Tell Me Why Chapter 1-Chronos

Posted August 27, 2020 in PC GAMES, REQUEST ACCEPTED

Tell Me Why Chapter 1-Chronos


After ten years apart, twins Tyler and Alyson reunite to sell their….



    • OS: Windows 7 64-bit version 1903 or higher
    • Processor: Intel core i3 4130 (3.4 Ghz 2C / 4T) AMD FX 4300 (3.8 Ghz 4C / 4T)
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Graphics: Nvidia GTX 750Ti or Nvidia GTX 1050 or AMD Radeon R7 260X or AMD Radeon RX 560
    • DirectX: Version 11
    • Storage: 25 GB available space

Tell Me Why Chapter 1-Chronos
1. Extract
2. Play!
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  1. Backstreet Boys (27 Aug 2020, 18:09)

    Ain’t nothin’ but a heartache

  2. Adam Lanza (27 Aug 2020, 18:13)

    Nice game

  3. Kalypso (27 Aug 2020, 18:15)

    Ain’t nothin but a heartache

  4. Sandro (27 Aug 2020, 18:17)

    Thanks alot

  5. BSB (27 Aug 2020, 18:21)

    Ain’t nothin’ but a heartache
    Tell me why
    Ain’t nothin’ but a mistake
    Tell me why
    I never want to hear you say
    I want it that way

  6. Kruger (27 Aug 2020, 18:31)

    So we get this, but we dont get LIS2 l,mao dull.

  7. Caarlos (27 Aug 2020, 18:31)

    Thaanks Chronos ♥ & Skidrowreloaded for share ♥

  8. Siestator (27 Aug 2020, 18:52)

    Merci beaucoup 🙂

  9. Howie Dorough (27 Aug 2020, 19:00)

    You are my fire
    The one desire
    Believe when I say
    I want it that way

  10. Helltioeg Twitch (27 Aug 2020, 19:40)

    Tsubasa?,Resident Evil 3 Remake I don’t care about ressistance AT ALL i only care about base game,Mortal Kombat 11 Aftermath?.

  11. Dizzy (27 Aug 2020, 19:45)

    First I wanted to play but while it was downloading I’ve read that it will be a story about defect people that cannot reproduce. Well fock this shirt, i’d better go watch pron.

  12. Aruzen (27 Aug 2020, 20:08)

    Don’t wanna hear you say
    Ain’t nothin’ but a heartache
    Ain’t nothin’ but a mistake (don’t wanna hear you say)
    I never wanna hear you say (oh, yeah)
    I want it that way

  13. Sandro (27 Aug 2020, 20:27)


  14. pakito (27 Aug 2020, 20:58)

    thanks chronos wait for 2 and 3 in september

  15. CmdO (27 Aug 2020, 21:52)

    A backstreet boys games present…

  16. genma (27 Aug 2020, 22:51)

    bakcstr1eet’s back, ALRIGHT!

  17. rafael (27 Aug 2020, 22:55)

    jogo de gay trans grafico lixo e jogo lixo kkkkkkkkkkkkk

  18. genma (27 Aug 2020, 23:15)

    Sadly they made the main characters LGBTQ, AGAIN!!!! Dafuq!

  19. Tony (27 Aug 2020, 23:30)

    noticed the game doesn’t let me select 2160p in video options, even though that’s my native res. Made sure to select fullscreen.

    anybody else have this issue?

    oh, and the game crashes every time I try to start a new game

    disabled Afterburner, antivirus, etc

  20. xu (28 Aug 2020, 0:20)

    @Kruger LIS2 was shit I even did not finish it, and had to force myself to play… I think I stopped at EP4, I just did not care what will happen next, wasted preorder money… I played LIS and BTS countlessly, and waited in Steam for every release and downloaded it second after release and played every EP immediatelly in one go… LIS2 lacked everything previous game had

  21. gauldron (28 Aug 2020, 1:13)

    I’m stuck as a virgin with rage♪

  22. AgoS (28 Aug 2020, 1:34)

    Thanks!!!!!!!!! <3

  23. MR VAIN (28 Aug 2020, 1:58)






  24. Bubblewrap (28 Aug 2020, 2:06)

    anyone knows about cronos? i rarely heard this name…

  25. genma (28 Aug 2020, 2:33)

    @xu @Kruger, i liked the CPY release although a bt buggy in Episode 2. it would be really nice if they cracked LiS2

  26. sakura (28 Aug 2020, 3:32)

    wtf so the guy want to be a lil trans bitch what a shitty game and story

  27. genma (28 Aug 2020, 6:17)

    How do you open this game? just straight up open the Shipping.exe? or Do you have to open it in Steam Like the LiS 2 Demo?

