The Warden & the Paunch is the latest Lords Pack for Total War….
The Warden & the Paunch is the latest Lords Pack for Total War: WARHAMMER II. Introducing two rival Legendary Lords from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, each with their own factions, objectives, mechanics, units and playstyle, for use in both the Eye of the Vortex and Mortal Empires campaigns, and custom/multiplayer battles.
Title: Total War WARHAMMER II The Warden & The Paunch
Genre: Action, Strategy
Release Date: 21 May, 2020
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Total.War.WARHAMMER.II.The.Warden.And.The.Paunch.LANGUAGE.PACK-PARADOX { Torrent | Torrent | Torrent | Torrent }
Total War WARHAMMER II The Warden And The Paunch-PARADOX
Size: 49 GB
OOO lets goo
Ha! Just when I least expected.
i neeeeeeeeed. pleeeaaaase. download link me please dadddy
Mortal Empires is included?
oh mama
too bad when a denuvo game is getting cracked that is again old ones already cacked with just new content . Why not releasing uncracked games in priority ???
Nice one!
I skipped this one no interest at all , game is too old and i am fed up of it . I will wait in 3 hours that Fairy Tail gets cracked , that gonna be a real new interesting game .
I hope that the third PARADOX denuvo release will be finally a new uncracked game and not another standalone .
be grateful people are sharing you free games. @colruyt55000
tim : I am grateful about the work they did but not for the release itself . Already have the game , and really dont need it anymore , i played enough this game with already al the other content , now it is getting to old and uncracked games would be better . Have you noticed that 80% of warez releases are always the same old games coming and coming again . It is nice at the beginning but after 2-3 years it is enough we want fresh stuffs . All those games coming out with plenty dlc is just a pure rob to consumers . I can’t believe there is people idiot enought to buy all the dlc for a game ( how much the game will cost then ? ) A game do not dserv more then 50 USD . It is the mostly reason i stopped byuing games cause the games are sold at the same prize then 10 years with the difference that you are buying beta games or games in kit package . THis opportunity gaven to devellopers to use dlc and updates easily, killed the games so bad, since they do not care to release an unfinsihed / incompleted game , because they can update it during years if they want , but in that story who are getting fucked ?, the customers of course! , cause they will have to paid so much more then the game itself to get a product wich should be sale in that state initialy. The game industry just became so fucked up . And the worst we are not even seeing good games like we had 10-20 years ago . All there doing is working on the gfx aspect of the games and forget to do what a game really need … a great story line , a great gameplay , a great fun … a great lifetime ..
@tim that @cotruyt55000 will NEVER be grateful, hes a fuckin retard that never respects anyone.
He only wants what he wants, his comments are useless, always saying this game is shit. He can go rot in hell. And now he complains the games to hard, and wants a game called Fairy Tail?! Sounds about right, he wants a Fairy and his Tail
Is there a multi part direct download? 9 days for a single download is insane
Downloaded the 1.8.2 version today, now I see this
thank you thank you thank you
Is there a multipart download?
real problem about this dlc is it still buggy af. by some reason dev still not even try to fix anything since it released months ago….
Let’s goooooo Poggers
I thought we will never seen another update for this game again, considering they keep releasing patches every 2 weeks that break one thing and fix another and have DLC every month. If I was a scene group I sure as hell would be DONE with this game. And I know they just announced another DLC, but whatever. It’s still better than having no update at all.
Thanks for your hard work my dudes!
an there it goes all my free time… THANK YOU i thought i had to wait a year for this <3
All hail PARADOX!!
Fuck TRASHDEX and their shit games!!
I will update you all if the Crashing problem has been fixed in a couple of days after i play around a bit.
Total War WARHAMMER II The Warden And The Paunch-LANGUAGE PACK-PARADOX torrent. Please.
This ain’t got the blood for the old men dlc, damn
THANK YOU VERY MUCH! youre making quarantine bearable. 🙂
Anyone else’s utorrent not responding at 98 percent?
only english or located in other language ?
languagepack in 1fichier pls ty
So far so good about 8 hours of playing no crashes BUT! the Blood and Gore DLC isn’t installed it seems so there is no Blood Effects and no option to turn them on battles look strange with not a single drop of blood but oh well at least it isn’t crashing.
Spealing of language pack there is another file in another link named language pack. What languages are in?
