Detroit 2038. Technology has evolved to a point where human like androids…..
Detroit 2038. Technology has evolved to a point where human like androids are everywhere. They speak, move and behave like human beings, but they are only machines serving humans.
Title: Detroit Become Human
Genre: Action, Adventure
Release Date: 18 Jun, 2020
Support the software developers. BUY IT!
Detroit.Become.Human.Update.v20200805-CODEX => Here
Detroit Become Human-CODEX
Size: 54 GB
first Thanks
nice game
wow thanks
Well, thank for the upload guys
No way
hell yeah, first, and fucking thank you
Good but what about fighterZ update?,mk11 and resident evil 3?
omgggggggggg beyond twho souls next please
Denuvo removed so usual Codex shit
First! Great job, CODEX! Congratulations! I suposse it’s Maneater next =D
OMG! Thank you!
OMG FINALLY, im waiting for poe next season which starts in 31 hours and have no games to play til then, and i plan to finish this in 31 hours
YESSSSSSSSSSS, finally CODEX back , thank you, still waiting rdr 2, mk11, breakpoint, the diviion 2, pes 2020,etc but thanks a lot anyway
Fox, don’t ask for Beyond Two Souls when there’s a bypass to play it without crack. Google it….
Codex el ultimo grande
I only need the crack. How i can download?
HeLL YEAH BRO!!! Great job codex.
it has began but I already bought the game in epic..
need the crack only plz
ohhhhhh my god
CODEX finally made it !!!!
i already watched it on youtube with every possible ending.sigh…
Thanks CODEX!Fantastic work!
finally thank for that bro
beyond two souls was free on ps plus many times.
but this game is relly good, worth a try if you haven’t play it, i have finished it a couple of times already on ps4.
will this work on 1803 win 10 64
I bought the game yesterday hahaha anyways thanks
Thank youuuuuuu !!!!
Dont care about the game itself but it’s nice to the a top dog getting cracked!
yes tnx all codex coder deveno resv3 please next thank all
seeds please
Wow that was super fast! Thank you CODEX! Now if you could crack Persona 4 it would be amaizing!
FANTASTIC !!!! CODEX YOU ARE A TRUE LEGEND !!! THXXXX BOSS !!! Buy this great game if you can.
finalmente o acordo da codex acabou e eles soltaram o game, a, que vergonha, a codex já foi melhor um dia……..
Seed Torrent, please…
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Funny, all this time it was on epic and wasn’t being cracked. Steam release comes along and Boom! Wonder what’s the actual reason it took this long.
Woooo thx so much!!!
Please crack only.
Ive already downloaded the game.
Is there a crack only, or does it work either way?
Merci pour le partage
Please can you make only downloadable crack file ? cuz my internet quota limited and i’ve the lastest version of it without crack Thx,,,
OMG! Thank You
TKS very very very much…… 1 Link for UPTOBOX iso
My idea of free isn’t paying monthly for PS Plus LMAO! It’s a paid bonus as long as you are paying for that service. It is NOT free.
a piece of movie shit similar to a game. press the desired button and see your little moron movie
NOW THIS is something! Thank you!
Finally its here ! its been waiting.. quite.
Codex is on fire Beyond two souls and Detroid Become Human in on shoot, soon we will see Resident evil 3
No Denuvo DRM in Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls and Detroit: Become Human Steam Demos!
Important – they never beaten Denuvo! :feelsbad: >_<"
Thank you <3
@Heinz Steam version doesn’t have Denuvo, only steam DRM which is easy AF to crack for crack groups
jesus christ finally thank god
If you got a good internet speed… go for the 1fichier link… I started the torrent download about 4-5 hours ago and i still have 19gb to go…
With 1fichier it’s going full speed without dropping and It’ll be done in 50 minutes.
So yeah… screw the torrent.
crack on ly please
siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!! por fin graciassss!!!!!!!
