Lost Ruins is a 2D side-scrolling survival action game….
Lost Ruins is a 2D side-scrolling survival action game, where you play as a young girl that has awoken in a strange and foreign place without her memories. Explore a dark and dangerous world, battle hideous monsters, and topple incredible bosses.
Title: Lost Ruins
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Release Date: 13 May, 2021
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Lost Ruins-Chronos
Size: 400 MB
waiting for someone to confirm that it is clean of viruses, got a virus here, hacked my youtube channel and instagram, two more friends also caught it last month 🙁
A: learn how to download games first then start downloading games. looks like you click in the wrong place to download actual game files. if you download EXE instead of RAR/ZIP/ISO, 100% you are downloading something else not game files.
OOoohhh YYyyyeeeaaahh!
No hay ningún virus en los juegos de esta página. Llevo usándola varios años y nada, ningún problema
Tengo el Eset32 como antivirus y me bajo juegos de aquí todas las semanas.
Ya te digo que esta página está libre de virus y troyanos
very fun game
Marcos ,hate to say it but if you got a virus you did something wrong ,clicked the wrong right or an AD ,i am using this site for a very long time,i get prety much anything that comes up here ,no viruses brother
If you don’t trust it, just upload the .exes and .dlls to virustotal. I do it before running any non-scene release I download.
Works fine here! thanks chronos and skidrowreloaded for share
Game is safe, guys you must know something sometime STEAM EMULATOR (which let you play games without need of steam) sometime it attract AV even if they are safe
GOG (DRM FREE) Version =>
A: All release/SCENE/P2P/Early Access… shared in skidrowreloaded are scanned and verified first so we can assure you all games here are SAFE, we don’t take responsibility if you download from others websites and come here to complaint. skidrowreloaded is online years ago if you where one of our old fans you will know what we are talking about. All SCENE release are SAFE since 198x, If you don’t know what is SCENE GROUPS and how their RULES are very strict, google/wiki is your friend. If you get Alert in SKIDROW/TINYISO/DARKSIDERS/HOODLUM installer! We can confirme it’s SAFE. otherwhise you have right to believe it or not, Try install any games in Virtual Machine so you can be sure it’s SAFE. anyway you can ask anywhere to be sure. This is last time we will re-confirme this again! Respect and Enjoy
@Marcos: i think you don’t know where to click to download games, as you know mirroring or filesharing websites like for exemple zippyshare or few of them you must know where to click to download actual game file, for exemple if you click somewhere else in zippyshare it will redirect you to an ADS to download for exemple an EXE or something which is not the real game file you must click right orange button ‘DOWNLOAD NOW”
This is my recording video testing this game for you:
Next time my friend if you are trying to download something be sure you are downloading from real button and place. skidrowreloaded is one of my best old trusted source of games since 2014. thanks alot btw for sharing games with us
@Steven: you are one of the best person here! you help us many time in many games! thanks alot man
The cover looks like Sailor moon
Any way to fix the controller issues here,
Using the PS5 Controller makes the game unplayeable
very cool game, totally recommended
Holy shit the legend himself addresses the masses
Wow, what a click bait poster for a game, half naked girls and the game couldn’t get more pixaly.
Really sells the game, sigh, could gaming get more shit tier with all the early acces, pay to win, not finished on release and games not worth the download.