To enable Blood and Gore DLc, just open PDX.ini in the game directory and under [DLC]
add line:
594591=Total War: WARHAMMER II – Blood for the Blood God II
copied from fitgirl
For some reason Blood for the Blood God II DLC is not enabled in PDX.ini by default, though game files for it are present. You can manually activate it by adding this string to DLCs list in PDX.ini
594591=Total War: WARHAMMER II – Blood for the Blood God II
Then check game graphics settings to see if the blood option is checked.
guys i have a problem with this version
i installed the game without deleting empress version after the game worked i delete previous version and its not working anymore its getting pdx.dll missing error can anyone help me with this
I wonder why the previous upgrade weighs 58GB and this one 30GB it supposes that are included all dlcs in. Right?
For some reason Blood for the Blood God II DLC is not enabled in PDX.ini by default, though game files for it are present. You can manually activate it by adding this string to DLCs list in PDX.ini
594591=Total War: WARHAMMER II – Blood for the Blood God II
Well goddamn, thanks for the crack boyz, waited for this moment)
This DLC introduced many bugs, gambling winds of magic yield the same number, heroes on mount would come into battle without it…. recently, there was a patch that was supposed to fix those bugs. Thank you for giving us this game, but can anyone confirm if this version is with those bugs, or its a version where does bugs r fixed?
Why are there two files of the game? One named repack and the other one language pack? Which is the right game? Are included languages pack?
Virus found at VirusTotal
Seed motherfuckers!
i seem to be unable to play this since PDX.dll is always missing, or it’s broken according to my computer
not working in french with the repacklanguage
How do I change the language?, where should I extract the language pack?, Imma noob lel
How to I apply the language pack? I installed it but still in english 🙁
I Install the language pack and change the language in the config file but it remain in english.
@vinsanity this happened to me too. The file you talk about is located inside the crack folder (whatever its called when you mount the image). The reason this happens is cause the antivirus simply deletes it, you have to add an exclussion to the WH2 folder and then copy the PDX.dll file where the Warhammer2.exe file is.
Check the new folder created in the main directory. Copy and replace in data directory.
Chicos teneis que eliminar los archivos en ingles de la carpeta data pesan mas o menos lo mismo que los de español pero pone “en” en vez de “sp”
You poor piece of shit don’t have a penny to buy a original game comes here to cry about people doing free work so scums like you can play it for free????
Ungrateful piece of garbage waste of oxygen keep your mouth shup and download what they offer here, or get you poor crying ass of this place. Motherucker die already.
I Install the language pack and nothing change.
can sameone make a guide ?
Sadly this game just have neverending DLCs with denuvo, The newest DLC is on-the-run…
fr-> installer le pack dans un dossier annexe
renommer les fichier en local_en.pak / local_en_2.pak / local_en_gc.pack
copier dans le repertoire data du jeu
puis dans le dossier repertoire locales .
supprimer tout sauf fr.pak
renommer fr.pak en en.pak
lets play et merci
200 turns in, fighting almost every battle manually not a single crash Ultra settings.
Gtx 1080SLI
32Gb ram
game is installed on a 2TB m.2
If you want blood effects to work you can manually activate them by adding this string to DLCs list in PDX.ini
594591=Total War: WARHAMMER II – Blood for the Blood God II
Then check game graphics settings to see if the blood option is checked.
i download this version, but there is no language options only english, so i have to download other game again? beacuse other one have a language choise???
Hello, I’m triyng to enable blood effects, so I open PDX.ini with notebook, write the string down, but when I need save I have a pop-up saying I can’t touch this file because administrator rights blablabla.
How to do it properly please ?
Finished 2 campaigns, circa 350 turns in total. Most battles fought manually. Not a SINGLE crash/freeze.
Very good job!
Many thanks PARADOX!
How to save the .INI after adding the line for the blood dlc ? I can’t cause I don’t have the right but I DO have the right I’m the admnistrator of my pc
sry for engrish I’m french
cann someone give me the pdx.dll ?
Guys when I run the game it asks for admin’s permission, but then it won’t start ? How to fix this problem? I have no issue running the game in previous versions but why ? Reinstalling, driver update, everything won’t work ? Pls let me know how to fix this ty
Unbelievable guys! Thank you very much! And it’s a stable version without crashes. Just unbelievable, I was losing hope here! thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
@frsetup Salut je ne comprend pas, il faut télécharger le fichier complet de 37 Go language pack ?