Exactly, though I am grateful for these uploads, Detroit, Beyond 2 Souls and Heavy Rain have had DRM removed for the Steam releases so, Codex didn’t crack anything. Glad I can get these games but we gotta curb our enthusiasm for future DRM cracks.
While i’m on the subject can all you weeb ass brats stop begging for RDR2? If you don’t own or have played a copy by now then you probably don’t own a console, have no money and probably have shitty internet and a potato PC. Its on friggin Xbox Game Pass for $1 you ninnies. Not gonna make any difference if it gets cracked for you all lol
Problem installing this Windows 10, getting IsDone.dll error so wont install anyone know a fix?
Is there a Croatian subtitle to choose ?????????????
Ooooooh yeah! This is what I`m talking about!
Congrats and thanks!
Is there only the crack for download???
Guess the money the devs “didn’t give” CODEX finally ran out…
Obrigado codex 😍
Jonathan, change ur DIMM Rate of your RAM in your Bios. Install the Game and change it back. Make sure to not use any xml 2 while installing.
I just bought the game when i came out on steam , such games deserves to be bought.
Same, IsDone.dll error in windows 10
Why is this here? its a movie, not a game, lol
bruh wtf is wrong with people sucking codex balls rn, steam’s version of this game and Beyond Two Souls had denuvo removed, there is literally no reason to thanks “codex” for this, anyone with a steamless or steam emulator could do this at this point, lol
after hours of downloading this game, I start it up and do the first mission, with Connor … so far so good.
after I wake up in the store, as Kara, the game becomes completely screwed up … now, I wanna blame this on the reshader that this apparently comes with (THAT I WANNA DELETE and don’t know how).
it is quite literally unplayable, in the sense that I can see but it’s about as similar as looking at those color gradients …
apart from that, the game ran super well, all Ultra, 60fps, no vsync, so it shouldn’t be the pc itself.
Thanks CODEX and the Webstie for the Up <3 Much Love <3
@v hey bruh!! like who even says that anymore you doing some sort of back to the noughties thing? whats next a wasssssuuuuuppppp! lmao , I agree why would anyone bother to put a simple thanx for someone taking the time to do something which you benefit from for free, as you say anyone could do this including you, yet you are still here on the download page…… the scene groups release stuff amongst themselves luckily they are leaked to us (the public) even if it is simple for them it still all takes time to do it/ package it all nicely in an installer so you literally just click a button a couple of times and its all done for you, even a simple 2 letter ‘ty’ maybe to the people who run the site if not, downloading/ splitting files/ and uploading to multiple hosts takes time and effort, stupid entitled p.o.s
esta en español ?
Tried everything to fix ISDone.dll nothing worked. I need help pls
Okay, we shouldn’t get too excited, but there were 3 games with DRM that was cracked, Trials of Mana that has the current version of DENUVO was broken, correct me if I’m wrong.
Anyway, we can never lose hope and piracy cannot die, imagine what the market would be like if companies knew that their games would no longer be cracked? there must be a balance for everything
isdone.dll error :/
Hell Yes! It’s miller time! LOL.
u getting lit lol?
Omg,…makasih banyak Codex..
so its not cracked yet? why they dont share the crack?
why when i start chapter 3 it always crash -_-
Can someone email me the crack only pls
only crack link ?????
I’m hoping this is polayable with VorpX in VR unless it supports naitive VR? Thank you muchly, I can at least go and watch that film with the Androids keep on dying and poeople are tampering being goe “the 6th day” with Arnie now to prepare for it (playing the game).
