LEFT ALIVE is a brand-new survival action shooter telling….
LEFT ALIVE is a brand-new survival action shooter telling a human story of survival from the perspective of three different protagonists during the devastating invasion set in war-torn Novo Slava in 2127.
Genre: Action
Release Date: 5 Mar, 2019
Support the software developers. BUY IT!
• https://store.steampowered.com/app/714370/LEFT_ALIVE/
Size: 21 GB
thanks empress and codex
Finally! Was waiting for this game since its release lol
Kudos to Empress
Who wanted this cracked?
I want you to understand one simple principle. When you develop something new that is better and works universally, you start to test it from the bottom of the ladder so you can clear it from any unwanted behaviours for when you are on the top of the ladder. Trash games like this one serves this exact building purpose. If you didn’t know denuvo is HARD and requires you to consider 1000 things when you crack it. Have some sense in yours heads.
The next game will be Yakuza Like a Dragon from the poll I made several months that I will honour now. I believe that my technology is good enough now to get to the higher level of denuvo.
EMPRESS PLEASE CRACK Watch Dogs Legion and or Tony Hawk Pro Skater HD 1+2
I think nobody wants to except “empress” .. rubbish
Obrigado Empress pelo vosso excelnte trabalho, 5 *****
Please Code Vein instead the useles Yakuza game.
Ok, I’ve read Empress’ release notes, but I guess I’m too dumb to get it. Left Alive is an extremely unoptimized, buggy game. How are you going to gauge whether it IS working as intended after the crack, when it isn’t working as intended even without.
If you wanted to pick less awaited / popular games, why not Evil Genius 2? It is flawed and has mixed reception, but it doesn’t seem to have any technical issues by itself.
Empress, we here, waiting for re8 crack and you give us left alive, fitgirl as right, EMPRESS is really making fun of us all…
empress please please please crack resident evil village please you are the best i respect your fatigue
Fantastic response from Empress, indirectly or not. I’m just gonna use that when responding to the dorks on here who are all like “why crack this garbage no one wants?” in future.
I love empress’s description of the game 😀
Also looking forward to Yakuza like a dragon
A lot of it, the gameplay, design, and even the cover art seems to be a rip-off of Metal Gear Solid
Tank, nobody wanted this cracked, she just wants donation for other games to be cracked lol XD she thinks she can make a living by cracking XD
@Tank nobody wanted this, she wants donation to crack games like re8 XD she thinks she can make a living by cracking XD
@skidrow Thank you skidrow, I’m extremely grateful that you guys even run the website this well, I hate seeing people being entitles to your work!
How is yakuza next over resident evil 8? Im sure A LOT of ppl wanna see re8 cracked, me included. well done tho empress
thx empress
thank you for your hard work empress
please crack fifa 21 or tony hawk pro skater hd 1 + 2
Game itself looks great. Also thank you EMPRESS for sharing and letting us test these games. I respect your doing.
Great job Empress, but please give us re8 before the very bad yakuza 7.
Now I know why they release the low tier games. I want to thank the Empress for making this clear. Without it I would have been ranting still.
If by any chance hacker (not only empress, but to all those who are putting effort on making changes), thank you so much for your hard work. Hope your everyday life will be amazing.
Hail empress the king of cracking denuvo.so guys shut your mouth and said thanks because if she stop crack denuvo then we are lost
Thanks EMPRESS for the DENUVO vaccine
Thank you EMPRESS <3 the sexiest lady in the game cracking business!
They say that this game has bad reviews, comments on Steam, I look, but anyway, the game I think I will not download it.
I’ve played this game on playstation… and is one of the worst metal gear clones and worst games ever. I have to cheer empress for cracking denuvo again, but this game is not worth the effort.
Thanks , residente evil 8 please
If Empress is so great, let’s see her crack RE Village next!!! (wink, wink, nudge nudge) Just kidding, it’s not like I don’t have a massive back catalog of other great games to play first, but that would jump to the head of my queue.
Fuck this game. We want Resident Evil Village cracked.
installation not working crc error
first off damn ur a idiot if u think that ppl cant make a living off of cracking games especially denuvo games we should all be very fuking thankful that empress and others dont charge us for the games they crack . ppl like emp work hard and lose lots of there time and life so we can play and have fun for free .empress i thank thee frokm the bottom of my heart and everyone else in the scene .
crc during install
f1 2020 , thps 1+2,watchdogs legion,yakuza like and anthem ,re 8 village please empress
thank you
I have an i7-4930k with an nvidia geforce rtx 2060 and I get this message…this game requires the FMA instruction set which your computer does not support…whats up with that? whats the solution
Waiting for Ghost recon breakpoint will be crack one day I hope
Empress should try cracking my uwu next
I will thank empress if Yakuza is next as for this trash? well, what can I say I was curious about the product because is set in one of my favorite franchises that is From Mission but while that game was an SRPG with customizable robots this fucking piece of shit tried to copy MGS while couldn’t even grasp the basic to create a least a playable game. It will forever remain a huge disappointment, good art thou wasted on this game but still good.
Empress please crack Soulcalibur 6 Hwang update
I agree even trash games dserves be cracked why ? because simple reason to reseatrch how denuvo here works and then can move to another moe difficult releases. Just dont expect Resident village anytime soon because it probably be there after 3 months denuvo get removed by Capcom unles someone else will take over.
