Hunted by blood-drenched locals and something far more sinister, the….
Hunted by blood-drenched locals and something far more sinister, the teens’ party plans unravel into an unpredictable night of horror. Friendly banter and flirtations give way to life-or-death decisions, as relationships build or break under the strain of unimaginable choices.
Title: The Quarry Full Game
Genre: Adventure
Release Date: 10 Jun, 2022
• https://store.steampowered.com/app/1891950/The_Quarry__Full_Game/
NOTE: Not Cracked!
The Quarry Deluxe Edition-FULL UNLOCKED
Size: 43 GB
Is it possible to somehow play with friends online?
yes, just buy the game
moron, buy the game! idiot
tg sale turque retourne enculer des moutons
il et complet le jeux ou pas
“Turkey” en anglais ça veut dire “Dinde” et toi tu le traites de sale turc. Mdr.
S’il voulait dire qu’il est turc il aurait écrit “Turkish”.
Je suis 100% français, donc je ne le défends pas, mais tu devrais aller ouvrir quelques livres d’anglais niveau collège. 😉
Non tu as tort Osef, TurkeyKing veut bien dire Roi de Turquie, (ainsi que Roi dinde mais ca n’a aucun sens). Par conséquent ici c’est bien en tant que Turque qu’il se présente. Dommage, bien essayé.
Is it really full version and is it working
Read the note, it’s not cracked yet.
Guys to play Full game! you can use CreamAPI and works fine (ByPass steam request owning DLCs), you don’t need to download full unlocked,
go to your steam and download “The Quarry” it’s FREE but CreamAPI here will do it’s magic to unlock “FULL GAME & DELUXE CONTENT” for free which devs released as paid DLC
Here Is The CreamAPI With Full Game Unlocked And Digital Deluxe Content Unlocked.
Just Extract The File Contents Into The Quarry Directory.
Remember this is not crack it’s just a bypass to unlock full game to play it ! Enjoy before devs will fix this bypass
Big thx Steven, it’s work!
My “The Quarry’ is PAID on steam, how do you do it?
sounds fishy
Not cracked, then Whats the point of posting this.
hey steaven
the quarry can’t download on steam website.
how to download it
it’s not free
I think the demo is gone. Couldn’t find it either
how so i have a demo can i make a full version?
it doesn’t work for me, could you help me?
It’s not free now ;c
Sorry, guys, but the game hasn’t been cracked yet, so that’s a no to both of your questions.
Fingers crossed it’ll get cracked soon.
how you play i click in the .exe but nothing happening
does it work goddamit
Thanks Steven, its working!! I confirm It
@Steven can you explain more pls, i’ve put the engine file in the quarry folder but it’s not working.
Yeah Stephen! Works perfectly
Can we play full story mode ???
guys its a great game by all accounts. Its pricey but the multiplayer aspect is what makes it great. I download 90% of my games but sometimes i purchase the game if the multiplayer is great. Long story short.. dont wait for the crack if you want to play with mates.. but wait for the crack if you just wanna single play experience.
Can’t believe they put denuvo in this turd of a game. Thanks Steven!
I can’t believe that you clicked on a game that you don’t like and felt the need to waste your own time writing a comment.
If you don’t like, don’t click on it. It’s not rocket science, mate.
tu aurais dû appliquer ton propre conseil et ne pas commenter alors
how install this????w
so sad the demo are gone i didnt know the trick its too late for me :*/
and again, the confusion about the word UNLOCKED, which in plain english would mean this is cracked but in cracker lingo means it’s not, continues.
what mean full unlocked ? i can play it without buying or what ?
hey uh… how does the bypass suppose to work. can you download this and use it or nah? lm not using steam for shit fuck those cuck lords in the ass
Tell me you’re a peasant without telling me you’re a peasant.
tell me you are a butt hurt without telling me you are a butthurt xD
not everyone can ask for mommys credit card you know lmao
I’m an adult with a job and a library of over 1,000 Steam games. Why would I be butthurt? I’m just calling out the angry peasant. Cry more, poorboy.
Lmao then why the fuck are you here?
When you are goin to repack this game
They don’t actually repack games themselves. A repack might turn up in here, but that will only happen after the game is cracked.