@Dionis Only crack here
ISDone.dll error while installing on windows 10 🙁 I tried everything to fix it, anyone can help me? It have never hapend to me
This crap isn’t a game. It’s an interactive cartoon, that’s it. Stop calling them games and call them what they are. Just make cartoons so I don’t have to keep pushing a button to continue a movie.
is this crack legit? cause detroit’s status is “uncracked”
legit or not?
uploadhaven iso doesn’t work
For anyone getting a Isdone.dll error just install the game without ‘copy contents of CODEX directory to installdir’ ticked,once game has installed just copy the cracked files into the game folder and done
I can’t believe it!!! I may rest in peace now. Love you Codex ♥ Thanks for all.
how are yall downloading? torrent download is slow af for me
@SerialKillerJTR Don’t work… 🙁
Shader compilation process stuck at 98% Anyone that has a fix for this?
Any fix for the shader compilation process being stuck at 98%?
Thank you soo much skidrow, pls find the crack for rdr2 too also plsssss.
keep Failed downloading – Server problem when the download gets 42gb size. i tried this twice in fichier and hitfile server. now trying to download via torrent. wish me luck
Anyone having mouse lag issue? Please tell me how to fix it.
Please help me fix the mouse lag
Mouse lags but the game dosent. Any Fixes???
Can you guys release a fix or an official update? The game keeps crashing on the Fugitives chapter
Stuck in 98%
For everyone with ISDONE.DLL ERROR this is what i have done. I downloaded the full unlocked version, and just copy the crack to it and thats it , it will work 100% no fail
@thedude, have you actually played this game to make such a comment? I’ve just finished my first play-through and god damn, the amount of different things that you can do to alter the course of the outcome is unreal. I guess it really depends an what sort of thing you’re after. If you’re into Call of Duty stuff where there is zero story, stick with that. If you’re looking for a game that does have quite a powerful story to it, then this is definitely that game. The game play is definitely different to simply shooting someone in the face, but every action creates a reaction. Good and bad.
Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. Kinda like sticking your own finger up your ass and massaging your prostate while jerking off. You don’t know what it’s like until you try.
F.Y.I, finger up the bum, massaging your prostate while jerking off is so much better than just jerking off. Even better if you can find a girl willing to do that for you. Not even gay, but variety is the spice of life. You don’t know until you try.
For those that don’t know, the prostate is the male equivalent of a girls G-spot (if you know where and what that is, look it up). Why it was put up our ass, I don’t know, but it feels good.
great job guys.. so what about modern warfare remake?
Thank you !!!!!!!!!!
Guys, am I the only one having CPU temperature problems? This is the first game that has ever taken the -CPU to 90 degrees. The temperatures are between 60-75 C degrees with all games but this. It plays smoothly in Ultra but so fucking hot that it’s dangerous. If I set the graphics to low its between 70-85 but still, wtf. Does anyone know why could this happen? I want to play the game cause it’s great but I can’t if the CPU is at those temperatures 🙁
good, I’m sad cause my pc don’t work the game…I tried to run the demo from epic but I got a blue screen after 10minutes in menu
please why the game doens’t launch when i start it ??? :'((
Hey, guys! Something that worked to me to successfully run the game was delete the folder on: C:\Users\(Name of PC)\Saved Games\Quantic Dream\Detroit Become Human
a alguien mas no le pasa de la pantalla azul?
please continue seeding. none of us can complete dload.
@SteveMcsteven You are a hero. It’s working perfectly !
Anyone else experiencing gameplay stutters? (My PC can handle RDR2, AC Odyssey, etc. at High settings).
The download speed is very low, at best I will download it in 4 days
I cant download this file? help me
don’t be pathetic bitch after downloading open seed assholes
seedddddddddddddddddd it loserrrr who download it and not seeding
Thnx a lot CODEX !
impossible to install, in the middle of the install process error message and no game.
I7 only? no i5? 🙁
CODEX please help me fix the mouse lag issue…I think this is game ver 1.00 with lots of bugs.
Please upload game updates!! coz they fixed so many bugs in their updates.
The game works perfect but mouse lags so much, which makes the game unplayable.
