Fallout 4 Cumulative Update v1.7.12

As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war…
As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Every second is a fight for survival, and every choice is yours. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Welcome home.
Title: Fallout 4
Genre: RPG
Developer: Bethesda Game Studios
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Release Date: 10 Nov, 2015
Fallout 4 Cumulative Update v1.7.12
Size: 2 GB
- OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit OS required)
- Processor: Intel Core i5-2300 2.8 GHz/AMD Phenom II X4 945 3.0 GHz or equivalent
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 550 Ti 2GB/AMD Radeon HD 7870 2GB or equivalent
- Hard Drive: 30 GB available space
- OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit OS required)
- Processor: Intel Core i7 4790 3.6 GHz/AMD FX-9590 4.7 GHz or equivalent
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 780 3GB/AMD Radeon R9 290X 4GB or equivalent
- Hard Drive: 30 GB available space
Fallout 4 Cumulative Update v1.7.12
- Extract
- Copy Update
- Copy crack
- Play
Posted by
Thanks Alot wow.
thx skidrow
need any update after 1.5.0 or no
ust as i said we need it you uploaded it :p
Thank you very much bro
This includes all previous updates right, so, no need to download the other ones, also, does this include Vault Tec Workshop as well?? Like update 1.5 included Automatron and Workshop??
Thanks skidrow,
Can any one comfirm if this includes vault tec, apart from the beta it seem to be skipped, and with nuka world now out im abit concerned
this patch don´t have the dlc you can´t even kill marcy long with this shit
Does not include Vault-tec DLC. Final release can be found on same site this cumulative update came from (cs rin ru). To the other commentors, yes cumulative means your version (any) to 1.7.12. After you install, you can delete the STRINGS folder as this folder will no longer be needed. It’s not important, just a useless folder after this update. I was quite surprised that this update included a codex crack since it took this long to get an update patched from them. I had fully expected them to have moved on to something else due to lack of ANY patch beyond 1.5.4 and a final vault dlc long after retail release. Nuka world out and back to same schedule.. weeks before release. Let’s see how long it takes them to post a final this time. Game also crashes for me after I board the train. There was another released floating around until it was pulled yesterday that was 4.06 gigs, not 3.72. Makes me think this is an earlier beta from the one pulled yesterday from MEGA.
Muchas gracias, ahora lo que falta es que subas Vault Tec Workshop 🙂
so when i go to Workshop the new Stores which came in counters has no title and descriptions anyone can help me fix this problem?
do we need to install any of the updates before that and does this work with the dlcs
i have just an endless loading screen and nothing much. no crash and no start. any help?
Thanks for the info James.
Also, dunno about installing this at the moment, i remember that Update 1.5 nedeed the previous DLC’s and Far Harbor (or it was the other way), and Vault Tec need update 1,6, so maybe using this without the DLC may screw some things.
But great work anyway, i will stay with update 1.5.4 for now, witch is working amazingly.
Hash for Vault Tec DLC: 3b3baf0637aee3220e17b9e60dfb19fb52da2665
I need more info, please. Did i need some previous update before adding this? Can i simply put “cumulative 1.7.12” and the various DLC?
in some menus there is a text LOOKUP failed *sigh* i guess u need the previous update
Yup, you don’t need any other update. This cumulative update contains all of the updates (but no DLC)
What about the vault tech dlc wont it cause problems because of missing files as further updates include fixes for vault tech dlc also ???
Is this update causing problems or It is totallly stable ???
ok thx james so we dont need any of other updates but does this work with all the dlcs ?
Hello, sorry to be sending it using google translator = D, more yesterday I installed the dlc and the patch, the game runs, however the npcs of nuka world does not have the animation roste of speaking and also this without the sound of speech does anyone have any idea how to solve this. And before you ask alias already installed the patch 1.7
Guys please can anyone confirm this works with all 6 dlcs
Thanks for the very much needed updates, tons of bugs to be repaired especially with newly added content which will have its own bugs to add to the already never ending list of bugs.
we need proper scene asap
Cersies, Nuka World is in beta, the official launch is only on 30 august or close to that, so that’s normal, the DLC is not finished yet.
yes Eren it’s work every thing is working very good
thank you stalkers downloading it
Has anyone else been having problems opening the console since installing this update pack?
the ` and the ~ key arent working
Where did the Nuka World beta go?
I love you guys
Anyone having problems with corrupted cracks? cuz i did. I’ve downloaded from clicknupload and gives me the corrupted crack, redownloaded cracks from torrent then it works like a charm, also why is there 4 cracks?
