It’s 1996. A young boy disappears in the Black Hills Forest near Burkittsville….
It’s 1996. A young boy disappears in the Black Hills Forest near Burkittsville, Maryland. As Ellis, a former police officer with a troubled past, you join the search. What starts as an ordinary investigation soon turns into an endless nightmare as you confront your fears and the Blair Witch, a mysterious force that haunts the woods…
Title: Blair Witch
Genre: Adventure, Indie
Release Date: 30 Aug, 2019
Support the software developers. BUY IT!
Blair Witch Deluxe Edition-PLAZA
Size: 12.9 GB
Cunt, asshole, bitch, fuck-face, whore, cock, tits, ass, dickhead, and America. All very bad words, dont use them!! You’ve been warned…
Thanks alot!
hello is the french voices are present or only the french subtitle ?
Hmmm…. Interesting…
thanks for share rubbish game though not scary at all
Best game ever!
Nice geme.
THX PLAZA for people interested.i already finished it.Game is good with an original interesting gameplay and nice graphics and a quiet good story,and quiet scary,the quiet game lol.I badly finished the game but i saved the dog so i won my story.Peace and harmony on earth !!
that guy with dog is the killer…..dont tell anyone
@Maitreya … maybe your speakers were just turned down low so you only THOUGHT it was quiet. It might be a really loud & noisy game.
@farted don’t do that man! ¬¬
The first movie, “The Blair Witch Project” was a total piece of shit: just young wankers running around in a field screaming at each other .. a real fuckwit circus. Most people who paid to see it were really pissed-off .. some even demanding their money back. 2016 there was another one just called “Blair Witch” which was a proper movie with a plot, real actors & special effects and it was pretty good. Is this game like either of them or something different?
mega crap IO dont like horrors
any body knows if this is patched to the last version ??????
no vr no buy
Lol Farled @ FuttBuck i never put to loud with scary games case am a pussy lol,but indeed the game has a great sound design.
Ita funny DELUXE edition includes SOUNDTRACK and Art of Balir witch i thought we get some DLC but nah…
This version is the same as the previously released version, this was a very stupid release
Cheap shit walking simulator.
But who guessed? It was another indie trash.
So nvm.
this version is bad optimization like the other ? can I run more 25 fps with my RX580 8gb ?
farted, your dad should have “let” you in toilet instead …
@farted your chosen name suits you. You are a thing made of fart and nothing else, fa… .
Who the fuck dares to say that the first Blair Witch movie was a piece of shit? U probably 18yo or something, that shit was scary as fuck at that time!
Games is just fucking awesome, download that shit.
Can’t open on Daemon Tools, It’s “Access Denied”
there is only French subtitle ? French version is available somewhere ?
Blair Williams
gameplay footage
I cant change the lenguage just ENGLISH!
It just stucks on loading scteen for infinty
For some reason the game isn’t launching. I installed it but it doesn’t open.
All links broken. no downloads possible