I have a great idea. Maybe add information which languages are supported ?
why does setup.exe come out all the time and install stops? can answer bro help
why does setup.exe come out all the time and install stops? please help me bro
its a bad crack thats why ur mouses are lagging, and games are stuttering
game crashing at Jericho chapter tried everything pls push a update, also for the people who are wondering why this game has stutters and high cpu usage and temperature this game is made for consoles so if you have a cpu without 8 cores get ready for the frame drops im playing on ryzen 3500 clocked @ 4.2Ghz with 8*2 3000mhz kit and rtx 2060super i can play at high with 50-60 with occasional drops to 40fps
spectacular …. a masterpiece that has made my hair stand on end
no ptbr language?
I had heard good things about this game, and was excited to see it released on here. However after playing for about 2 hours, I can honestly say this is one of the most boring games I ever played. What a total snooze. I don’t even have the desire to play it again. Very disappointing.
Anyway, I still appreciate the work you guys do and I thank you very much!
I ran it on windows 8 mode and it no longer crashed me
Also getting a crash at the Jericho chapter, completely exits game… pls send a fix
For all of you who are having trouble with the game, I have the fix don’t worry!
Uninstall it, or don’t install it if you haven’t yet. Then play a better game because this one kind of sucks. lol
Actually I take it back, comment above me just said run in Windows 8, it works.
No Jericho crash
Guys I downloaded and installed the game but when I try to run it,it automatically leads me to the steam .I don’t know what to do.Please help.
i get a popup when i try to start the game ”entry point not found vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2 Could Not Be Located,, if anyone has a fix just comment here
When you have always compilation just delete vkpipelixcache.bin in shadercache. It throws you right into the main menu
i dont have any friends, but i have codex <3
@ Dave: Dude, check your fans. No game should overheat your CPU that much and this is not even a very CPU-heavy game.
About vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryproperties2 ERROR
just unistall and reinstall your Nvidia driivers
that was the solution for me.
The kind of game I was looking for, but daaaaaaamnnnn its buggy AF, often the camera and movement will get stuck in frontal view and won’t change no matter what as the character will walk towards the camera instead of away and at other times it will offer dialog selections in Xbox buttons so you can’t press anything. I am stuck near the end of the game as i can’t finish the chapter without being bugged out. Sometimes it also crashes. One playthrough is enough for such a buggy port… if i manage to finish it that is
thanks this game is awesome but it crashes in jericho chapter any help i tried the windows 8 fix but dident work it works on other previous chapter though when i re lunch it
guys plz seed!!!!
don’t worry guys im seeding.
Hi guys,I played few chapters of this game and I really like it but now I got to the part of the game where game just freezes and dies no matter what i do. So im thinking buying it of steam but before i do that i think let ask if anyone got legit game and how it preforms, i dont wona throw away my cash if the legit game is also freezing and not playable? tnx
I completed the game yesterday! Awsome!!!
After I deleted the saved game folder, I had none of the others problems reported here.
My setup: i7 3770k, 16gb ram, gtx 1070, windows build 18363
Thanks! The game is beyond awesomeness and it works perfectly, Theres so much to do that im going to buy it
Guys can u upload a fix of freezes pls , in the chapter of fugitives.
My game constantly crashes due to the fact that my settings are in Ultra. I did try low settings and to my surprise, there are no crashes.
RTX 2070S
Ryzen 3800x
DDR4 3200 (32gb Ram)
nice!!! but the game crashes very often!please upload the patch !!!
unplayable game , crash everytime after 2 missions , you can deleted this game nobody can play…
Any solution for the crash in Jericho mission?