Actually, everything is corrupted, like exes, dlls. i suggest you download with torrent, i don’t know if the problem is on my end or clicknupload’s, but still i suggest you download with torrent
Doesnt work
Worked for a bit.
came home
opened it again
reinstall again but to 1.5 to ensure if it was a problem on my end
worked perfectly
installed 1.7
So that was a great journey
I get a BSOD after copying update and CODEX crack (Driver IRQL Not Less or Equal). It’s only after applying this update
FOR WHILE, ITS WORKING WITHOUT SERIOUS ERRORS IN-GAME-PLAY (level 138 — 13days, 7hours, 38minutes)
01 – game ISO Codex (24.4GB)
* 02 – 2015-11-14 – Language_Portugues-BR_(Strings)-PLAZA (1.22GB) <– my preference
* 03 – 2015-11-14 – Language_Spanish_(Voice_Strings)-PLAZA (2.42GB) <– my preference
04 – 2016-03-01 – Update_v1-4-SKIDROW-v1-4-132 (2.06GB)
05 – 2016-03-22 – DLC-Automatron-CODEX-v1-4-132 (906MB)
06 – 2016-04-11 – DLC-Wasteland_Workshop-CODEX-v1-4-132 (287MB)
* 07 – 2016-04-11 – Language_Spanish_(Voice_Strings)-Robot_e_WorkShop-PLAZA (1.22GB) <– my preference
08 – 2016-05-05 – Patch_v1-5-157-0-1_Update-CODEX (1.00GB)
09 – 2016-05-19 – DLC-Far_Harbor-CODEX (2.40GB)
* 10 – 2016-05-19 – DLC-Far_Harbor-Language_Pack-PLAZA (772MB) <– my preference
11 – 2016-06-21 – DLC_Contraptions_Workshop-CODEX (367MB)
12 – 2016-06-24 – Update_v1.5.416.0.1 (214MB)
13 – 2016-07-21 – DLC_Vault Tec Workshop Pack-BETA (459MB)
14 – 2016-07-28 – Update_v1. (2.57GB)
15 – 2016-08-22 – Update v1.7.12_(cumulative)-cracks_CODEX/3DM/ALI213… (2.48GB)
16 – 2016-08-22 – DLC_Nuka_World-(Beta without sound file) (3.72GB)
— Interface text in Portuguese-BR (using Fallout4Launcher.exe)
— Sounds in Spanish (because dont have Portuguese-BR, of course)
— Subtitles in Portuguese-BR
— Vault Tec Workshop – voices in English (I dont have Spanish voices)
— Nuka Word – dont have voice file (DLCNukaWorld – Voice_en.ba2 /or Voice_es), just subtitles in Portuguese-BR
— The date before patch/dcl names, was when did my downloads and installations ok?!
TOTAL in disk: 38GBytes
Now, if the patch v1.7.12 is accumulative (have before patches), then, that would be the alternative installation
Or, installing up to patch v1.5.416.0.1, and later, install yours DLCs…
01 – game ISO Codex (24.4GB)
* 02 – Language_Portugues-BR_(Strings)-PLAZA <– my preference
* 03 – Language_Spanish_(Voice_Strings)-PLAZA <– my preference
04 – Patch v1.7.12_(Cumulative)-CODEX_e_Outros
05 – DLC-Automatron-CODEX-v1-4-132
06 – DLC-Wasteland_Workshop-CODEX-v1-4-132
* 07 – Language_Spanish_(Voice_Strings)-Robot_e_WorkShop-PLAZA <– my preference
08 – DLC-Far_Harbor-CODEX
* 09 – DLC-Far_Harbor-Language_Pack-PLAZA <– my preference
10 – DLC_Contraptions_Workshop-CODEX
11 – DLC_Vault Tec Workshop Pack-BETA
12 – DLC_Nuka_World-(Beta sem som)
Good luck for all!
i had all the updates and DLC’s until 1.54, then i installed this v1.7.12 update with the codex crack and after that “vault tech work shop DLC” everything works fine 🙂
Application load error 3:0000065432
Thx 4 the upload!
How do we install the patch ? Need Help, there is 2 files,crack and updated and where do we put them ?
Dear codex r we going to have Vault tec & Nuka Worlds full version or we will be stuck on beta forever?
Someone had fps drop with this cumulative (it’s only updates no dlc’s),
I install it with my anterior updates, and drop from 60fps to 30-45fps.
In a clean install (only fallout 4 base without updates), happen the same.
Some advice for this?