Because EMPRESS said she wont not in near future.
We all have to say Thank´s
games bodoh macam taik
@Tank So we forgot about the possibility that she would work the Resident evil village soon?? 🙁
CPY only hope then.. :\
huh why waste time on this useless game when there are better games to crack
Piracy is finally dead, denuvo has won
FMA4 is only supported on some AMD processors and was removed eventually. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I just wanna a proper Immortals Fenyx Rising crack.
@George Douglas
Google is your friend.
From what I found, FMA is an AMD thing, but I can’t believe there are games out there not compatible with Intel Core CPUs, there has to be more to it than that.
you guys are the best, thats awesome news and a massive achievement empress! well done!!! you are simply amazing at what you guys do. Not a single person here has any idea what crap you guys go through to get people these games, please never stop. THANK YOU!!
YOu CPU is crap literally 8years CPU! and you expect to run games from 2019-21 ?? !! Are you insane thats not like graphic card you can lower details/effects, UPGRADE! YOur CPu missing such instructions and theres no go.
Intel® Core™ i7-4930K Processor is old and doesn’t have FMA, you need a new gen CPU.
Empress please crack Yakuza like a dragon, Resident evil Village and Nier replicant…Thanks a lot.
“This Game requires FMA instruction set which your CPU doesn’t support”
Those lazy Developers … it’s hard to beleve games were ever made without, eh?
Most if not any of these instruction set dependencys are avoidable by configuring the used middleware engine supporting older CPU’s also, and most have less to none performance impact at all.
Cracking this piece of shit shows some commitment…
hi, how can we get into the cracking stuff? Any particular skill set, tools or something we should look at to get started…
gracias empress y valoramos tu esfuerzo, please re8 village aunque yakuza muy bién también.
Meh. Wasted potential. If they got rid of Navi and that stupid rescue missions that seems to bear no weight to the plot, I’d probably like it. I can work with weird controls, odd inventory systems and this weird camera obscurity depending on how fat the mech is.
Why the fuck is there so many comments like omg i was waiting for this, good game, thanks! for a game with literally the WORST reviews i’ve ever seen on steam. 24% positive.. 24%!! literal piece of shit trash game.
Ok, i see so many negative comment like ” why crack this sh*t before the game that I want” EMPRESS answer to those comments but seriously, if you want a game so badly, BUY IT !!! EMPRESS
Seriously, if you want so badly a game, BUY IT ! EMPRESS, CODEX, SKIDROW, DARKSIDER and the other give games for free and you cry for the one that you want ?! Stop to being so childish an be patient !
George K Dounlas, throw your pc in garbage can, my pc do not had any issues to start a game, only what im sad is that ppl said that this game is a shitty projekt, i just tryed to see if work and if goes in a game so yes work, your pc starting to be a piece of sh&t, (buy a new machine).
why si theis game sow low rating? 3.8/10
IGN gave this turd 3.8/10 lol
But yeah, still an impressive feat!! Thanks Empress!
Phenom2User i had same, or similiar mind 2years ago then my CPU died ansd i replaced with bit more budget one AMD Ryzen 5 2400p but it was from 2018 or so and aswell could run every game then to now. It can still just need graphic card seems this will be soon fixed too. Thankfully not many games needs Mainstream gpu. I run Days gone Medioum/ high fine only bit stutter at night with lights on and when theres more jumpers( dont want say zombies they dont call it here)
Mr xxmechanic and others. Stop defending the assh0les devs of this turd. If you didnt know 90 percent of computers round the world are a bunch pieces of sh1t that needs to go to the trash bin. But they are STILL pretty useful for everybody even for 90 percent of steam users and thats how pay debts are paid for everybody. Not this suicide lame attempt of MGS clone done by pricks. So the more incompetent and stupid devs are ,the more greedy they getting nothing. This was done by cdproject bugs if you stupid defensors of trash game dont already know.
we live in a cruel world, so this world where we live is only made from money, so noone cares about a some old pc.s, in any case if you like to play games you will always need money for new componets, and new procesors, devs of games and chips vendors dont give a sh*t, you must only always have a powerfull pc, so this is only money, why gameing world working, so only money
All of you stupid fools yeas all of u. What the heck are doing here? Dont download this bunch of feces as a excuse of a game. Dowload a real game: DAYS GONE. Thats a real cool game Im running it in piece of shit computer at 4K for real Only mentals would defend this shite done by mentals too. Wahts their name? O yeah SPIT ENIX LOL
I Wait the cpu optimize the game. Poor optimal, Gone day god graphics game, runng, the Left Alive medium graphics game not runing 😀
Childish corridor shooter..
This game is a piece of crap , but i am happy that EMPRESS will go next on a good game like yakuza like a dragon , and i hope they will then works on great remaining uncracked games like : Maneater , Tony Hawk 1+2 , star wars squadron , Nier Replicant , Resident Evil 8 Village
failed to load save data – Save Data is possible corrupted
create new one or ignore, both not working and cannot play like this – fix this crack and reupload or give a solution here!
Dommage moi qui aime les jeux de Square Enix et c’est Final Fantasy pour ce coup la je suis déçu. Merci quand même
Please reupload… can’t be found anymore… 🙁