FaceRig is a program enabling anyone with a webcam to digitally embody awesome characters…
FaceRig is a program enabling anyone with a webcam to digitally embody awesome characters. It is meant to be an open creation platform so everybody can make their own characters, backgrounds or props and import them into FaceRig.
Title: FaceRig Pro
Genre: Audio Production, Utilities, Video Production
Developer: Holotech Studios
Release Date: Feb 2015
Note: All DLC included!
Size: 5.7 GB
You upload this but won’t upload the sims 4? The fuck?
Ohhhhh Yeaaaa!
Sorry, but when will be The Sims 4? I’m sad without it…
I want the pc version of wwe 2k14 if you can be so kind
Thanks in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you reply about when you can upload the updates of The Sims 4?
The Sims 4, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease
The Sims 4 is already here. If you are wanting the newest expansion for the Sims 4 you will just have to wait until it is cracked. They will release it as soon as they can so stop your whining and be patient.
Thanks for everything SKIDROW/RELOADED!!!! Your hard work is very much appreciated.
what’s new in this version?
Please reply about the removal of Sims 4, I need an answer please!
I’ve been waiting for months to hear about Sims 4 being destroyed
you suck with sims 4.
there is a section to ask for a game.
i don’t understand why moderators allow these kind of messages on the comment sections…
FFS Sims 4 updates wont ever be on here,why the hell do you dumb fucks keep asking and not go out and buy the total crap if you want that bad!
i wish the mods would just read this comment section for once and close it permanently seeing all these SIMS 4 request and Sims 4 hate comment instead of Thanking the skidrow is just sad….
and special note to the sims 4 requester…. could you do us all a favor and go kill yourself?
Could someone upload the crack, like the steam.api stuff, my virus protection keeps deleting it
Before any of you cunts TL;DR I suggest that you read in entirety because if you want the link to the newest expansion pack for (YES IT’S FINALLY HERE) sims 4, then you will be able to easily extract the information from the various points and hints in my post, and you can not achieve this by skimming around or going to the end. Good day to you sirs, madams and cunts.
Wow I can tell most of you here are 14 and along with stupid you are also pretty ignorant as fuck. Before I rain all unholy hell upon thee I first wanted to propose a thought experiment to allow oneself an opportunity for redemption.
Do you think a highly underground team of reverse engineer enthusiasts who employ the most secure obfuscation methods (as far as identity protection) to keep themselves unknown with the exception of an alias, and not to mention these people don’t RE (crack) games for you (the publicl; i.e. general user) in the first place, would even come remotely close to the risk of losing one’s anonymity?
Then why did they make this cool website?
Then who hosts this website?
maybe, but probably not.
Then who??? My pubes are standing upright scared right now!!
Most likely this is someone that has absolutely zero connection with SKIDROW on a personal level, and there is a chance this admin doesn’t even have access to the releases in the Top Sites. I do not follow this website and couldn’t even say I frequent it that often, so I don’t know the time frame from when the release hits the top sites and eventually makes it to the bottom feeders on places like TPB & KAT (so idk if this site gets it before or after the bottom feeders). With that said, there could be the scenario where he just posts the torrent files to the site, and either uploads the files to the cloud storage sites themselves or just copied links from a higher up source.
With this said I have no disrespect or quarrel with the person who maintains this site and mean in no way to give or strip acknowledgement to the work that you may or may not have done here. Obviously maintaining a site of this quality (in respect to html css js php etc.) is enough to handle without the constant bombardment of scum bottom feeders begging mommy for the tit because they want some sims 4 milk and are going to bitch and cry where the fuck it is. All while too stupid to realize how the scene works thinking this whole time that their precious expansion pack is being held tight under lock and key while shit releases like this come first. (this actually looks interesting to me, so thanks!)
Seriously you fucks, intelligence is what makes a man out of you and gives you respect in the world. I do not claim to be intelligent because any man or woman to do so obviously doesn’t realize the massive amount of information there is on any one subject, not to mention that with every discovery comes more to learn.
I offer you the chance to start right now by reading about the warez scene.
what the difference between this and the other version?
When i finished installing it, i can’t open and there was a window pop-up, in which said sth about missing steam_app.dll, i checked the Extracted files but can’t seem to find it
Vooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocê está assistindo treta news então vamo direeeeeeeeeto pras noticiasssss
então vamos direeeeeto pras noticiassss
os caras não perdem uma /\ JISJADISDJIJ
furdúncio, alfinetadas e troca de farpas