See previous update could also put?
finally now I can use F4SE mod. THANK YOU
Hát igen inkább nyáron junius és juliusi és az agusztus elején elmaradt 1.6.3 v 1.6.9 update kéne fölteni azal dlc fönlenének.Kérném kedves kodexeseket az elmaradt javitásokat tegyék elérhetővé.
i need answer please. anyone?
does this contain 1.6 update ?
will this allow me to play vault tec dlc , that is in beta version on this site ?
are we ever going to get full version of vault tec dlc ? or its not needed ?
please upload only full version of nuka world after release.
my f4 is working great upto v1.5 will all previous dlc ,no problems.
love you work
thanks in advance…
Does anyone know what crack to use if you have installed Russian Version of Fallout? (Codex as it seems out of the question).3DM or Ali????
I have had the same problem as most, crash and then crashing when on the train; this is what I did…
Copy all the files to fallout folder, then open all the other folders in the patch and put the files in the fallout folder, then the same with the crack, copy and paste to fallout, even the data folder, open and copy and paste. (to the data folder)
Then when I got on the train it all went dark and I thought damm its going to crash again, but just like going to far harbour all of a sudden I was on the train again, all voices and everything else works.
Hope this helps some of you.
Changelog. In case anyone wants to see.
still nothing on the final versions of the Vault-Tec DLC and I guess we are waiting for the real release of Nuka World I guess? 🙁
it works great.ignore my previous comment. i got latest vault tec files from CS RIN RU forum ‘s fallout 4 thread,they have everything there.
thank you skidrow
Joy 78 levels into Fallout and this patch makes my game STUCK IN THE INFINITE LOADING SCREEN… Also which of the EXE and DLL are we suppose to load??! This need MUCH clearer install instructions as I know have to uninstal and reinstall my entire game
thx skidrow.
fallout 4 contraction workshop isnt working. please check out.
I installed everything in this order to get it fully up and running.
1. Main game
2. Update 1.4
3. Update 1.5
4. Far Harbor
5. Contraptions Workshop
6. Update 1.7.12
7. Vault Tec Workshop
8. Ignore all previous cracks and using only the codex crack from the 1.72 update
This order worked for me:
01 – Fallout 4 CODEX
02 – Fallout 4 v.1.4 SKIDROW Update
03 – Fallout 4 Automatron CODEX DLC
04 – Fallout 4 Wasteland Workshop
05 – Fallout 4 v.1.5 CODEX Update
06 – Fallout 4 Far Harbor CODEX DLC
07 – Fallout 4 Contraptions Workshop CODEX DLC
08 – Fallout 4 v.1.5.4 CODEX Update
09 – Fallout 4 v.1.6.9 CODEX Update
10 – Fallout 4 Vault Tec Workshop DLC BETA
11 – Fallout 4 Nuka World DLC BETA
12 – Fallout 4 v.1.7.12 Cumulative Update
shooting sniper rifle crashes my game
Works fine with a combination of RG Mechanics base game, updates from Codex and Skidrow. All DLC’s working and patched to 1.7.12.
has anyone else had their settlement building tabs messed up after the update? my furniture tab disappeared and i cant figure out how to fix it.
everything else works fine for me aside from some mod conflicts that i fixed by removing all together. definitely need help figuring out the furniture problem though.
For the crack, do you need to open each folder and copy their contents to your Fallout 4 folder, or do you just copy all the folders (3DM, ALI213, CODEX, Cracked EXE, and Original DLL)?
Thx Alex ! I’ll test this soon !
Can someone plz explain to me what does this include, so I can delete what I don’t need anymore?
do mods work with this this update?
Thank you so much, Its there a way to activate the dlccs. Im not sure if they are installed, well when I go to DLCS they all say Installed but I havent got the far harbour quest, might have to check the new stuff at my workshops but I mod the shit out of my game so its confusing lol.
Thank you so much, Its there a way to activate the dlccs. Im not sure if they are installed, well when I go to DLCS they all say Installed but I havent got the far harbour quest, might have to check the new stuff at my workshops but I mod the shit out of my game so its confusing lo new update? new update? codex new update please. Codex new update.
Cant install codex contraption DLC. Harbor and the others are OK, but contraption isnt, pls solution
can i ask you how to install these update step by step? newbie here thanks guys
How to Install Fallout 4 Cumulative Update v1.7.12 + Game Test : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCt2z6-jZNc
This update work with the french version ? or turn the game in english ?
Update the torrent links and upload new updates please. Actually putting something about installation would be great, too much confusion.
All links are dead, please update them
Hi please update the link, all of them are dead