji
i hate christians ,jews and every non muslim
I hate fucking ISIS
exoss is the son of pig who have no manner of writing comments
I am a Muslim, I do not hate you
@Exoss we don’t care it’s not a diplomacy site
@exoss: AND I HATE YOU…
this is not right place to Express your opinion, so shut your mouth
Not working for me, crashes when trying to open it. It’s the only CODEX release I’ve had problems with. Maybe a problem with the crack?
I hate everyone equally,
You can’t tear that out of me!
No segregation, separation,
Just me in my world of enemies!
thnks you skidrow ! realy nice game
more metal wisdom
We fill all the cracks in with judicial granite, just because Im not sayin it, dont mean I aint thinkin it.
Next thing you know theyll take out thoughts away
I thought there is moderation here, but seems there is none, you can shittalk all day.
how to unlock other levels?
This site is supposed to talk about games, not religion war. No racist please you guys.
The game works. Except for ONLY being able to play ONE level. ALL other levels are locked, no matter if you complete them, no matter what difficulty, Arcade or not. You can never unlock the other levels.
I love pie(guess the referrence)
thx Skid, u read my request i love u <3 :3
Well. Exoss said that he hate muslims. And its wrong. 3 Muslims here wrote that they hate christians and jews, and its all right… Rly guys?
The Steam link is from “The Darkest Dungeon”
Thank you!
Cant believe these comments a fucking a game!!! and so is this hate campaign that the government wants to start, I am christian and I love all religion POWER TO THE PEOPLE !!!!!!!
I am getting like 1-2 fps, even in the menus. It’s not my computer. Am I the only one ?
will their be another version that unlocks the full game?
Mettez un serpent en face d’un enfant , si il pleure faite en un chretien , sil il le caresse faite en un un catholique , mais si il le frappe sachez que cet enfant est musulman ( sachez que que le serpent n’ estt que le symbol de satan , et du mal qui l entoure . )
This game is amazing!!
It works perfectly fine for me. Thanks CODEX.
Il est dommage de faire des paraboles qui encourage la ségrégation religieuse. ca donne une mauvaise image de l’Islam, qui n’en a vraiment pas besoin.
not working for me, i try to start it and it crashes… 🙁
Game does’nt work for me too. 1st time a codex game does’nt work. It gets stuck in a black screen after the loading page with the red eyed mecha, before some game menu. When i pop the task manager, i see a second window of the game where it says “assertion failure”. Is it possible to fix it?
i hate you exoss you fucking bastard
Yes game not work delete this torent. No run
The muslims in this thread are kinda… nasty. I wonder if their religion turned them violent, or if they are born violent and just use their religion as an excuse.
Aqui teneis un gameplay, en español.
This is a gameplay in spanish.
Jesus H. Christ I’ve been using this site for what seems like years, but I’ve never seen a comment section as retarded as this before.
Y’all don’t need Jeebus.
Just duct tape for your fuckin’ trap. Take the religion and shit somewhere else. This is a video game piracy website; not a blog.
Y’a pas de criss de God ni de criss de Satan. Peu importe ce que vous dites vous faites juste vous caler vu que vous etes trop con pour vous en rendre compte. Muhahahha!
There is no fucking god and Demons. Whatever you say about it you just make a fool of yourself.
The reason is simple. Nobody can think without a brain. Nobody can live without a brain. There is nothing after death. There is no entity who can think without a brain. All religions are juste made to take control of humanity. God said that?… . God need you to do this?… You need to be really retarded to believe all that crap.
I hate all organized religions. Also, please re-up links. TY
you can’t blame the islam for peoples action
if you actually studied islam you will see that it is a beautiful religion of peace just because some Muslims are bad that does not mean Islam is.
Thank you for reading