The Haunting is a first person horror adventure game in where you fight….
The Haunting is a first person horror adventure game in where you fight ghosts using a camera and explore the mysteries of The Red Water Woods through cinematic storytelling.
Title: The Haunting Blood Water Curse
Genre: Action, Adventure, Early Access
Release Date: 27 Apr, 2021
Support the software developers. BUY IT!
• https://store.steampowered.com/app/697810/The_Haunting_Blood_Water_Curse_EARLY_ACCESS/
The Haunting Blood Water Curse Early Access
Size: 20.9 GB
Does anyone know when full verison is coming out?
@ lazy RasovoMalo: you simply click the store link and read:
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
“Estimate 3 to 4 months as we will collect user feedback and data to add or remove features in the game. The game will receive content updates every 1 or 2 weeks. We are active with our community through in-game, email and forums and we’re always looking for feedback and ideas that would improve the experience.”
I want to anal sex with the twink in the screenshot
shit game