Sorry, buddy.
madafakers why post this sh!t if its not Cracked madafakah bulsyet crap
@Steven Wokrd grreat, thx m8. To avpid that an update breaks your solution, what i have don is copy the game folder to another place, and then uninstall the game in Steam.You can start the game from the copy folder with TheQuarry.exe
bonjour , le jeux et complet méme sans le crack ?
The bypass doesn’t work anymore, it worked because they released a demo on steam that acted like the full game but it was only a demo, you had to pay for the full game and you could bypass it with the CreamAPI but not anymore because they removed the demo from steam for this exact reason
@stephane, complet avec les DLC mais injouable car non craqué. Il faut attendre un repack avec le crack.
@AF it is working for those who managed to download the demo before it got removed, I’m playing the game right now !
may I download this files and wait for the crack right?
le jeux marche tres bien avec merci steven pour le fichier jai le jeux conplet et plus la demo
cc g le jeux mes ne se lance pas sa maffiche unable to initialize steamapi. please make sur steam is running and you are logget in to an account entitled to the game il faut fair koi merci
still waiting for a crack…
Hey guys, the Quarry has denmo which is an anti pirating software, unfortuantly that means a crack wont be available for a while
Im curious when the crack will come out 🙁
Next year dipshit
Omg… are you serious?
yes i am serious! so move on and find another game
Pls make a crack for this game. I rly wanna play it for free….
Plus moyen de télécharger la demo ?
i think you must change your ADS.. Abetal.ga can’t be closed
Thx Steven your a fking god !!
la technique de steven fonctionne encore ?
this isnt a game, its a interactive movie
The game works perfectly on my pc thx
Another shitty events game.
This what all the big budget and triple shits AAA games are nowadays.
Too fucking lazy to make an actual gameplay.
Just make a fucking movie and let the watcher press a button every minute or so on their controller
and call it a game, we will build a hype for it, they are stupid and will buy it.
That’s what this is, retard. Don’t like it? Play something else. I don’t bitch about all the pony or furfag games coming out. I just don’t play them.
have you ever play a story driven game? like telltale game or anything like that?
i bet you never lol
How do we install this? Normally we put crack in the main folder, but we got 3 folders and i used patch and everytime i run the game i get to steam page, would love to know how to install !
Regards 🙂
Are y’all retarded or what !? THERE IS NO CRACK YET !
Fucking learn how to read !!!
is the game in French?
Thx guy
pasword crack?¿?¿?¿?¿
there is no crack yet it will be next year someone said above
Denuvo for a movie game lool.
yeh thats a shit
DONT DOWNLOAD this game because its not yet CRACK wait till next year b!tches
it worked tnks
Which one did you download ?
no its not working he is just Trolling
Years and years of seing the same shit since PB and IRC days.
>I can’t find crack
>Why it no work
>This sucks, no working
Always people who can’t read or type like 8 years olds.
whats the point of this upload if there is no crack available yet, just making ppl confused..
how to download the steam demo?????? comment elechargez la demo sur steam bordel
La démo a été supprimée de steam. Ce qui est dommage c’est qu’on peut même pas la télécharger autre part, visiblement personne de la DL pour l’heberger autre part
plz crack
Somebody tell me if the crack is available ? can download the game ? Thank a lot
The crack wont be available for a long while most likely next year as the game as Denmo in which is a anti-pirating software. so unfortuantly its either buy it or wait ages to have it cracked.
Thanks man
crack it
crackkkk pls n vo pagar 300 conto pra zerar essa bosta
Should be called locked, not unlocked.
For god sake this is how to play the game go to Steam and pay £54.99 if you don’t want to the wait for the cracked to be released.
I do agree though it’s kind of pointless to upload an uncracked game.
it’s too much expensive for 10 hours of game lol
Work For Me thank you !!! The game is quite good ! and free is better 🙂
To people who keep asking for a crack are you stupid or can you not read ?
The game hasn’t been cracked yet and probably will not be for at least a year
Bonjour pouvez vous fissuré The Quarry merci
1Fichier PLEASE!!!!
Thank you!
