Although it hasn’t been rated yet, Monster Prom features mature themes, naughty words and….
Although it hasn’t been rated yet, Monster Prom features mature themes, naughty words and some objectively bawdy scenarios, not suited for the sheepish or the faint of heart. Please bear this in mind before playing.
Title: Monster Prom
Genre: Indie, Simulation
Release Date: 27 Apr, 2018
Support the software developers. BUY IT!
Monster Prom-ALI213
Size: 320 MB
The SJW is strong in this game. One of the first things it asks you is what pronoun you identify as.
Thanks for uploading it
Thank You! Does this include the summer update?
skidrow plz plz download or upload sky noon plz a game called sky noon plz skidrow sky noon
Isnt SKy noon only multiplayer? then i trully doubt anyone will even upload it!
@nassim stop being lazy and use the request page like everybody else does
@Slade SJW can also mean Stupid Jizz Wanker
SJWs are ruining gaming
Another day, another visual novel “game.”
Gaming must be really ill for viri like these to spread so fast.
oh lol, the sheer REEE in this comment section is hilarious
might be interesting if it were Monster Porn
*Thinks white privilege is threatened by an innocuous choice in a video game marketed at millennials*
Get back to masturbating, plebs. Why d/l a shit game if you have a shit mindset and nothing to bring to the table? Oh yah, you wanted to masturbate. That’s why you’re pissed.
“Oh my god! It’s blasphemy against my binary values!”
Don’t you see you are acting out the same idiotic behaviors you are trying to dismiss? 2 sides of the same shit-caked coin.
If you are “nonbinary” you need help, not encouragement.
I downloaded the game thinking it was going to be some kind of visual novel but it ended up being a really short game that will put you in a gay date arbitrarly based on one questionary at the beggining of the game, there are no “choices” on who you can date because it’s basically random on which places you visit and the people it’s in those places, interactions that should’ve be catalogued as friendly with others like giving them reason in an argument equals to more love interest so you end up dating somebody you never wanted to just because you think they were right.
@Hans-Landa They don’t pair you up with someone arbitrarily, the results of the Questionnaire is based off of what the character themselves would answer, and most of your encounters will have something to do with the character you choose, it’s not random. Also if you screw up the Questionnaire you can just sit with the person you wanted to be with during lunch break and get closer to them there, thus making most of your encounters based around them
Wow this looks sooo incredibly gay. Monster Prom? A super drrpy game for 15 year old girls. Can’t believe somebody requested this gay trash.
Look like we got an influx of fragile broflakes in these comments crying over pronouns being respected and the existence of gays lmao
Why is it my anti-virus & Firefox are telling me there’s a Virus in this.
So many people getting pissed off. You don’t like it, you don’t play it.
SJW are not running the gaming industry, that the industry has opened up in recent years doesn’t mean they will stop making traditional games!
Monster Prom Second Term update?? please post the update!!
Guys were are the torrent links, been waiting for them hella time