A collaboration project between ASCII Media Works’ Dengeki Bunko and SEGA, the Sega Hard Girls…
A collaboration project between ASCII Media Works’ Dengeki Bunko and SEGA, the Sega Hard Girls are made up of various Sega consoles, including the Dreamcast, Sega Saturn, and Mega Drive! These anthropomorphized consoles are girls with an array of personalities and spunk, and this time they are teaming up with Neptune and IF for an.
Title: Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls
Genre: Action, RPG
Publisher: Idea Factory International
Release Date: 12 Jun, 2017
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Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls-CODEX
Size: 9.8 GB
DLC included?
First! >:D
wow another poor excuse for a game in this day in age.. .these types of shit games need to stop being made.. I mean woohoo anime girls are so hot LMAO… stupid ass games just keep popping up.. Keep those japs games in JAPAN!~
shut up its ckassic,CLASSIC.
Men lve been saying this too long but fuck shitty turn based combat, l think next l will watch a fight when they throw one punch each, and watch a race when every car must make a lap before the other one can race… Fuck the world! This is worst than those dumbasses hwo likes fps saying its more inmersive, even though it looks like you have blinders while you try to shoot everywhere… l wish the world would stop being this retarded human pit for once, just once…
Why now i need to be a premium member to download it on UpToBox ? Wtf ?
At worst, do not play and let others to ave fun . no ?
Shut up you god damn retarded people,
……. this game is fun , the combat mechanics are not that easy at it seems ….. i droped this series of game 5 time in a raw …… and the 6 time i ended love em ……. the ironi ? this game is good if you are ok with a cast of girls , the voice acting is funny the etire game (japonese one , eng one is cringii as fuk) maybe if you all stop playing the game with eng voice over it will be nice 🙂
But at the end of the day i have a lot of fun with this tipe of game , is funny , relaxing , i have more fun in hyperdimensional neptunia that i had in GTA 5 or Watch dogs 2 …. so for me at least its worth buying and supporting the developer 🙂
So what if you don’t like these type of games, then don’t comment. No one wants to see you show your lack of intelligence, to understand the amount of work put into these titles.
The amount of dialogue and content in these games is far superior than anything you could ever attempt to create. The graphics are really impressive for a portable game system, not to mention the cut scenes are gorgeous.
I enjoy these games for the amount of creativity designed in these titles. I also am old school and grew up with turn based RPG’s and not this North American real time shit like Dragon Age, or Final Fantasy 15. It’s because of idiots like yourself who bitch about turn based RPG’s, and force the developers to cater to your snow flake bullshit, and ruin amazing game series!
u know,its kind of what make video game(and in genral)great:the creation and exploitation of a set of rules which can not be expressed by nature.turn based combat in tactical rpg for exemple.
Thank you for making so obvious about your own lack of knowledge and basic simple understanding, and you can keep enjoying your retarded based combat…For what l care. l could not care less about the fanboys this game could have,or if you are on denial or are just too mind underdeveloped to understand, l just hate to see what could have been a great game with a boring to death combat mechanic. lts nothing personal you dont need to get triggered like normies…
Thank you so much god
Another anime crap for a poor nerdy who need to fapping it
I see the rage has spread to this site. Good show guys. keep those bullshit raging up. Love to see those drama that you made
Another reason for me to keep on living, thanks!
Another neckbeard pedo wank game. They defend it so bad because they getting off to this pedo games.
TO: Bad Game
WWho careho cares your fucking opinion? Japan always innovate…
you know what i hate play a pay game eng voice game is suck it give me a headache if jap i said it relax. if release game i said japan game is more than other US voice game because they have fanmade game own made game and big company game and japan have own quality on the game for weird genre (from wikipedia). if who that retard saying shitty japan game don’t comment plz i beg you all. so my steam i have jap game more than eng game and i only buy jap game than the eng game i said to my friend eng game it not worth to buy even though the story good there something my heart say it not worth to buy even now i buy only Overwatch, guns of icarus, garry mod and ark so i have 4 but jap game i have 10 i already buy other game like own made game have 12 title with some 2 game i buy at psvita and my asus zenfone i play jap voice game
i forgot to tell that i have 14 title jap game in my steam wishlist
I didn’t even knew they were porting it 😀 cheerz and lets hope for 4 goddesses
…So, they are porting all the games to PC, so where’s HDN Producing Perfection…?
telling the people what to play, what games to made, publish and upload because you dont like it?
yeah, retarded…
Time to Nep!
DLC include?
please tell me
Applications Crashed… have a Problem Solve? Please Tell me
Is there not a crack? When tried to start it, I get an error saying “Unable to initialize steam libraries”
@Bad Game
u mad?
I don’t get any music, it’s a real atmosphere killer. Can anyone provide possible solutions?
“another neckbeard pedo wank game.
@JohnAssRammer : Glad you enjoyed it, neckbeard.
Btw. Unlike you, I wasn’t thinking anything sexual when I saw this. As a fan of SEGA I thought “Oh, cool! a game that personifies SEGA consoles as cute girls!” To others, it is an interesting premise for an RPG.
I wonder why YOU thought about sex when you saw this game…
to each their own I guess. 😉
I also wonder what you have against neckbeards. I guess you’re just too immature to be able to grow one.
PS. I don’t understand why all these prepubescent kids (ie. JohnAssRammer, Hardgay) are getting angry over this game. It’s so hilarious, lol! If you don’t like it, don’t buy it — Oh, right! You paid NOTHING for it! Fuck off, you bunch of kiddie wanks!
->You don’t have the right to complain over something no one is forcing you to play and you did nothing for.<-
Comment of the Day:
"It's nothing personal, you don't need to get triggered like normies…" -Hardgay
…said the triggered kiddie. LOL!
people like badgame here is whats wrong with the world i’m so sorry the japs as u call them made a game u didn’t like guess your up shits creek with a turd for a paddle better get that refund asap go download a cheeseburger while your at it give me convenience or give me death
YESSS THIS GAME YESS I LOVE IT needs seeding tho
Nice game 10/10
It’s getting really hard to like these games. I loved Hyperdimension 3 to death, but they seem to be just milking the franchise now… -_-
Also I’m actually kind of curious if they just used ‘google translate’ on the skill descriptions. Or is that actually supposed to be some kind of joke? (seriously) Half the skill discs seem to be in like half Japanese sentence structure and don’t make sense as language.
This is such a half assed excuse for a Nep-Nep game… Granted I’m only a few hours in, so…
let me just grab my popcorn first before you guys start acting like adolescents next time? that’d be great, thanks.
@badgame: why don’t just stfu and die?
is this game cracked and or has DLCs included? last time I downloaded a game from this page I couldn’t play it cuz it wasn’t cracked.
There is nothing to download here.