Play as two of gaming’s most disturbing and realistic criminals…
Play as two of gaming’s most disturbing and realistic criminals; Lynch – a self medicated psychopath – and Kane – a disillusioned and desperate ex-mercenary, in a gritty and brutal crime shooter from IO Interactive.
Title: Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
Genre: Action
Developer: IO Interactive
Publisher: Square Enix
Release Date: 17 Aug, 2010
Languages: EN/FR/DE/IT/ES/PL
Note: The game is updated to v1.2.0.1.
This Complete release includes DLCs:
• Doggie Bag DLC
• Alliance Weapon Pack DLC
• Multiplayer Masks Pack DLC
Kane and Lynch 2 Dog Days Complete-PROPHET
Size: 7.5 GB
Trevor Philips & Michael De Santa
Thank you so much SKIDROWRELOADED, at the end for me who was waitting the movie (witch never was released yet), Kane and Lynch games 1, 2 always stand in my top 10 best games ever (6)
thanks for Kane and lynch 2
Thank you. We are a good team.
game over
ok cool thx
Thanks a lot, Excellent!!!
Is Kayne the meth head from GTAV?
really is the best game
Fernbus Simulator please?
Cheech and Chong, Starsky and Hutch
Crashes after trying to start new game for me. 🙁
Fixed my problem by blocking it in firewall *idiot*
openal32.dll error. Anyone knows how to fix it?
Brings back some good memories. Thanks.
P.S. (witch never was released yet)
How on earth do you mix up words like witch for the actual word which?
@TripleJ Whwn installing the game at the end you have 3 addittonal inst. options
one is “install OpenAl”
I solved the problem that way
Thanks 4sharing
keep it uploading torrent & clickupload,userscloud
more power admin…
did not work on my Windows 10 , there is no compatibility even right?
anyone have this kind of bug like the camera feel DRUNK ! shaking in the menu and when im playing its like a bug implemented by the developer wtf
problem resolved ive installed openAI
For those with errors, try downloading and unpack the following files to the game folder: openAL.dll and wrap_oal.dll. That should fix the thing…..
El juego la verdad que para esta remasterizado de consola xbox360 en su dia han mejorado muy poco la calidad grafica y el tacto de los botones para la version pc me lo he pasado completo en menos de 24horas y puedo decir que es un juegazo con un lenguaje de gansters autentico de la calle y que funciona perfecto probado en windows 10 pro x64.
Bajenselo que merece la pena no hay mas que decir. !!!! JUEGAZO !!!
is this split screen game ?
I got visual c++ runtime error, how can i fix it? my system is 64 bit and i have installed all the redist file(mic visual c++) and download another one for 64 bit but i still get the error.
how to new install openal32.dll ?
It says steam must be running to play why?I did exactly as it says.
Is there split screen??