Game works fine till I finish the first mission-beggining of the game.The screen starts getting messed and then my pc will freeze(there where the screen shows some Reboot while a dialogue of a kid and a woman is happening). No keyboard or mouse will work ( even the button that switches off the LED of the keyboard),even the restart button on my case wont respond ( it might be broken aswell) so I have to close my pc from the shutdown button on the case and switch it back on.
hello guys, sorry for my english. If the game starts but stays with the black screen I have the solution! you have to close or in some cases uninstall any program you have to record the screen or count fps
Omg fix game update plz
Sadly, the game keeps freezing all the time, which is fairly frustrating. Still thx for the upload, but for me its unplayable
Lolface you’re a faggot
just CODEX no.1 everytime…the best!!!
thank you very much to the person or people who made this possibleeeeeee, great game! i love it! wish i wasn’t poor and could afford the not-pirate version to support quantic dream 🙁
Game installed, copied crack, game won´t start and shits out dumpfile in gamefolder. Help plox.
anyone can help me pls ?
my problem this
” vkgetphysicaldevicememoryproperties2 could not be located C:/… (located install game)”
OMG codex you are number 1
Guys when u make a crack for resident evil 3 ?
Wasn’t this game a PS4 exclusive? How did they get it to work on pc?
@Keks Please read earlyer comments. The sollution for frreezing up is allready given. Just lower the game settings to medium or low and the game is running fine then.
try limit your FPS to 30 and Vsync on, in my case its work. the game run smoothly without freezing
What I did after so many crashes:
– Made a clean uninstallment of my NVIDIA drivers using Display Driver Uninstaller.
– restarted PC
– installed previous NVIDIA driver (v446.14 instead of the recent v451.48)
– restarted PC once again after driver install
– Started game and it started to compilate shaders. It took way more time then the first time to compilate shaders. Instead of 5 minutes it took 30 minutes(!).
My PC specs:
RTX 2070SU
I5 9600K
16 RAM
@Muguelstinger Thx bro; cheers 😉
Good story, liked this movie interactive game type of game.
No crashes, no problems.
Finish it once, got the good ending, not sure if I want to play other paths, I think I would feel bad for doing bad endings. I really liked the story a lot, even this type of gameplay is not really my thing.
Thanks for the game.
@Muguelstinger ty so much! works with mine game and finnaly i can play 🙂 praise the Muguelstinger
Thank you! I finished this game on PS4 and wanted to play it on PC as well, i heard they pimped out the graphics. Indeed they did. Love this game. It’s like a movie or a novel.
After first Connor capitol, game crashed with loading some OS screen, any body know how fix it ?
crash systematique de facon aleatoire. ce jeux est juste injouable en l’etat. a desinstaller!!!!!!
Hello, I had a problem when starting the game for the first time. It launched detroit steam page instead. I am currently downloading the file again but does someone have explanations or tips if it happend again ?
Chapter 12 – On the Run, for Kara in the PARKING LOT to remove LED on her head, hold left mouse button and move the mouse up and then press the button E
Thanks @Miguelstinger, It works like a charm now. A way better solution then lowering your settings what only works sometimes.
BEFORE LAST driver NOT RECENT ! USE the 446.14 Nvidia
Don’t downgrade your setting…
I downloaded the last (not latest) Nvidia driver (446.14) from:
Then installed it with “Custom (Advanced)” option and the checkbox “Perform a clean installation” activated. After that no more freezings at all. Great game.
i still have the isdone.dll error plz help !
Firsti of all, this is not a game but a movie, and a bad movie full of forced and most of time crige political pamphleteering. The gameplay, if you can call that, is a joke.
60 GB to see a movie trying to make correlations between androids and human social and political movements …not even to criticize or rething, but to make pure e simple partidarist propagandas… Awful.
Hello to all thank you for the game cracker, on the other hand is that the problem of crash has been repaired please I have the same problem 2nd mission crash of the game systematic …. the image this freeze end of the game more than to make a Ctrl +Alt+delete
Can you help me, please?
I have trouble understanding why people make comments like “this is a movie and not a game it sucks 0/10”. It’s meant to be this way, as an interactive story, we all know that already, it’s like saying a FIFA game is bad because it’s soccer. This genre has been around since forever and there are people who enjoy it, so maybe just say thanks for the upload or go play something else?
Thanks for the upload, by the way.