Il y’a pas un moyen de télécharger seulement les fichiers fr ?
Salut je ne comprend pas, il faut télécharger le fichier complet de 37 Go language pack ?
Il y’a pas un moyen de télécharger seulement les fichiers fr ?
How can I play in LAN?
I just downloaded this file but is not the spanish language pack. Why does the file is named language pack but there are no languages pack. Please spanish language pack.
Does it automatically update for me when you guys add updates and dlcs?
How can I put the game in the Spanish language
I can’t find the language pack…
I DL utorrent link and i can’t find :'(
lien direct vers le patch de traduction francais sans devoir télécharger tout le pack.
– décompresser l’archive.
– renommer local_fr en local_en, local_fr_2 en local_en_2 et local_fr_gc en local_en_gc.
– copier colle le dossier dans votre repertoire d’installation du jeu et ecrasez les fichiers existant lorsque demander.
– démarrer le jeu, il doit etre en francais.
– Si il reste en anglais, il se peut que les droit admin n’arrive pas à ecraser les fichier présent dans ce cas supprimez les trois fichiers precedement evoquer du repertoire d’installation puis coller les fichiers télécharger.
Bon jeu à tous.
@tzrgus t’est un génie merci beaucoup !
hi can anyone help me, i cant play with mod, i has download mod in workshop and drop file in data file warhammer 2 but when in game mod not working, i hope some one have solve with my problem, thanks a lot before, sorry for my english
Try and get the Mod manager from the Workshop, NOT the official one, the fan-made Manager
And search for some tutorials on youtube or Reddit. I’m not an expert but maybe that could help you
I’ve got the same problem than you !
I’ve tried 2 different tutorials to play with mods but in game nothing is happening…
Can someone helps us ??
does this have all the faction lie if u owned the first game?
Paradox scared of blood?
alguem me ajuda a fazer essa traduçao
@mrw, Fabien
To run mods:
Copy .pack file into
Total War WARHAMMER II\data
Create user.script.txt file (if not exists) in
C:\Users\*Username*\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\Warhammer2\scripts
Open it and add line:
mod “*modname*.pack”;
for more mods, just add another lines like this:
mod “infinite_respecs.pack”;
mod “Better_Camera:Mod.pack”;
mod “Community_Bug_Fix.pack”;
Yes, it contains ALL CONTENT from TWW1 and TWW2 up to date.
To enable Blood and Gore, open PDX.ini in the game folder and in DLC section add:
594591=Total War: WARHAMMER II – Blood for the Blood God II
Dont forget to check Blood setting in game (under graphics).
How I unpack all this bin files?
LAN doesn’t seem to be working well, I can start a LAN game but when me and my friend load a co-op campaign save (resume as host) it doesn’t load, just takes us back to the multiplayer area. I don’t know if that’s an issue of this torrent or the retail game.
all links are down can you reupload maybe
torrent links are dead please fix them.
I don’t know if this has Mortal Empires enables and no one seems to bother confirming, so I downloaded the FitGirl repack and that one definitely has it
Can we use SFO mod with this?
Thanks in advance and Good Job team for making this possible.
is there any way to download only language pack?
I CANT instal this game… error on multifiles and some ruski tekst i cant read 🙁
downloaded torrent one more time and it works just fine
Pessoal, consegui dessa fora: Instale em qualquer lugar, depois entre na pasta instalada e mude todos os arquivos que estão com o “br” no meio para “en”,
desta forma>> local_en.pack
8 arquivos no total, depois copie e cole eles na pasta “data” onde seu jogo foi instalado, substituindo os que estavam lá.
Agora basta ir na pasta “locales” ou “Local” excluir todos os arquivos exceto o “pt-BR.pak”, basta renomear ele para “en.pak”.
Pronto, Bom jogo a todos 😀
Thanks a LOT for this game, However it clearly needs an update. Please consider making one <3
Where does this put the save file?
Please update the game thanks
Last (this) update was from more than a year ago. Did they change security measures that much, that you cant crack it? 🙁
version 1.12.0 sur ce lien cracker et tester, par contre pas encore de pack de langue compatible à par anglais.
version 1.12.0 sur ce lien cracker et tester, par contre pas encore de pack de langue compatible à par anglais (supprimer les etoiles du lien sinon il m’affiche pas mon message).