Taking place on the last days of Operation Bagration….
Taking place on the last days of Operation Bagration, Steel Division 2 – Death on the Vistula expands the original game with tons of new content in solo, coop and multiplayer, including a new massive Army General turn-based strategic campaign, 4 new Divisions, 200+ new units, 4 new historical battles and 2 exclusives aces!
Title: Steel Division 2 Death on the Vistula
Genre: Indie, Simulation, Strategy
Release Date: 17 Oct, 2019
Support the software developers. BUY IT!
• https://store.steampowered.com/app/1165510/Steel_Division_2__Death_on_the_Vistula/
Steel Division 2 Death on the Vistula-HOODLUM
Size: 49 GB
Thanks alot!
Wow! Thank you very much!
Awe damn it. Hoodlum sucks. Their launcher makes me want to have a 90’s seizure
@Thedude oh wow what a problem to play this game for free fucking asshole
Lol wtf dude!?
50GB of shitty war simulator.
And what’s with war and battle games lately?
Are they feeling nostalgia for world wars and trying to provoke people into a new war?
An old dead man once said while watching a dog pooping:
“There’s no easy way to call out a shit, other than saying “shit”
Rip old man.
These kind of mentally challenged people complaining above are the reason why they want to ban violent games in America. They take everything seriously. It’s just a game for F sake, if you don’t like it don’t download it. I would love to know what kind of games you play to come here to bash on war/action GAMES and I hope you don’t play anything but “rated for everyone” because even “FoRTNight” is about killing people* and I’m afraid that with your “easily influenced by videogames” mentality you could end up hurting someone in real life. Take your trashy (wannabe psychologist) analysis out of this site.
ALERT!! Fan boy is hurt! Bring the medics!
I play Barbie in wonderland, you should try it.
Jew Nigger 666 triangle look down at the goys. Down and sideways. Melting pot niggers and Islam to destroy Christianity.
I’s a jews world and this game simulates the last fight back of the Aryan race.
Great game though but i feel the campaigns are far too constricted. Time limits are fine but they need to allow the campaign to continue rather than shut it down when the time limit is hit. Especially playing as the Germans defending against the AI, which takes its sweet time attacking. I would be very happy to see an entire army group campaign spanning a longer period of months.
@88_D*ck_TM Lol, you’re so basic… is that all you got? Really? After writing such bulls*** I thought you could come up with something better. Come on make me laugh at least! Dang, let me now if you write a fiction book in the future…
“what’s up with war and battle games lately?” Yeah, like war games just magically appeared (or got popular) in recent years….yeah boiii… go play farm simulator and stay away from the comment box, you pseudo-intellectual troll. The funny thing is that I’m pretty sure you play or played action/war/pew pew games before, but you just came here to troll because you don’t like this game especially. Let me guess, you’re one of those that keep asking The Sims 4 expansions in every post and get mad when they upload anything else 😛
Cheer dude, gotta go… Aghh after playing this game I kinda want to join the army and go fighting a war, I better start playing Barbie in wonderland (as your suggest) to relax a bit… but I will blame you and the developers if I suddenly want to get breast implants!!!
Makes me wonder…, what’s up with Barbie games lately? Are they trying to provoke people into being thin, blonde….. pffff
guys it wont let me open the disk img it says locked