The year is 1978, the place is Tehran, Iran. You are Reza Shirazi, a striving…
The year is 1978, the place is Tehran, Iran. You are Reza Shirazi, a striving photojournalist, who after studying abroad returns home to find his people in a bloodied uprising against the ruling King, the Shah.
Title: 1979 Revolution: Black Friday
Genre: Adventure, Indie
Developer: iNK Stories ,N-Fusion Interactive
Publisher: iNK Stories
Release Date: 5 Apr, 2016
1979 Revolution Black Friday-HI2U
Size: 3.72 GB
Thank you very much
This game made in Iran
seems like a good game.
About the game :
Dont bother dwld. Its trash.
Brasil game?
Devil Daggers Please!!
I wonder if ISIS will make game about kidnap, murder, rape and bombing around the world …
This game is made in US – Newyork, just google the maker company
I have a problem , i installed the game,,copied the crack folder into the install folder , launched the game but its stuck at the settings page .
the game freeze at the display screen and say choose the optimal settings
Propaganda Black Shit…
ty and first 😀
For anyone having problems getting past the settings, just open the .exe with Administrator.
what the hell is this!???
like ps2 games!!!!!
bull sh i*****************t im from iran its *********** just waste of time for some big and idiot lies
What a load of crap, we all know that’s not why the Iranians had their revolution. Great, more western propaganda bull.
Man i was loving the game…i`m not much into this type of games, but this one had reall nice things to decide and impact the game…plus the Musical producion was great. Ok im not much into this graphic type, like wolf something game, like almost cartoons, but the context where you were was perfect…specially for those who had to fought regime in theyr one country, even if you didn`t the fact that you are political prisioner that mmust speack out…you really need a stretagy to how much info to let go…first i played rough…he kill the me, just by not saying is name:)cool so i learned…
The game was going fine, until ALI character being shot on protest,. As our character goes save him…after you did, the animation goes mad…game completly screwed up.Tryed it and retryed it a few times without sucess….always same outcame.:( Shit i was liking also the fact that being true story, how they relate the photos we take with the real ones…very cool, but then they screwed up like this.:( Was a first to me, never had that type of flaw in a game…unistall.Please fix (devs or crack makers, not skidrow)thanks
GREAT GAME! Thanks Skidrow for the upload! (I had to state this here or else you’ll be thinking this is a hate post, but no, I honestly love this game)
I’ve only played this game for a few chapters, and to be honest, I always disliked these kind of games, never bothered to play any of them, as I liked the more interactive ones, and if I wanted a story, I just read a bok; but God knows why I gave this game a chance. And man, was this worth it! The games/movies inspired by historical events nearly always turn out to be good, and so did this. Wit these chioces and the vast number of backing historical info, I can really imagine myself in this world. Thanks for the upload, I recommend this to anyone who likes these kind of games. One question: are there any games like this (history/somewhat alternative history “novels”) set either in Hungary or Japan?
god dam 1979 iran revolution AND those bastards revolutionary assholes !
united state did it and now made the video game about it !!!!!!
shame one you , u.s department of state and governments and a big shame on rigen , and all the u.s presidents in history who play a role in revolution in iran ,
you fucked up to the millions of the youth generation in iran .
god blessed “SHAH , VATAN , AND HOME LAND IRAN ”
skidrow please publish my comment !
More stories about Iran is estimated that in the West is wrong. Western politicians want to show the story of the Iranian revolution as sorry for them.
so i downloaded from both links you have,but still game crashes when i click play,any news on that?
I got a suggestion to run the program and somehow worked for me:
Create a shortcut of the exe file. Go to its properties. You’ll find a Target box. At the end of the target location add ‘ -force-glcore’ here’s the example… (D:\1979 Revolution Black Friday\1979Revolutiuon.exe) change it to (D:\1979 Revolution Black Friday\1979Revolutiuon.exe -force-glcore)
Ty vymrdaný čurácký hovno ty vo tý hře nic nerozumíš ty facebookářská svině!
game makers was published a fix patch for this game that fix bugs and crash
plz put in your site
The Shad was the last chance for a modern Iran. Most people of Iran shortly after that damn revolution became sorry of what they did, but too late for being sorry! Still everywhere in Iran in private talks you hear “RIP The Shah” that was the biggest loss and mistake of our previous generation. The current terrorism supporting regime spends the oil dollars to support terrorism in the world. And a huge pressure on its people. Well that people deserve it, I hope God forgive the last generation for what they did to the Shah. They must suffer forever…
This game is so bad.
iranian do not regret their revolution
Not now
check the number participants in the elections
this shows
iran is the safest place in world
maybe you re sorry but we are not “hayedeh”
Well it is true that the Shah wanted to modernize Iran and transform it into the Great Civilization, making Cyrus the Great proud ( Koroush Bezorgmehr) . His intention was noble, but transformation was quite uneven, he had 5th biggest army in world in 1975 but the gulf between rich and poor was widening ( not narrowing !) despite oil boon -wealth of 1970’s.( OPEC crises 1973). US and UK also got worried about their ally and were looking for a way to betray when time came. Shah missed a golden opportunity in 1963 to execute that stupid molla Chomenei ( that is when you need to be tough !), had he done so the 79′ revolution would at least have been lead by Nationalists (Jebhe Melli) or Communists ( Todeh), that would have been 1000 x better than having Religious morons ( who do many unislamic things and use religion to oppress ordinary people !) run the show in Theran like now. So regret what my parent generation did then…..What an error !
Please help me about the game crash because I have a same problem like others i run the program with adminstrator and suddenly it didn’t work for me . In addition , I can’t also add in a target location as it’s said the path is invalid. what I should do with these error any good solution ? Please reply .