  28. God pls end this world (28 Aug 2020, 6:45)

    The global agenda is terrible. Games with transgender, they are trying to force so badly and i will not be surprised in the near future, the female characters get pumped like a crap studio did on the last of us, also trash story with bad choice…
    We already need to deal with that in real life, and when u want to relax, chll, u need to face the same subject inside the game… fuck those people off, all of them.
    Next target are transform lara croft into a man, jill, and all female… and the “rated by mature” will be replaced for a “rainbow” in the cover… what a crap world.

  29. Maitreya (28 Aug 2020, 10:43)

    Cool ! Thank you CHRONOS.

  30. lmao (28 Aug 2020, 11:21)

    Came here jut for the comments…

  31. Kam Izol (28 Aug 2020, 13:48)

    Multilanguage ?

  32. fatbastard (28 Aug 2020, 16:08)

    tell me why hipsters love these trash lame gay games

  33. prewww (28 Aug 2020, 17:11)

    thanx!!! can’t wait 4 the other chapters!!

  34. K_EƎ_D (28 Aug 2020, 18:49)

    You gotta love these “Fuck all LGBT and females” retards.
    Because they think the world rotate for them “The” “Alpha males”. And females exists only to fulfill their
    sexual desires.
    Middle eastern 3rd world barbaric retarded mindset right there.
    And what’s funny, it’s became a “problem” in their life and they must fight it. Lol.

  35. Dave (28 Aug 2020, 20:02)

    Cause IIIIII want it that waaay!

  36. Dave (28 Aug 2020, 20:05)

    OMG this is really faggot trash

  37. chad00 (29 Aug 2020, 20:15)

    Another lame ass LGBTQ+ game and its going straight to the trash bin

  38. Wutzel (30 Aug 2020, 13:12)

    The first I see is that ugly face from this guy and I think spontanly at LS2 this fucking dumb kids, and what now that one of this suckes only older?! The game and the girl looking awsome but only because of him I dont know will I play it only because of that thing, that goes in the first secon in that video on my nervs. Hmmm……

  39. Anon (30 Aug 2020, 14:05)

    Playing this game is like voluntarily cutting your dick and balls, like this fucking tranny trash game.

  40. AL BUNDY (30 Aug 2020, 16:51)

    Why must they force the LGBTq agenda on us? It’s in every facet of entertainment now. Big media wants your kids to grow up queer, so they start young now. Nickelodeon now has trans and gay characters in most of their shows. They want to show 5 year olds that it’s cool to gay. 5 year old haven’t even developed a sense of identity yet, so they push this crap on them super early to get it in their heads.
    Putting transs and gay characters just to show you are woke is not the way to go. Disney is starting to pull back on catering to the woke crowd because they are losing money. People are speaking with their wallets. People are tired of that shit.
    We are doomed. Soon being heterosexual will be considered a crime.

  41. maniacal1 (30 Aug 2020, 18:22)

    Ignore the moronic ‘trans agenda’ mouth breathers. Yes, this game has a trans MC, and surprisingly NO it does not just smoosh your face all in it like the devs did with the comedic take on racism in LiS2. This game is FAR superior in every way to LiS2, and is more in-line with the first Life is Strange. Tyler is a transmale, but it’s no different than Alloy being a female, or Ragnar Lothbrok being a Viking. It’s just the character.

    In short: rest assured, there is no pointless virtue signaling in Chapter 1 of this game. And if you enjoy story-based games, it’s VERY good.

  42. bangdingowe (31 Aug 2020, 6:36)

    Funded by the women’s network

  43. You Shit Eaters (01 Sep 2020, 17:25)

    Ain’t nothing but LGBT PROPAGANDA.

  44. LGTB AGENDA IS FOR DICKS (02 Sep 2020, 2:35)

    Ha ha ha and those idiots companies who are promoting this perv shite are expecting the money of us? That´s a good one. The people who are promoting this decadent agenda is ending in a rotten hole.

  45. melissa (03 Sep 2020, 15:54)

    thank you like this game

  46. PCostaGames (03 Sep 2020, 20:22)

    Este jogo é lindo!Cheio de historia!!
    Life is Strange???É quase aconcelho 😉 😉 😉

  47. Richard (04 Sep 2020, 3:27)

    vi pelos comentarios: cheio de judeu e crioulo cholando xD voltem pro forno kkkkkkk

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