Title: Wushu Chronicles
Genre: Adventure, Casual, Indie, RPG, Simulation
Release Date: 9 Apr, 2019
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• https://store.steampowered.com/app/921390/Wushu_Chronicles/
NOTE: English language not supported!
Size: 14.2 GB
We Need Chinglish please for us Dumb Yankee Doodles Americans We Need Chinglish Amazing Game But We Really Need Dat Chinglish Me American Me To Dumb Can’t Read Chinese Please Make Chinglish Version for Us Dumb Yankee Doodles
Chinglish go fuck yourself fucking retarded ching chong.
we wuz kangz and shite
Then use an online translator dipshits ^^ You dumb-ass, ignorant Americans make me ashamed to be white.
watafak on chinese? dud no lol, u think i have phone the chinese restaurant to make me understand this game or wat???
The Internet used to be filled with at least a certain level of intelligence. Now?
Wow, nice racism, wish they could block you from accessing the site forever for being a piece of shit
..how can you make a game and not support English..lol. Thats like making a car and leaving out the steering wheel.
actually, this game is a lot different from the gameplay video
There are always got retarded racists everywhere like this “awdawd” guy up there
from looks it feels like blade and souls.
hey do us a favor chinks. you lots are trash. ching chongs are so full of themselves. fuckin pieces of shit
You know English is the 3rd most spoken language in the world, so quit being so racist, consider this…two languages “Chinese” “Spanish” are spoken more then English. Your ignorance is astounding.
Learn the language dumbass?
first all russians and other pipl from other lands have to learn english and that is normally – but now i hear the skresam from Pindostan – oh. please english111… f…k off. morons – this is now next turn – and this turn is not yours. From Russia – 衷心的问候
Racists here should shut up.
Trop genial merci a la team méeme si j’ai acheté le jeu lol bon en chinois pour le moment mais éspérons de l’anglais par la suite et bravo a snail games pour avoir fait un RPG solo sir la base de Age of Wushu
No need to get offended ppl, the game sucks, is boring, reall tthere is no need to translate it
Yeah, whatever, fuck you ignorant ching chongs who thinks your language is the center of the world, I’m not even american but every fucking game should at least be translated into english, you fucking yellow dicksucking ching chongs.
ching chong ping ling
Dear racist kids of all races posting crap, you’re fucking stupid, shut up until you grow up. That is all.
A lot of ignorant racist fucks on here. First off, Chinese is one of the 3 Level 1 languages of the world. It’s one of the most spoken languages of the world next to English, so you idiots saying no one speaks Chinese can fuck right on off. Second, it’s a god damn Chinese game! Not every game needs to be translated in English by the developer. There are SO MANY foreign MMOs and games that are never brought over to the West.
For the Chinese people on here saying Americans are dumb…WE ARE! Most Americans never learn any other language because we aren’t required to like some other countries. There’s also a stigma of “We live in America, speak English!” from the old baby boomer era and this will eventually change when they finally all die.
OY VEY A BUNCH OF WASIST IN THE COMMENTS!!!! SHUT IT DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE GOYIM KNOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHINA NUMBRE ONE CHING CHANG CHONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m not an American, and I don’t see all Americans are dumb, I see some can speak more than 2 languages, heck, perhaps even more than 3 languages. I only hope racists reflect their actions and hopefully they don’t cause trouble in future.
I see you’re not a racist type person, and there’s still hope for America to change their negative attitudes.
Fuck OFF, every game now days needs to come in multiple languages, not just english and of course is stupid to publish a game in Chinese only….
dass rite
we wuz kangz n sheet chong
chona numba wan biotch!!!
@Chinglish please 白痴
WTF! How I can download Chinese game here!!! love it!!!
I just read the review on this game… well, it’s not quite positive…but you guys still can try it…have fun with Chinese Wu Xia games…
This is so Chinese that I’d eat an entire dog!
Sorry, I don’t speak Taka Taka
My main language is Spanish, and thanks to English I have spoken to a lot of people worlwide. I also study Chinese now, but let me tell you, you fags living in the safety of your parents mansions know nothing, people from less motropolitan places in China will either have you communicate in Chinese with them or ignore your dumb foreigner ass, and it´s not necesarily wrong, they don’t care about others, they care for their own, as any other culture in the world, yet somehow, after achieving some of the best life standards in the world some of you cucks have forgotten that, if you don’t like being white and you feel bad for things you didn’t do to appease people who didn’t experience the wrong, please just take the initiative, kill yourself. Your autism is far beyond the people you despise’s, if you knew any better what life is in other countries you would be thankful, if you knew any better you would also know your moral and emotional superiority is nothing but modern day elitist nonsense, and you should shut the fuck up.
The only reason chinese has that place in languages spoken is because china is a massive, grossly overpopulated shithole.
so many butts hurted over a bad chinese joke intention… cant belive this shit… now everyone needs to get in the high moral ground… like if that would help… stop paying attention to those kind of bad jokes and people will stop doing them, cant belive people is this stupid… the more attention to the matter the more people is going to troll with it
Wow at last a chinese RPG has been cracked. Most of the fun chinese kong fu RPG has never been crack but this one seems to be have lots of bugs. I got stuck at a part that the quest require me to give a npc a wine to clear the quest but i bought and drank all from NPC already since it increase my stats, guess i will have to start all over again. For those who butt hurt over its not translated. Go learn the language and stop blaming. If you can’t change the world, change yourself. Peace out.
please update it
Plz need update