Bomberman is back and stronger than ever! The 8 Bomberman heroes journey to space….
Bomberman is back and stronger than ever! The 8 Bomberman heroes journey to space to face the Evil Emperor Buggler! Classic Battle Mode is back! Challenge players around the world in online battles!
Title: Super Bomberman R
Genre: Action
Release Date: 12 Jun, 2018
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Super.Bomberman.R.v1.12.Update-SKIDROW { Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download }
Super.Bomberman.R.v2.1.1.Update-SKIDROW { Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download }
Super Bomberman R-SKIDROW
Size: 5.53 GB
amazing game!! i remember i played one in 2003! ty
Aiiin que deleceannn de torrenténho
joystick dont work (xbox 360 and one)
Joystick dont work ( Test Xbox 360)
Just installed the game, and i’m already having issues, i’m lagging at the menu lol, PS I’m using a GTX 1080.
Okay i got it fixed.
Fix the lag please i’m lagging on menu
anyone know how to activate joystick for this game?
my logitect F310and PS4 controller doesnt work at all
googled it with no result either 🙁
when anyone has cracked update please upload. thanks because can´t i play with joys
can we play it with our friends via hamachi ?
The joystick issue is a part of the game they released. It’s really buggy and most people are demanding refunds
Are you going to fix the lag issue while on menu?
Controllers don’t work, fucking konami don’t even know how to make basic video game function anymore lag buggy crashing doubt they will fix anything they fucking suck hobo ass, disappointing
Para cuando jurassic park evolution? y gracias por subir este
Cant install the game, i press install and nothing happens, anyone knows how to install this?
How to activate controller support ? I don’t play at 2 players 🙁
what can i do for xbox 360 controller not working any badie have a fix this problem
why the fuck is there a red drawing in the middle of the fucking screen when i go into story mode everything is fine until i get to actually play stage 1-1 and i have this red shit in the middle of the thing and it almost spells out FPS with an arrow pointing downwards wtf anyone else have that?
hell yah my childhood game was reborn
Game works fine as long as you meet the minimum spec REq, Yeah controller not working . just use the keyboard Press Z to start game.
@Mike I have a gtx 1080 and i’m having trouble on the menu it’s keeps lagging not sure why lol.
So only i have problem? game with connect wia bluetooth xbox one s controller work with 60fps but controller dosent work and when i turn off bluetooth and controller is off game start working with 5-10fps. I dont understand someone fixing this maybe has same problem like me? this is stupid i cant play with keybord becouse its 5-10fps and if i connect XB controller game work fantastic but still i must play with keybord. Ehh
Controllers don’t work for some reason (xbox 360, xbox 360 third party and xbox one third party).
I’m having the same issue @Rufik :/
so nobody fucking answer…….. anyone else got a red square in the middle of the fucking screen when entering an actual bomberman battle??? the movies from story mode worked perfectly but as soon as stage 1-1 starts the big red square appear in the middle of the screen blocking the gameplay, its like a watermarking… and cant get rid of it…. also it has like an arrow pointing down and saying FPS which makes no sense, can anyone else confirm if for them it does or does not have the red square when actually playing a stage either in battle or in story mode or in grand prix mode
the game does not open does not react
Guys. Try to use keymapping software like joytokey to keymap ur button to ur xbox or any controller. The game looks ok on my side. Im using xbox one s controller btw. hope that solve ur controller issue.
Anybody wanna play this game with controller, follow this:
boys I can not install I click on start and nothing. Can anyone help? I tried it as an adm, I changed the folder and nothing.
a patch is out :
Please update the skidrow version
game is good but the problem is that FPS with down arrow in the middle of the game
I didn’t had any lag, here (GTX 1050) but the lack of controller support is irritating. I also didn’t liked the isometric camera angle. I honestly, was wating this game to become cheaper on Steam so i could buy it, but now i wouldn’t spend any money on it. I miss Hudson Soft. Fuck Konami
I can’t install the game. It’s just stay there and nothing happen
you can disable the [fps ] down arrow in middle screen from game option.
Can´t install either. The install.exe doesn´t run.
Update 1.12 Added.
Enjoy 😀
Nothing control ps4
thx for update, but the game not recognize my xbox one controller =(
well, the install.exe doesn’t work… i click and only nothing more… dont strat install
My xbox 360 controller still don’t work, after I install the update 1.12. Do you have any solution?
I already installed the update that came out but the xbox 360 control does not work.
Was this update fixing that problem or am I doing something wrong?
And… Wireless xbox 360 controller still not working. What a waste of time and resources Konami, you sucks, can’t code a game that barelly works meeehhh
360 joystick still doesnt work
cant use my conroller -_-
I have both, cable and wireless Xbox 360, none of them worked, update installed 1.12 and it is still not working
Update’s just for one multiplayer bug
I installed it and after i run it i just hear some sort of noice resembling a watermelon bite… and my desktop on the background with a small rectangle on the top left corner with the title of the game in it…
Every time I start the game it does nothing. Opens for a second then closes immediately.
I cannon’t install the game I’m stuck at Skidrow The Leading force screen and it says Please Wait ….
Pls, update to 1.1.3.
Maybe controller works!
multi joysticks not supported :/
2.1 update pleease, you’re the best!!
Thank you for this game! But please update it to the newer version where it supports 60 fps!
version 1.3 i think. not 1.12
the installer dont start please helme
the installer dont start please helme pl
Update to 2.1.
Controller Fixed!!
where do you get update 2.1 Claudio?
please release update 2.1!!
Jhon, i didn’t get the update. I just see in steam. They release this update.
please update to 2.1 version !
hey, works fine, but not the controllers. DS4, xbox, generic nothing work. But the update 2.1 fix this
Help us skidrow! thanks! <3
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make a cracked update for this game. A much needed fix to make controllers working is in one of these new updates. PLEASE!!!
Please update .They fixed the controls.Thank you.
Skidrow, please update your version to 2.1!
Thx a lot.!
Please update to 2.1, fix controller
upddaaaaaat to 2.1
fix controller
I get the update, but only 1 controller work. =(
update to 2.1 pls.
Waiting for an update to fix the controller issue. (Using 2 or more joysticks)
fix installer please ! no work
Strange… still works with only one joystick.Thank you for updating tho.
This game uses an auto save feature.
Please do not turn off the console while the bomb logo is displayed on the bottom right how to fix this problem any one help me.
joy x360/ps4
and Uninstall don’t work! wtf.
Please update to 2.2.
Please update to 2.2 PLEASE!
2.2 plssssssssssss
Update please!!!!
For anyone that have problems with RED FPS sign. You can turn it off in the controls menu, its in others-configuration- and turn off speed warning slider
Never more update?
Alredy have 2.2.
Please, thanks a lot!
Please, we beg you, update to 2.2!
Thank you!
Update 2.2 finally makes this game playable in couch with friends.
Please update it!
Not enough pics to know how the game looks like
I am update V 1.12 and V 2.1.1 but only one is working (I have Xbox 360 wireless receiver and 2 controller). 2 wireless keyboard and 1 wireless gamepad connect my pc, all of them work very well, but for only one player.. So bad news : We need new update !!! I thing V 3.3 and maybe this can happens 1 year later, damn.
Update 2.2 finally makes this game playable with friends (Xbox 360 wireless receiver and 2 wireless contreller).
Please update it!
Someone please help. I have no clue how to use this. It doesn’t let me use Dolphin to open it
game just loads to a black screen not working