Dead by Daylight is an upcoming multiplayer (4vs1) horror game where one player…
Dead by Daylight is an upcoming multiplayer (4vs1) horror game where one player takes on the role of the savage Killer, and the other four players play as Survivors, trying to escape the Killer and avoid being caught, tortured and killed.
Title: Dead by Daylight
Genre: Action
Developer: Behaviour Digital Inc.
Publisher: Starbreeze Studios
Release Date: 14 Jun, 2016
• Steam Must Be Closed!!!!!
• Multiplayer worked, but save won’t work
• The list shows every player that downloaded this release and you can either invite or join someone else.
Dead by Daylight v.1.0.2 Hotfix 2
Size: 3.41 GB
time to downaold and i try this verison hope the save works with public lobbys
Thumbs UP! (y)
did you guys think i can read in a different language other than english?
Again wrong description of the torrent.
I have a request for “overwatch”
dosen’t work i downaold it from torrent and i used SSELAUNHER and nothing
hi motorola make a video let us how did u do it
It works. However, the one I downloaded doesn’t have the SSE Launcher. I used the launcher from the other release.
Can’t seem to play on multiplayer?? Can anyone help?? I downloaded the torrent version and it launches fine and I can create lobby fine but no one joins even after 1 hour of waiting?? WTF
I have problem with SSElauncher, because i dont know how to use him correctly … Can you make video, and post link here ? I would appreciate that 🙂 Thanks
it is unplayable everytime i join a game and everyone readies up it sends you back to the main menu, also ifd you stay long it enough wating for players in a lobby, it will also take you back to the main menu.
i got it working but yet join a game yet
Re: Issues joining lobbies
Everyone has that problem. Same as version 1.0.1. Not really sure what the hotfix is all about in this release. If it’s about saving, well, v1.0.1 saves just fine. So maybe it’s the lobby that they are trying to fix (the “fix folder” contains connection patch). Didn’t notice any improvement imo. Oh wait. Something did improve – my tolerance for waiting.
Just run SSE launcher. A small window will pop up. Change it to your desired user/profile name. Hit save and run.
I’ll try to make a video if I can.
I get the error saying steam is offline, i need some help on the sse launcher. thanks
@Adotap Damn … thanks , i would appreciate that 😀
it works but can only play with friends
hey so i go to launch it and it says im missing dll files
Can someone upload the SSELauncher ? I downloaded from uptobox, there is no SSELauncher after I installed the game. Btw the installer is in Russian.
The game itself works but I get no matches found when I try to join a lobby
For those not sure how to install this release, Youtube search “Dead by Daylight v1.0.2 Hotfix 2 Skidrow Installation”. I made a short video of the installation.
if your missing the SSELauncher.exe in the game directory then you need to install it. here is how>>
1) Go to your extracted folder,you know the one with the installation setup.exe ,in my case its “Dead.by.Daylight.v.1.0.2 Hotfix.2”.
2) Now look for the “Repair Fix” folder and open it and look for “DbD_Fix_Repair_LAN_Universal.exe”
3) Now Run DbD_Fix_Repair_LAN_Universal.exe and install it to the root directory of the game. (In other words install on the “Dead by Daylight’ FOLDER)
(you should now see SSELauncher.exe inside the Dead by Daylight folder)
4) Run SSELauncher.exe. change the name from “Coop-Land” to anything you want. At the bottom I changed the language from “Russian” to “English”
5) After you run the game for the first time it will ask you to install the “Anti-cheat engine” FOR dead by daylight…. yes install
6) Once your in the Main menu hit “Shift+Tab” (like on steam) and it should open up an overlay (This is called the “SSE Overlay” for those who dont know). In the bottom left click on “friends” and you will see everyone who is currently running this same downloaded game. You can right-click on any username to send a message to them.
7) to join a game go into the SSE overlay and click on “Lobby Browser” there you should see the people who are currently hosting a match. Click on the any of the matches on the list for example “name(1/5)” and then click on the “join” button on the bottom right of the screen.
Your welcome
7) In the
If you want to play on steam servers and you cant save you need to install steam fix to dead by daylight directory C:\Games\Dead by Daylight then install THE SAME steam fix into dead by daylight folder inside of dead by daylight folder C:\Games\Dead by Daylight\DeadByDaylight , disable cloud saving in steam, add non steam game deadbydaylight,exe and when you start the game a window should pop up saying created by stu or something, you press ok and now you can play!
took me 2 days of night searching to find
Credits to some Russian guy on coopland forums! and credits to me for choosing Russian instead of German
I have all that i need to run the game (SSE Launcher, etc.), but I’m not able to actually play the game. Like, I’m in lobbies or I’m creating lobbies and it just takes me back to the main menu of the game. Anyone know a solution?
sounds like connection problem, try to restart steam and disable cloud if you cant find any server play through steam without sse
@SavingWorks I disabled steam cloud, but … what is that fix u are talking about ? Where can i download it ?
@SavingWorks well i play with steam but i can’ t save the progress
I can save the progress?
Steam works
This game didn’t saving.Why??
I cant save progress ! Solution ?
Dead By Daylight SaveFix 100% Working
I came to DL this game because of YDCB. I hope I can make this game work. Thanks!
How am I gonna install the game when I don’t even understand the language???
guys i cant find a match please help
@MalakMaestro Just search Dead by Daylight Skidrow at Youtube you will see how it is installed over the video.
I can’t make multiplayer work. I can’t seem to find or join a lobby.
in this version you cant play you should wait the new version 1.0.4
no versions works today, it works yesterday.
This update is shit honestly, first of all there is no launcher when we install the game also we cant create a match because the game freeze and crash, waste of time.
Hey guys, whenever i try to install the LAN fix I get errors saying that the program couldn’t copy some files, i can ignore them, but the game won’t wor. It crashes every time I try to make a lobby. Any solutions? ( I already gained admin access )
Guys… when i open the game it say ” STEAM CONECTION OFFLINE”’ and i need to exit the game .Someonecan help me plz?
me gusta porque es mi juego favorito
porfavor me gusta este juego porque es mi juego favorito
Stare sselauncher yea nice if no launcher are there kekw