I’ll think i just watch the movie on youtube
crack was working, it doesn’t work anymore with the last update
can you just appload the link og the 1file downlaod
crack please ? T_T
Just to say that I am tired to see people saying “just buy the game” on a cracked games website just GTFO. This game has denuvo which means that unless I upgrade my pc it will not run well if I buy the game. This shitty DRM takes away 20-30% of performance so unless you have spent 2K on your computer you cannot play it decently.
CreamAPI ByPass it doesnt work
Since the last update… crack doesnt work …
I made it work somehow with the creamAPI but i realized i had downloaded the demo in a different language so i went back and did it all again and now it doesn’t work anymore sdfsdfsd it’s so frustrating i have no idea how i did it the first time and i can’t replicate results :’)
muy bueno
Maybe people wouldn’t be saying buy the game if retards and utter morons didn’t keep saying crack Please and it’s not Working.
You can’t afford a decent PC boo fucking hoo.
the real morons on this page are the ones saying “buy the game” on a site people come to pirate games lmao like how brain damaged are you? the game says UNLOCKED which implies it’s been cracked and you can play it, don’t be morons, people are confused because of the title for the file
Only a fucking moron thinks unlocked and cracked are the same thing are people so stupid that they can’t fucking read it says not cracked under the description.
Bite my Ass
tim is an idiot for sure
Steven’s hint was right on the money, though I went with a different DLC unlocker and Goldberg emu. Works like a charm. Check the Quarry thread on cs.rin.ru for all necessary info.
Btw, you can download the entire game through Steam right now and then apply the workarounds. No need to go through the shitty torrents only to end up with an outdated version. Workaround currently works on the newest version
Yea, creamapi worked for me too then stopped for some reason. I had to quit steam after I put the creamapi stuff in the Quarry folder for it to work (while it was).
Steven method don’t work at all.
I have tested it and I can only play the demo.
It not unlocked you morons.
i downloaded the DEMO from steam and followed the thread at cs.rin.ru
i can confirm that this method still works with the latest version.
I managed to turn the DEMO version from steam into the full game.
Awesome game I played to chapter 5 in one go.
Solution download depotdownloader enter this string go powershell ./DepotDownloader.exe -app 1577120 -depot 1577122 -manifest 8901371461885341390 -username yours -password yours automatically download the old version and add cream api
Easiest solution download the demo go to this link >> https://onlinefixuploads.ru:2053/uploads/The%20Quarry/Crack/ insert the crack pass archive online-fix.me
401 Authorization Required
when will crack? the skidrow games somehow got worse 🙂
When it is going to be cracked?
@NLE Nlk
Yes when will this game crack?
10/7/2022 still not cracked
by any chances this game is going to be cracked please ;(
10/10/2022 still not cracked.
When wil this game be cracked?
@Eddie will you shut the fuck up it will be cracked when it’s cracked repeated asking when will it be cracked will not make it happen any sooner.
For fuck sake
Waiting for Uncharted Legacy Of Thieves Collection and The Dark Pictures Anthology The Devil In Me
Why stiill no cracked ???
please crack the game plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz thank you
Yes please cracked this game.
it says “full unlocked”, but its DEMO version….. 30/10/2022…..
Yes the title is misleading.
Should chage to Demo Not Unlocked.
Why still not cracked ??????????
Please cracked this game.
When will this game cracked?
Do your job, crack it fast or consequences
whats the consequences?
When is The Devil In Me coming?
Yes please crack this game soon
Yes crack this and the upcoming The Devil In Me
Why still no crack ??????????
Yes when crack?
Hope to see crack soon.
Why still no crack ???
I am still waiting for the crack.
This game already cracked there is an online fix for it and playable 100%
from Steven comment and doing some research I managed to access the full game
IDK ppl here what they waiting for!! publish the damn game @SKIDROW
I try before it doesn’t work at all.
I can only play the DEMO.
Still waiting for the crack… Holy shit! Almost 6 months of waiting.
Anyone knows how much time for a crack to be released?
I also waiting for the crack.
Check first comment
lmao still not cracked
It doesn’t work anymore dude.
Open the game from Steam for first time and play the DEMO then apply crack fix
It don’t work naymore dude.
guys it works just follow MORO’s guide
guys it works just follow MORO’s guide 😀
I don’t want to install Steam and install this game in my ssd c drive space.
I like to install in my hdd d drive.
This is a waste of time! why is this here it is not even cracked