Anyone get ISDone.dll error when trying to install? Please help me with how to get around it…?
anyone who downloaded this codex crack
tell me is it working fine cause i don’t want to waste my net
please tell !!
Any solution for Jericho’s crash?
Which link is fastest?
Am I the only one having issue with the left button mouse interaction? It seems to not work at all, same if I plug in Xbox or steam controller…the right stick movement is not recognized…
Have the black screen issue, the game is working but the screen stay black.
Anyone have a fix for that?
Should we wait for an update or is the crack fine my dudes ??
thanks a lot man !!!!
I downloand , install , and then when i press to play it just redirects me to steam , and nothing more .
How can i play the game ?
@Nishaanth the crack works but its , atleast for me, unplayable cuz my cpu goes instantly to 100%.
So i wait for update.
@cyberHafakias Copy the crack into the folder.
Im getting error that
‘the code execution cannot proceed because vulkan-1.dll WAS not found’
Any fixes??
Can someone help?
Hey there guys,
i had the problem with crashes at the Jericho mission.
Some people are suggesting to install the last driver, not the latest one (446.14).
But some days ago nvidia published a newer version of the driver (451.67) and with this driver it works fine for me. No more crashes and the newest driver.
love that game! Thanks for the upload.
This scum crap doesn’t work. instead it launches Steam. How fucking stupid is that?
@Nota Are you stupid? Cant you apply the cracked path on the directory? The game is working fine and perfectly. You are outrages kid! Only stupid thing is you. So stop behaving like a kid and ask nicely and we could help.
@BananaHead Yes, i had a crash while climbing on the road. What i did was reboot my pc and is working fine again.
@Gokul Can you check if you are doing it correctly? And is your PC able to run this game?
@ZaZa If it run at 100% i will suggest you to upgrade your GPU and Power supply. If you are on a budget just make sure there is plenty on air flow as you dont want your GPU to burn out.
Is Arabic language available???
@Ahmed Esmat Yes it is. (مجرب)
please dragon balll fighterz update
Allways going shutdown at the middle of the game =/
torrent download hangs at 99%
in spanish.?
Detroit.Become.Human.Update.v20200805-CODEX Added.
The mouse left click doesn’t do the interact, it can’t be even changed in the controls settings..any solution guys ?
Working like charme, thank you codex
Increible. Un Juego espectacular. Me lo compraré en cuento baje un poco de precio.
can anyone explain to me the steps of installing this game
is this supposed to be cracked cause it doesnt work for me if it is.
not working error
Whenever I try to start the game, it doesn’t open. I checked the process running in tasks tab and it shows for a sec and then it closes. I pasted the crack and stuff idk why is happening
I’m trying to open the game but it doesn’t open. Can someone help me?
every time i opened the game it opened steam too and and took me to the page to buy the game instead of opening the game
guys i jus wanna ask why when i wanna download a large game like 50 gb more on utorrent my uttorent stuck not working and when i download a 13 gb it work any solution
its taking me to the steam page whY?
it crashed randomly when in game
same here..^^
several random crashes/freezes during gameplay confirmed
please solve the freezes and crashes
does not work when i lunchg the game it goes to steam even if my pc is not connected to the internet
i wonder why this game crash or suddenly exit while playing at the ending. does anyone also has encounter this problem?
this game is bad. They think the robot is angle. They are just tools.
anyone solve the random crashes/exits issue? game running fine until broadcast level, then game crashes/exits randomly on each level after.
It won’t let me launch game it just opens steam in the game’s page
Why isnt it working ??? i instal, i copy the folder contents. and stil nothing
I get “vk_error_device_lost error” after playing for a while, im on the lowest settings now and it still happens, i hope there’s a fix for that?
people who have problem during instalation you have download which link ?
thank you Sony cant wait to pirate all this games 😀
I have to try it!
used torrent and get redirected to steam, seems like the crack is not working anymore
Doesn’t work. Call to steam
how to download the game?