Embark on a journey of redemption, driven by bitter-sweet revenge! The action packed saga of Afro Samurai…
Embark on a journey of redemption, driven by bitter-sweet revenge! The action packed saga of Afro Samurai continues but this time follows the path of Kuma, one of Afro’s closest childhood friends.
Title: Afro Samurai 2: Revenge of Kuma Volume One
Genre: Action, Adventure
Developer: Redacted Studios
Publisher: Versus Evil
Release Date: 22 Sep, 2015
Note: to reach the config screen, start the game with the following arguments : AfroSamurai2.exe -show-screen-selector
Afro Samurai 2 Revenge of Kuma Volume One-CODEX
Size: 1.6 GB
Waitin for Torrent Link !!!
1.6 gb? it would be a short game
In the home menu when i start the game there is press anything but i can´t press anything so
i can´t play
the game doesnt work i stai at strart screen i use all butoons noting apens
Thanks. 1.6Go…hope it(s not too shitty looking. 😀
Thanks Skidrow.
How to press = in the game to start playing ?!
This game is a joke! Play the original on Xbox 360 and PS3 until they sort the bugs, glitches and sound errors out. I am soooo disappointed. 🙁 Nowadays, you can’t even get your money back for buying certain physical/digital media so FUCK YOU CORPORATE! EAT MY BUTT NUGGETS STEAM AND BEST BUY!!
game istalled and works but mice/keyboard dont work so i cant play… any advise?
<3 <3 <3 <3
Thank you Guys.
is need controller to play 🙁
Crack doesnt work, when im playing the intro mission it will tell me that im “missing components” and then the mission keeps starting over again.
people even download this crap?… seriously
ok i don’t wanna be rude but this game is glitchy as fuck the first few minutes of the game and i already fall through the world and the ice climbing he just falls of for no reason for now this game is unplayable
The Steam listing for the game has a note that a controller is required to play. The = button is XBox One. The PC Master Race has again been given a lazy port… just this time so lazy they didn’t even bother to remap controls.
same problem here, how to press = in start screen ?
any advise sir?
guys tell u something this game u need 2 use xbox 360 or one joystick.
this game is xbox one format convert to pc user.
I want to ask … How to start the game with these arguments ?
yes how to press = in start screen? any keys won’t work
hmmm same problem., couldnt find key bind = what so ever
How do you start? I tried with an xbox controller emulator but it still doesn’t let me press = to start the game! Plz Help
damn…i allready download the game…and the game doesn’t work….in home screen menu cant press anything….common man….!!!
damn what a waste of time
after all the waiting then you can’t even get it to work
its so frustrating
What is that ? It’s a game for Xbox One ! Why the = ?
It’s a crap
This game is fine example of the old saying you can polish a Turd but its still a piece of shit