In this gritty and violent new story from the award-winning creators of The Walking Dead…
In this gritty and violent new story from the award-winning creators of The Walking Dead – A Telltale Games Series, you’ll make discoveries that will shatter Bruce Wayne’s world, and the already fragile stability of a corrupt Gotham City.
Title: Batman The Telltale Series
Genre: Adventure
Developer: Telltale Games
Publisher: Telltale Games
Release Date: 2 Aug, 2016
Batman Episode 1-CODEX
Size: 2.10 GB
heheeh first
Hey guys, abzu using denuvo or not? If using denuvo, ill buy in steam
Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!
Finally! The wait is over!
@ari yes it has denuvo
I need to know either. If Abzu is denuvo ill buy it
Thank you kindly.
just wow
where is vault-workshop dlc?
THANK GUYS !!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ari abzu is using denuvo
Finally someone legit so many fakers thanks so much as always 😀
anyone know how to change the language? i want to play in english, not my native language.
Game is unplayable for now! Many people have only 10 fps in this game! WTF Telltale?! I’m waiting for patch.
Does it work in Windows 10?
no denuvo – out after a few hours
yes denuvo – we won’t see or hear from it again
Getting an Directx invalid parameter error…anybody knows how to fix this?
Dont work here, the error say: direct x error. I have the last update of directx here and i install the directx files on this game too.. but still not working! =\
Direct X error invallid parameter ? do i need to update direct x ? im on win7 ultimate core 2 duo e8400 3.6Ghz 8Go ddr2 800 gtx 750 TI oc
game doens’t open but some DPM files show in the game main file,WTF is that?
I’ve got the same problem as shex, Kratos and eurolite!
Codex releases dont work anymore,this is the third game that dont start.
Download the gog version,works fine.
Direct X error here!
I can’t play the Game said: Directx error despite that i have the lates direct x Installed
The game works, but it’s very lagging a lot. It works half way decent on 720p resolution but as soon as I raise it to 1080p the FPS drops so low that it gets unplayable. Which is bullshit because I can run Dragon Age Inquisition and The Witcher 3 on the highest settings and resolutions. This needs a patch ASAP. Feel sorry for the folk who bought it xD
game runs smoothly with no problems whatsoever! but was kinda short
directx error the parameter is incorrect, ?
Really quick you posted this game *.* thank you so much, the wait its over
didn’t see that coming,,,, thanks skidy that was fast…
oski165 the game is running perfectly at 60fps but in saying that i do have 4 Titan X lol
the game is unplayable the fps is so low, and i can play dark souls 3 on medium, this shouldn’t be a problem for my computer
How to solve invalid parameter error??
@serialKillerJTR you come on this site and brag about your Titan x but you steal this game! Fuck you! You piece of shit! kys
Jesus fuck! Talk about overkill. I hope you enjoyed spending $4,000+ on GPUs alone!
@vals night
It has NOTHING to do with CODEXs’ release. It has to do with the quality of game that Telltale gave to Steam to distribute. Hopefully they get the kinks worked out, but yes it would have been nice if a cracked version of the GOG release was uploaded.
just how to change the subtitles to Arabic ? and ty for the good work guys keep it up
Will the saves synch with the next episodes?
Crack? Or is it even required?
GAME IS LAGGY AS FUCK ! Read Steam reviews! Lots of people are in the same boat
The game its to laggy for me, unplayable
After installing and copying content to install directory when I try to launch the game a box appears: Unknown error 0x887A0004
i cant even play the game it crashes after i hit start episode.
has anyone else experienced this?
Khod fyl teltale, this game was reported as spam take down excluding (it)
crashes after i start new episode, it loads for a few seconds, than it crashes
Almost same problem: game crashes during first cutscene
no works on windows 10
Lags like hell !!!! What is it with batman games on pc Its arkham knight all over again,waiting for a fix
oski165 same problem, 10fps wtf !
the specified device interface or feature level is not supported on this system what is that ????
dando erro essa porra parametro incorreto o que fazer
Is there a fix for the fps issue yet?
new update?
doesn’t open at all. Can you fix ?
the first release is really bad port guys.. just take a look at steam so many people also found the same problem like bugs and lags,,
just wait for the proper update guys,,
albert covington:
i´m not sure,i downloaded the gog version and worked here,i´m playing now.
They already pushed an update an hour ago claiming to fix the issues.
thanks you SO MUCH 😀
Install this – Windows6.1-KB2670838-x64.msu – will fix the ‘The parameter is incorrect”
This Game Not Work in Windows 10 …. Any Solution All ?????
games crashes every time I start an episode
invalid parameter
Can you guys add the update?
can you upload the update ?
For those of you having the 10 fps issue and the resolution issue, I just found a fix. Don’t start the game from the win 8 exe. Start it from the win 7 exe instead. Worked for me. I’m a NVIDIA user btw.
UPDATE: I just found out that my previous fix only fixes the resolution issue. So here’s what I found. Most games select your external GPU as default but the Batman game selects your integrated GPU as default and that is the problem. To fix it here’s what you have to do. I run a NVIDIA processor so my fix extend upto that only:
Just go to your NVIDIA control panel and add the Batman exe to the list of games and force it to run your graphic GPU only.
For AMD users, if you know how to do it on your graphics card then do the same. Hopefully it’ll work!
Telltale have released a patch that fixes the performance issues. Any news on when the patch will be available?
please upload the update.
when the fps fix will come ?
this game runs fine for me but im using a fury x so yh
Could you please please please upload the new patch? Thank you!
Huh… Am i the only one who is having perfomance issues?
dude performance issues!!.. have heard telltale has released a patch to address it.. can u plz upload it? cheers!
Thanks 🙂
check the link for the language changing problem
i mean shouldnt be hard to get the first patch, comon guys.
The game is running smoothly for me but I was having the direct x error parameter is incorrect issue at first but I fixed that after installing the windows update mentioned is many different websites. My system main specs are AMD FX6300 for CPU, single NVIDIA GTX660 for GPU, 8GB RAM. I have not experienced any performance issues even without the update. So I can gladly say the game is working fine even without the patches.
DirectX error FIX:
lag, lag everywhere..
I have run the torrent but the torrent is not downloading?
U can upload the new patch?
i cant play the game, when i click to begin loads, and black screen for ever
Thank you!
can we get the patch please?
After finished loading opening scene it just appears black blank screen, not supported on windows 10?
Yes it is supported on Windows 10 and previous versions, but the game came with lots of problems for pc. They released a patch but it’s not here yet. 😉
Can you upload the patch? please?
@Mulato thx that update worked for me
can I play it on 32 bit??
I have windows 10 and when i open it it said DirectX Error haw can i fix this shit
where is the patch update?
I cant go pass the computer scene when bruce is watching the news at the batcave. IS anybody experimenting the same thing?
to edit Spanish language
1- open location or game folder
2- search the configuration file with the name: steam_emu
3- right double click to open
4- search and replace the spanish language
5- save
6- play and enjoy
i get a black in everything expet charcters and batman but the bulliding and the enivoremnt is black
does this version of the latest patch that fixes some of the problems?
where is episode 2?