KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX is an HD remastered collection….
KH HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX is an HD remastered collection of 6 unforgettable KH experiences. KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX is the perfect opportunity to start wielding your Keyblade to save the Disney worlds from darkness.
Title: KH HD 1.5 and 2.5 Remix
Genre: RPG, Single Player
Release Date: 30 Mar, 2021
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Network.Fix-CODEX { Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download }
KH HD 1.5 and 2.5 Remix-CODEX
Size: 52 GB
I’m running it but it wont launch,tried the admin start too
on the control panel of Nvidia, you need to add all exe of the folder “Kingdom hearts 1.5 and 2.5” in the 3d parameter ad select your GPU.
Can have this but in french is full English
Game wont start no matter what i do
Thanks for this one! But whenever i try to run the game it won’t launch. Clicking the desktop shortcut created by the installer causes my pc to load for a couple seconds, then nothing happens. Trying to run all of the exe files individually also does nothing. Anyone got an idea how to solve this?
anyone experiencing crashes on final mix? whenever i alt tab the game freezes and crashes. i also cant switch to anything else than fullscreen
ele fecha do nada durante gameplay, entao esteja salvando seu progresso com frequencia , e no meu caso ao voltar ao menu ele trava entao so consigo fechar com gerenciador de tarefas, espero que saia alguma correçao para isso , no mais ta rodando bem
This shit is obviously malware, nothing works. This game doesnt even have drm for fucks sake
Does it work or not?
im using amd .i delete all my drivers update . and it worked but crashing when when starting a game . then after that i upgraded all drivers . then the game wont launch and making a dmp file
Tienen que crackear el juego para que funcione, a mi me funciono perfecto
Tienen que crackearlo, me funcionó perfecto.
oque eu faço com esse fix?
game is missing a ton of required .dll files to run properly
File not found at uptobox and 1ficher
How to change the language?
Idk why people are incapable and need spoonfeeding.
Yes the launcher is broken but simply launch the respective games inside the Kingdom Hearts install folder.
Jesus people …
not everybody is like you, who born knowing all.
Why the game takes that long to download in Utorrent? Need to download the Network.fix-CODEX too? Ty for help
There’s a problem with Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix. The beginning of the game was ok, but since I got to new worlds the game has been crashing randomly in battles… Is this known?
all of the exe files are broken for some people.
only WaitTitleProject works for me and i searched for tons of fixes…
jesus am I the only person it’s working flawlessly for?
There is a problem with Kingdom Hearts II. after some point the game doesn’t save anymore
does it work on windows 7? here there are several missing DLL files from directx12, and even after getting them all it ends with error 0xc0000005. A detail that KH3 worked perfectly on windows 7, I had to download a couple of DLLs but it worked. I have tried several things but in the end from what I saw in the requirements it seems that I will need windows 10 after all. If someone managed to run on w7, can they respond as they did?
can u post updated version where kh2 doesnt crash
Anyone know what version of the game this is?
se puede poner en español y de ser así como se pone?
Can someone help me? Everytime i run BBS the game crashes, sometimes in gameplay or in in the opening FMVs.
There is any patch for getting italian text?
for the people who the game won’t start make sure you thick the little box when says copy codex file to installdir
For change language, after setup, go to folder and edit epic_emu.ici
Change language en by en, fr, it etc..
ALL Links invalid
Thank you;
Listen to this man, he has the solution.